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Show Tuesday Morning, November 10, 1959 Brigham City, Utah THEY HIRED THE BOX ELDER NEWS 3 A HALL - - - By Afan Mavet, ALL . BOX ELDER Jm CP ARMY, Return Bands, 4p' EEAC COAC THS SEASOH. For Scots b 47 0 Grid The junior and sophomore grid troops of Box Elder High had a real field day here Friday as they romped to a victory over an outclassed Ben Lomond team. The Bees launched their scoring hinge m the first quarter and were never halted in the game. They chalked up TDs n every stanza while holding the visiting Scots to 12 yards rushing and 16 yards in the air. The Region practice clash showed promise of good things to come for Box Elder. The victors never once punted as they pushed down the field with relative ease. 47-- 0 n One-Tw- o Victory Combining their talents, the ere under the direction of Coach Earl Ferguson managed to roll up a total of 269 yards on the ground. They added 36 yards on two passes to brng their total net yardage to 305 yards. In first down, the Bees had a wide margin, getting-1to only two for Ben Lomond. The battle marked finis for both clubs where the 1959 football season was concerned. The Bees originally were slated to go against Bountiful However, the Braves were locked up with Ogden for Region Two honors and had to play the Tigers in a playoff game. l? D. D. BILLINGS Gigantic Winter Tire .suburbanites goodvear Chukar Hunt appc-rentl- 70 x 15 Sim blockwoll tub-ty- p plus tax and tir racappabl SAVE NOW ON SAFER TRACTION The best winter tire ever offered at the lowest price ever ofteredl Get up to 51 17 in mud! more traction in snow Quieter riding on dry roads, tool See us on safer winter driving! now and save BUY EARLY. . . WELL STORE THEM FREE... INSTALL THEM FREE COME INIGET A REE GIANT ICE SCRAPER BIL LINGS SERVICE AUTO REPAIR 759North Main 740 South Main Perry, Utah Goodyear Tires & Ilatteries p Automotive Accessories IF WE HAVEN'T GOT IT 9 The long statewide season for hunting chukar partridge this year is bringing to many questions Utah Department of Fish and Game offices and field personnel. Chukars will be legal game for a 30 day season ending Dec. 6 in eight counties; Carbon, namely, Daggett, Duchesne, Emery, San Juan, Grand, Uinta and Wayne. In Box Elder and all other counties this hunt is set for 24 days, ending Nov. 30. Local conservation officers should be contacted by any hunt er in question as to where the birds may be found. The Little Mountain and Mantua areas should provide good hunting for local nimrods. Is Usual Habitat Dry. steep, rocky hillsides with little or no cover are the usual chukar habitat. For this reason it is well lor the hunter to familiarize himself with the area to be hunted. Wiien in chukar range the birds may often be located by their unique call. This is especially true once they have been disturbed. They are primarily a running bird. A common habit is to run uphill just out of range of the approaching gunner. Hunters should, if possible, get above the birds and work downhill toward them. When the birds are flushed they often split and singles, after flying a short distance, will usually hold tight for a good dog or for the hunter himself. Blend Into Terrain rather high Chukars, despite blend into the sur coloration, rounding terrain and are not eas lly seen unless they are moving nearby. Both male and female chukars are identical in apearance and birds of either sex are legal game. Daily bag limit is three birds, with a possession limit of six al lowed after two days of hunting The department again reminded that local conservaton officers are the best source of information regarding location and habits of these birds. last Tuesday. IK TO HAVE Advice on Municipal Election 0' The annual of the Honey ville Buddhist church will be held Saturday evening, Nov 21, it was ADDED announced this week. - SOME NEW Featured during the evening will AH OLEG TO JT. be the serving of Japanese foods Dwtriftuted by ng feature fyiultcat games of various kinds, and raffles The bazaar will get underway at U. S. cotton exports fell 50 per cent in the first II months of the 6 p ra at the Buddhist church, loca 1958-5ted two miles west of Honeyville. season. REPUTED State Offers supported me in the in 13 size for new, compact cars AtHoneyville bazaar FORMATION, BUT HE'S ZCt to my many friends who Also available , TOUGH ENOUGH. BUT THAT RUGGED SCHEDULE MAXES T EVEN TOUGHER. THANKS t, When its good, wet weather for us ducks, you can save in comfort ... at Ogden First Federal Savings ! Just save safely by mail Jean- WE'LL GET IT I - live in Syracuse or Salina. Save any day, any. hour, any weather. You can open your account by mail. We pay postage both ways, and supply free envelopes. Only $5 will start your account. Start it now! ILFORD v i An electric dryer removes washday weather woirics and diies clothes fasti An costs less to dt)cr maintain because and buy ,ci .... . .. t HM'NDl I) (Al) IN 1810 A CENTURY OF QUALITY IN EVERY BOTTLE - e let trie thne are no complicated tVtt T, shut- off valves to get out of order. Electric heat is pure and safe as light with less fading of clothes. Yes, in many wavs, clothes dry better clectiically, Vfbxwwr- "W,- A PARK I 111 i I ORD .sphul.shk.iiun "III film! rkkrimKi Ruling wlu.Uy of iu I) pc" uvi atm J ''emits rzsza KKS'tKYB Vntniut f Mib&n iHMm -- KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON. 86 PROOF. whether you So RESliRVli l . . . Change Over his Sandy changes nationality when he takes you out for a malted Louise; Yes, he goes Dutc Sinclair Products Sporting Goods U U Av juf'ihljm Budhist Event Set Saturday DALE RAG RE TA RED BLAK S MUCH PUBLICIZED "LONELY END' REPLACNG A LEGEND 'LIKE EARL BLAIK 7 mi pac-tndg- PEBUT AS A Buzz-Bom- II e Sportsmen hunting chukar during the uocommg upland bud seasons are uieed to return my leg bands found on buds they may bag The department of fish and game said inloi mutton fiom gained ihese returned bands is invaluable in determining movements and survival rates of plannted birds. The bands should be sent to deWest partment offices at 15 North Temple, Salt Lake Citv Inhumation sent with the band should include the name of sender, wheie and when the bird was killed Hunters returning bands will be sent interesting information about their biids, including age, date and place of release. HtS Bees II State Asks - -- WHO'S AlAKJfiJG Phone 1000 iipm FARM TIUORD.HtW YORK i YOU GET Ml CH MORE . . . SAVING AT FIRST FEDTRA L |