Show Explain torill le lerp lep P lear ear librn julius naceur cole par the I 1 noman calendar culen Jur he added a da every foar years in order to make the average eolar polar year IWA kiye anim vas tras done by doubling the birth sixth day before ue tle calends of 0 llarch and hence the year was mas railed called blo sextile tit biame that prevails pr evalla among the la latin da latious of europe which regard february 24 ae an the intercalated day in englith peaking speaking countries till this beir li to called leap year because the lie sun day letter leaps a day no letter being affixed to february 1 29 19 advery year exactly divisible by four ex ceat those that ire exact ucal uc ll il bj by and not by I 1 Is a leap year |