Show I 1 N 11 CAVA an I 1 heres a gaoa rich lab iulus quality te the cavalier at prices dollars under what expect to pay COMMANDS COMMANDER for the tar car youre draling in next yer year this goodrich made tire will tr sive a lifee lien at the lowest lowess prices in iM tory 0 7 1 1 A A J ft P y k za C fl M P I 1 E 0 C P you youre e probably read abona aboni it in tile magazines the wonderful new Good goodrich tire thae making 9 history ahe 7 he safest tire ever built you can afford ilic alic safety sill at our prices look ot at them I 1 this tire give gives ou more grip on oil the road than any oilier ather it gives thousands of 0 miles additional anti skid performance it haa lias tho cst carcass built GOODRICH SAFETY CAVALLIER 4 SG 70 S 5 2513 5 COBI COMMANDER 4 40 or 4 5 7 ivi oiOi TN t YON 1 ar a ff j W vv j asa S sly i L R JIL adf JN vernal utah phone y 0 U SAV E B U y I 1 N co BAKING POWDER 1 you rv save in using e 1 blob priced brands TI SAE NU E P qt FOR fok OVER 0 yea ITS DOUBLE ACTING 17 pa ii N 0 U USCO S E 0 bun I 1 C u 0 M advertisers wh se ise ads appear in the express columns aty be upil fur Ec excellent Ece llant ellent S avica an annl I 1 highest grade merchandise DOCTORS DENTISTS i I 1 i vernal awa i OFFICE SUPPLIES LIES USE OUR SPECIAL FORMS I 1 I 1 WARRANTED DEEDS BLANKS LOCA flON NOTICES NOTES BOOKS ET ETC inquire at the vernal express phone 24 vernal utah HOTELS vintah basin basins strictly modern hotel i commercial HOTEL vernal utah INSURANCE automobile AND anre leon P christensen stensen civil engineer rhon phone H vernal utah I 1 AUTHOR 17 pana 1 AND SERVICE OILS let us demonstrate on anit ot at the mew new maying maytag hi model odeis aaron chas lewis agency venial rah viah GARAGES et us tune up itlie in a daiv your yow MOG motor for foff bj af ing john W pope garage phone abone vernal utah MUSIC SPECIAL COURSES IN P PIANO ANO and nil all wind instruments WILL ACCEPT GARDEN PRODUCE CURED MEATS AND dainy DAIRY PRODUCTS LLOYD WINN 1 1263 S 3 UTAH uintah county boffl officers era W II 11 w L th FLETCHER ERNEST EATON COUNTY CLERK WILSOM MURRAY COUNTY l MARTIN L CURTIS COUNTY SHERIFF EMERY JOHNSON COUNTY ASSESSOR COUNTY RECORDER GERALD HUNTING JUSTICE OP OF CHARLES demoisy COUNTY AGENT E PETERSON demonstration ALICE ALMS board of education BOARD boand ROY TAYLOR RUSSELL TODD CHIAS P MRS MARY A 0 GOODRICH IL S 8 OLSEN CLERK MRS FAY PAY STEVENSON venial vernal city MAYOR IL C COOPER COUNCIL T G 43 ALEXANDER IRVIN EATON CHAS A HATCH DRIVER K c SMITH IL 4 GREEN 4 L II 11 MOORE moone TREASURER MYRTLE kuo MAnS IlAlA LAFE niC NIGHT ADAM ERECKSON WATER FRANK HATCH CITY ATTORNEY DALLAS IL boung JUSTIC 11 OP OF ClI CHARLES ARLES S B BARTER CARTER 11 B MIL STAKE if 13 CALDER president birst 1 WARD HALLER bishop VERNAL second ARD J CLIVE DAVIS DA VIS bishop COMMUNITY CHURCH GLORGE E Mi ritter H here ere are COLD MEATS for your picnic of course you are going 1 to haw hate A thia this summer that fettled settled but where are I 1 you go bong ng to get the cold cad meats for lla and your che cheese chee e and pickles at thi shop ot of course where you can always get et the very best meats no matter what you want NE 1 FOR fort ASTINO nO perhaps you would rather have a fine ham harn for baking or other cub cut for roasting anci arra then slice it cod cold for your it if so we hue the ery choicest cuts to of fer ou gu wu make de lecture lec tube tuble cold slice vernal 51 market arke 1 cited WASHINGS andi AND 1 77 M auis 2 PO FOWLER obal tt OLD OLID PAPERS per 10 call gall at this domce LAWYERS WALLACE CALDER iscom 3 uintah state ban office closed saturday P M vernal utilla WATCH nE REPAIRING PAIRING A H BARNETT bakli auli aaker and and bave coltharp bidock room 34 24 vernal U utah CA 8 SILVER QUICK LUNCH DINNERS COFFEE leot DOGS across street prom from vogue SHOE SHOE REPAIRING bood good shon mean blean olsen shoe shop small brick did east of vogue theatre TAILORING Caran Garana atred teed OBING a home rome or of fine tailored heroal tailoring co I 1 DEEDS mortgage blanke anks location catlon Ijo notley promissory notes end and dook stake at its this office lff lic electrician all kinds of electric I 1 be and arms In stations Eldr ical appliances ances repaired Antho raed silver marshall mn m n GEORGE RHOADES the electrician work done promptly all work guaranteed utah SALE j type pr per bibbons and carbon paper LEGAL FORMS vernal express office VERNAL VEAL CRAIG MAIL PASSENGER FREIGHT EXPRESS SERVICE DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY leave vernal 7 IS aim md at crair aso pj luve lea crale am and trie arrive vernal 4 p nl FARE one way romed trip nip WM COLORADO UTAH MOTOR WAY PHONE denial er nai or r brulc E 2 E mgr UINTAH ABSTRACT COMPANY incorporated practice in the V U S load lo ad office ard the baite ancl ot one WM will IL 11 BID SID DOWAr prea liebaert TYZA LIP u 4 WM IL a fill adam a A WB CO vema mit s aa J a w 1 irsai ir jai 4 |