OCR Text |
Show CHEAP ADVERTISING. Advertisements under this heading not exceeding live lines, fifty cents ior each and every insertion. Each additional ad-ditional line ten cents. I , roil ts VLE. 4 IPH K AND L'"T. T'V.'I il ACL Y L'-A L'-A c.fi.l on 1 lie IMi -h. in II-.- ."th War ). I'.-.c h"U;p '& tin oli'vrn m. v.x .1 ::4 r. 0 jaiirh .1 v-.-w ot thehlc- itv. Par:ie wb-vi'h wb-vi'h rli'n;,int h'imo will tin i l hi.- 1 r. t'ertr 1 br;a;n :.-r o.i.'h- Apply .it tli M.-il t.-iate I t!i. 1 -..Miin-t, next f Pi."-;.- ll -n c 1.1 A. C. IiU'E .v Q'i. r'WO NEATLY FURNIHKD ROOMS. TTithBoaxi. Aiplj a: tta o3ce, WJ j Commercial j Sa.lt Lake Crrr, Ker. 20. : Gold. Buy in sr. K'7,; selling, 1 10. 1 A LABGE amount of local matter' I and correspondence Is crowded cut of, I this issue. Dodgers printed cheaply and tnsto-1 fully at the Hesald Jub Uilice. l-l Fashionable Hats At Siegol Uro'p. olO Jcpt Arrived. A large steel; of First-Class FIAyoS. to bo f.d CHEAP for cash, at J. Dayxes & CVs nitiiic store, eat ofthe pest, otlice. f 21 Two Husdrkd TEAMS wanted. Apply to Duraxt i: Cl'TTiso. Cash will bo paid for ion or twenty ' acres of good irrigablo land near this city, if price, etc.. suit. Address, witlii full particulars, "Brother," post ollice, S. L. city. f 21 Lare stock of tine and heavy uooti at ! SiegL'l iiro's. o24 i Arokxta Lodge, No. 3, A. F. and A. Al. A special meeting of Armenia' Lodge, No. 3, for work in the tirst do-1 jrrcc, will ho held this ( Wednesday) j evening, Feb. 21, at hill-pn-t 7 o'clock. Members of sister lodges and visiting j brethren are cordially invited to attend. By order of tho AV. M. I fit A. S. Gould, Secretary. Furniture. Just received, nt Henry Din wood ey ' s, U00 C A N K tiV. AT E D CflAlKS. To bo sold very cheap for cash. j 17 GRKi-T sacrilico in lino CLOTHING, I to close out winter stock : t Suits SIS worth $2".. j Suits J2U worth Ss. Suits $25 worth j Suits $:10 worth $ -ID. Suits $:jo worth $-to. : f 21 Derby's, 4'2 -Main street. I Circulars, Bills of Fare, etc., etc., printed at the Herald Jub Ollice. I f 21 : GENTLMEX OK THE C'OXVEXTIOX : "Wo are pleased wilb. the great euro you take in tho interest of the PEG-1 I'XjE. At the same time we propose toj take care of your SOLKS 113 well as tho sent of intelligence. J3UOTS, HATS, ! GLOVES, etc, I f 21 DrxFORD & Soss. FinoFurnishing Goods nt Siognl Bro's 010 Tub "Great Unkxowx" is exquisitely exquis-itely perfumed and contains n.Lbing inr jurious. Try it ladies. j3 Cuttixq ijfc Co' a California Canned Fruits and Jellies are the best in th market. Ask your grocer for them. Go to tho Crystal Palace, 78 Main stmut, for Furniture, Bedding; Crockery, Crock-ery, China, Glass,Silvcnao and household house-hold goods generally. dl7 AriAtx in running order, the PAL-1 I Ar BATH KOOMS, No. 18 Coininer-j 1 cial street, corner of Olive. f 18 Ki. Hakbis ha-, n.-t received a 1 urge I stock of the tineL cigar.i and t.-bacit, mid geiitleiiicu's notions. He has th'-largest th'-largest and be.-t n-.rlinent of iinp"rl''0 cigars in the Territory. Cull i,t tLo 'X.ittle Cigar Sloro ro'ur.d tho C'Tiicr'' and see. f 1 1 Overcoats, at cost, at Siegcl Bro's. olO , Largest stock of clothing at tiipe,' Dro's. ' ultV PiiRFNoi.ociY. r;of. v-rier's Puhli-' eulioiia for sab at Dwycr's Uouk store. . f4. j A1.1. kinds of jdnin nnd fancy JOB P KIN TING- executed promptly and 1 nfter tho latest style at the Hkkai.d .luh Office. ' ' f 21 I OGDEN DIRECTORY. First-class fiusiruss Houses. . MGKCHANTS, Walker Droilicrs, ZIoh'm Co-op. nicrcuiUlle luilltutlon, J 11 mils IloriockH, C. Wooduinn.et, F. AuerbucU i Bro, llOTKL, Ugdcn Hoiieej Jutii; llulioa, I'ruprietor. LIVEKY STABLE, D. O. Kelaou, Proprietor. nlO SALT L,K THEATRE l unly, Scott & Foslellc's BIH8TBELS ! (Late pmorsoii's, of Sun Fran.) Wnliifstlny Ev's, Feb. l, Positively Last Appearance Of TlisTlira Autocrats of fflinstrelsyj Messrs. Purtly. Scott Jc liostollc. Largest I'rosraiiiuie yet ollercd! ENTIRE CHANCE PKOQBAMME. I'OSI'i'IVliLY LAST Ari'EARANCJC ! ANNUAL BALL OK THR Mm Benevolent Society Will bo piv or. at ti.o L I J t It; 1 ; . L, LNSTITLTK HALT LAKE CITY, Thursday Ev'g, Feb. 22, 72. f 'inn hi Htr? nf Ai ritn-jrim tit.i S. Knlin. .1. Oru.'tcin, L. Arnstcin, I Ch.is. Adltr. J. Wiiicr;. lrit.Uio,i Limtntitt'T , Levy, ijaia. Aucibacb. Loui C"hca. lt-rr, ti', J. Echnu.u.. T. HcUnndw, M. Ar:ui-r. 1-or Mtmitgcta J. tulua. il. Arn.cr. fc.,1. Seivcl. i Jit;'!.-, - in'tu'inG Co rrii !', - Wnrui Spring Until ! T-rK 'K-.i-A tn:- Bre mii . ?r. I.c t V '.'it ''ri'' In"1,. rre7r" K!r:' rijplj , J ffjrr.'H Plwntt Bl lit t r . sBiie-.n ui noiF Q-,-n. lit AHXULDt First National Bank' QIF UTAH!, ALT . V I 1Z CI XV. , JJIiSIGS ATKD DEFOSITOKY AND FIXAlSClAii AGENT OF TUB imTKU STATES. Wahbbs IlraaKY. 0. L. Diblib. 1'rcaiJont. . Vioo i'roet. Asthokt Qodbb, Cashier. Atitliorixctt Lupllnl, - - SjOO,0O0. PAID IP CAPITAL, - $ I. "10,000 UAiCNINU-!, - SI 30,000. Dividend in (671, 50 per cent. Oldest Banking Jnslitntioil in Utah. V Generiil J;tiikiim lliitsiiiess 'A!!! tisnctotl. AOLCil'.S IN COLOllAIXJ AND MUN'I'ANA. COLLECTIONS PUCFTLY ATTENDED TO. INTF.HF.S't1 ALf.OWI'.l) ON TIME nut is its. Ad inluistrator's Notice, . II A V i 'H bi-cn rtiiintC'l by tho 1'robnto A Court ol'siili b ike eiiiuity. Adininis-lttor Adininis-lttor ol the L'S'ii'o ul' Ura.llurJ Leonard, dcctiiiso I. Tioiioo is tioroby sivca to all ncr-6uds ncr-6uds iinli-bit"! .;nid tutato t" omo i'unvard, ynd setilo i in -in- iiitelv, and those Qiivino elintns :inani-f ill- siiitio lu incicat ;bcm for ndjuftai'.rl without delay. i It. J.GULMXU. i Adiuinisstrntnr, Office. Room j. o. 1 Cuurl llouc. isall Luko City, Feb. lit, 1)T'J. ' 120 DISSOLUTION co it x - J r i i. V',K Oi-l'AltTNHnSHIP berttofirc ci-1 ci-1 initiK buiwct-n Levi O.irrrit nnd Win W t, utnlor ihe tirui u.uut; "I (iarrctt A W .!. llui.-l.cr-. in Hie Cn- .Mitrkot, is this dny .lt-S"ltjd hy djui.i il ciiii cnt. All rcr-'pnnf rcr-'pnnf kiiuHiiiK ihciUM-lvuH to lie indrbtcd to ' rh" tinn arc rt-i uc-1 J t'i iuuiifli.it oly come furw.ird .mil ac it lo llio mi int.'. and thofe hnv-claiii. hnv-claiii. ?h"iild tTisenl ihcm for limida- "tinn ftt th-udd .-taut. I lii-j bn-iiH--" .nil he r"nlii!UPd by LEVI I IjAlt KL.1 1'. at blall Nmi!l"'r One. LLVI O A Kit EXT, V, . WUUU. I 611 1 L.i!.o Uiiy. Feb. Hi7i j COAL! COAL! j Iln vliiff ritrclm-el Ihe jSpriggs Coal Mine We are prrpnreU t Ul.nly Ihli .Juilly ttlel.rfittil COAL ' l.y hi l-..t r trtill. l pot it V. C. It. K. Ini'l. Olticel i-.liMiif( nd i Utaing ilooina. ; UATEMAN & BUEL. i rit-. W. II. UIUU,Ard(. ... I Sn',;i II -.i l'. in th" Int'-T irf ul K'ltcni-" K'ltcni-" 'i 'r -.r v.. I"- ' Ht. i-r-fbai.Jy . u F' r t j ''''- '':' - "'-! l-e Li.:b;ocJ Cur-ii Had t-t.-i ttrLo:. j !,nii's W'auti aturbfd lo a i l.iiil man s Heavy Link ' . bold ( lidin. . ! jx r r -;n v v?!-j"d br the lr,if- KcTond J 1 : . ; - - r: ii. nnd li- nil re-nM .ll Ll.r i .. m to U.a i.."i-tr. A n t ti USce. I WALKER BRO'S. Carpet Eoon3.s, UF STAIES. CARPETS i CARPETS 1 .NOW OrKM-VG SKW I'ATTKH.S'S 101! SPRING rURHISHIHGS, Which luako the Bet Sc'oosii.n WEST OF CHICAGO. B X a LIS If C O C O A Jf A TTJ XG S 4-1, t-t, S-l. FILOOI OIL CLOTHS, 5-1, (1-1, S-l. lC-1.' p in c iz ts r. u v i v x ii: is; d. Eun the Blockade! GREAT REDUCTION L TJIE PRICE OE LIfil IT! f Good News for those tltiit. likp lirillimit, Clcur mill fnt'e Light ! Large ar.-ival of PETROLEUM FLUID at The Pioneer Lamp Store, ONLY 2.5() FOi! i'l'E GALl.O.NS. l'or those that liko COAL OIL, wo h;ivc roceivt'il a Jj.rpe Slock, of all qualities, and at RedueM Prions. The Larpost Asjrtaii'nt of LAiMP GOODS in tlia Tcrriiory. i ZE3- &C CO. lvlo Aironis for Ttic UnntnrlU lr! volrii in Fluid. 89 1st South Street, half Mook West of Pott Ollice. Coal Oil and Naptha Depot HAT & CmiJMISM, 8.1 l ast Tiuiplo Street, FOSEST GiTY YAHNISH AND OIL COMPANIES Gasoline 85 for Gas Machines, Do. 74 for Lamps.' OCCIDENTAL BURNING FLUID, The Best and Cheapest. Light Ever Offered to the Public. This Fluid is ol'uiuuh 11KAVIKK Git AVI IT than any olhcr Imniiiis Fluid ever offered iu the uiarket, approximating closely to that of the hest qualities of COAL OIL, hut yet possessing DOUBLI'I tho ll.LU.Ml N ATI NU .owcr. It hums CLKAN WITHOUT SMOKE nnd does not char tho wiek, which will not require attention oftcucr than once a week. This Fluid needs hut ono trial to convince any person nl'its superior advantages, advan-tages, WHOLESALE JTSTJD EETAIL . A. T DJV3T cfc OXJXI-3:E33Lt'S Who want AUENTS in evrry scttlemrnt of tho Territory. j!7 i:wi)i.jto.'.s Two ltlocUi miMili f th t'.t.ll.ll. Depot, anil next to Win. Jm- The Turd i! kut eoDfUotlr itii jliedbT leTerfcl eaw-milU wilh A Full Assortment of Native Lumber. W. U. nolicitB tho iialrdnnco of his old frierjds. -Dd by uuctalitr cd dilttt'uco id bueincei oiei lo Drit a ibar el public Dpi'ort. KIK KAt-K- In tboVib Wni -T'l bl'k nd a bil r-! tt,e I". H.. n .irtall h'-u-c ittid half lot. With iue or:!jaiJ. For frirticulart cu julre ot nar. YM. EUUINflTfiN. j.c.ni;nKii,L v o, COMMISSION MERCHANTS I Sn4nnrt0e Call Torn ta St., ' 8a.a f rnclco, - - t 1 Ifornl--. Purti-'nlBr Mtr,t ion iid ths fi'linr of i order, ior rr dwcni'inm ol Kercha-dipe. US Stli of Or, .c.,ato. SSLLING OFF I IVnr Is lhtk Time lo get Our MinaiuinK ilock of LAJ)IiS' FURS! Will ho sold regardless of'oost. FANCY JIISKSS (;)013, L1NSKYS, FLA.N'NKLS, JEANS. V(X)LvS (JOOIJS,-mOiJi's, (JOOIJS,-mOiJi's, Nl.iltlAS, HCAKKS, HOSIERY, KT(J. WHITER HATS ail. BONNETS INI) MILLINERY GOODS, 01" all kin-,-, which will 1 m.M at cohI to in;ikc room f"r a larfic slock of VV. B.WILKINSON'S, No. ho Ka.-t Tcmjilo tjtrcct NOTICE. LL i.-r-'.rif nrt lurol.r f'-rhiddrn an' V ,.n.. -1 M:aift lur.LnOr.u or in ,,y t. p.,: .t!, ,.Klr..,v w .. ,,. ' f f-.r ri.Tiiiii ii.. i. ni: iTuf-i-rty iilimir, Ivi'ic. i.nd lii l;,H 11,11. j,, (,t,ilir M irnij.- i-tTi'.l. ,I',.,r(j L. -tnU. I't.h Ttin-r Ttin-r .. r.-..-i,"v 1,1m! .,r . r ,le ,), j . m li k lr,.r. r .,T HI1V T,., Hircn-Jv -r iric-tr-l, T jj.nj JurCiiMrr I.c .jl-u'le'l. li,r'f !f'-!ii ! i.T Mtry ji'iii'tty W ii iiU'.r . rr ln.-I- 1. 1 iDf 1-. -T in u:,,r,.. tifft Mi.nn;-i-- 10. . 1 iu.t,. , or Jr. ... tL- r,i:.i it H.'- i-r-..-::--: ibe -,d'.rri.-:,-l. L.- ..r-j U!ul ,:irr:- 'il r.ul u..:. i.k' i-r-i vf i.v. ui.'itr tho n.iinc '.1 i:-ji CLi'.n'l- '."i '-.!. L-.vu,,- h-. I'-atoJ X..rr, V. :.': l. W. Mr,'-.n. -"ior.rcc II i;,,,..-t. J-.l.n Imvii, V,rr 1mvi, i Mnr- .' ' ---.w' r. nod r'-'Td-.l tlie ..I1": ( i.f tit V- ' '' '" 'jf t be M iiiirii; Iviginct t('rtBaitJ, Ai-nl I, w. f-"TA NTfi.V. fJK-jk'.i M OUT, ii . A. jiOLt'fJiIJi, i 17 |