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Show THE DISCIPLE OF BILLINGSGATE. The wretched outcast from country, who edits the Deseret News, having forfeited all claim to citizenship and to rights under the laws of the United States, returns to I1I3 native Billingsgate. Billings-gate. In his articles against the women who have signed appeals to the country for consideration in their warfare against tho rclgn of terror established "by the church leaders, ho descends so naturally to such vile expressions as to show his origin and the real tono of his mind. Ils latest effusion nbout the women Is headed "The Poor Creatures!" He talks about "the utter absurdity of their excitement and their attestations." attesta-tions." Ho calls their dispatch to Washington Wash-ington an "outrageous assertion." He speaks of It as "absolutely and wickedly wicked-ly untrue." He calls It "a repetition of the howling of ministerial wolves." Ho says: "If we had any disposition to turn the tables on some of these terribly terri-bly scandalized people over Mormon conditions, we could a few tales unfold which would make their Intomperate avowals look mighty ridiculous, and cause a shaking arpong the dry bones of local society. Those women" (meaning still the Gentile women wo-men who have protested against tho polygamy and polygamous cohabitation of men like Editor Penrose) "have put themselves on record nB Indorsing wicked and groundless falsehood. It Is a pity that thoy have not home affairs enoutrh to better engage their attention, but a mercy that some of them are blind to their own surroundings." surround-ings." These are not the first threats of this character made by this offshoot of Billingsgate. Bil-lingsgate. He has heretofore Insinuated Insin-uated just such things against the Gentile Gen-tile women of this community. But let him and the hierarchy now know: This fight Is not to be any proposition of "Silence for Silence." This fight is for the supremacy of the law, tho maintenance of the Constitution, Constitu-tion, the sanctity of the pledges mado by tho Mormon church leaders to obtain their freedom nnd their Statehood. If, In cnlllng attention to the manifest wrongs perpetrated by the Deseret News and the hierarchy which It defends, de-fends, the Gentile women have roused tho Billingsgate spirit of the editor of tho News; or (Jn order that the American Ameri-can party may not seem for a moment to leave the women who sympathize with that organization alone to meet the Indecent assaults of Uie Ncwb) if the action and utterances of that party, Its speakers and Its newspapers, have so offended the hierarchy and the News as that they propose to retaliate byx unfolding un-folding tales tho church leaders and their organ arc but exhibiting ono more of the weapons with which they hope to terrorize In this community. Their idea is, put into plain words: "You keep still about our defiance of the Constitution, etc., or we will unfold tales about you and shake up the dry bones of local society " Well, members of tho hierarchy, self-professed self-professed prophets of God and self-confessed violators of the laws of God and man; and Mr. Editor of 'the Deseret News, self-professed disciple of Christ and Bolf-confesscd violator of the amnesty am-nesty you lied to secure; begin "turning the tables" Just as soon as you want to. Unfold the tales, whenever you desire. The American Party of Utah, and its members, are willing to meet tho Issue. Penrose, you fraud on American citizenship, citi-zenship, turn loose your native Billingsgate. |