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Show -- r V a - ; .o4". " ' 7 s ' .'"' Ms r? Whe M. , fc - s ' ?& ' 'JV s- '!' ., y;'y,v'';' .' - J ,? ' '',! v. i ' K f v',l' TO yjj, )SiF?'-' i J & ? j S CV tpPVlliis r 4 :; K r 7 Mj l . s 1 v 4! W ?? 'JVj ., - , f '.3f'liV $i ' A - It) . y '4 'Vf 5& -- fttT .:: ? 'u''-'"- x w ' Xl-M4 .$ 4v lviX .vx . .W',, trr K,s4.f tlbf- ? BIG SAVINGS ON WOMENS COATS! SPECTACULAR SPECIAL PURCHASE! JUST WHEN YOU NEED THEM MOST! WOMEN'S Pjtsh, Zebiline Fleeces and tweeds in 1 00 wool fabrics, warmly innerlined with wool or milium. Sizes 10 to 18. New winter colors. Youll find your favorite style among these wool suburban coats. Plain fabrics in deep rich winter shades and ' stripes in o variety of combinations. Sizes 1 0 to 1 8. ALL WOOL Suburban COATS NYLON SHEER SOFT BOUFFANT COLLAR STYLE IN BULKY STRIPES NEW! SPECIAL BUY! BRUSHED ORLON LUSH NYLON QUILTS SLIPOVER 3.9s cosFor your modifled-flar- e tumes, have an extra soft, feminine half slip tier on tier of gathered sheer with Hand lovely laco Inserts. this wash, a treasure at price! White and colors. 1 SgM Combinations, stripes $5M on front panels and sleeves In an orlon. Cardigan styling. Sizes S4 to 40. $00 Rich striped combinations in today's popular brushed fabrics. 100 orlon for easy care. Sizes 04 to 40. She'll love yon forever for this! Lavishly lace trimmed nylon quilt with that leminine easy-cartouch. And so Needs only to be hand washed. Pink, blue, 10 to 18. SPECIAL BUY! ITS COLLAR HOOD! 10 misses sizes That great look for outdoors , . . smart cotton Bedford with deep cord suburbans Huffy Orion pile convertible hoods. Warmly lined! Hand washable. |