Show former vernal 1 girl names in california miss MIs margaret mccleland McC kland lIeland of sin ban and wesley Ara amonino conino of crt oakland Oakla jid Call famia were married monda afternoon in orante pasa puts at the orante past pass auto camp by rev C C iwick the simple emple rina ring carem ceremony ony took place in ft it pergola on the grounds of the camp which was decorated with bridal wreath peonies and scotch broom tte the bride was attired in a white port sport costume ard carried a corsage ot of a beet peas and snap drag ons she Is the daughter of mr and find mrs lynn of ban francisco and 1 0 employed emp loed in an office there mr amonino ie in employed in a store in aarl francisco FYan cisco they plan pa to gatay at brints pass leeral days and make tys trips to ito crater lake and ore pon roin cam cacs me bride Is a grand daughter of mr and mr un taylor tny 10 r mcclleland McM lelard ot of vernal |