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Show MEDICAL. W. F. ANDERSON, M.O. H. J. RICHARDS, M.O. Surgeons and PliysiciaiiB, Office, for the present, at their respective residence in the Liih and 17th ards; ub DR. GROVES, Ortlcc Unii South St., Halt Lk City. Three door West of Revere House, half a Hock Kw; of the Elephant Store. orrici aucaa raox U a.m. w 5 r.M. ml J. D. THOMPSON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SU11GEON, Odors his professional services to the people of .Salt Lake City, Residence at Uolivar Huberts' brick houie, opposite. St. Mark's Chorea. iuS 0. C. ORMSBY, M.D. I'HYSR'IAN. SUKliKON AND U'ilJGGI.ST, lilili.JIA.tl C1TV. UTAH. J. M. At F. 1. BKIVEDICT, SURGEONS AND PHYSICIANS, Office Over Calder Bro's Mueio Emporium. HOTELS, ETC. TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL I OF UTAH, JAMES TOWNSEND PROPRIETOR. Thii House is oentrally and pleasantly lo-oatod, lo-oatod, well furnished, and has aooommoda-tionsfor aooommoda-tionsfor ISO guests. THE PROPRIETOH is now preparln to build lane additions to his Hotel, whiah when finished, will render it the Matt Complete Establishment in the IIOCKY MOUNTAIN REGION ! mil AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. ONE BLOCK EAST OP THEATRIC, SALT LAKE CITY. TermaSCl.OO per day. Board without with-out room SIU.OO )ior week. Bathi free to gueiti. J. C. LITTLE, iun24 Proprietor. . STOCK BOARD, (Formerly Roid's,) XVI AIN Two doors ho u tli of Wells, Fargo . Co's, Our liar i-1 furni.-lieil with nil iliat cuu l found lu any ft rat -cl a 5 suloon. Attoutivo aud polite bar-keepers to attend upon all who may favor us with a call. ZABRISKIE & CO. r ii TAYLOR'S HOTEL, West Bide EAST TEMPLE STltEKT, ROOMS BY TUB S1SQLB NIGHT, WKEIILY OR MONT LILY, TAYLOR & UUTLJSU, Proprietors. Wo havo rented our RESTAURANT to Messrs. GLADE GOODMAN. nii Washington House -a-'Uirtl Hotitli Street, ' SALT LAKE CIXY Board and Lodging, par Week SO 50 Day Board 11 5 00 French Spring BeiW " 00 lied, per Nlglit - - 50 MenU - - - 3 J14 FASHION CHOP HOUSE, tNcxt door to White. House), Main Street, Salt Lake City. Cond listed in first-class French style, at moderate pru'cs. NICUOLAS BERNAliniB. fll Proprietor. Taylor's Hotel Restaurant, ON tli c European I 1 n , Is now open and is sun Hod ith every dolicacy of the fe:i$on. Meals at nil hours. Oysters in ciery stylo- Supper Parties tuppliod on short notice Terms to suit the tlmrs. GLADE & GOODMAN, jlii 1'roprielors. Sierra Hotel and Restaurant, bmt Hide Commercial street. Meals served in llio host stylo. Rooms furnished fur-nished and unfurnished, t I Win. G K EH, Proprietor. Msw Commercial Loilm Rooms, Com mere la 1 Street, Opposite tieniiitu Bakery. Salt Lake City C. W. TA1TAN. Proprietor. O l K N A I. I. NIGHT. !MHiiB lied- . ct. j.rr Night, and Sl.atl to J.lM) per cek. Sin Kit Hnoit.o. 75c. per Sight, and J.jO to 1.3 0 per Week. ol5 UTAH' PIOT15L, Main Street, DC! DEN. The only jirsl-class House in the Ciiy. Otuuilui) to aud from all tralus. EUDEY & WILLIAMS, j IT Proprietors. CENTRAL HOUSE, LITTLE COTTONWOOD, T. F. Fullor, Proprietor. T the Puhlio This house i now refitted and open for travelers at reduced rate. - Board and Lr.dsinff. by week, il3.0O. naii,Me. Bodfl.T&c. Moula at aU hoon. AM LEGAL T1I03. 7ITCH. GEO. I. WHITNEY. FITCH & WHITNEY, ATTORNEYS-AT-L A W, y Pirst South Street, ttl SALT LAKE CITY. II. M. MORGAN, Conimissiouer for I'tah Territory. S CALIFORNIA STREET. 9.1 S KRAN-CI9M. ft3 te . . TsZ A. 3ST N , ATTORNE Y-AT-LAW, No. .Td First South Street, Snlt Lake City. Uuh; D . COOPER; ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOK, Office Eicliange and Reading-ltooins, Reading-ltooins, np-stalrs. ju23 SALT LAK1 CITT. CASH FOR MINES 1 Enquire of WKTH IVL. ItLAlK, Attorney -at-Law ami Mining Agent, OKPICE : Over 97 Kiml-air Ulk, with C. M. Hiiwley. P.O. Box ISo. did VII. Y. LOVE I.I,; II. A. SEED. LOVELL & REED, ATTORNEYS-AT-LA W, Salt Lake City, Utah, Will practice in ail tho courts in the Tor-ritiry. Tor-ritiry. Otlico, front room. Taylor's hotol. J17 P. L. WILLIAMS. I.E GRAXB TOVSO WILLIAMS & YOUNG, ATTORNEYS. AT-LAW, Office, half-a-block south of Theatre, Salt Lake ,City. j12 GEORGE: C. BATES, A TTORNE Y-AT-LA W. C. MYRON HAWLEV, Attorn ey-at-Law. Clerk of the Supreme Court and Territorial Librarian. J. W. I1ASKINS. OfhcQ mlKiiaball's blook, near U.S. Mar-jll Mar-jll shal'd ofBoe. WM. P. APPLEBY, Alt oriioy-tit-Law, n AVISO provided himself with suitable Blanks, is proparod to draw up Declaratory Statements of Apill-cnut Apill-cnut fur Deed to City Lots. OfDco East Temple Street, first door north of Oouimoroo Building. dl9 JOHN U. MILNEH, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, Provo City, Utah. Collections made in the 1st and 2nd Judicial Judi-cial District. Special attention given to Mining casos. Offico at rcfidonco, Coatro St. Provo City, j5 Warner Earll. F. M. Smith. EAR LI. & SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BALT LAKB CITY. East Temple Street, one door south ol a20 Uodbe'a Store DANIEL S. DANA, ATTORN E Y - A T -L A W, Salt Lake City, Utali. OQico west side of Ea3t Temple Strest. Eipecial attention givon to Mining liti-gation. liti-gation. d27 Wm. HAYDON, (Late Judgo of Jtli District Court, NavaUa,! ATT 0 R N K Y - A T- L A "Y , Room No.:', East Temple Slroet, over First National Lank. nl Id. IU. U-AliS UM, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, Ofuoo. Kimball's Block, 8. L. City. Special attention given to Titles, Negotiations, Negotia-tions, Salos or Litigations in Mining Claims and Koal Katato. Colloctiona made or business done in any part of the United Statoa by Association of reliable Attorneys. dlT 3. H. Uompstead, M. . irk pa trick HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, Attorueys-at-LaWj Main Stroet, opposite Wells, iTargO ii Co;, 8 A LT LAKE CITY. f22 Z. SNOW. E. D. HOOK. SNOW & 1IOGE, Attorney and Couniolon at Law Salt L&ka City, Utah. OOloalSiiow'd comer, lit Kut Street. Jn6 JONATHAN C. ROYLE, ATTOHNE Y-AT-LA V , Salt Laka City, Utah, Office Over Fir3t National Bank. Residence Resi-dence on 3d East street, botweon South and 1st South streoU. : NOTICE. 'KlIE law partnership horcto!ore osisting 1 between Thomns Fitoh and S. A. Mann is this day dissolved. FITCU k MANN. Salt Lake City. Fobruary 2d. 1S72. I'd NOTARIES PUBLIGi aTs GOULD & SON, CONVEYANCERS, -W Mining Deod?. ARToomenOj and Bonds for Loeds, AlortHiges, Powers of Attorney. Loasos. Contracta and othor instrumenta of writing drawn with accuracy and dispatch. U jtllnlng- Companlei Incorporated Incorpora-ted undar th Law of Utah. A. S. COULD, NOTARY PTJ13IjIO and COMMISSIONER ')V DEEDS for New York, Massachusetts, Pcnasylva-rjia.Oliio, Pcnasylva-rjia.Oliio, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, Nevada, California, and other States anil . Territories. Ter-ritories. Ikut Temple '(., near M'cl's, Fargo tfc O'o., Luke City. mil . Wu. Olattos. S. J. Jos istfos, Notary Public, Conveyancer. CLAYTON TJONASSON IAY Urii't attention to the collection ol 1 money in all part a of tho world. They also draw or aoknowlodire all kinds of indrumenu in writing. Spi-clnl attcnt Ion Riven to tho drnwinr of llli and TuilRiiieiiiory Dociv-utent. Dociv-utent. Loans negotiated. Mino, Houses and Ri I L--Uie ol all kinds bought, told or Incorporation and Partnerahlp Pniirri of every dc-eriptina Jna in trlct accordance with the laws ut Utah- OKF1CK Fourth door lonth of OoUbc'i Corner. n23 THOS. Uya-AIK:?. United States Mineral Surveyor j and Civil Engineer, ! Office No. IS Taylor's Hotel, Salt Lake City HORACE POTTER, REAL ESTATE AGENT. Cwtihim camriilly twm up Bt th nlf and Lowing of mid Lots, Stor, OflicM ks.l Ijhi.Ih. L-Min nootiattsL OFFICE So. 27 Tylor" Buildlaj, opppotiU Salt Lake Uoum, Salt Laka Citj. dl BANKERS. Bank of Deseret Bncceasor to HOOPER, ELDREDGE & Co., Corner Eiut Temple and First South Streets, SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. PAID UP CAPITAL, - $100,000. BRTGHAM Y0T7NO. President, 1 H. 3. ELDREDGE, Vice Pres. WM. H. HOOPER, WM. JEKNIXCLS, Y Directors. JOHN SHARP, FEKAMOkZ LITTLE, L. 3. HILLS. Cashier, J Deal in GOLD DUST, COIN, EXCHANGE, LAND WARRANT 8. COLLEGE COL-LEGE SCRIP, c. Collections made and promptly remitted, re-mitted, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE. aU WELLS, FARGO k GO., Express Forwarders, Baukers, and DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Uraft on Europe, and all the principal prin-cipal cilia of the United Stales. EUROPEAN COLLECTIONS j Promptly attended to. THEO. F. TRACY. Agent mil Thos. R. Jones. A. W. Whin BANKING HOUSE or A. W. WHITE . CO., EAST TEMPLE STREET, a30 Salt Lake City. Robert Anderson. Thos. P. Akora ROBERT ANDERSON & CO., IJJJVKEItS, 08, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Salt Lake City. jl3 $25 REWARD ' JOR tho detection of the parson or persons who Defaced Pnrdy,Scott fc Fostellc's Minstrels' Bills in tho Market place). Tho above reward will also be given for the d toot ion of persons known hereafter to tear down or deface the Salt Lake Theatre Bills. FL'RDY, SCOTT 1 FOSTELLE. ilo H. B. CLAWSON. SEWING MACHINES For Family and Manufacturing Purposes, Embody all that is new and norel in Sewing Machinoa. Thoy are tho latest improved an i lightest running shuttle machinoa in the world. Beautiful and aompact iu model and unexcelled in material and finish. Thoy sew everything from lace to boavor oloth in the most perfect mannor. Evary varltty ofllemmlng, Felling, i tt,ulltlnsr, Cording, Hufillng, Piping, Tubing, Fringing, Hem Stitching etc., easily pei formed. Straight Aecdlt. No Cog-wheels. NO VIBRATING SPRINGS. Every Machine Warranted u Represented. Salesroom on Flrat South Street Salt Lake City, oppoilte the New Bleat Market. IRA PFOOTZ, juylS Agent. Gm Jtrm JLrCa JrCsi February 8th, 1S7. SAN FRANCISCO AND SACRAMENTO, Lcnvo oii) Kisu : Arrh it from Knat 4(pm 7 0Omd .-Sad Fran.. 8.S0pm f"J JO pm 4 04 " 7 Zi " ..Oaklaod .. 8.00 " ; 1 M " 4 H " T 50 ..San Joee.. 3.J0 " 2 10 bi& " 835 " ; NIIm j 7.05 " 12 45"" 5 i " U " ! ..Stockton. ,f 4.07 " j 'J 07 " 10 4o " I 1 IS pm 1 .Sacramento, i 2 0 pm' 7 15am Arrive from Vir?t fjv, fiaa Woit SACRAMENTO, COLFAX, RENO AND OGDEN. Leave KiriK K:i-t ( jArnvo from Kut , aWpmi.Sa.Tiiiinto. 2impm. I 6 16 " !...Colfx..Jl020m' 12 46 sni i . . . lUno a 10 . B 10 " Wionfmnocai 16 pin 13 Oil m BattJfMount 1 25 " , 4 4ipmi...!ko S iitm ' 1 20 ami ,.OgJen.. 6 30pn: Arriru fruui We-t I Ua,- po'nc Wst Explanation. For train' runninir "from" S;in Franci.joo, take tho left hand columns and read downwards, down-wards, or "Ksstward." For traini running "towards" San Frnn-cico. Frnn-cico. lake l ho rieht hand columns and read upwards or "Westward." 'Sunday? excepted. t Sun days only. A. It. TOWNS, T. B. OOOnMAN. Ooa. 8upt 1o. Pk- sr w4 Ticket Act. AW MEDICAL ORR ! "THE PHILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE." For the Debilitated Nervoua System. DR. JORDAN. of the Anatomical MuFenm, 31S ilontscaiery street near Caliior-nia Caliior-nia fcji r.-ucicco. Caiilornia, haa puh-li;hcd puh-li;hcd four of hii most iiarortant and in-jtructive in-jtructive Le:tare? in a neat volume 'or thvse who cannot sttrnd the Lecture' at the Museum. Mu-seum. Every Unmarried and -Married man should read and itady these important Lectures for the sood of himielf and off- Uy addrwiini the Secretary of the Anatomical Ana-tomical Museum, an Francisco, and enclos-ins enclos-ins Twenty-Five CeaU in Po?tas;e Stamp? to pay pott abb, the Book will be forwarded to any part oi the States or Territ oriM. Dr. Joraaa can bo consulted by leuer. d3 GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. FARMERS ATTENTION. I wiU pay CASH f.r 1,000 BUSHELS WHEAT, 1,000 BUSHELS BARLEY, 1,000 BUSHELS OATS, 10,000 LBS. BRAN, If delivered immediilclj at luy Grain Store, Main St., S. L, City. GEO. H . KSOWLDKN. California and Allen's Extra Family K I And jeveral other brands. CHEAP for cash. All kind, of Grain for srIc. (i. H. KSOWLDEX. FIRST-CUSS GROCERIES THE BEST TEA IN THE CITY, (Everybody aays so) at Q- W. DAVIS'. Tho Guest Qaalitios of COFFEE, SUGAR, RAISINS, CUBHANTS. &C, St n r n AUTO i OA X NED (iOODS. LOBSTERS, S VI.-MON. VI.-MON. SAKIHXKS. OVSIKKS, ( rnits, Shik-ch A: l'lcklo., AT ' Q. W. DAMS'. The Largost and Best Stock of CHEESE, MS aid BACON In Town, at (J. W. DAVIS. Our TEA TftADE we take particular pains to study, and from experience are enabled to suit our patrons with unrivalled facilities We Buarantoe to sell as cheap as any house in Utah, and will not be undersold. C. W. DAVIS, Two doors north of Kimball & Lawrence's fl7 Special Notice! II. WALLACE Respectfully returns his thanks to his numerous nu-merous customers for the liberal patronatjo bestowed upon him and trusw that strict attention to business will merit a continuance continu-ance of their favors, ZLNT E "W STO BE On First South Street, Next door to Mrs. Stcnhouse's Millinery Establishment, Where I will have a very choice stock of Pure Candies Of my own manufacture. Ralilns, Nuts, Figs, Oranges, L.C1110H, Lime 8) Aud a general waorlinout of FANCY GROCERIES, Extracts, Pomades, Hair Oil, Fancy Soap, Etc, Etc ?-Do not forget my New Store, Fin 8 ou Lit (street. Wohaie JUST RECEIVED A lot of T E A S Gunpowder Tea, Japan Tea, Black Tea, English Breakfast Tea, Whioh we will sell WHOLESALE OR RETAIL i at Very Low Figures. TAYLOR & CUTLER, East Temple Street aug26 DANIEL GRENIG, At his old stand, East side East Temple St., Wishes to inform his numerous friends and patrons that he has a Full Assortment of MERCHANDISE Usually kept at his Store and Bakery, And sclU them AS REASONABLE AS ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. PRODUCE Of all aindi. Kunlit ami hold. FIRST-CLASS WEDDING CAKES Mad to order. I MISCELLANEOUS. i SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK OF UTAH, iult Lake City, XJlnh. Ter. Successor to A. W. White Co. Authorized Capital - $500,000. Bkhj. M. DlRkll. Prest. Late Prest. First National Bank of Idube-Arkl Idube-Arkl W. White. Cashier. Late of X. W. White A Co., Banters, 5. L. City Hkhfstd A KiBKr-ATKicK. Attorneys. JlIXECTOllS; T. it. Jones, C- H. Hempstead, M. B. Callahan, B. M. DuKell A. W. "White, J. M. Allen, R. W. Donnell, Ot Donnell, Lnwson t Co., Kt-w York. This Bank will transact all kinds of legitimate legiti-mate Banking businoiri, and DEAKS IV JOM AXI SILVER HII.LIOX AMI OUTS. Gold and Currency Exchange drawn and Tolcgraph .Transfers made on New York, ban Jjraneieco and princial Atlantic and facthc cities, available in any part of the Lmted states and Canada: Deposits and ecner.il business solicited from i tastern and Forcifrn Ranks and Rankers, Rank-ers, Firms and individuals; Check Acoounts kept m Uold or Currency. Exchange on principal jities of Europe and the Canadaa lurnishcd in sums to suit at the lowest rates, and Taleirrniih Tr.nnrn on London, Loans made on Bullion. Public Securities Bonds, Local Stock, Merchandise, or other good Collaterals. Approved busineis paper discounted lor depositors. Certificates of Deposit Usued, payable in Uold or CnrroDoy on call, or at any specified time, available in any part of the United btates and .territories. Advances made on shipments of Bullion or Ores to New ork. Ban Eranoisco and Europe. CORRESPONDENTS : NEW YORK National Park Bank. t Donnell, Lawson at Co. SAN FRANCIaCO-California Trust Co. LONDON Jay Cooko. McCulioch & Co. Treasury Departmeitfj OtFiet Ol' Coitr-THOLLEB OK TUK CURRENCY, WASHINGTON, JANUARY 12, 1672. WHEREAS, by satisfactory evidence presented pre-sented to the undersigned, it has boon niado to appear that "THE BALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL LANK UF UTAU," in the CITY OF SALT LAKE, in the County of SALT LAKE. TERRITORY TERRITO-RY OF UTAH, has boon duly organized under and according to tho rouuircu'ents of j tho Act of Congreta, entitled "An Act to provide a National CurroLcy. secured by a pledge of United Sutos Bondf, and to provide pro-vide for the circulation und redemption thereuf," approved Juno 3rd, 1864, and has complied witn all ihe provisions ot sui a Ai;t recmircd to be complied with befuic cou.-moncing cou.-moncing tho business of Banking undorsaid Act. Now, therefore. I, HILAND R. HL'O-BURD, HL'O-BURD, Uoinntrotier of the Currency, do hereby certify that " TRE SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK OF UTAH." in tho CITY OF SALT LAKE, in tho county of BALT LAKE, TERRITORY OF UTAH, is authorized to commence the business of Banking under tho Aot aforesaid. iCurroucy lluroau. I" testimony whereof r of the witness my bund und I Coniptroller I scul of otfiue this I2ih "1 ottliu ' DAY Oh" JANUARY, Correucy, 1S72. 4. J (SignoJ) HlLANB R. Hl'l.BVRD, No. 1321. Comptroller of Currenoy. fell NOW IS YOUR CHANGE STOVES ! HOW IS YOUR CHANCE roK STOVES Over One Hundred Different Kinds and Styles tc Select from. Including the Old FaTorltea, Charter Oak, New Era, Monitor, Inland Empire Superior, Etc., These as well as other varietieBjwill be SOLD CHEAPER AT THS Hardware Dep'nt Z. C. lL. I. THAN IN ANT 011113 HOUSE IN THIS TERRITORY. n. B. CL.A.WSOX, llT BapviaUDdaat. I HARDWARE. j0. H. BASSETT, HARDWARE STOBE All kinds or HEAVY HARDWARE, iron and Steel, j Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKS-HIT II TOOLS, A t cultural Implement! Ami Mining Toole, At Lowest R.ate opposite; salt lakk housk nl6 T Fiirnaceirieii Attention ! A 1 Fire .Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAMi CO. ARS AGEXTS FOB TBK GOLDEN CITY FIRE BRICK, Which are equal if not superior to the best English. Special rates given by the car load. oct!2 LEGISLATIVE Proceedings I WHEREAS We are to be deprived of our regular regu-lar allowance of Penknives ; therefore, there-fore, RESOLVED That Senscney & Co. are selling Stoves Cheaper than any other House in tho city, for tho reasoo they aro Closing Out. So. 8 Crescent Coal Stove, $32 50 " 8 National do. 35 00 " 8 States do. 42 50 " 9 Wood Stoves of several kinds 35 00 Stove Pipe, per joint, 30 All kinds of TIN AND HARDWARE In Proportion. Now is your Chance for Bargains. SEHSENEY& GO Opposite W. F. dc Co'i Office, SALT LAKE CITY R. A. KEYEi, Agent SCOTT, DIMHI & CO,, Wholesale and Rotail Dealers IRON AND STEEL WRIGHT'S PICKS, UION BARROWS AND ALL KINDS OF MINING TOOLS. Wrought Tuyers, Pipe and all kinds of Fitlioga j lor Farniicca and Mills. IIARDWA RE, BELLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. AGENTS FOR Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. S. Lubricating Oil, Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOR CASH. WINES AND LIQUORS. B. W. Allen & Co., -17" Broadway, New Vork. BRANCH HOUSE, Under Post-Office,S. L. City. Agenta for the Celebrated COLD SEAL WHISKY! IV. S. FOSTER, A?cul. jo N.&E. BOUKOFSRY, Wliolesnle Uenlers as WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS I (AND I TOBACCO, Second South Street, (SALT LAKE CITY, Three doors west of Walker Ero's. d5 CITY LIQUOR STORE, Keep constantly on hand, AVhoIesnle and Retail, Choioe Imported LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowest Ratea. OROESBKCK'S BUILDINGS, nlT Kt Timpl. lli-it. WATCHMAKERS. vv; oifj CARL C. ASMUSSEX, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Jewelry, Watches, AND DIAMONDS . Elgin Watches' AT FACTORY PRICES. Jaat received a large, additional stock of NEW GOODS In groat variety and stylo. The public are respectfully invitod to onll and inspect them ut CARL C. ASMUSSEN'S, East Temple Street, Half a block north of tlie Knple Emporium. j.JJ WITCHES &JEVELRF I O. L. ELIASON, 1 KOS to inform the reel dents of Salt Lake CitT and Tieinity, that ho not only mar an ten to properly Uepalr,Cleaii and Adjaet Watchei and Chronometer, bnt he will mak them or any part of them, to order, and warrant the work. A kkw supply or ELGIN and SWISS WATCHES just roceivod, which ho will guHri.DLuo as roiinblo timft-keoperi. Pricee todiifycoinpetilion Reraemher the addrex. Two doors caat Of tli Deacret Uana. of . i Kx J E 2 ... IT t re HI j Eg (o Si i5; ? a I . 1 - i ; - z t;j ! E: - - co 5 j 5 i Xl 2 ' i 1 - i f s uii tin' ' i5 SjliU i ill 1 CO I- ! COLLEGE SCRIPI pREKMPTORS will Bavo ti6 0d -a each quarter BCction by buying Agricultural Collcio Scrip. Apply t THK BAK tiV IIKKEK'IT, I CHICAGO TRADE. SL1CHTLY SCORCHED! VAN SCEAACK, STEVENSON & REID, DRUGGISTS (Late off. ft2 and 91 Lkf? street. Cur. Itearborn street,) HAVE REMOVED On account of the ittfense heat. To the Baptist Church Building 87, Waba.h Ave., Whoro wo liavo a UrK,- stock of Drum, LhonnciU, l'si:.!.-, Oils, (.Jlas and GlaW!ire. Drunisis un-dri'3, un-dri'3, J'.-itent iiuiubugs, -tc, Etc. CALL AND CHEEK 15. j"u"-iBlj Par 100 cent3oa the Dollar.) CKASE. HAXMRiT&llk 470 Soutb Canal St., CHICAGO, llaadqnartera for Oils, Paints, Class, &c, Manufacturers, of the celcbrtd WILSON OIL. TaNK &; L. M. BATES & CO., ! 481 . 453 Broadway. KKW YORK, iMroaTina km jobdiu ut Fancy Dry Goods, HOSIKK V, WHITE GOODS, WOOLKAji, M1AWLS, TANKEH NOTIONS, i-c J. II. Bl'LGKU. Jul m.dTwells" &, CO., Manufaoturera of and Wholesale Dealer in Boots and Shoes, 018 W.Uik Av, ( I, !,.,. benedict, . P. .M.-h.tTr HEW YORK TRADE. ROBERTS, REAdTcoT Manufaotttror, aud Jobbers o - .. 'a' y, J,?!7. BR0AD WAV. KEfV VORK. 79 John St, New York, Manufacturer of and Dealer In Wruught, ti.i ami (;! vnnlitd Aud every variety of fitting for trie unnxt,. nil 7 0. A. Lomrutreot. John Seacamit LOSDSTRCET 4 SiDiifciC. Manufacmrirs of and Wholesale l'ealrra in KEN'S & BOYS' CLOTHING. "8 nr""'"'. .w Vork. hmdersonticeTcq Snooeasom to Griffon, Ilondoraon k Co., IH POBTIHB INI) JO HBIRB Of FOT GOODS, NflTIOA'S, HOSIXI X Yp FURNISHING GOODS, KTC. 4UH . 6U0 UllOADWAY, Opposite St Nioholai Ilo tel. Nw York. BENEDICT, HaTlTcoT Manufaoturnrs and Wholesale Ucaleis in BOOTS AND SHOES, 13J and 1:10 tlr.iul St., New Vork, ""i7ir Cr08bT' one bIoc" 0I'"1 uf Bro"dwf r . Ayer's Sarsaparilla ft Is widely known Sxs onn of ttio inoot 1 j t'"',-rti"i' n;iiwdiifi J J t-'ver discovered a A . , fr,r clensirijj the ;y Vvt.'VNlm and j.uri-V"'vv;' j.uri-V"'vv;' !'-l'f' "s-ry'iUK 11,0 hlofd. ''w' u "t'",tl Ul- r?-te!"1 "r Vcurg.with n constantly grow iiilt roputalion, bused on its intrinsic virtues, arid PU-Lained by its remarkable cures. So mild as to bo Fnfo and bone-li'.'ial bone-li'.'ial to children, und yal to Eeurchiiifr as to e)V"'.'tu!iIy Mir(re out tli ffrul corruptions cor-ruptions nf tin blood, siub a.1 tlio fito-fulom fito-fulom n nd syphillic contaujiiiHtion. 1 JrnjiHriti"", or di senses t li at lnive lnrl"l I in liie hy-l'-m for vhth, soi-n yild to j 'In powerful linti'Toto and (iimjipear. ! Hnnrn iu won'lT)iil curef, in any of wiiicli nre pul-li' ly known, of ,Vr ft lid all fcCTofllloiH Lirrr, Ertijilfin Hiid eruptive di-ordera of tlio r-kin. Tumors, lih.tcl.tt. Jl-i', y'i ;., 'uxt'tri, Horn. Si. AntUW Ftrt,lt:t or Erv-.priua.'jcttir. .WC Jihcum. tore Id llr-td, it ' worm ti'i'l Jntrrmd Victrn. . U'.jii tUUtrrutSU.tniirk undhirrr. It also cure? other complaint, to which it would not teem especially adapted, micb hs Isr'.j.v, Vyttj-ri- Elf'-. Krural'im, Heart Disease, J-tmaU HVeiArKM, Ijr. tnhtv ami Ijtucor r liT n , wh"Ii they aro nmnilestnliur.h -if the bcrofuloiih poigoni,. It in nil e.v;ellTit rei-torer ol Leal LL and strentrlh in the .Sprins;. By renew-ir.K renew-ir.K the Hppetite and viRor of the dij;e-li-.-e orrj-aiis, it disripat'-n tho deprcn.ion j and li.-tlbi- liinruorof the season. ven wiir-ro no dis-order appears, p"oplc leei bnllT and livo ioiiRer tor ileanjrj(r tlio blo-d. 'I na j,vsteii. uiovet on wittj renewed vigor aud a new letfe oi life. l'HLPAKXD Bi Dr. J. . AYER & Co, Lowell,Ma38., Practical and Analytical ChomieUj. iold by all Drtntuliti everywhere. For Biilt Z. C. M. I. UKUa STOKE. 025 |