Show time and expense saved hard workers sire are subject to bill ous attacks which may end in dang erous illness Par kerla ginger tonie tonic keeps the kidneys and liver etive and by preventing the at nack saves baves sickness time and expense detroit press Horst acid ate ato InA linso of alcohol dr john P wheeler hudson NY bays says 1 I have given it with present resent decided benefit in a case of f nutrItion ri of the brain from abuse of ot alcohol daod sw aw the proprietors of kendalls Ken dalPa spavin cure have hundreds of letters on file speaking in the highest terms of the benefits derived from its use when you nind find one case where it was failed to give relief their are hundreds where it has proved a success see d sw aw HOURS TO ilive liveo from john kuhn huhn who announced that be he la is now in perfect health we have the following one year ago I 1 was wab to all appearance in the last stages of consumption our best belt physic physicians ans gave my case up I 1 finally got eo 60 low that our doctor said eaid I 1 could not live twenty four hours my friends then pur purchased abased a bottle of wm halls balsam for the lungs wh which fi considerably bene fItted me I 1 continued n U until I 1 took nine bottles I 1 am now in perfect health having used no other med medicine idne aldr dewitt C Kellinger fl liniment ia Is an infallible cure for R rheumatism heu sprain Bp raine lameness and disease of the for fur promoting the growth of the hair eddys Car carbolic carrolle bolle troches cure colds and prevent fi seass daod sw lew few rend Kend kendalls alPs spavin cure is the best beat liniment on human flesh in the world try it and be convinced bead read d aw mw aw EDWAnD EDWARDS Ss LIGHTNING BUGGIES avery combined gangland bu bulky sulky 1 17 plows the J I 1 case plow cob cos co 1 s sulky bulky and walking plows fish t bros brosa co a world renowned four spring baring mountain wagons kelly steel barb fence wire john W lowell will receive a sk large supply of above goods during the nest next ton days and intending purchasers will find it to their interest to call and examine his hig stock before purchasing elsewhere daw A GOOD and ENGINE in this issue the bwee swee sweepstakes threshing Th machine and canton monitor engine are advertised there is no mistake about both being most excellent pieces of machinery being noted for effectiveness of work and ease of management mr geo A lowe lrowe of this city and ogden is agent coughs and colds those who are buffering from coughs colds colde hoarseness bore should try brown browns s bronchial troches s sold only in boxes wey wel de be catarrh cure Snuff leer megr running nostrils hawking pains in the head bad breath breaths and all catarrhal symptoms absolutely cured 1 of ot all druggists hundreds of clergymen doctors and others have used kendalls kendalla spavin cure with the beat success read bead d aw sw aw I 1 WHOLESALE LIST LEST list of buying prices of produce in the bait sait lake market corrected bemi semi semiweekly weekly for the deseret EVENING NEWS by za 0 M 1 I and others wheat old 00 0 acts Vb ushel wheat kew kow 85 centa cents bushe ausle i oats tL 85 10 ba 28 barley narley new now 10 41 Is shelled corn conn ido liw leo 11 flour flours xyr ig if 11 lit 50 44 99 4 20 46 61 bran loo s shorts Bh orra orta lio llo 64 g butter 80 ic pound eggs cl 69 doz doa beef on foot a 83 31 3 L t mutton dressed to 60 pork 9 gio glo 0 loots ct WOOL 11 14 to nt hides dry flint 10 it Z 11 14 salto saito salted Salte tf 8 1 green baited salted i A 1 WANTED twenty wenty fite PITE TIE TIB CUTTERS ohe ahe ON THE weber river and its trib tributaries tributa ries rles im apply to E R K X YOUNG Weins hip bip summit co cos coi utah NOTICE T hayr CC ni MT ur possession I 1 one black marev MARE anve years ye araold old oid white speckled tas taw and four whito white lees no brands it not claimed will be sold to tha tho highest bidder at my conral corral at 10 am batur day days dm dec GEO district kanosh millard co deo 13 imp imm lup NOTICE T haye HAVE IN 0 mr ur possession I 1 one dark man roan pony six biz years old no brands visible which if not clai olai medIn ten days wiil will be sold at publio public auction to the highest responsible bidder on thursday the sath day of deo dec 1882 1582 at 1 p ra m at the stray pound in woodruff rich oc cc utah M Q C VORSE stray dm 15 im NOTICE TO CREDITORS ESTATE OF FREDERICK 0 ANDREW DECEASED NO HEREBY GIVEN BY THE irn irs administrator ini of the tho estate of frederick 0 andrew deceased to aitor of and all persons persona having clias claims against the sui awl baid bald I 1 doma dowa deceased sed aed to exhibit them with the necessary vouchers mou rou chora within ten months after the tho first publication of this thia notice to the said eald at his place of business busm busu ess ees ith ath ward i salt lake city S 1 L county the place for the trans tranE transaction actIon ot of the busi business nees nesb of sald eald estate JOHN W ANDREW AdmInis administrated of the estate ot of frederick C Q andrew deceased dated nt at salt lake roe neo inta IM wiola jut jul b ROYA ta KI r gewo olwe t absolutely pure this powder never varies A marvel mayvel i purity strength and end wholes I 1 i economical than the ordin ordinary ury try kinds kinda and ana iu lo not dot be sold in competition with the of low tow tests test short abort weight alum or phosphate phat powders powder fi eold sold only tn in cam royal rayal ca OOL IW wall wan street nw now york 1174 NOTICE ili FUH LA LAM AT SALT LAKE CITY december 1882 IW IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT N NOTICE the following follo wm named settler has baa fied tied filed notice of his intention to mae mab figal final proof in support or of his claim and that said proof will be made before register Heg lster and receiver at salt bait lake city oily on saturday january 1833 viz lewis H homestead entry 2564 for the S half of B S E F quarter and N E R quarter of 8 E quarter of sm yeo 11 and N W quarter of SW 8 W quarter of em see 12 township 4 south fanire I 1 west he names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation t of sald eald land viz via willard L snow J B R joseph terry and william D R robinson 0 binson of Drap draperville ervIlle salt bolt nako lako county U utah tah tab territory ff MCMASTER register BIRD lowe attorneys W 48 at US U S STANDARD SCALES 0 CHICAGO SCALE CO manufacture Manu menu factura factum more than different varieties I 1 THE BEST QUALITY AT LOWEST PRICES 2 ten ton wacon wagon platform 40 3 ten yen 4 stoa xan ran all other sizes in proportion AD AU scales perfect iron rmon levers steel bearings bras bias beam beam box and building w with nith each cicala aff iy send for lor price prica list john W smil swo abt amt sau zaka bajo ESTRA estral NOTICE T HAVE ilmy IN MT possession one light brindle HEIFER two years old last spring a 02 off right night ear no brands brandi visible which if not claimed in ten days daya will bo be sold at public auction on tuesday deo dec 28 1882 1 at I 1 p m at the residence of anson C call calls Salte Salter naus aua creek rich co coy utah y M c VORS deo 12 iea 11 NOTICE T haye HAVE IN MY possession one red COW 8 or 9 years old whito belly white in branded with S spanish pan nan brand on left talph thigh crop split spilt a and nd unde rolt in right cans ear crop off left ean ear one red and white 2 year old heifert helfert crop off right eari ear dewlap cut up branded 0 on right hip one red and white two year old oid HEIFER helfer and calf no marks or cr brands one dark red COW 6 5 or 6 years old with a calf clop crop off rixby in iest ifft if ft ears cars ear bran ded spanish brand on richt hip oae red and white COW hand fand calf cow 4 years yeara old oid crop enop and under balt half crop croo off left right ear cut short brand resembling a shoe aboe on left hip one red COW brocke face 8 or 9 years old swallow fork upper and aud in left ear car branded spanish brand on right hip reversed reverses rever sed ses on right shoulder 4 tb th combined on lett left chish the above anim animals alss alst if ff not claimed and taken away in ten days will be sold at the district betray pound of loa plute counti elisha ellsha GOFF 50 reward BS oward eward I 1 WE will pathe patho above reward rew rd for any cam of liver complaint sick head ache tche indigestion cotref pation or costive Coat cost lve nebs dees we cannot cure with bests vegetable liver niver pills when the direct director om arm are L x oom eom compiled piled plied with they are preely vegetable vese Veye table tabie e and never fail tall to giva yiv furar f coated larke large boxes containing 80 pills 25 cents for bale ealo by all druggists drug cista flita beware of counterfeits and imitations tb the genuine manufactured manu aured only by JOHN C WEST oa cog the pill makers W madl son fon st Chi chicago caZo frea free F trial package met tont by ali ail all prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent setz serl Z C JL L druc draa store agents d wa v ay inc INT krow KroT krottos 0 r r TE zos ios 0 1 me in rn the probate court courte in and for salt lake county territory orji of utah ulah annj AWA I 1 against IN DIVORCE HAKS kes krs ME meggers Gamis defendant j rhe the people of the territory of utah to bans aoh mohannes johannes Toh anneo meggers de do fondant ida fen dant 1 greeting f OU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED TO YOU y appear aphea r in an action brought agat against abt ast you bv the above named darned anna pauline mev Mtv meggers gers gens plaintiff in the probate court in and for the county of salt gait lake lako and territory of utah and answer the complaint tiled filed the therein reint within ten days exclusive of the day of bervice service after the service on you of this thia summons if 1 served erred within the this county and it 1 not within th county but within the third judicial district of the territory cry of utah within twenty days otherwise within forty da a this action la Is brought to obtain a decree of said court dig dip solving the marriage contract existing between the said plaintiff and yeu you and it if you fall to appear or answer said plaintiffs complaint as provided foz for by law said plaintiff will apply to this thia court for the relief prayed pray ed for in her said bald complaint in testimony whereof I 1 hive hereunto set bet my band and real reni r eai peal T L L of said fald court in salt lake city this thia oth day flay of november A D 1881 D BOCKHOLT clerk probate court salt lake co utah health is wealth 1 OB DP E P a nynva aird amb BRACT a ape abecilla eftia cilla or far Hyatt hay dav bizzi ness dew convulsions nervous headache mental depression loss of memory 0 or r premature old age afe caused by overexert over exert ion lon or over work of the tha biala which leads teada to misery decay and death one box will cure recent cent pases case each box bar contains one month treatment one dollar a box or alx six lx boxes for tor ave are dollars sent tent by mail mall prepaid on receipt of pris price we guarantee a str six doles boxes to cure any base easo with each order received by us for bix elx boxes accompanied with five dollars wo we will send gend tho the purchaser our written guarantee to return turn the money if twe the treatment does not effect a cure guarantees Guaran teft tegg issued only by Z 0 M LD lbs I 1 baag drag g store salt bait lake leke city utah fay orders by maii mail at regular prim I 1 AT ae R y 4 WE 2 w dif DIP I 1 will vi m anez to au all maers applicants guw auw and to two iro tomera of last year yean without api aps e gul wll gi atcon cus obort pages ea coo illustrations prices accurate descriptions and valuable vau tau I 1 able abie directions dIrect lons ions for plan pian planting 1500 varieties of vegetable table tabie and mower seeds vea Yea plants hants fruit trees e etc invaluable to all L espee alix ally to market gardeners send tor for it I 1 D M FERRY CO DETROIT MICH PA R ii E R I 1 S 1 1 mi A ted R ae 53 I 1 A A 1 IT S A X ett EST the best and most economical hair dressing and made from froni materials that are ben beo to the hair L and scalp parkers hair balsam is highly esteemed everywhere for its excellence and superior cleanliness it never falls to restore the youthful color and lustre to gray or faded cairis elegantly pen per burned fumed and is warranted to remove dandruff and zd itching of the scalp prevent falling of 0 the hair hak ft coc ad ana a d tl 1 ims SMS at dealers deilen la in dragi PARKER 98 GINGERT as 01 a 1 1 C A superlative health and Strang strength tb fla fre restorer storer if you are arc a mechanic or farmer worn out wita overwork v or a mother run down by family or homm bo ho duties dudes try PARKERS GINGER TONIC if you are a lawyer minister or business man ex hausted by mental strain oran oraa zious cares donot do not tale tate taj tat e parkers ginger tonic if you have consumption dyspepsia rheumatism kidney or U urinary jr if you MS urs troubled with any disorder of the lungs stomach bolds bo vels veis blood cr or nerves you can be cured by pare PARK en int s GINGER TONIC itis the greatest blood Puri purl purifier fie fic herl anil the best and surest cough cure ever used if you are arc wasting away from age dissipation ot 01 any disease oj weakness and re require a stimulant take GINGER TONIC at once it will invigorate and build y ou up grom front th the e first dose but will never intoxicate ii it t has h sayed saved hundreds of lives it may save yours CO william st nw york toc aza ono one onar dollar sines sizes at all eli ia dealers deilen la in GREAT SAVING BUYING BUTINO DOLLAR POLLAR SIZE suze lilt Il lt its rich and lasting fragrance has made mada this delightful 9 perfume e exceedingly cee n popular there is not nothing ing like it in Insist t upon 0 n havin having ton TOM and I 1 look k ner for r signature sig tig i nature ture ot on D eveny every bottle any druggist or dealer in per pa f turnery can n supply you 25 and ay sizes LARGE SAVING buting BUYING tse 15 stef Z c ewa awn ALL OF purchasing articles liti Arti clos at cricos fri fil ils cos are invited to pay a visit to this the LEADING establishment OF UTAH 0 OUR STOCK OP OF circle circulars lar s cloaks dolmans colmans Dol mans I 1 TES T elc etc comprising the choicest selections from bast EAST easterland EASTERN ervind ERVAND ind AND WESTERN manufacturing CENTRES 0 za SOT grecial attention is directed to our eng una of GOODS IMPORTED SPECIALLY FOR c I 1 L I 1 ca A 3 r 1 r EL cl E 0 plushy Plus hs ANN ani and DRESS GOO goods D 9 in u almost endless endis tl 0 suit customers of every 1 giace ade ale and taste 0 B 3 i A 3 tnt INT 1 S T S IN GREAT VARIETY BOTH OF HOME EASTERN AND WESTERN manufacture wivi WM JENNINGS supt bupt |