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Show IN THE HOUSE. Army Bill on Militia Service Provision Provi-sion sent to Conference. "WASHINGTON, Jan. 27. The Houso today passed tho agricultural appropriation appropria-tion bill without material amendment. The usual discussion for the free, seed distribution was Indulged In. Mr. TJIly of Connecticut censuring it us petty larceny. The relative value of the cotton statistics as supplied by the census bureau and Agricultural department also furnished tho themo for a lively debate. The army appropriation bill was sent brick to committee, after Mr. Williams of Mississippi had objected to unanimous consent to concur In tho Senate amendments amend-ments and sent the bill to conference, and xtfter Mr. Hull had refused to make u motion to accept the Senato amendment regarding retired army ofllcers assigned to actlvo duty. Call for Information. Tho House adopted a resolution calling on the Secretary of the Interior for In-lormatlon In-lormatlon as to whether anv member, clerk or other employee of the Dawes commission, who aro required to swear that they have no llnanclal Interest In any per.on or corporation dealing in Indian In-dian lands, had refused to tako tho oath of ofllco and to draw their salaries because be-cause of such refusal, and also for Information In-formation as to whether or not such members or employees are engaged In dealing in Indian lands. After agreeing to a resolution to defray the expenses of the Inauguration of President Presi-dent Roosevelt, and postponing until tomorrow to-morrow the consideration of tho pension bill, tho House, In committee of the whole, resumed discussion of tho agricultural agricul-tural appropriation bill. An amendment was agreed to specifically specifi-cally appropriating nnd making Immediately Immedi-ately available J5CO0 for the Investigation of rlco blight nnd tho substitution of other, crops In rlco lande, A spirited debate de-bate followed Iho offering by Mr. Candler of Mississippi of an amendment to Increase In-crease by S1CO.000 tho appropriation for freo seod distribution Mr. Pou of North Carolina moved to Increase tho appropriation to JIOO.OM, remarking re-marking that it would cost more thnn thnt to inaugurato President Roosevelt. Both tho Candler and Pou nmondmcnts wero rejected. An amendment was agreed to settlnc apart $10 0CO for tho Investigation and introduction in-troduction of parasites and other natural enemies of tho Gypsy and Brown-tall motha. Demanded Cotton Beport. Tho present system of tho Agricultural department In publishing cotton reports waa denounced by Mr IMvlngoton of Georgia, who pleaded for somo ono to submit an amendment requiring that tho reports shall bo published nvory two weeks, In order to atop gambling In cotton. cot-ton. Mr. Maddox of Georgia declared that tho consun bureau and Agricultural department de-partment woro vying with each other In duplicating tho cotton report. Mr. Livingston moved nn amondmont appropriating $100,000, to enable tho Secretary Sec-retary of Agriculture to lsaue cotton reports re-ports twice a month during tho growing und gathering of tho crop- The amendment was dofcatcd, 20 to 52. Tho bill was then passed. Mr. Williams of Mississippi revived tho discussion as to rotlred ofllcers of the army serving with tho mllltla when Mr. Hull of Iowa asked unanimous consont that the Sonato amendments to tho army npproprlatlon bill be sent to conforence. The Senato sub3tltuto for the House provision pro-vision was acceptable to Mr. Williams, for ho moved to concur in that particular amondmont. Ho asked Mr Hull to mnko tho motion to concur, but Mr. Hull declined, de-clined, faying he was much opposed to the amondmont, because If the legislation was proper It was just as proper to mako It retroactive, and the bill was sent to tho Committee on Military Affairs. |