Show duchesne club wins op game of golf series played at roosevelt duchesne Ou chesne with a score of 1050 won the first gaire of the tah basin golf at roosevelt sunday roosevelt was ft close second with 1064 points while vernal scored 1090 1000 J harrison of or roosevelt WM low core man mar of the day with 84 points the next game ivill be played at Duch ducheine esme oil ott tuny june 26 the winning club ot of the touraj tour ament nent will receive 10 kro D nite flite balla balls the score on sundays aarn was an follows bemal caldwell coldwell 96 3 IL douglaas IW IM N J meagher devere carroll 90 francis P L cowan covan T T johnston B II 11 sham it C cooler cooter J 0 ander on tow total KW 10 L stin s ann 97 J ca rupple ira n IM ILIG r 0 V V mock F I 1 lanson I 1 11 R 8 jordani ii AMI axel birch US ezra burton albort albart crumbo total 1064 sarn wm case lowe love ashton 6 0 4 pope n pick pack log Sch onlan 0 khol 94 0 smith crocker Crock cr iko 10 0 kohl tot total toti I 1058 the personnel of the V arrol aral team will be up ot of men selected by an inter el clib tb series startina start lna jano eth oth according to paul paid I 1 L conail ch chairman kirman ot of the tournament couii mitt of the vernal club |