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Show TRAVEL. UTAH SOUTHERN IIAILKOAI). On Mint Kficr Juimiiy l.t, 1MJ MIXED TRAINS n.t. n xjint d ail Leaving the Utah CVntral lt.U. Deput, Halt Uiko City, at 7. Iu a.m.; Lra.tr b.Vi .ui.. and Handy Htatiun, (noarc.it point to Little Cottonwood Canon,) at ji.m. An eitni truiii mil Kim on suiulays LeavniK Orupcr at HA) a.m., Handy at y.lu a.m., Halt Lako City at 4.1o p.m. Silt L,:iko to Hi CuttonwooJ Sutiun, vlt l.iillo " 5,i01iJ , Sun.iy " fl.io Twenty-flvo cents dilitinnul will bo churned when iho iura i colloclod on the tmia. U. U. CAI.UK H, Man. FroiKht st-J Tiokot AKont. KKUAMOltZ LITTLU BUPKJ.lINTKVnfc.NT. GILMER 4 SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LINES T1IKUUUII Utah, Sou.l. - t .isl cvnda & Montana, Mon-tana, IMvlttg Suit I.nke t'll y Dally, ruii-ii ruii-ii lug H until to Tintic, American Fork, Mount Ncbo, ISuvier, St. Ueoiye, Utah ; and l'toolic, Nevada ; Faxing tlirougli l'rovo, Sprincvillo, Spanish Fork, Pay-eon, Pay-eon, Salt Crook, Cliiekon Crock, Kouml Valley, Fillmore, Corn Crcok, Heaver, iMimxs-villc, iMimxs-villc, and All the principal towns ami mining camps in southern Utah ami south-east Nevada . Alio leave t'oi-iime, limit ilnlly, ruuulug nortli to ' Virginia City, Helena, Fort Ucntoo, Deor Lode, t'odar Creek mines, and pacing through all the principal towus and tuiti-in; tuiti-in; oaiups in Montana. Mon-tana. PRINCIPAL OI-'KICK, Wells, Fvgo & Co. Building Iun4 Salt Luk City UTAH CENTRAL IIAILKOAI). tf'T" j, -,7v, i;,'. ; "V V V V Ml PIONEER LINE OF UTAH, On and aftr Monday, July 17, 1871 Dally Train Leave Salt Lako City at 5 a.m. and 2:45 p.m. Arrivo at Oirden T a. m. and 4:45 p. m. Leave Osdin at S a. iu. and 5:J0 p. in. Arriv at bait Laka City IU a.m. and 7:30 p.m Id addition to the above Will run DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Leaving Salt Lake City at 5.30 p.m., and Oidea at 5a.m. Paaeengare wltt (ttcaie Purchaie their Tickets at the Officii. Tito Centa additional will be ohsrcej waeD tae tare is collected on Urn train. Tor ail information eoneernim freight oi I'wsase, api'Lr to D. O. CALDKH, General Freight and Tioket A'. JOHN SHARP, ' STJPKRINTKNDKNT Len Wines. fl. p. Kimball. SALT LAKE, . OPIUR And Tintic Stage and Express I HINM.Mi DA1LV SALT LAKK CITY, vl. LAliK TOWS, TIHIKLK CITY, STUCKTUS A Si D UPHIK TO TlXTlC. Th. rv'ute h v. een re-,t.vked with tflen-di tflen-di 1 ftwd Coica?-". D:.(i:.-k, cateful ar.J .tt:h e LV-ver. .12 i every .rten'.ion i.1 raio t ta. corclo-- -n I convenience of ruiu' :. GXhl accommoajtuiu lvi t road. THKOUGII BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Om at Welle, Farg Cc'i, SJt X.ak City, WLNES &, KIMBALL, i opriert. i SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. JNO. U. HODGE & CO., Wholesale Stationers, ! Stall one ry, Ulank Unntt, SrUool liuoka, I'lnyliiK Cardt, Wrnu. ' 1"" l)r, : Twitus, I'otht L'utUry, dec. , dc. , On IliPviflrCfl.if.wljii'h tlirjrare prcpa.y! tarl R-.ky Jl.,(,i,tu.. ;7, &:j.-5I kan.somk street, I IIIO.X A.U STKEL FLAT AU IIOL'XL), y-ir hui.-iina Trora mir.ing abift and inclines, liuwor, uio- ! Ma,iuftur,;l,.jl,ny Un.jtk or Size. H ire Ilf.e Im much li-ncr, lighter wiiil in ii i r il urn lilc tliHii airy oilier j klatl of liujic. IIalli(Iiesi;iiiirt ssH ire Hope fl ay, j l Wire Tramway). !'"r (lie r.-.r.i 1 and cconoinioal tmasiinrtation ol Orcif and otlior iti:iicridlJ ovfcr uniuntiiiu-i uniuntiiiu-i oii.h and dnli.'ult ruudi. (ricourud y LI. 6-I 6-I I'.itoiitj. ul.u. Iatciit Orip riille.v. Fur iransmitiinfr power and bv which the ruio ii umcjuroJ and cnuut slip, SKSTll Kflll CIKt'l LAUS, Agency of the PACIFIC Wire & W. R. Manufacturing Co. (Of CALIFORNIA,) All kinds and sines of Wire, ronstiiully on Uund and nuinulaclurod lo order, A. S. HALLIDIE. 51y Front tit., S:in FrsnciJoo, ' Hi'.' CAlirorniiv. r - J j Miohail Ki.VE. t. N. Wi.no, WAND, KANE & CO. KSufteiioi-i to Hunter, 1 and A. Co.) Importora and Wholesalo Doalors in 2HES AXD LIQUORS ProprielOi-8 of Hunter's California k Wiioat Wlilslioy. Also Affpnta for Joseiih S. Finch'a celobratod l'onndylvania RYE WHISKEY flT and 000 t'l oiuSt., near Jachiou SAN 'IlAIVCISCO. my.il . COMMISSION MERCHANTS 8 Clay St., Sau Franc lie o, , DKALKKS IN OUKGON PUODUCK Are cotutttntly In receipt of Orecou Uaiua, Bacon Lard, Balmou, Ac. titarclt, of our own ami Ejwtsru man u fa c tan Uways on liaiid. j CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO, Importora and Jobbers of I KOUK1GN AND DOillklSTIC j BRANDIES, WINES, j AND LIQUORS, 311 Clay Street, S.u fr'ranul.co. : WiLMERDISa & KELL0G9, ; Importori and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors, 211 & 210 KKOKT STKEKT, SAM FllANCISCO. LAZARD FRERES, Importers and Jobbers of Foroicn and Do-I Do-I tuojLio Fancy and Staida DRY GOODS. Dqol of Goods Manufactured at the Mission and Pacific Mills, Consolidated. B35 , 537 Market St., Sun Pra nyl3 Paria : 23 Rue Do L'Echiqu J. BAUM &. CO., Importers and Manufacturers of MEN'S & BOY'S CLOTHING lea Snnioma St., San Fmnclico 45 Murray St., New York. MURPHY.GRANT&GO. Importora of American and European Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, CALIFORNIA, Call tho attention of the Trade to their large and complete sictck of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, Which they are now receivinu direct from Loropean Manufacturers, comprising in pan French Mcrlnoi, i Wool Sat I n ei, Wool Plaldi, Frsoch and Gcruian, Irlih and Frencli Poplin, . Empren Clothe, Tamlse, black and colored, ! Velveteeni, Alpaxaa, black and colored, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, ! ALSO GLOVES, Kid, Buck. Berlin (Ladies. Mbiea'. Gents') Gents' Underwear And all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. Hosiery, co!:i;-:.te is all i:, Wand-, White Gooili, Handkerchief!, Unlit.. wviW aid.M.rd.- ! Lmaika, Irowa looai zd Moichei Towels. Uuck. D-.-r. Turkin. Napkin, and Uoyllc. t., Kic, Etc. . MARTS il& CO. WliGfeals Lipr Dsalers, 10S Front Street, San FrancUct I Prorrietors of HlLLkK'S EXTRA OLD EOVKBOS ' And ioIe agenu for j I. F, CU F ILi S EXTRA OLD 3JLn50N VShiSKiES ! I Co2.-iin-.lj oa hal, a ajicr:je2. at ail the ; Standard Brindi of Whltkle., Fin. Brandies Foreign and Domestic Wlnea, gj Bitter!. Cordials. Ac. GitArvn HOTEL Ca Market. yer JI;aumery aai Second 8:,-ml;, j IAJ? FIIAACISCO, t ' JOHNSON & Co., PBOP&in-oaa. j MISCELLANEOUS, IIWII Art; in receipt j' On; new t-Jitioni t tho Standard Authors Ein.h cwinpli-to in one rjyl octavo tI., bound iu tlio muot Hpruveu style, and at tho Uttpcetoei Lot Price Cloth exlru - i.oo Library sheep - .75 We have, to seltift from, the iinost and largest stock of SCHOOL REWARDS Ever brought into tho country, embracing em-bracing tho publications of L. Prang & Co., T. .Nelson o: .Sins, Amorican Tract Society, &c. Our Slock of MUSICAL GOODS Is complete, and consUls, in part, of IE3 1 -A. INT OS 01 the latest improved styles ; OBGANS ' Of the best makers ; mii sum From Italy, France and Germany. i Guitars, Banjos, Flutes, Accordeons, Concertinas, Harmonicans, Reooivod Tand oxpected daily, a large and splendid stock of : MASON & HAMLIN'S CELEBRATED ORGANS Embracing Ten Dijfercnt Styles, xohich we offer at Manufacturers' Prices Delivered in this city. FOB $125. Kiyo Octave, Doublo Kccd, Five Stops, (Viola, Diapason, Moloda, Piute, Tremulant,) with two sots vibrators throughout, ono of four foot pitch and ono of eight feot ; from prepared metal and riveted with iron, and not merely stampod out of brass. Tremulant and Knoo Swell ; self-adjusting rood valves; improved bellows. Solid black walnut easo throughout, paneled front and sides, with carved mouldings and ornaments, orna-ments, carved antes. WARRANTED IN EVERY RESPECT FOR FIVE YEARS, and Only $125. tS We respectfully solicit the public- to call and examine our goods For the Holidays. The Place to Buy YOUR GLAZED SASH, A BLINDS, PANEL DOORS, For Quality and Price, Imported or Home-made, Id AI LATIMER. TAYLOR & CD'S PLANING MILL. Sasli and Door Factory, j . 0ce block west of Tabernacle. lU.UUUironano steel! At C. II. Uassetfs.i Opposite gait Lsks Horns. alt MISCELLANEOUS. SPECIAL NOTICES! KAG1.IC UOUS1C, No. i3. i7 and uv East Tea pie Street, nearly oiposilo Salt Lake House. Do not fail to remember it as the Centreof Attraction, the Centre of ilic Block and tho Centre of Liiim-.ie. TKASUKL fc CO. have alwuys on hand as choice an iL-sortment of OHOCEltlKj a? can be obtained in town, both Wholesale Whole-sale iind Retail. TI1K NKU'KST ATTUAUTIONS in Dress Uoodd, Rei?, iMohairs Alpaca?. Merinos, Dulaino.t. Calicos, with Iho latest la-test stjles in Shawls. l'ruijrn and-Do mettic Dry Huods alwuys (,i ho i'unml at the EAULE HOUK. T11K CLOTI11XU UEHAUTJ1EM' at tho EAULE 110USE is carefully and attentively studied- There you can always al-ways choose from a full stock ofUENTS and BOYS CLOTH I N, Boots and SheeJ. Hats and Cap? and tloncral Furnishing T11K LADIES' SIIOK UKPAKT-IU UKPAKT-IU KNT at TEASDEL & CO.'s is now well supplied with all that can bo do-sired. do-sired. Elegant Styles, Latest Fashion? and Lowest Prices. BLUES' SEWING MACHINES-tho BEST IN THE WORLD for Family use, can be obtained of TEASDEL Jc CO , the sole agents for the Territory oT Utah, Special attontion given to learners, Instruction In-struction gratis. Payments by instalments, instal-ments, if so desired. They arequiot, easy running, durable and a favorite machine TEASDEL A. CO. aro proverbial for low prices and tho best qualities of Merchandise, Merchan-dise, S. B. A complote outfit of Boot and Shoo Manufacturing Machinery, to bo sold at low figures. Nearly now. TEASDEL & CO. MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE. lOppoeite the entranoe to tho Tabernacle, JOHN W. YOUNG, - Prop. Admission, 50 eta. Child! eu, 10 " Open from 9 a.m. to 6' p.m. Native IHInerali, Petrlfactloni, Cou-oretlona Cou-oretlona and Cryatadlxatlona. Hotne Products. Xative and Foreign Cu-rio4itieat Cu-rio4itieat (Co. Compound Electro-Magnetic Apparatus, Appa-ratus, &o. Prof. J. li BARFOOT, Ma.na.ger. Sohools and Families by private arrangements ar-rangements admitted at reduced rates. aaB aa r-i 3- -i I S CO cc s dq fan 3 - as s t 3 -l H 1 ' tt 1 : O CO - g " a i i-r- i LUMBERYARD. All Kinds of Lumber DOORS, WINDOWS, BLIN'DS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATHS, AS 3 CRAIN AT WHOLESALE. T. R, JONES, i7 Hilf-block loaUi of TJ. C Depot. 1SAH FRflWCISCO TRADE. I A. J. KIFFITII, Dealtr In gtfi all kltijj of j PICKLEO fa BilOKEO SALMON AND HERRINGS, j 1X3 Waahlutou Straei. All k'cJj of Drtl. Bia..krU i.J I'i.i.lrd y;5b oonalauliy uti LlJ. S. L. Si-ml.-j, J'LuE; ruju.ee, C. C. CL.i u Spruance, Stanley & Co., i m-. .-.-vr- lo ll.M'.-l -iir A C'. au.U. A J. Sj rn.v!,c. ' 1 in r ten and Wholesale Lca!irs lu iWINES AND LIQUORS, ! i 410 KKO.1T STUKKT. A, C, DIETZ&CO. !PfRTSR3 or Pa'LlISITS, OILS, Varnishes and Lamps, ; No. 2iM FRONT STKH17F. I Bt.LS.T;i!ije,iU,t'iliki-iii.t, Sou l-'ianclaco THE GEEAF BLOOD PURIFIER, - - THE GREAT CALIFORNIA j VEGETABLE jBLOOD PURIFIER. H' IOU IN TUE SIERRA NEVADA Mountains, in tho wonderful Stato o California, grows an herb long known to iho ; Indians as an absolute euro for 1111 Ell M -' TIaM, GOUT, KEL'UALUIA, and all dis-ojlscs dis-ojlscs in any way Bprint-inft from impurities ! or tho blood. Science has :it lonKtu brought : to lisht ltd virtues, and of this potent herb I has compounded VERB A SANTA, a proi.a-j proi.a-j ration for Lho PERMANENT CUKE of : Scrofula, SMI Klietim, and all JEruj-tlve JEruj-tlve autl Cutaneoua Ulseatca. Givos imtnodiato and porninnont relief in DYSPEPSIA, ERYSIPELAS, King Worm. (Tumors, Boils, bcald Heads, Ulcers anJ Sores: eradicates from tho system all traces i of inorcurul dijiuoso. i ir is foKuLt vegetable, ! iB therefore peeaii-f ly suitable for ufo by females and cbildr;:i us u ULOOli P1IHI iFIERand RENOVAXUR. uuwu MOTIIKliS iWho wish to End a medicine peculiarly adapted to tho cure oi HUMORS and ERUP-TiUNb ERUP-TiUNb in their children, will find a safe and sure euro in YEUBA SANTA, Forsole everywhere. RE DING TOM, HOSTETTER Ctf Agciits, Stf ud 531 ftlarlcet Sl.r Sa FrMiolioo. REDINGTON HOSTETTER & CO. Importers and Jobbers of FOHE1GN AND DOJ1IKST1C DRUG'S AM) CHE3IIC1LS Flue Kaseiillaioils, Giinii,Kooti, Seeds, Flowers, Sjioiigca, Slilm, Pomades, dtc, And all other Staples conncctod with tha Wholesalo and ReUil Drug Business. Constantly in receipt, by direct Importation, ofEuropoan and Asiatic products. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver, Uofltottor's Bitters, Drake's Plantation Bitters, Wolf's Scheidam Schnapps, rlewell's Pulmonary Syrup, And all tho leading Proprietary Medicines both Amorican and European. Orders Promptly and Carofully Executed. Noa. 530 ami 531 market Street, Between First and Second, J&n Francisco, California. TFJUMPH Andes, Amazon, FIRE miMCB CO.'S CINCINNATI. i Capital - nearly $3,000,000. Rcllalile CinliTwrM I ug. j Perfect ludciun! ,y. We ask Fair Hales and I'romis; to Pay j Just Losses. Risks taken throughout Utah II. R. MAKA", Agent, SALT LAICE CITY: I Office Taylor's Euildine, Room No. 2 od-P.O.EoxS?,,.'"lSaltL,ll",IJ'""e- n Private Hospital, 13th Ward, Salt Lake City, : F. ANDERSON. M.D. . Proprietor J Terms, invariably in advance, for Board icdicine and Medical attocdance, Jl9 S20 to per week TIME TABLE. BURLINGTON ROUTE. fl) 1H: EAST. NORTrl A',3 SD'JTHiAST. .Vo. 1. STATI'-.Xg. tV? MAlTT Lean O.MAUA . - ,,.m. ' 5.jj a m-1 , .AirivsBUKL.X.JIoN ;--.ja.m. ftMwfc, j " Peor'-' - " ' -' 'J.a,., Liij.m. , . " IoJ'iiL I.B.iv.' .ii.p.m.'li:i..1.m. j " Ciociacali - . l!-;,jr.In. T. P iff ' ; J a-m- ; - CVumbui 1 !i-.,.m. f.ylr, a-Ti.-oathCJrs;a ari Riw ! Tb:.-n :he Bct. itorteat, Uultki-and Uultki-and Chrapcal Rome. , Do not be deceived, t'j; cb:iia Tiet-ta via' I theSaxlinr-onAMuiourihiverKailroad. ' A-EPT91r-rZAtLr::- C. E. PERKINS. Gen I Tirke: Aseat. Gca'l Su;.'t JJJ C.W. STAYNER'S COLUMN cTtyTots! Ilurry up and File your Statement-for Statement-for City Lots. C. W. Stayner Attends to r At ('alder JJro's every day next week. te . , if Figures Don't Lie! 1,500 Ladies audGentlcoicr, would not testify that this INGENIOUS PKEPAliA-TION PKEPAliA-TION had preserved the Hair from Falling Oil ! UAH Beautified the Hair by Making it Smooth and Glossy ! Ua.l removed all DANDRUFF FROM THE HEAD ! Baldlicadcd persons WOULD NOT DECLAKE that tho DOUBLE STRENGTH had produced from one to three inches of Hair on a Smooth and Shiny Surface ! 1 it icere nol the cite. Ladies, as you value your Uoautiful Hair, cease to use OILS and DYES which destroy tho hair and injure tho honltb, but ask for tho GREAT UNKNOWN! ' AND Talce no Oilier! For sale at Cnldev Bro's, Z. C. M. 1. Drug Store, And most all Druggists. Price for Toilet, - . Sl.OO. Best for Ladies' use. Douhlo strength, - - S2.00. For Baldness. If You Don' t Feel Well TAKE OZXTE BOTTLE OF TIIF. All unite in sa7ing this is AN EXCELLENT AND VALUABLE VALUA-BLE MEDICINE FOR USE IN A FAMILY. IT IS ALIKE GOOD FOR TUB CHILD 01! THE PARENT. It cures Catarrh, Dyspepsia, it PLTjriES THE BLOOD ai.d Builds Up the Whole System, For sale at Caldtr Bio's, and at Ogdrti Co-oji, inst'n. Price, - 5Uc, and fl pCr bottle. C W. STAYNER, General Artnl, 3 I a. o 9 o o o I Slnser Sewius' Machines wt-re Sold ' Avilliiii t lie past year. Scientijte American, Juno "., lS71. THE "s'lNCER ; 3Ianuf'acturing Company, A.T THE WOBLD'S FAIR Constituted by the homes of thcierle t Received the Great Award of the Highest Sales !And have left all rivals far behind them, FOR Til KY Sold in 1870 127,833 Machines! Sewing Machine Sales for 1870. llio'"wur m-iiiufaeturo ol awing uiachines lias attained in dhtiwnM uS ye'r' Vrown'or'ihod Zumu! on'whtA tUAmy ' ili,rJ" J"0' wfoUuV!.? rU;Un" 10 nUUl l ma0liul!I, .suld by a "Muiiotuw ii iiT( fV. The Sln-ci- - - lai.Hjy Florence Wlicclor U'iS.m - n.lks U.dd.Mud.il . . " s' ilr"ver .t Uaktr - Kmi'.tre' ' , iklo Jk Lyon . " . ilcox A Uibl.f - -wm I'.Lrliaiu - . . . Vl-J Auioncaiiliuttunbi.leJ: OvurseiiuiiiiK H.r.TJ Wil.-un ... ' '' And several oilier companies who sold a fuw uiachiuM " It will bo aeon by this tablo that tho poimlurky of tho Singer mncltliiei fur ,'e,1, l,IKt ornU thoir sale boinB oe-uM. Krt.r than even thai Vf Iholamoua "Wheeler Si Wilson" machine. This is wwinB to the Tact that iho mJ, Coinimny have lulely emmenced miikiiiK. be.-idos their old and woll-e tlhli h i manufacturiat- machine, what is kuuwn us iheir Ae w Kn.Hj ,lltu wlil i U selling ut tllc rate or nine lo one bm.r U.un U.dr old M,vlr.' Their , ' tal sales for 10 worn S.I.7S1 .naohities HsniiiM the l27.sauf 1870. thowlnir I. .1 oronchnirin i he ln r r ycr.-'New York Sun." M Onc-llair of our Gigantic Sales, M)W MAU1.Y THREE-QUARTERS OF A MILLION 35:cliia3.osj Sold, AVere aimlc wlttili, tlie n.t tltree .,-.. But the Great.., -lcoiu..tll,le I'roorthat Our Machine. Are lno u..t in th. Won" k" THE KBW FAMILY SINGER (SEWING MACHINE H'l'tV, attachments for alt kmds fif workt AiTSX&ir l" t-"U- " uy th. rapidly iein, able not only tor tho rantto and variety ot" its sowing hut 1lsn !.r .hi '.. . roar.lt; feront kind of tenure ,vhich it will sei v "Sual facl if, . ,f Z.J ""' stitcu, ahko on both sides ol tho labr c sown: t ie uuly sliloh whi,-h n a,.proved. or is at all adapted for llr.t-ela., 'i-ork Thus bcaTeJ cle !h 5 i f l'? may be s.n with treat strength and uniformity of stitoSf ana? in i aiZil M. erillinK and nover-woitryim In.lruinont may bo adjusted for lino work on .Ti. Iff!, i!.il",ikrkth,0 01 ''? n rulBins. or nl,no alj ? othSr'woA-.v S.. 1 V! h 'ft Jolicolo hnKor. have boon known to perform, kvri! (h, i cril,.I n.l tlioiiKhll... l,.v. lltll. or no trouhl. entl.l, laaihi,,,.1 enrol... Send for Descriptive ami Price Cvrcufart. Wenianufacluroour own naedlofl, silk and twist; furnish linon and eoiton tl,-n,i a oil-al of sunorior ouality-but which can be ro iod o" only wS! ShiS!. our Principal or llranch Ollioes. or Asoncios. y obtained, ihroouli OTHER SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ON REASONABLE TERMS. We Guarantee every Machine we sell to give entire satisfaction. MACHINES DELIVERED FREE TIIROUCHIOUT THE CITY. TERMS TO SUIT ALL. '.n'f "J a cordi' invitation to all to come and see the Machine whethor Ihei "n-Vlngr." "L not 'v,.:'f,".'i AllViiSli'.VJlA.'i,!'; .....rn.o rv.. . SINGER SEWING MACHINE " DEPT. I C. M. I. GENERAL AGENTS, Two doora south of Eagle Emporium, Walt Ignite City, TJtali. H. B. CLAWSON. Superintendent- Have on hand the Largest and Most Complete Stock in the City op WAGON TIMBER AMD IROH OF ALL SIZES. Which they offer JVT VERY LOW FHICES, FIRST EAST STREET, HALF-A-BLOCK SOUTH Oi? THEATRB JAMES HAQTJB, Jnn. 7T. iTII. QEORQE HAQUJ SigT GrXixi Store! HAGUE BROTHERS, LATE JAM KS HAGUli, Importors nnci Dealers Ixl ' GUNS. PISTOLS, 1MOMTI0N, ?SfiI55 TACKLE. Saddles, Harness AND WHIPS OF EVERY DESCRIPriOX. REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED.- a East Temple Street, Salt Lake Citv. Z. CT M. L BOOT" AllO SHOE Ucirartmciit, at t he Mi-n EE "BlgSr BOOT." ilteiate. .--.i.-jVutiiiLid Erery style and tiualiu of Bootj and Shoes MAWi, TO ORDER sitL-fac on guaranteed, ' Ai-WAre OS HAND A LABXil AND CHOICE SIOCS OP HOME-MADE imtoSed BOOTS AND SHOES A FULL ASSORIMBNI 0? Shoe Findings, Horse Collars and all kinds of Leather HIDES WA MTHIJ. |