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Show The Trains. "Passenger trains me espected at Ogden from the east this1 morning, with more back mails. Prom 1 various sources it is reported that the1 road is clear the entire length. The mild weather of a few days past has! melted considerable of the snow. In'' some places the track is entirely bare; ! in other places the settling of tho snow and the surface freezing prevents drifting; drift-ing; so that unless future storms shouiu j block the road it may be coii.-idered permanently open. Tho following . private telegram, received from Major, Barrow by U3 yesterday is decidedly' encouraging: I Laramie, Wyoming, Feb. 20, la'2. i The U. P. Pv. K. 'is entirely clear, and the snow is fast disappearing j along tho line. Freights are all uiov-, ing. Go.da shipped from the cast now will go through without deten-l tion. J. E. Bakkow. j Subseo,ucntly we received tlie follow- j ing special from Ogden: j Ogden, 20, 6:30 p.m. Tho trains 1 bound west have left liawlics, and no j obstruction is reported weft of there 1 They are expected to be at Bitter! creek about 7 p.m., and here about S : or 9 to morrow morning. There is a t larjje nuniL'ei" of first-clas California i passengers on board. The trains ; which left here on Sunday, Monday j and to-day will get thioui:h without: much detention. The weather is lair jiung tiie entire line. ! Stil! later this was received by West-' ern Union line: Ilawlins, 20, 7 p.m. Three passcn-1 ier trains and one ficght arrived this p.m.. and left !br the west about six j p tp- Two more pasener :ir.j sovc-, ral freight trains will be here item the. eat to-night. The road is reported clear east ..nd west, but some trouble is expected i'rom the track washing ' oat wee t. The weather is warm and . the snow is fast disappearing. 1 Ogden, -0, 7 p.m. Three pas-cn-. gcr trains arc expected at Ogdcn about 8 a. m: |