Show B BY Y telba TELEA TELEGRAPH GRAPH ram ran ara Apa UN mus V amb AME AMERICAN ili III cah CAN washington rori ll 11 the tho house appropriations failed this mornion to cw complete piete the po a appropriation bill the finance committee will c neider nalder the internal revenue bill daily with the view of printing it and reporting it eary eany no member ot 01 the committee objected to shermans Sher mans piau rian plau plan ol 01 amending amt ami anding it no party prejudice was visible today to day the amount ot of the appropriation bill to be reported tomorrow to morrow is less leas than the appropriation last year tiie tae secretary of the treasury Is considering tile the case of collector and deputy collector goodrich ot of brownsville Browns ville texas it ia is stated i hat that representative upson and representative elect Och litree tree are ure themselves in behalf of hanes ha desaad anti antl gordrich Goodri cb before the jeannetta court this morning hindermann Nin dermann that collins collina was always treated like a gent gen gentleman dema lemau u and an officer so far as he knew he theu then described a little difficulty he ainderman Nin derman had wito captain delong on hept sept 1831 but said it only amounted to his being placed under arrest for an hour bis hla examination was choked ind it is expected the cabirt court will be occupied several days dys reading eue ibe testimony the cS enate in executive session confirmed a large number of nominations including general pope pops aud and colonel mackenzie to be major general and brigadier general respectively pec wah wal hington 12 A report is in circulation to the effect that the marquis of lorne lome asked the secretary of war by telegraph to give the princess and himself a military escoel from san francisco to ban antonia Ant onla texas fears tears being entertained that the feniane are plotting against their ilves lives and will take tho the occasion af their intended journey to carry their plot into execution this may be only a rumor but it is a fact that an escort of one officer and ten men have bt b en detailed to accompany tile tiie distinguished visitors E eastern members are determined to have the scalp of the bliver silver dollars this time they quote the report of treasurer GlI gil fIllans which shows but 27 per cent of the silver dollars colled coiled col coi led bed since the creation of daddy dollar have ever even been put in circulation 1 and the recommendation of the secretary beret ecret ary of the Trea and president Preal dent deni regarding that offensive member of an otherwise happy finan fidan financial chil chii rati lati bamily nily olly it 11 on the other hand members from the bouth routh and wet west are inclined to stand aland 1 by y their pet and taink it 11 has not been given a fair show thy will re any efforts to retire the silver dollar and silver certificates but it Is lot fot jot biot improbable a bill authorizing the th treasury department to coin only the amount actually needed will pa pass pays topeka 11 J C ellb ellla of ring kins ley jay kausas kansas astells tells the following story of the robbery there thereon on saturday night L 0 boice bolce the cashier lockel locked the safe and vault and went to tosu au per 0 W crawford county treasurer ier ler has an office in the bame same building and besides the cashier is to we only one acquainted with the combination of the lock he left at the thu same game time with bolce boice and ie ze turned with him and found c crins ains scattered anund arlund the room bolcis bolce opened the vault and found missing the burglars evidently entered through the treasurer a office in the rear a between the two rooms having been broken it was evident the tho door of the safe was vas unlocked not bro broken kerls keris BO so the burglars must have had the combi nation detectives were set to work and it is reported the money is covered arned Lr ned Ks dispatch intelligence was received here today to day that the rt rubbery robbery of kinsley kinaley banu bans had been traced to atie county treasurer J VV crawford of edwards county by means menus of a bunch of keys and a glove dropped at the tho door of the vault and that crawford has hag acknowledged guilty and agreed to surrender tiie tile a olen money which seem seema to be ue hid away somewhere out of kinaley kinsley this rumor la is supplemented by many others othera and is hard to determined at whet whit thle the facts are from this distance washington 11 A citizens committee had bad an interview in the jail jai today to day days with oleary and murphy rhy rby convicted pa As oard card monto rund and lunko bunko men each detailed the circumstances cum stances of many robberies including the tha government printing umea umee money theft and gave the names of thieves and derives de tives who stood impi in as well as the percentage of the p obeeda of robb rubb robberies eries enies paid detectives 20 per cent detectives it was even said eaid some jobs and selected men to execute exeen e them murphy and aud oleary 0 Leary gave a circumstantial account of tae ine christiany ly diamond robbery and alleged that tile the diamonds of the minister edminister ex were valued at frum to and were di disposed dispo heed feed of at a great sacrifice in new york and a heavy pre given to two detectives who were named the wives of these men oleary said sald now wear dresses made from the silk taken in tile burdette robbery and given to 10 the detectives for their part of the plunder it Is alleged the rhe entire detective force in the district re dividends levied on bunko and monte men the detectives involved are arc the same ones alls alis dismissed missed for betraying governments interest in the star route cases magruder a mem mew member berof of the committee thought lie he recognized oleary OJ ueary jeary who id is weil well educated and him if ho he had ever been to college oleary ans aus at college then bald said magruder Mag ruders icide we viere were college mates matfes I 1 now remember you well oleary deemed greatly mortified morti fled at this thid identification identify Iden tiff catlon cation 11 i king Kalakau as chamberlain col C H judd who with hla hia arty larty passed through omaha yesterday homeward boud fajin europe has ai aj we learned from some of his acquaintance here purchased hated in europe some of the nei net necessary cestary insignia of royalty a 2 clown a 8 sceptic and robes for kalakaua the robes and royal diadem will be used at the coming coronation of the king and queen they are modeller modelled model led after those of russia the crown to be worn by the king Is larger than that to be worn by his hla confort contort they are each oval and ornamented with a cross at the apex brilliantly studded with a diamond rim lioa encircling the bead solid gold inlaid with dinu diamonds ionas lonas and other precious gem Th the kings eKings sceptre is compo composed sied fied of solid silver hilver inlaid with rold sold the robes are purple with ermine border the king was crowned according to the customs oi 0 his own country but on february nd lie ile h e will be again crowned in the style that prevails pie phe vails valls in the courts of europe invitations to attend the coron coronation atlon have been sent bent to ibe the president of the united states and to the different rulers of the old world the ceremonies take place in a new palace which is a magnificent structure it was by a boston firm CHICAGO IL 11 A reporter this afternoon ter noon interviewed jim elliott eiliott who is to fight alien allen in the coming contest he started off with the ben sen sention lion tion llon that he would night fight any man in the world with naked fists tor for 2500 and would not bar any one sullivan ho he did not consider champion at all in his estimation sullivan was the best nian man ho he koew with gloves and admits that built van was batter better with gloves than him himself self kelf elliott says he does not believe sullivan or any other man can knock knoek him out in four round rounds or in fact in any number fox it is to match allen ailen against ag mst sullivan at anytime any time for 1003 elliott says bays he will return to chicago after his hia fight with al len his fight with sullivan takes place on the 23 dinst lost the place where light wll will take place wi I 1 be decided upon next thursday SAN 12 the northern pacific inhibition exhibition car arrived here yesterday morning on its homeward home hume word cilip having made a tour since sept mner moer through illinois missouri iowa indiana michigan oiling ohio ohto denver deaver ne no york and maryland mary Marj land the car is a minature nature ml agricultural ajr nir air fair on wheels containing vey very fl e specimens ot the agricultural arld and mineral pr ducts of tho the country along the line of the northern pacific Rall railway waye there Is on exhibition in the car wheat five feet ff et in height ave aang from 30 to 60 bushels to the acre oats brix bix six feet in height averaging 56 bushels to the acre and weighing 61 51 pounds to the bushel rye lye ava averaging raging 60 50 bushels to the acre pj pu atoe 20 lerent different diff varieties averaging from 20 tj tu bushels to the acre 35 vrle varieties ties of woud wood from the minnesota forest forests 40 varieties of grames grase gras e from one to nine feet in height and exceedingly fine specimens of vegetables vegetal ies les of all kinds coal from dakota and montana iron copper lead and silver ore of the finest grades tho the car during its thayola has baa been bol visited by about people the products are attractively arranged ind given fine impression of the riches and prod eba esa of the No ribern pacific country CHICAGO 12 A washington special cayet if anybody supposed that logan would surrender his bis convictions on account of grants grange s change of views on the fitzjohn fitz john porter question he would have been undeceived if he be had bad heard the senate proceeding ys erday lo 10 gan said with energy and feelen feeling 1 will dt demonstrate before the cou try if it I 1 calbot convince the senate that I 1 am right in the matter of fitzjohn fitz john porter the bill cannot pass this senate nem con or without discussion discuss on persistence in wrong does not make it right one senator says a great deal wrong ba hai i been done I 1 do not think EO I 1 say bay no man was more justly convicted than fitzjohn fita pita john purler and I 1 stand here now to defend in my iny v position before the country I 1 believe I 1 have facts upon my side and I 1 am ready to sustain my position I 1 am eady to take up this case whenever the civil bervice service bill is disposed of senator mcpherson McP mop herdon herion then referring re ferrina to gen grant without naming hinl him said there are gentlemen gent lomen not less distinguished in military and civil life than the senator from charged their views upon this subject gen logan logon at the first public mention in the senate of gen granted recent advocacy of fitzjohn porter became intensely earnest and said balds alinas inasmuch as the senator from new jersey intimates that persons have changed their minds I 1 b flave ave to tobay bay that I 1 have known kno wn people to change their minds upon very flimsy pie texts and a man change hii his mind ought to be capable of giving the country a satisfactory reason for that change I 1 have yet seen no reasons given the warmth of nogan logans fl reply aroused the senate aud an debate is expect expected el when the bill shall be called up gen hawley who has been counted as among the friends of porter says he has thoroughly examined the case and believes hel bel leveis logan Is Js right tight and shall vote with him NEW YOEK york 12 J A and WH Sw sweeney ceney centy hankers bankers have havo assigned liabilities bob bos boston ton tod I 1 11 L tiie tho receiver of the pacific national Nati onal oual ban has attached the property of the national security ban han K to the amount of he lie alleges the pacific bark had in its I 1 oa checks and deposits to the amount of of the pacific bank at the time of the contemplated insolvency and the transfer was fraud fraudulent jent new now york ll lithe the caulkers caul kers are on a chicago 12 12 it is rumored there are some bome cliques on change tugging at provisions and heavy dealers are trying to bian bhan the market one heavy speculator and packer this morning ald bid aid a bill id great quantities at whatever price was offered another operator who has run several deals is ig baid bald t aid bald to be buying everything for a rise rife st luls liuis 12 the arbitration in committee fixed 6 ac as the price for november corn settlements Bettle ments menta involved bushels new yo k 12 filed in assignment of charles falle tea ten merchant to tol toi 1 inac nao nac B crane stated the liabilities at nor asse actual assets usg liabilities to the tho amount of about are secured about la Is now in the hands of the we assignee ignee ready for distribution the heraias heralds washinton special says blount and deuster make a minority report against the nicaragua canal bill and perry belmont makes a rep report of his bis own also again against it the report of the committee favora favors the bills bill which la Is already well known 1 1 he by say the e are two ways of dealing with the american unai canal question one ia is to pass the present bill which creates crea teli an american coon corn company pany and omers oters a very moderate and end limited guarantee nua rantee of 3 pen per per cent on in consideration ot ol which the company give the government the right at aty at ai y moment to take tate osse salon of the canal the other is to let whoever in still ill lii build the canal and th n capture it by i force when built the first ia is honorable the second not everybody in this ihas country agrees that if there i a canal it must be under our ex clubie e control and protection if this is so then certainly we ought to take some somo interest in the build ing of it there is one way to prevent the building of a canal alid and that way gai wag discovered by bv balno baino it is 13 to begin 0 a vigorous dispute with engl engi england and about the clayton clay ton bulwer treaty which would effectually frighten capital ital from the e ter prise but to discuss the clay ton bul er treaty before bedfor re a canal Is bui bul built t is to like quarrelling over a babas name before it 16 la Is born until the canal is completed no question of joint or exclusive guaranty guara nty no question of control arises that ia Is plain ly seen been by by the case of the ean van panama canal at which delesseps is working without anybody is guaranty joint or otherwise but when the canal Is actually in operation tha the question who vho shall protect it will settle itself the times reviewing bai Bal balmonte monts canal report thinks the house committee on foreign affairs must have been working in the darid darld or in the interest of the lnor inor pre tation recently put upon the clayton blayton bulwer treaty by our government governments ern ment ments when it recommended tho the house to give its sanction in any such form a 3 this entered into with the nicaragua company chicago 12 the tho annual convention of the Ameri american qan agricultural associate Asso abbo ciati n began a three days cession here this morning mayor har rison welcomed the delegates who aref are from romall nil all parts of the country and after an address by the president col N T sprague of vermont the business is of the conven tion lion began the secretary read a communication from amos am 03 Sto ofer Waynes borough pennsylvania on the superiority of evaporated fruit over ler aried fruit M kulishoff kui Kul eshoff of russia studying the american tem tern of agriculture introduced to the convention a letter from T |