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Show ? fnyfw WTOtp - 3 I1 -T- HE-BOX Cty, Utah November 10, 1959 Tuesday Morning, ELDER NEWS, BcigHom HELP WANTED FOR RENT or LEASE Single man from 55 to FOR RENT 2 bedroom brick years of age for ranch home. Phone 2811, Corinne. hand, familiar in feeding here-for- d cattle. Room furnished, no board. Prefer LDS. Write Box FOR RENT Large 10 ft, wide l. S, o Box Elder trailer, $85.00 a month. Couple only. Phone 1563 or see at 416 $ North Main, Park office. WANTED 65 SALE FOR FOR SALE FOR FOR SALE FOR SALE SALE - REAL HELP WANTED ESTATE car FOR SALE Brick home, 2 years HELP WANTED Want to make Used Westinghouse FOR SALE New aluminum $15 to $25 in a day? We will train old; 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, carport. Darwin Christensen, 299-good conditon, and finance dependable man or Breitenbeker Electric, 5 p. m. pet, drapes, sprinkling system. Cali after $35.00. Brigham Trailer Village, FOR SALE 1957 Capri 28 ft trail' Main. woman, over 21, for part or full Immediate $18,500.-01563. Phone occupancy, er house. Call 0383-JA SAFE bet, tried it yet? Blue Lustime McNESS Route work. Write 015-tf-- c Terms. Ph. 1813-FOR SALE Good clean 1952 Ford McNESS CO., Box 4014, Oaktre for cleaning carpets. Its 51 Nash FOR SALE seFOR 2 bedroom SALEBy Owner amatic. See Homer Tingey, Ph. Nows The Time To Get land 23, CaliL FOR RENT 2 horse' stalls located tops. Brigham Furniture, 31 No. dan. Take over payments. Ph. home with full basement. Storm 732-Phone 250. on 4th East. John Baxter, Ph. Main, GIFT PHOTOS CHRISTMAS doors and windows with awnWANTED 1459. FOR SALE 1958 Chev. Delray, FOR SALE 1951 Buick super four ings, drapes. Phone 1429-COMPTONS STUDIO sedan. Can see at ,167 & H. Good condition. 1 acre of land R. door, WANTED Approx. HI LAND DAIRY PRODUCTS FOR RENT THREE room ' furPh. J 102 So. Main South Third East after 6 p. m, Terms if desired. Ph. 94 or 1150. near Willard or Perry. Will pay nished apartment, at 92 South FOR SALE 3 bedroom, brick cash, P. O. Box 181, Ogden. STEVE ROSE evenings. Apply in Person First West. Adults only. Phone home. 1 baths. Phone 886-1046-FOR SALE 4 door 1956 Ber Air 72 N. 3rd West Phone 1211 S ESTATE FOR SALE - REAL 672 South Main A REAL GOOD CAR Chevrolet, low mileage, new tirWANTED Man with direct sales 1953 Pontiac Sedan Brigham City, Utah es, very good condition. Phone FOR SALE Building lot at 711 O SERVICES OFFERED experience who needs to earn at TRAILER SALES New Tires and Battery after 6 p.m. 0286-J- 1 after 5:30 p. m. West Fourth South, 88 ft x 115 ft. least $1,000 per month operatt SMALL DOWN PAYMENT Call at 35 North First West. ing own dealership of essential t. May trade for older car FOR SALE 1958 QUILT BATTING wide 45 ft. home appliance. No capital rePHONE 1714 White Miracle fine Celanese 2 bedroom trailer house;' long, for the man. Write quired right WANTED Lady to work in rest fiber quilt batting manufactured FOR SALE 44.89 acres of Aexcellent condition. 575 South News and Journal. Box R, LOST! home. Phone SKyllne water by Fifth East. Phone land, farming right; good 4 VIOLIN Need full size, have Grade A Pasteurized modern home and out buildings. to sell. Phone 419-d EVERTON MATTRESS CO. Green Wallet at WANTED Corral and barn facili- ELECTRIC LINEMEN If interested write Frank Cre-ge-r, CREAM TOP and 24 E. 1 South Provo Phone 27 FOR SALE 3 Siamese kittens. 85 ties for horses. Will lease or Lewiston, Utah, or Phone City Power has immediate open- WILL SELL or Trade 10 ft. wide, Bowling Alley. HOMOGENIZED South Fourth West. CH 43 ft. long buy. Ph. 597. trailer house. Will ings for apprentice and .jourMilk k Cream Delivered FOR SALE Used Deluxe electric Please Return Valuable take smaller trailer. Ph. 0393-Rneymen linemen. Excellent workTV anFOR SALE Modern brick home, stove, good condition; TRY IT! LEGAL NOTICES Willard. Papers. ing conditions in ideal family , Get mild, odorless, skin color tenna. 635 North Third East. good location. 54 South . Second Union and city. H & M Oointment for mild skin Civil wages Reward 1308-NOTICE West, Phone Service job secuuty. Free life in- FOR SALE 1956 Champion trailirritations, even burning, crackThe application of Ralph D. Neil-seFOR SALE er house, 42 ft. long, 8 ft. wide; Americana Encyclosurance with .paid hospital-surgicFOR SALE New 3 bedroom, Phone 604 ' DELONE GLOVER ed, itching athletes foot, (fungus 491 is address North whose brick veneer home on Sycamore pedia. 30 volumes, including ininsurance. good condition. Call 2258, CoLiberal vacation You be must satisfied infection). 5th a for 106 West 1st North East, zoning variance rinne. and sick Ave. Phone 352-- J or call 104 dex, also 4 annuals, $75.00. or your druggest will refund. relative to the property located at held in leave. Inquiries will be South Fourth West. confidence. Write Personthe same address has been given INDEPENDENT nel Office, Provo City Corp., case WANTED TO BUY Board of Zoning Adjustment WASTE DISPOSAL CO. Box 512, Provo, Utah. 70 has been number and scheduled 157 So. 6th West Brigham for hearing on Thursday, Nov. 12, HELP WANTED Waitress. 11 a. CASH PAID for your old piano. SCAVENGER SERVICE the 1959, at 8 p. m. o'clock in m, to 3 p. m. daily. See Keith .Call Ben Grant, Phone 1365. If. Council Room. Nuttall, Restaurant. no answer, Phone 977. Tropical for The application of George WalkPhone 830. Yard cleaning 218 is North address whose 1st er, Wastepaper West, for a zoning variance relative to the property located at the Garbage ALAN E. BROCKBANK--- same address has been given Rubbish t Board of Zoning Adjustment case Invites You To Watch Us Build A Residential and Commercial SERVICE 71 schedulSEED FEED number and been ADVERTISING has FERTILIZERS COAL JOB PRINTING Phone 478-- J ed for hearing on Thursday, Nov. r cu-u1006 BOX ELDER NEWS AND JOURNAL MMX Phone tiKAJt ALLtr MOUMUl, Ugl. in 12, 1959, at 8:00 p. m. o'clock Great Country Newspapers Feed Seed - Fertiliser the Council Room. Wholesale Box for all Elder and service Retail Gasoline Automotive Accessories Complete advertising DRINK TOO MUCH? County These Customer Approved homes have been The application of Harold E. developed over ' Hardware Oualitv Commercial Printing Phone EOtfi Quick Service Corinne, Utah the last twenty years In which we have built over 4000 homes In Needs Some Help! Stevens whose address is 87 North Utah. You will be pleased and surprised to find we use materials 111 Soaih Mala 4th East, for a zoning variance Phone (a Youre not alone so did we! APPLIANCES HORSLEYS SEED STORE and construction features usually found only in homes at much Wholesale and Retail Dealers relative to the property located at 'Contact its for Free! - Dont wait Phone 1427-higher prices. 218 North 1st West, has been given Phone 1190 BREITENBEKER ELECTRIC alfalfa. Grains, Pasture Mixtures, Cora, Gardes " nlnnlnf ALL GE APPLIANCES Your GENERAL ELECTRIC Dealer Board of Zoning Adjustment ca6e or 1303-Remember, seeing is believing, so come In and see for yourRent an Ironrite Automatic lroner lor only $2 a Week. number 72 and has been schedulself. Then ask John Weigel, our WINDOW SHADES Box Elders Only Ironrite Dealer DRAPERIES representative, about availability SAWS SHARPENED by machine, ed for hearing on Thursday, Nov. and prices. FAWSON-YOLR8:00 at in the 1959, 12, oclock at THOMPSON HARDWARE work. APPLIANCE SPORTING GOODS precision always EVERYTHING FOR YOUR WINDOWS by Council Room. Yours Very Truly, Yard Goods 41 South Main, Brigham City Cafe Curtains Phone 163 Custom-MadPhone 8. Draperies Beauti-PleaMerrells, Rods Snap-onew t The The application of Howard ArmMAYTAG RCA TV, Radio, Record Players HOTPOINT Kirsch Drapery Hardware Phone 474 Colt Firearms 9 a.m. to 5 pm. Closed Mondays. 66 So. 1st West Browning Automatics Bausrh-Lomstrong, whose address is 35 North Scopes 1st West, for a zoning variance, L You Professional Get Can PARTS INSPECTION AUTOMOBILE GLASS, MIRRORS & GLAZING FARM EQUIPMENT relative to the prooerty located at AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION 4th West and 7th South, has been ' BRIGHAM TRUCK & IMPLEMENT CO. DARRELLS GLASS SERVICE, Perry, Utah, Phone 0395-KContinental Real Estate and Insurance Co. REPAIRS , given Board of Zoning Adjustment Service Skilled Mechanics International Harvester Parts and Complete Glass Service 73 ase number been Sales Agent and has Here it, City Brigham Right No job too big, none too small Farmall Tractors Scheduled for hearing on ThursPhone 300 Reasonable Prices Prompt Service 27 North Main 1050 South Main Phone 1607 for details. day, Nov. 12, 1959, at 8' 00 p. m. Brigham City GLASS GLASS GLASS GLASS rhone I o'clock in the Council Room. INCORPORATED MERRELL8 P. Box O. Plate Glass Glass .Window Glass Sheet 447 Heavy Call DO IRONING in my home. Phone 1970 The application of Paul McKinSales and 8ervlce John Deere Farm Equipment Automobile Windshield and Door Glass or non whose address is 325 East Mrs, Jerry Wilde at 1301-Complete Parts Department for Yonr Spring Repal INC MFRREIXS iPhone Mirrors Cot to Size Forest for p zoning variance relai-tivsee at 124 North Sixth East. Large Seleetion of Used Farm Equipment to the property located at 4th , ORGANIZATIONS AUTOMOBILE SEAT COVERS FRATERNAL West 7th South, has been given Board of Zoning Adjustment case Parks CUSTOM TAILORED AUTO SEAT COVERS Amity Lodge No. 23, F & A M number 74, and nas been schedTailored to fit any make or model of car Mountain PARKING TRAILER Stated Meeting: First Wednesday of Month uled for hearing on Thursday, Choice ot fabrics and colors Vieg Mobile Home Park. Utah's Nov. 12, 1959, at 8:00 p. m. o'clock EVFRTON MATTRESS CO 24 East 1st South Phone 27 Watch for Announcement of Special Meetings Make reservations finest park! Maxwell A. Pohl, Secy., Phone 1005-available. in the Council Room.C. B. now a few spaces AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS Dont buy until you see this home. All new area. Williams The of CAR INSPECTION Trailer Center, 1060 South Main, whose application address is 520 East 2nd COVERINGS FLOOR AND FURNITURE 1756. Phone , BRIGHAM AUTO SUPPLY CO. 119 So. Main Clean free from the busy city drive out and see this South, for a zoning variance rela43 years of friendly service to the located bet. IN NATIONALLY ADV. HOME FURNISHINGS tive FINEST property O LOST and FOUND Anto Repairs Goodyear Tires 3 bedroom, full basement, trick veneer with ail the Garage FAMOUS MAKE CARPETS 3rd and 4th West on 3rd North, 4 hr Towtng Service AAA Phone 23 967. 305 526 ' been has Board of Hoover Sales and Service Special Prices on USED FURNITURE LOST shorthair Male German given Zoning 31 North Main extras. Phone 250 BABIES & CHILDRENS WEARING APPAREL BRIGHAM FURNITURE Locomotive Adjustment case number 75 and the Pointer in scheduled has been for Phone area. Box hearing Elder Springs, The Horae ot World Famous FAKAH JEANS FURNITURE RESTYLING & UPHOLSTERINs on Thursday, Nov. 12, 1959, at 8:00 Collect EX Ogden. Outwear Any Other Two To One1 OPEN HOUSE ON SUNDAY p. m. oclock in the Council Room. U46 Phone UPHOLSTERING THE YOUTH SHOP 22 South Main LAURITZEN The applicants end other interfurniture by old to yonr Add new beauty Quality Alwava Coats Less 1 ' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ested parties wishing to be heard p.m. 'til 6 p.m. and restyling to be and are at delivery Free home requested BAKERY PRODUCTS & PASTRIES In present shown pickup Materials your WORK NEAR HOME Earn $2 that time. BOARD OF ZONING OF We specialize In beautifully decorated INSURANCE per hour or more taking care of WEDDING CAKES AND SPECIAL PARTY CAKES AVON customers Christmas gift ADJUSTMENT, Life Truck Fire Auto All varieties baked goods fresh daily from your local bakery. Willis Hansen, Secretary. In needs your neighborhood. DEE ADAMS, Local Agent For Special Orders Phone 857 FOOD KING BAKKRV Choose your own hours. Write Res. Phone 905 Avon Manager, Box 1364,' Ogden, 286 Washington Boulevard BEAUTY SHOPS - HAIR STYLING - BEAUTY AIDS Phone 685 South Main Brigham City NOTICE OF SALE OF GRAVEL Utah lor Interview. PIT 9287-JJune 2 Ph. Christensen, Malda Christensen, Ph. 0287-J- J LATEST HINTS ON REVLON MAKEUP AND BUILDING SUPPLIES HARDWARE LUMBER Notice Is hereby given that BrigA NEW LINE IN to sell ham will 3 178 JUST LISTED New bedroom, City Corporation LFWS BEAUTY SHOP 51 North 1st West Phone Phone 75 I LUMBER (Bestway Payment Plan) the highest bidder that certain brick veneer in Southwest Lumber Plywood Sheet Rock - Knotty Pine BLUE PRINTING DeVoe Paint range land commonly known a the City area, carport, built-iPlumbing and Electrical Supplies Chain Link Fencing - Rool Roofing Shingles Window and oven, lull basement, 2 Gravel Pit, consisting of 2 tracts, MARGARET R. EVANS Phone 1300 J or 1782 fireplaces, carpeting In comprising a total of 16 75 acres COUNT! BOX ALL ELDER OF FOR LUMBER HEADQUARTERS Copies of all Tracings, Including House plans and particularly described as foland living room, bedroom Hardware Paint Martin Senoor Plywood Reasonable Fees Prompt Service ios, Immediate $19,000. PERRY BRANCH Hlway drapes. APPLIANCES 4dq. 505 South 11th East WESTINGHOUSE Leave work at 218 North Sixth Fast after 4 30 p.m. The following land in Box ElSalt Lake City, OtSb Leslie J Kidman. REALTOR 14W Phone possession. tenstnm mlllworkl WFRRFLLS. INC der County, Utah, MODTRN HOMES PLANS. DESIGNS OF HOMES. Phone EL 214-- J Nathan C. Wheeler , New I bedJUST LISTED at a point 16 04 Plans Member Commencing the Salt Lake ' MENS CLOTHING Specifications MI'I.TIPI.P pi LISTING Blueprints BUREAU in Northeast area, home room 8 of W. chs. the SE Cor. of Lot Prepared upon order. Phone for appointments 117 full basement. $11, $06 with Phone 858 74 South Main of Sec. 18. T. 9 N R. 1 W SLM, Frenk D. Stalker, Designer, 33 South Main, Howard Hotel ZUNDEL'S DAIRY 10 STANCHION BARN. 2 bedrom home, down. Immediate $1306 th, W. 240 75 ft . th. N. 608 9 ft., Complete stock of Mens Fnrnishlngs, Clothing, GRADE city and irrig. water, oil furnace. GARAGE, Hart Schaffner & Mar CHOICE EATING PLACES Shoe and Sportswear Cafes & Restaurants th. N. 83 deg. 24 min. E. 976 ft,, 30x30 DAIRY SUED, POULTRY HOUSE, GRAN2 Complete Bovs Department Florahelm, Arrow, Dobbs 87 56 Acres 422 N. ft S. th. th. , deg JUST LISTED New brick home ARY, SHED, GRAIN ROOM, MILK ROOM, ceTROPICAL CAtK 128 Ro. Mala Phone 83U min. W. 290 ft., th S. 83 deg 48 with full finished basement, ment slab FELD YARD. Near GARLAND. Visit Oar Beantlfnl Tropical Room STORAGE $9,000 MOVING W. 480 i6 ft., th. S. 44 deg mm. sideand carpeting, curb, gutter Terms. Regular k nickory Q Dinners Buffet Lonrh Smorgasbord W. 129 36 ft . th. S 8 deg 48 mm. C. R Johnson Jr Mgr, Also Cwtertnr to Spoolnl Parties and Rannnets walk. One block from center of C. R. JOHNSON TRANSFER CO. 86 178 to a E. ft., beg excepting town. Ideal for duplex. Local and Long Distance Moving, Storage, Packing, Crating CHURCH SERVICES Finest FARM LOAN Representative right of way 12 ft. wide over and TRADES Special Programs Agent for AERO M A Yf LOWER TRANSIT CO. Americas Cltv Brlrbam 807 Forest Kt Phone 1684 Da or Nlaht 124 ft. by 19 ft. choice building across the N. portion thereof as FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 128 East forest lot In Northeast area. Total same is now located and used AM. Rentals Solos Sunday School OFFICE EQUIPMENT Repairs Prayer Meeting $2606. Terms. over said land nnd known as price 7:06 P.M. Training Union Tuesday 7 P.M. and conig Bott Ditch less CASH REGISTER? 11:06 A.M. and 1:61 P.M. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES 8$ x 16$ ft. lot In Northeast area. Worship Service said reservation 9 60 acres more REAL SECURITY Sold Rented Repaired Bought $2606. or less. CHRISTIAN REFORMED CIIURCn Rev. Cornellai Knlpen PHONE I , REMINDER OFtlCE SUPPLY Also:1 On the Air 652 8. 3rd E. Sunda Worship Main All Natlonallv Advertised Brand dandled STARTS WITH HOME OWNERSHIP 16$ ft. frontage on North KBUH Way of Life" 8 AM. Church Training class 10:15 A.M. Com at a pt. 1299 39 ft. W. of St. Includes 2 btdroom home You will want to be In your home for your Christmas vacation and SOFT WATER SERVICE Kf.O Back to God 9 AM. HEATING 4:30 P.M. PLUMBING the SE Cor. of said Lot 8. being Vesper Service and garage, and 14 acre lot as It often takes at least 30 days to get possession every minute the SW cor. of the above deuse. for toned commercial ai HOLY CROSS LUTHERAN CHURCH counts. CLLLIGAN SOFT WATER htRIVCt 48 North Mala 868 25 W. th. land, ft., scribed Tolal price $20,500. Lincoln Elementary School, 271 North 1st Weat Soft water eervloe. Self aervlce rental unite. 10 minutes In our office will accomplish more than 10 hours more or less to the SW cor. of i Home owned unlit. Industrial Installation! Divine Wonlhp ... 19:11 A.M. 9:00 A. M. around the neighborhood Come in and chock our listings Sunday School . . driving IN LOCATIONS VARIED LOTS said See. 18. th. N. along sec. Complete line of water conditioning equipment Donald T. Ranslrom, Pastor, Phone 1132-at your convenience Inspect the one ol your choice Ask about FREE APPRAISAL on Lots sad line 5 rods, th. S. 76 deg. 50 our new homes too. t Homes. CONCRETE HEAVY CONSTRUCTION COMMUNITY PRF.AEYTERIAN CHURCH 304 South Second Eaat READY-MI- X min. E. 215 ft to pt. 2 rods N 660 A.M. of Itne S. th. E. 9:39 said See. nj BUY SICURITY AND HAPPIN1 SS TODAY1 Sunday Church Schol INSURE IN 1FE ROCK PRODUCTS k CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 11:69 A.M. ft to said above described land, Morning Worship INSURANCE SURE Av 1829 Wall Beady-MIConcrete 3 820 bedroom South Eaat 6th shake, garage, cooped, fruit trees on 1 acre with water. Phone 891 M th S. j rods to beg, Contg. 7 1) Hershev Jullen Pastor Heavy Construction Ogden, Utah Brigham City, Utah Garland, Uath. i more tr less. acres, Phnne 73 CLEANING - DYEING - LAUNDRY - FUR STORAGE Bids will hd rereived ot the of2 bedroom shake, garage, In Brigham. $7300. $700 down, Muniof the City Recorder, fice METAL SHEET 87 HY QUALITY I LEANER PHONE J SJ South Main ROOFING $ bedroom stucco in Brigham, $6500. cipal Building in Brigham City. "Everything You Wear We Cleen With Care1 ROOFING 1IFATING ' Utah, Until 5 p. m on the ,3rd day BOBS SI1FFT METAL Whltre and Drape Our Specialty Pickup k Delivery Service 3 to $17,900. New Real Estate $13,300 Homes, bedroom, and of December. 1999 All Type of Roollng and Sheet Metal Work tieluslve Gold Strike Stamp franrlse for pry Cleaner In this tree Insurance hereESTIMATES FRIE Brigham City Corporation 8RIOHAM CITT LAUNDERETTE k DRY CLEAN'FRS 1 W Poreet Phona Ml IJ North Main Robert C, Kllvinglon by reserve th right to reject any White Shlrta a Specialty One Day Family Wash Service REAL ESTATE or all bids. II North Main Phona 1646 Free pickup and Delivery BATTERIES Approved Banltone Service TIRES STATIONS BRIGHAM CITY Brigham City, Utah .. We Give 3 4 II Green Stamp Fhone 88 SERVICE 17 North Main S59-- J CORPORATION, Phone 1(93 J. If. Miller 81 SOUTH ERV1CF AL CAZIFR S CONOCO Monruv CLEANFRS k DYFRA No. Main Phoee M Puel M E '.kelson, r By Lubnratloa Washing 465-- J F. Ptshing Vernon Jesse Petersen. Mzr, Phone Paper! t Petf, h 3 Licensed Hsnlliipr Hour Service M lyor IMi-.inert Troy M. Miller B. E, Goodrich Tire, Tube and Sal.tiUa Furs Clruiril Glased U-fnr Storage $ U aSw IP Glr a Cold Sulk SUA1R. Era Pickup aad Delivery. PnM 1746 Wo uii Green SUmpa Doiitagy BarV FOR SALE Completely tioned television sets, ( recondi- - FOR SALE $45 up. 69 South plete. Phone 1 double bed 12I-- com FOR SALE dryer, c-- 220 volts; 0. 1. News-Journa- J. WAITRESSES 388-N- WANTED e 10-f- -l MILK c-- o 24-- 5 N10-12-p- 9 i Superior Dairy al WESTERN HORIZON HOME river A-- ntnm R e J-- toeLlanL J, e NEW - NEW - NEW 9 Trailer ' R TAYLOR AGENCY 649-N- EX3-496- 3 - TRI-STAT- E n KIDMAN REALTY w-- t: I i t i w-- : : I8-6- - i i at , I . 1 rx 1 MILLER EXCHANGE - H-I- till k 4 4h xMB I! tr |