Show life sketch of aunt aur nettie nettle lybbert of naples a special SP W funeral r 1 se services vt ere held friday at 2 p m in the naples ward chapel tor for mrs anthonett olsen lybbert affee known as aunt nettle nettie the services were vere conducted by bishop bron byron goodrich the floral florat offerings were beautiful and profuse ru the sen services rices vere were opened by A double mixed quartet consisting of mrs nellie mrs mm ina chi calieri aers mr s ella goodrich miss lia lela goodrich prank frank and odonnell goodrich charles pierce and lavelle manwarin manuaring sing cow follow me the 1 opening prayer was by L ir goodrich selection by double mixed quartet abide aith ithee le the first speaker waa was arthur manwaring Man ft vrho ho spoke of the good life she the had lead bister sister ada cook spoke of the wonderful work she had done and of her kindness to other people special numbers by the quartet the tender invitation followed by A 0 goodrich who spoke in a consoling manner co ro her children the quartet uart et sane sang beyond and the benediction was pronounced by william gardiner the assemblage followed the remains to the vernal cemetery where the grav gravo wn dedicated by ruller remington the pall bearers were the grandsons of the deceased rallis a and nj owen victor merrill olenn glenn Lb libert bert charles olsen and demar gale she Is survived by ten children enoch C waldamar Wald lmar linar C of olen glen wood v d canada rhuna T ir mary 8 merrill jacob N lybbert of 0 f vernal damiel E of salt lake city and charles J of Raym raymond crid califa she has forty five grandchildren in canada thirty six in utah making eighty one grand children thirty six great grand children hildren in canada cana and thirty five in utah making seventy one treat great 1 auldren eUl dren |