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Show dteaiiiiiWi (pinmmupium AGAIN TOUCHE Brigham City, Utah Tuesday Morning, November 10, 1959 THE BOX ELDER NEWS, Mi Kd3J is just Coach Earl Ferguson's Box Elder team ended the campaign on a happy note last It Friday by trouncing Ben Lomond, 47-0- . was a fitting finale for the man who closed 38 years as head mentor at the school. It was definitely a battle. Only juniors and sophomores were used and the Ben Lomond boys appeared a little confused Yeh. adhow to line up jn their formations. To as would it a be great 'Well, think lowing one hour each for the early natural with a come to help the situation, the Scot coach sent a vancement up and late runs to irom Central onto the field to let the players diagram scent. hour each for the! j school, inknow where they should be. exclaimed in wide-eye"Natural? morning and night run from Bunt This brought a chuckle from those on the derson school to Central school; nocence 7 and two hours for the noon run It sidelines. revived a memory "Sure, it would be a boon to home and for Bunderson students from from my gridiron past. housewife," he replied. school to Bunderson school for was a member of the sophomore scrub , lunch and return. KTII bite.' Why would a natural scent team. We were playing Weber and were Authorization was granted for air freshner be a boon to home and houseemployment of Arvid Fredrickson sufficiently ahead to send in the freshman wife?" queried. to serve as head mechanic the hadn't seen action and suddenly Well, just think of it. Natural scent squad. school bus maintenance shop at an From (Continued in One) the coach Page said, "Get thre at tailback. could be used In a variety of odors like boilannual salary of $5,250 to become ran into the huddle. The quarterback vice is terminated for any reason effective Oct. 9. ed cabbage, bacon and eggs, fresh paint, called the signal and our team moved up to other than death. mothball, stinky springs . . Consider Expansion the line of scrimmage in grand style. There A wokly iwwtpapgr established In 1S9i scent would air natural "Ill bite. Why every Tuesday and entered es Supt. Talbot asked the board to published were just one thing bothering mf . . . Second Class Mattar at the peat office freshner be a boon to home and houseconsider advisability of expanding In Brigham City, Utah, under the ect of didn't know what the play was. wife?" I asked again. the central office facilities to pro- March I, 1179. scurried from one player to another. vide space for the new people who Chat. W, Ctaybaugh, Publisher You're missing the point," he pleaded. "Who carries' the ball? . . .Who carries have been employed to serve from "For example, picture the little woman tryNATIONAL EDITORIAL the central office The board authe ball? ing tqplease her husband w'ltl a good meal thorized the request subject to ap; at the end of a weary day." Luckily some one called time out. It turn- proval of the Box Elder County office since I the that out . "Consider her pictured," said. carried the ball. We didn't gain commissioners, nmm,M:.if..i,i rata $3 00 par year, payable space Is being provided on a ren- Subscription "This poor little woman has only frankin advance; In combination with the Box any yardage and I got mashed. tal basis from the county. Cost of Cider Journal (published Thursdays) For the rest of the game didn't have to the proposed expansion, except for $5 furters and beans to put on the table 00 per year; $2 50 for t months; but shoosh with natural scent and it smells wonder who was going to carry the ball. light and heating fixtures, will be single copy 10 cents. Audit Bureau of Circulations, Member That's not necessary when you're on the borne by the Box Elder County Utah State Press Association, National like roast beef,. he smiled. School district, said cost to be Editorial Association, and United Press ' I've got an odor in mind for your bench. Advertising Representative: Utah State paid from current capital funds. Press Association, Sait Lake City, Utah. here in the office One of my came up with a good suggestion the other day . . - after a session of watching television the previous night. air You know how they advertise freshners all the time like pine and laven-da- r and blossom? he asked. one-side- d I School Board I at the CHURCH BIBLE - I 4- (Continued From Page One) gation water from individuals m Brigham City. Upon Mayor Rue! Eskelsens the council memrecommendation, bers agreed that a safety council should be erected for Brigham City. The council, composed of representatives from various local civic clubs and other organizations, would work with the city in an advisory role, suggesting measures to promote traffic safetyIt was decided to ask citizen in moving junked cooperation cars other trash off local streets. A Elwyn Seely asked reconsid eration for zoning property on the corner of First East and Forest street for commercial use. Doqt look pjw' but the footbaU season about at an end for this yea. , ... by Bruce Evangelist - Violinist Livestock Use I 'i- - KEN HASPER Objection to He ignored my him. mark and continued, "And all those people who bath in mineral springs for their health? Just a tub full of water, a dashaf "stinky springs, and theyre all set." "This is not t q mention sagebrush, campfire and marshland for the sportsman during the off season, he added. Thats when decided to argue no furidea. ther. It might be a million-dolla- r re- theory,' I told Come and Hear Petition States 14 - South 2nd East Brigham City, Utah (Nov. 9 through 15) (Monday through Sunday) 7 30 Every Night Dynamic Challenging Messages Special Music Nightly Youth Rally Saturday 634 7 V :7 (7h one-ha- lf d A well-burie- Asks Zoning d Cen-tr- I Of Two Areas I a--t I When you move I e5&i I ac5,in I PREVENT FOREST FIRES! " r- - from tha files of -the News - 1 Years 23 & Journal - Ago 1934 Bag limits were few in Box Elder county on the openday of the open pheasant season Sunday, but many of the hunters were awarded with two fine birds for the effort put forth Interest in pheasant hunting was equal to that manifest in the open, ing of the duck season in the section, according to reports Nov. 6, ing The subject, "Resolved that the New Deal Is not placa firm foundation for permanent economic re covery, was debated I riday evening at the Armory here by Howard Call and Harding Horsley, representing the Young Republican League, and Ray Llllywhite and John Nelson, representing the Young Democia-tl- c League of Box Elder county. Nov. 6, 1934 ing the United States on - 50 Years Ago Havp you seen th beet piles near the depot? The vacant lot back of the new mill has been filled with the sweet tubers, and now the street running south from Forest street is being used as a dumping ground The sheds are filled, and beets fiom this locality will be hauled in later as they are needed Nov 11, 1909 'Jeejs 47 rr V cuomijwabon: H ' . f tV if t yJ' tniKEESTD KAISER Industries ttoroma HAVE RICK Sunday Evenings 6:30 P. M. South Main Phone 81 or 1147 -- 4 - Us,'.. "v v", y fif 7 fd HEAR PEOPLE TALKING . , . but have difficulty understanding the words? W have a free picture booklet for .you on this vital subject! FREE HEARING AID SERVICE t$ ; at the officers of Dr. E. B. Standard Oder Jack Sindall, and Harrison No. 5 Professional Center, BRIGHAM ': & 13 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER Jr 9 a.m. to lp.m. wsto time and money In costly trial and error our revolutionary HYDRA-GAUGDYNAMOMETER will spot the real trouble . . and in a hurry E 1 OM Ul.,1. (Ml MVMb .1 lb. MwmSw IfniUwt If I FREE! cleaning and adjusting of your hearing aid. Factory technician cun Increase the performance of your aid up to 50 I FREE hearing test and audiogram for those not wearing an aid! regular 14 fw U Im S, OVMAMOMCTH4 Ita, It tU fUM tt. .advWv. HYDt MM tMttar K.M I htag. Hfbi la m rm tMttaf .ta.l Ibwa MICIttON .diuttaiMta, I, tMt M4 ty v.,. w yw I ta I Mrta t I. wy .1 ,rttaa , . ttarwanar ta M I I ,.r..wt In Your Tractor TODAY Bring I SPECIAL! Factory fresh batteries Oft! Cords ($2,00 value) (or only $15) for only $7,30 (molds should bo replaced every two years (or best flt)f DOUBLE TRADE-ION YOUR OLD HEARING AID THIS DAY ONLY! 98c! Illllllll tllllimi TRUCK AND IMPLEMENT CO. Ihon 300 30, Farmolds (regularly by BRIGHAM $4 25 .UgH. MiWay. ' Mly ta ..attar earth. ..the worlds best cleaners Lest than A sags 311 wit Carolyn, introduce their tilver poodle to the iparklmg wonden of modern detergents. From deep In the CITY Waller A. Johnston, Certified Acoustlcon Hearing Aid Audiologist will be at Dr. Harrisons oflice. No. 5 Professional Center for one day only on Friday, November 13 from 9 to I. S 27 North Main n 647 V L - oHisanB r Tune-I- 4 .m n r, - IOTM SMbu'MM growing WILLYS ' LTKX- - DcmL OF Where TIE ftVE Deafness Strikes . QHMtVni sine- ... on. of the MOTORS... WORLD'S LARGEST 4 WHEEL ORIVE VEHICLES WILLYS reg-ila- y, , J JI' i; i BY MANUFACTURER Come In for a demonstration V , VEHICLES PACKER MOTOR CO., INC. Nov. ll, 1909 Monday Game Waiden L, J. Anderson went Into the hills east of Three Mile Creek and shot a beautiful male deer which had a splendid pair of antlers Mr Anderson wus unable to bung his quarry home that evening, so hitched onto Tns four spring and brought the buck honw Tuesday morning, exhibiting it on the streets The animal was a monster, and just as fat as the finest beef that had been corn fed, Ls J. will regale his friends with vem-jofor some time to come Spot Tractor Trouble SmmiMELVL . . DRIVE FIRST IN 1347-- R Board members approved a list of persons to serve as substitutes custofor classroom instruction, dians, bus drivers, and hot lunch personnel. The board reviewed a report prepared by the State Department of Pubic Instruction relative to comparative costs of the school lunch program by the school districts throughout the State. Board members approved payment to bus drivers for special services tn transporting students within tile Brigham City area. Th r payment Is to be based on the bus drivers pay schedule, al ONLY YOU CAN Come in for a demonstration and discover drive vehicles go more -J- eep more do jobs cost less to own! places Your Welcom. Wagon Hostess will call with a basket of gifts . . . and friendly greetings from our religious, civic and business leaders. If you, or other yon know, are moving, bs sure to phone Welcom Wagon. I Control Jeep PUT IT TO THE TEST! to town... I ( Forward 15 ytars ago, the first package of modem detergent was sold to a dubious housewife. of the nations cleaning is done Today, by synthetic detergents. two-thir- have greater cleaning power, cause out fast and float away. dirt to como Detergents work in hard or cold water, leave no scum or bathtub ring, and allow dishes to drain sparkling dry. To make detergents even better, our scientists are continually testing new formulas, which they try out on stalks of dishes, bundles of scientifically soiled laundry samples, piles of dirty white shuts. This has been made possible by a chemical ingredient found in petroleum. Standard pioneered production of this substance and today produce more than half of all that is used in the United States. As a result, the detergents you use get better every year. And they beeomo useful in more and more ways, from washing railroad cars to making water wetter for fighting fires. As every woman knows, synthetics can do any Ixtter products cleaning job better. They make water "wetter," In this way, by continually working to bring you . . . th people at Standard a to serve you belter,. to ahead planning ACOUSTICON Sr. Main Ottr , Salt Lokt City DA ouhmtdt&ry, Onmito Chomuml CttmpAttp STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA |