Show LOCAL har AND OTHER gat MAI 31 TUESDAYS D 1 liry aly ALT iry DEC 12 A good sania Santa samaritan ritan we learn from one of the presiding brethren jn the thirteenth ward that one of the members of that locality has handed banded over three tons of coal to bishop atwood to be distributed to the poor the gift gitt is all the more creditable from the fact that the donor Is not particularly rich go thou and do likewise daring darlng daning daring robbery So obery the young caw saw who was robbed last just night gives the following statement of the case he was waa coming up towards main st from the depot As be he drew near the centre centie of the cheva va cant lot on the a 0 east cast of mayor Jenni jennings residence when about the cente cent e of that lot a man lumped jumped out and presenting a astol calling out hold hoid u up your laudel hande hands almost almu lap another man sprang from the opposite side of the walk and plunging his hand into his right smuts panta pocket pulled out 1470 1476 1490 which was loose there just then footsteps were heard approaching from the east and the robbers fled north the lead interest prof ii E holden will leave for the east tomorrow morning he goes to washington as the delegate of lead ing mining men in this thia territory Terri territory tor y to represent the mining interests of utah dofing the present session of congress his main object will be to carry out the senye sense of themert the meeting held hed at the walker house on saturday night to consider the lead question his efforts will be directed towards preventing the tho proposed reduction of the tariff on imported lead which would operate decidedly against the lead interests of this part of the country the movement represented by prof holden is exclusively clu ciu of a protective character vaine value of honey houey A correspondent of an agricultural paper says comb honey that is to tender and rood roods good is built bulit quickly during a it big flow of honey and that from white clover stored at the height of the season ia Is a luxury to set sei before kings and will with very few persons personal if any extracted honey that is thrown when well ripened from clean combs comba is the purest most delicious syrup lown known it is one of the beat panaceas for pulmonary comp complaint lainta the rev L L langstroth tells us that atone at one time his wife was considered too low with consumption to take the journey from new england ng to her home in ohio bhe she accomplished complis hed it however and commenced taking pure honey a teaspoonful at a time during waking hours got welland lived ten years and did not die of consumption but of some other disease A worthy woman in rn yesterdays days dayla issue we made madea a necessarily brief mention of the death of bister sister elizabeth price bentley at st george which occurred on the ath inai the complaint by which the estimable was carried oil off was catarrh deceased was boyn bora june 1821 1831 at the lea leay Gloucester shire england joined the church in 1840 1810 emigrated to Nauvoo in lu 1812 was waa married thern there and aud came with her husband to utah in 1852 bhe she went with her husband on a mission to carson valley in 1856 came with her husband on a mission to st george in 1861 1891 where she rt aided sided until her dem demse demise se she was among the first of those selected in the winter or of 1876 by the late president brigham young to officiate in or d Unan ces cea in the at georbe george temple in which calling ahe aha held her place till her death As one of the stake officers of the relief belief she was efficient as a help in government and as a wife and mother was without ith reproach her record is that of one faithful and true and her reward is sure the second estrict district court at the opening of the december term of the second district court at beaver on the ath inet judge B S P twiss made the following remarks in the course of his charke charge to the grand J jury ury within the last year congress has legislated with special reference to this territory it Is my duty briefly to call your attention ioa loa to some of this legislation the first brat section of the act of Cong congress approved march 1882 known as the edmunds bill defines who is guilty of polygamy as follows every person who has a husband or wife living who here after afier marries another whether married a ried nied or single eingle and any man who hereafter simultaneously or on the same oy marries more than one woman is guilty of poly polygamy ganoy garoy and prescribes the punishment for this odious crime the third sec see ulon lion provides that if any male per son hereafter co cohabits babits with more than one woman he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and pres scribes punishment for this otence it Is as much sotir duty to hinves ti 9 ate violations of these provisions provi 0 flaw 3 any other your belief so a to the injustice or justice of thia law has nothing to do withy with y ur duties as grand jurors you canno violate the oaths you bare have taken simply because you may not be lieve have tile the law is just or proper THE GREAT COAL DEPOSITS PLEASANT VALLEY A PLEASANT PLACE PLAGE yesterday we received a call from mr C H bliss of pleasant val ley jey we bearn earn from airn that the minered miners strike which biegan je a lar lat thursday only lasted eilf till friday fliday afternoon the cause of the disagreement was that the men who had bad teen paid at the rate of 1 a ton fo for r 2200 pounds the surplus being P put ut on to allow for waste in screening I 1 ng wanted the quantity put down t to 0 an even ton the men however soon gave way and went to work at the old terms the coal mines are opening up new rooms being constantly made in order to employ more men to get out an increased amount to meet the great demand afresh A fresh mine is beine belne opened bj b the same company virtually the denver rio bio grande on mud creek the company as the mesut rebut of prospecting durann bummer summer have bave aiso also discovered several other coal fielde fields the supply to be obtained in the entire section la in practically inexhaustible the mine is being reopened and the broad guage rail road being built by the U P B R B R company will reach it probably by next summer in the course of two or three yearb yeara pleaseant valley will be a comparatively dense settlement as it is building up rapidly it Is a healthy locality rounded surrounded bur aur on every side by romantic and picturesque scenery making it a very acceptable summer resort tor for or pleasure seekers the streams abound in fish and the mountains with game the water ia Is excellent and the majority of the people appreciate it sufficiently to excite the amazement of phil rob inson the late lata correspondent of the N Y world an effort I in iq q being madey made howe however verg to supplant the pure beverage of nature as a whiskey mill has been established there is a strong feeling against this hateful institution and it ft is expected that the coal company who are opposed to drinking saloons la in the vicinity of their thein busine business bbs seg will use thearin th their eirin elrin influence to have an extinguisher put upon thia this feeder of the criminal catalogue there la Is a good branch of the church in pleasant valley ed over by elder david williamso wil Wll ilams llama captain Hoo hoopers perys perIs friends will be pleased to learn leam that he ia is steadily I 1 improving FEARFUL ACCIDENT G G WEIGHT wright HAS THE BONE eone OF HIS LEG LEO LAID pare rare on sunday evening a terrible accident happened to geo G wright bon eon of mr GJ wright of this city it appears the boy chols who Is sixteen years of age had been riding out in in company with several youths of about his own age they were all on horseback in the evening young wright returned home and put his horse in the stable after eating supper be he went to the depot to mail some bome letters helas he was accompanied by henry higginbotham both were mounted on ho horseback after returning from the rall rail railroad road toad the two boys rode out to mound fort and visited some friends on the their I 1 r way out they met a man named james nane bone with a one horse buggy young wright bays says he turned his horses head to the right which was according to law buno turned his borses horses head to the kf idt which he be should not have done this action faction on the part of bune eune brought the wheel of the vehicle in contact with mr wright andnis animal and the riders ridera left leg tear ing it in a mot mo t fearful manner at the time of the collision wrighta horse was traveling on a laps and the other on a fast trot wright horse deceived a terrible wound cut ting its breast open the boy waft was thrown from the animals back to a distance of twenty feet teet he wa WAP pi ked up and taken to the house of mr chaa chas chase the parents were soon eoon apprised of the accident and took out a vehicle and brought their son home dr P L andorson And orgon oreon was summon ed at once on examination he found the wound on the leg commencing near the articulation of the knee extended to 0 o a little below the articulation of the ankle it was twelve luches laches long and eight inches wide the tho flea a h was torn off on i the limb entirely to the extent named above the bone la Is laid completely bare the doctor dressed the wound and the patient today to day although suffering also internally from nhom the effects of the shock produced by the violent contact with both the vehicle and the ground la Is doing remon nemon reasonably ably well olden orden herald FROM wednesdays DAILY dally deo DEC 13 change on account of other busine business sd pressing upon him mr george osmond has resigned the editorial tripod of the bear lake lemo Demo democrat crat crae and Is succeeded by mr james H hart mlle mild the weather continues to be unusually mild eo so much so that it did not freeze at all in this vicinity last night the snow has all melt ed on the surrounding foothills and appearances would indicate the ap of spring were it not for the lowering clouds and an occasional reference to the almanac which re minds us that we may yet have lots of wintry weather buildings the building boom continues the present mild weather being very favorable F M scott company are erecting a large rock building for a storage ware house hoube on second south bouth street west of main nearly ready for the roof and will be altogether fireproof the hotel antho on the corner of west and third south has already completed its third story and evidences that it will be a fine capacious build building ing death leath of X J T at six aix last evening brother morris J breathed his bis last he lie was a man generally esteemed and respected and was one of the oldies citizens of ot utah having come here in 1847 one year after the entrance of the pioneers into he had bad been prostrated with dig dis disease ease fora long period but his passing away was i erene terene and peaceful deceased way wai brn born on december 1818 in Lansi lansang ngy new york his hla parents being derrick and la lu cinda bowker fineda ane daker daber kero keno the funeral will be conducted on thursday at ila lia 11 a m from the ah ward schoolhouse distressing accident the ogden herald merald says asya that on saturday mcjoseph mr joseph of plain city WM wu in the junction city doing bu siness and seeing his hia friends in the evening he returned home in company with his son and several other panties parties ma r ties in a wagon on reaching Blat sint ter ten erville vIlle en route for home it became very dark and while crossing a ditch or large rut the vehicle gave a sudden lurch and Mr Skeen 9 was waa thrown violently to the ground the team was stopped immediately and his friends went to his assistance when discovered he had been deprived of the use of his hia limbs his spinal column was severely injured and he be was completely paralyzed mr was taken to his home and a messenger dispatched for dr john driver the doctor found the patient suffering sum auT ering severely from the effects of the shock he did all that could be done for him but at the last accounts he lay jay in a very critical condition con eon altion being unable to move his head or lift a hand baud FROM THURSDAYS DAILY dally DEC IL 11 addresses wanted we are requested to ask all those elders jf sef the he church who have labored in me the state slate of mississippi since the war to bo be kind enough to forward their add ess to mr B S B moore ch 0 orges camp jones an expensive Frol frolic icAt at butte eutte Mont montana alis alls on blonda bionda yEdwin rodda bodda and samuel long engaged in a friendly wrestling bout longs feet slipped from under him when a soum SCUM was heard as of the crackling of a dry twig it was wm the break ing of the bone bo no of his leg between the ankle and knee joint A parroting garroting Garro ting Case Owen J morgan states that he was passing along the north side aide of the theu U C B R E R depot block about half past nine last evening even ingi when chevas he vas accosted by a couple of men ut taw commanded him to throw up ap if hands which he refused to do 0 oj of them seized his arms and ph p i toned them behind him while toj loj rifled hla hia other pockets a puree purse containing aboud about fia fla dollar doliar mr morgan yelled lustily bringis baingi ir ir r the railroad watchman M r eny to the spot just as the kigh high highwaymen highway wa lne mew meV ran off one going south bouth and the othe h north escaping in the darkness returned from minnesota this thib thi B i morning we received a call cail fro I 1 elder denmark jensen of honey honey ville box nox elder county who whore re turned on the ath dinst arof mission to minnesota he leto left utah april 19 b 1881 1831 the first part of ot his mission was in company with jens fyant Franl frantzen zeny zens zen when nine persona were baptized subsequently he was appointed A to preside over the conference where the th e work has been progressing nicely elder C 3 it belnap succeeded elder jensen in the presidency of that field brother jensen returns in good health and spirits Inte interesting interests resti ng to leer seer hunters Hunter gi large lag 6 quantities of 0 deer are bein being brought brough t into thia this market in view afew ale of this fact it maybe well for all parties interested to take notice of the following extract from t the he game law every person who between the first day of december and the first day of august following takes kills or dest destroys roys Toys an elk deer or mountain sheep or antelope an telore or who at any kills bills or destroys ady adv elk deer or mountain sheep or an delope for their skins is guilty of a misdemeanor except in cases where a lerent different dif dlf punishment is prescribed pr eBerl bed by this code every offense declare declared d a mis demeanor is punished hed by imprisonment in a county COU DWall jail jall not exceeding six months or by fine not or by both caone casualty oas Cas nalty A richmond correspondent of the logan journal baya saya that on thursday decem cember fth at 12 p in A ao hob son eon esq met with a painful accident while returning from a trustee meeting on leaving the house where the meeting was held hold herell befell be fell feli into a stairway leading into a cellar fortunately the inmates of the house had not yet retired rhey heard beard a noise and immediately rushed to the scene sceney when they found him prostrated in the stairway and in a helpless condition A team was procured and he was conveyed to as his reside residence nce on 04 elaml nation it was found that he had received a concussion of the nerve that runs over the pelvis bone he has suffered great pain but was improving a little A benevolent association an organization has been bien formed of nofsia |