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Show THA5ES From tlie Japanese Am baa sudor. The undersigned members of the Kmbassy from Japan, for themselves, and in bohaif of ihose accompanying them, return most sincere thanks fur the hearty welcome and many kind civilities extended by the people ci Salt Lake ciiy. During a necessary delay from causes both unexpected and dilBcult to surmount, sur-mount, the entire party have cr joyed friendly greeting. To both the ' Civil and Military authorities; au-thorities; of the Territory wc a:e indebted in-debted for many acts of courtesy, which have, been received with treasure, treas-ure, and are gratefully acknowledged. tr-IOMI T1.MOU IWAKUIIA, Ambassador KstraordiiKLry. 1 JUSAMN'l TaKAVOSHI KlDO, A ice-Ambassador Extraordinary. ; JUSAMSI TOSSIJIITSI OKUBO, ice-Ambassador Kxtracrdinary. j JUSHIE 11 IROUUMtE IlO, i ice-Ambassador ilxtraordinary. ; J"ushie TA-MAOUCUI, j A ice-Ambasador Extraordijarj". j A Grkat To.mc. UEGEilA'S 1 CORDIAL ELIXIR OF CAL1SAYA i 13AKK. A pleasant cordial which: sirenglhens and improves l)igP;tion, Rn ' cxccilent preventive of Fevers, Fever Hiid Ague, etc., and a great Renovator ami Ti.nic for invalids and debilitated p-r-I sons. IIegkman & Co., iSew York, Sole Manufacturers. Sold by all ' Druggist. s2G 1 |