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Show j; T ir a Figure! NEW YORK (UP1) A cement cast made of Jimmy Durantes nose showed that his famous schnozz measures 77 millimeters long, 36 millimeters wide and has a visible circumference of 98 mill-- I These figures compare imetsrs. 62. an average persons TV Brigham Gty, Utah' November 10, 1959 Tuesday Morning, 4 THE BOX ELDER NEWS, cene ocia Alleen L. Nelson, Society Editor Principal Ronald J. Leonard of Bear River City school will be honored on Wednesday evening, Nov. 11, at 7:30 p. m. in the Bear River LDS chapel. Principal Leonard is retmng. In charge of the program to be presented to all former students, and the general public are Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Johnsen Principal Leona d will be presented a gift. Refreshments r.ie under the diHolmrection of Mrs. Kenneth gren, president of the Bear River school PTA. -- CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this means of thanking ell those who extended assistance, comfort ar.d sympathy at the time of the illness and death of our belnvid husband and father. In life's darkest hour, one comes to realize the tiue meaning of the word "friends The Family of William A. Palmer, pd LAY A WAY NOW For The Ladies n 25th Anniversary set off by design, admirably ecru lace binding.. Thomas R. Bowden, right, native of Brigham City, TAKES OATH Is sworn in as Deputy Director of the International Cooperation Administrations Mission to Ethiopia by Marcus Gordon, ICA Regional Director for Africa and Europe. Native of Brigham to Aid Ethiopia R. Bowden, formerly Thomas deputy director of the Mutual Security Mission to China, was sworn in Oct. 28 as deputy director of the International Cooperation. AdminMission to istrations Ethiopia. Corinne Chapter 11 Order of the Bowden, who served in Taiwan Eastern Star will meet Wednesday from May 1954 to January 1959 evening, Nov. 11, in the Corinne when he was transferred to ICAs Lodge hall. evaluation staff in Washington, D. Potluck supper will begin to be C., replaces Raymond Sawyer. served at 30 p. m., followed by The U. S. Mutual proSecurity a meeting at 8 p. m. gram has provided economic asAll members and visiting mem- sistance to Ethiopia since 1952 to bers are invited to the supper and help that nation increase its rate of economic and meeting. development Mrs W. B. Howes may be call- technical advance through trained at 37 or 931 for further ing Ethiapian personnel and providing technical guidance in agriculture, education, public health and other activities. Projects t are concentrated on agricultural education, experimental and extension work, livestock improvement, the improvement of coffee harvesting and processsing methods, investigation of the resources of the Blue Nile River basin, malaria control, teacher trainDELIGHT FUL EVENING PLANNED Taking key positions in the Sunflower dessert-bridg- e Box Flder fashion and Camp show, ing, vocational education and the sponsored by planned establishment of an effective pubCounty Medical Association Auxiliary will be Mrs. J. Gordon Felt, of the Sunflower Camp lic health service. Members seated, who is showing the lovely lace cloth prize; Mrs. Earl Harare invited to attend regular Born in mon, center, directing show for Sonoma's, and Mrs. Ray Marshall, Brigham City, 60 years monthly meeting at the home of ago, Bowden became a C.P.A. m right, one of the hiodels to show fall and winter fashions. 121 South Mrs. Artie Sessions, 1924, after studying at Walton Second East, Thursday evening, School of Commerce in Chicago. Nov. 12, beginning at 7.30 p, m. He was associated with banking, intitu-tion- s financial and commercial in Utah and Idaho until his The following births are anassignment to Taiwan in 1954. nounced fiom Cooley Memorial Bowden is married to the former hospital: Mildred Pond of Lewiston. Utah Army Pvt. Rich.nd S. Olsen, 22, Vulen-iCia- , and Petersen Opal Philip son of Mr. and Mis. Alfred N. OlThey have made their home in Brigham City Route No. 2, sen, 213 South Third East, BrigIdaho Falls, Idaho. girl, Nov, 2 ham City, completed eight weeks Charles Lawrence and Kittie Ce- of military police training Oct, 29 Maunai Loa is the worlds high cilia Heirin Manley, Brigham City, at The Provost Marsh.,4 General's in est mountain if you measure from A class offering instruction 3 Nov. hoy, school, I ort Gordon, Ga. learning the Spanish language will base to peak. It is more than 30, Geoige Jav ami Notene , Deoine Olsen was trained in traffic con- be organized under the direction of 000 feet tall, but only 13,680 feet Larsen Keishaw, Brigham City, trol, civil and rise above the sea. military law, map the Evening Education program girl. Nov. 4 here provided ten members are inand self defense. reading Miles Yeoman and Suz.mne Call He enteied the Army last June terested and will register. I errv, Counne, gul, Nov. 4. It was suggested that knowledge and completed ba-i- c training at Albeit Lee und Ulotiu Gaidanati Tort C.zrson, Colo. of the Spanish language would be Hansen, Tremontivi, boy, Nov. 4 of benefit to persons working In loA member of Sigma Alpha EpDoyle I amont ..ml Fmmn Lee silon cal stores due to the import of Olsen was graduafraternity, Bi Souter Parker. cgham City, boy, ted from Box Elder luborers during school Spanish-speakinHigh Nov. 5. the summer and fall months. EmUniverthe in 1955 and uttended Wendell Oi.in an i Doris of Utah. ployers were asked to encourage logan lhaih, Bligham sity one or more employees to enroll in Citv, boy. Nov. 6 the class. In the liith centurv. Queen Fliza-belliebtoru and Ila Aiok Yamaga I offered a pi ize of 10,000 All interested are invited to meet Ok.ida, Demonton, boy, Nov. 7. pounds to anyone who could de- Wednesday evening at 8 p m in the (laik Robeit ,ml Gay Ann at Rox Elder High auditorium vise an inexpensive method of Rasnui.sen. Salt Lake City, the salt fiom sea water. si hool to organize the class. tilling 7 gill, Nov Dewev Ueoige and Julia Wv.itt Dime, Biigh, m ilv. bov. Nov. 8 Donald Geiaid and Georgia Suzanne Mi sz, pus Mi Plane, Brigham Citv. gol, N iv. 8 Lnj'i'iie and Norma Tmpey Bolt, Honewille. bov, Nov 8 Eastern Star Sets Social and Meet 6- BIRTHS Local Serviceman Finishes Training Spanish Class Asks Members be modem Mar-g.uett- List . . . h Everything from Mor-tense- n LINGERIE LUGGAGE C " ROBERTAS v Make Ironing Daysl) HOLIDAYS PERFECT FOR CHILDREN M Ty-W'ra- g on your . . , Odd Fact ji front, has an elasticized waist for a perfect fit . (And doesnt tie at all!) The fabric is Cotron, a marvelous blend of cotton and Avisco rayon that needs almost is a delightful Tyrolean no ironing. The print in Logan will be observed Saturday, Nov. 14, at the chapter house on the USU campus. Open house begins at 10 a. m. with luncheon to be served at the fjluebird gt 12.30 p. m. Reservations for the luncheon may be made with Mrs. John Emmett, nee Norda Fife, Providence, Utah. All active and alumni members are invited as well as newcomers on other campuses. hand-croch- ' 1,200 fir cngto A new bought by tne village of Barton. England, burned lf up in a fire tht atarted exhaust when the engine sparked a blaze in wheat atub bta on the ground while the engine was speeding through fields to put out a farm flra. How to look pretty around the house: Wear SwirFs which buttons nicely twice in the easy-o- Silver anniversary oi Betai Xi chapter members of Alpha Chi Omega on Utah State University e Retiring Principal To Be Feted 55-2- 6 Sorority Slates Social Event Scheduled Thursday Ticket satvs are doing nicely, Mrs. Reed Merrill, president of Eox Elder County Medical Association Auxiliary, reports as she announced dessert, approaching bridge and fashion show. tTha event, sponsored by the auxiliary and Sonomas, will find proceeds going towards a medical scholarship. It will be held Thursday evening, jsiov. 2, at 8 p. m. in Intermountain Building 81 at school. Wives of the docors in the councandy ty plan to make home-madto be sold during the evening. Desbeauti-ful sert will be served and a table cloth is to be top prize for the evening Mis Morris Fleischman has crocheted the table cloth and donated it to the auxiliary tor the purpose of raising funds. Ladies planning to attend are urged to be sure they have their tickets, available from all medical riembers, and bring auxiliary their own card playing equipment. Fall and winter fashions from Sonomas will be shown with Mrs Felt as commentator. A charge of $1 per ticket is being made. lint ALL YEAR Av 'SJP a Lay BUNK BEDS ROUND away now for Christmas! ugnnvi heel Design Iimerspiing Ift & Polished Maple Vt I Mattress Mantling Box Spring Converts to Twin Beds NOW I IRON THE HAPPY, EASY WAY1 in these modern times, there of handling )?ur money. Complete for only SI 05 YOUR name Just as there arc more advanced means of transpoi tation is also method an and address Conserve sour time and enetgy the modem way. Bank at lirM Seeuritv wheie savings and choking accounts and all financial sa vices aie quickly available under one roof. HOLLYWOOD BEDS Matincluding Innerspring tress ami Matching Box Spring, PADDED HEADBOARDS printed on all checks Mail at $54.95 TUBULAR BRASS Mart at $64.00 FACTORY-TO-YOU- PRICES " EVERT0N MATTRESS COMPANY 24 East 1st South Phono 27 xHM fc Breifenbeker Electric 69 South Main iiiim lwiy M Phono 1190 ' t IMw A. 9mm lwiN Am MMh, M Pm FREE M r- - 1 y |