Show BY TELEGRAPH axa P osios laim TAIM AME A M eric RICAN A N CHICAGO 16 gen stiles attorney in the case before the superior court hag has by means of a challenge of jury for irregularity developed the fact that thai provisions provis provia ions lons 0 of f law for selecting j juries urles uries are being utterly dis regarded in cook county one judge has admitted that he has not had a valid jury before him for 14 months all the formal provisions of law have bean been ignored it Is believed that there will be no pugilistic encounter between elliott and alien allen both apparently prefer to fight by the mouth NEW the herald says saye it would be a great thing if vre we could get such a jaw as that proposed in the bill reported in both houses yesterday to remove burdens from the american merchant marine ai john roach boach Is yet to be heard from however the times says bays of the minority report of the same committee the recommendations that american citizens shall have the right to purchase and put under american registry foreign built ships without the payment of import duty are not only uhe the simpler remedy for the decay of our shipping trade but they embody the only legislation likely to have any appreciable effect in bringing about its revival george J rice elce president of the utica ithica and elmira railroad was arrested last night on charges of forgery of stock end embezzlement it is Js said there is a discrepancy in his accounts of from to the prisoner lives near elmira A pittsburg special says it transpires that the suicide of harvey matthews in chicago recently was due to enforced separation from an octoroon wife here his wife is young handsome and rich but the family interposed and drove the young man from the city his wife will make a legal fight for possession of the body A harrisburg Harria burg special says allen alien daver dover a released lunatic murdered his father in law and dangerously wounded his wife yeste yester yesterday day iday using a knife with desperate and maniacal strength ife ite barricaded barricades barrica ded himself and was captured ony only after being shot in the leg he had bad five revolvers when taken A kingston ont special says the students of the medical college have made a dead set against allowing lady students at clinics and by aid of citizens carried their point the authorities agreeing to separate tha ilia classes for ladles ladies A harrisburg special says governor hoyt yesterday heard arguments for and against the recognition of a requisition issued by the governor gover of new york for a man named mamed Greena greenawalt waits walts who it ia Is alleged obtained worth of diamonds by false pretences pretenses from several firms in new york it is elated that greenawalt represented himself as a wealthy man doing business in philadelphia with a large bank account he obtained the diamonds and pawned some of them while the remainder fell into the hands of confederates it transpires that greenawalt is a sample clerk on eighth strett street Phila philadelphia del ael governor hoyt did not decide the case but leaned towards the Is fuance of a warrant the japanese prince who arrived today is aa an uncle of the emperor of japan and ie le completing a eix elx months tour toun of europe mr baksh japanese consul Manar orle trash inathe japanese minister at washington met the tho prince at the pier plen and conducted him to the fifth avenue hotel which will be the princes princea a abode during dating his stay in the city three days will be spent in new york when the party will go to washington A tour of the south and west will be made by the prince who will sail pall for homem home via a california his highness gave the following account of his travels awe we left japan on june 19 to pay visits of courteny cour tery to the heads of of tho the dif dlf different lerent nations in italy the king treated us lodging us in his palaces wherever we went from there we went to switzerland making the tour of the principal cities thence to france calling upon president grevy who returned our visit and then we journeyed to konigsberg the emperor alexander sent a carriage for our transportation into his dominions and while there J ic was one perfect ovation to us the emperor welcomed ua us pa 93 his guests saye sayo totes and aud ballej balls balis ordered the military to receive us at every ats ata tion and the highest court decora tiona tlona were bestowed upon each member of the party eburg and moscow were splendid splendidly oy illuminated in our honor and we shall a always ways have pleasant remembrance em brance of the warm attention shown us from bus kus rala we traveled to venice where we were banqueted by the king and after that descending the rhine we made holland and belgium objective points kaiser william received us and returned our visit andio and BO did leopold the belgians king at brussels we had a pleasant time in madrid and Lisbon rhe The queen accepted a visit from us at windsor castle how long we shall remain here is yet undecided it was our intention to proceed to washington in a day er or two and after paying our re respects specs to the president start for california and reach there in time to sail ball for home on the dinst but the steamer advertised for that date is small and we may wait for another there by giving time to make muke a longer visit here the emperor he says saya la Is highly pleased with the commercial relations existing between america and japan TRoy TEOY 16 four fourteen teen hundred iron and steel workers are idle here on a count of a wheel breaking in the burden iron works and other accidents ci BALTIMORE IG 16 jno ino Bc Sc hengler this morning shot his wife and killed himself canton lilb ilia 16 G P Hote hotckiss kias klas special agent of the central telephone co sends the following report about 7 this a in two boilers in parlin cos extensive agricultural works explode ed completely demolishing the tearing out considerable of wall of the main building besides shattering the glass and otherwise injuring other adjacent buildings A fire broke out oat immediately but was seon soon extinguished by the steam the following Is the list of killed wm win mckarney engineer louis hunti cut fireman W 0 joshua oldham and A nio NIc manan fanan BAN SAN francisco 15 the princess marquis and suite go by special train to monterey this afternoon they will remain there until the early part of next week when they will return to town on the tue princes and ladies will go to santa barbara but the marquis will return ta canada NEW bolm 16 the church is again denouncing the ccPas passion slon sion play the jewish messenger says bays positively there is no demaud demand as there Is no necessity for the presentation and the exhibition may do positive injury in a way probably provably prot ably not imagined without adding any treasure to his conni coffi commers coffers ers erb if despite to tile ob objections j sections of the press and the better portion of the public he insists on producing the play the best form of rebuke will be for all people to refrain from patronizing him there thereto ia no danger howe however verg that the play will fali fail to dr awand crowds will flock to it just as crowds flock to see mrs langtry out of curtosi cur eur fosi losi ty saimi morses morsels theatre ia Is nearly completed his leading actors are all engaged and his chorus is in rehearsal hear sal whose money Is invested in the enterprise Is a profound Iro found secret it Is not morses for he has none but hut somewhere or other ho he has secured the backing of 0 plenty of capital he has also fortified himself with legal opinions to the effect that the production of the passion play cannot be stopped if the authorities act on the advice of the press and pu pulpit dight wight it and try to stop it he intends to night fight the matter in the courts the world says saya morse reckoned without his host when he concluded the authorities could not stop atop his hii show if he does carry his point the rather curious spectacle will be presented of a it unique entertainment revolting to the religious sentiment in the community produced at great expense ina in a building special ly erected for it contrary to the wishes of the authorities the press pulpit and the test classes of society NEW york YOKE las IS george bayard and gustave rsymond raymond liquor dealers charged with reusing refusing re using revenue stamps entered a plea of gull guilty ty both were released on bail ball to await sentence it is reported that they offer to compromise with the government by the payment of boston IS 15 officers of bellevue medical college charged with issuing did diplomas din lomas to persons grassly ignorant br othe the theory and practice of medicine washington IB 18 IBA A bogus report was current here last night that a high government officer lost a large sum at faro and was thrown pvn from the card room brook 0 16 in the criminal court here a case has been commenced against baron alexander paul hamlington Ham cousin of the husband of princess fredri fredni M on various charges of swindling while acting as representative of the claimant to the property of the late gen reinhardt who left a large f fortune new york 16 A gentleman who was entertaining several friends ht dinner in Delmon leoa leWs this evening was waa surprised when requested by two detectives to step outside after a whispered conversation in which he was informed that he was a prisoner on a criminal charge the stranger entered a carriage with the detectives the trio were driven to police headquarter headquarters and the man was waa locked up cpr trone wone of the officials say anything concerning the capture during the evening the man under arrest was visited by ry his lawyer and a number ef of prominent railroad officials it leaked out that the prisoner was a wealthy resident of elmira N Y who for several years had filled the position of secretary to several railroad corporations A woman closely veiled was brought to the police headquarters in a hack to night the case is mysterious and regarded aa as jm t stin ban francisco 16 today to day mrs airs chas pope was found shot through the head in a dying condition at the house of a friend where she was temporarily stopping having quarrelled quarrel guarrel relied led with and left her nun hun end band himself was waa found dead also in the yard a few blocks away a revolver beside him two cham bers discharged itis it is supposed he shot his wife and then but there is no evidence evi dence deace mrs pope died without speaking harah barah kave aged eighteen governess in the family of major chip many committed suicide last night by taking poison the only cause canse known is a sharp reproof from her mis mistress tress treks yesterday for a slight fault washington 16 A number of house democrats aro are determined to make all the trouble possible for the land grant railroads during the remaining days of congress they attribute their zeal to patriotism and a desire for the public good but it is by no means impossible some somo of them may have close relations to the bears of wall street at all events it is the bears of wall street who are mostly benefited by these movements at present for no one imagines that the closing hours of congress with the great questions of tariff and taxation and other business to be considered a discussion of so vast a subject as the land grant system of the government is likely to be entered upon bosold eions affecting a number of roads have been introduced and ard more ar are threatened the warfare is to b be continued even with greater vigor in the next congress cobb willin will introduce a bIlk blik especially bil bli aimed at the northern pacific A caucus of republican senators eena tors this morning decided to call up the civil service bill immediately and reach a vote today to day if possible henry yule hind renews his charge of con conspiracy between otta wa customs officials and the bureau of statistics at washington to alter the records of the governments of or the united states and canada re garding the exportation of fish from the united states to canada and british north america on november he wrote from windsor to secretary sen giving details or the manipulated records he asb ase an exhaustive enquiry and a thorough reformation 0 of the civil service by which the frauds have been committed ex senator randolph ran Ban dolph of new jersey is let quoted tonight to night as saying 1 gil I dont donit don it claim to be a prophet but there are things I 1 think I 1 can foresee and let me tell you that joe mcdonald of indiana is going to be the next president there is such an uprising in his favor among the democrats east as well as west that unless something occurs to very much change the aspect of affairs he will get the nomination and the man who gets the democratic nomination will be president genera sherman gives up the active command of the army next fall 0 the president hael hall accepted miles mlis of new road on the atlantic and pacific It ailway ballway and flad in arizona ArI arl zona zong NEW yore YORK IG 10 president nor aln green of the western union telegraph company was today to day served with a notice from attorney general palmer of pennsylvania citing the company to appear on the to show cause why an information on behalf of the comm common mon on wealth should not be filed restraining stra nin the company from doing business in the state and the appointment oan of a receiver of all its land and property in pennsylvania it is alleged that the company have repeatedly violated the constitution of the state which provides that no telegraph company shall shail consolidate with or hold controlling interest in the e stock or bono of any lother other telegraph company owning competing lines and by these violations it has forfeited its property ku AUGUSTA augusia gusta ausTA me 16 hon lot M morrill is growing weaker there has been a great change in his condition the jast last twenty four hours he expresses a desire to live to see his daughters who are on the way from europe and expected every hour at new now york LAFAYETTE 16 G 8 orth died at 1045 last night he was unconscious he has been gradually but steadily sinking the disease chease was blood poisoning by cancer he was in hla hia hi year london 16 the bishop ot of llandaff Is dead WATERBURY conn 15 dannis sullivan and john leary were fatally injured john gilroye Gil roys thigh fra fm stured conductor monahan received contusions on the head beadi and an italian was dangerously injured oy a colli alon aion on the new york and new lew rew england railroad montreal 15 there was waa a collision on the southeastern railway ballway between a passenger and freight train 20 no one killed western as well as pacific coast roads nope hope the eastern lines will reconsider their action and restore the old emigrant rates boston 16 lg an agent of the duke dake of sutherland is now in this country and in charge of the land agent of the atchison topeka Ss will inspect the atchison lands in kansas the attison and pacific railroad rall Bail road companies lands in arizona and some lands offered for sale in chihuahua on the line of the mexican central road st louis louls 16 it is reported that hat fast freight lines are cutting again NEW nev yo hokki 16 abe temes times says saye i uninvited without the backing of any religious organization or of the churches or clergy of the city geo 0 bames the mountain evangelist from kentucky whose peculiar methods have created a sensation wherever he has labored last evening began a series of revival revivals zi at clarendon hall CHICAGO 18 peoria special the freedman newspaper bays says a rumor is afloat that the whole distilling interest of peoria is excited over a discovery that one of their members had been using crooked barrels of whiskey which hold two |