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Show ON RAILROAD LEGISLATION. Owners of Private Refrigerator Cars Unfair Competitors. WASHINGTON. Jan. 27. Tho Senato Commlttoo on Intorstato Commorco gavo a hearing today on tho subject of railroad rail-road legislation. Judgo S. H Cowan of Fort Worth, Tox., advocated several amcndmont3 to tho intorstato commorco act as a method of reaching combinations of railroads to fix Joint rates. E. M. Ferguson, who represents fruit nnd vegetables shipping associations, mado a brief speech In favor of the Elklns bill. Ho protested against discriminations In favor of concerns operating prlvato refrigerating re-frigerating cars, and charged that these owners get rates of from 1100 to $200 hiss per car thnn other shippers, and therefore there-fore wero unfair competitors. Judgo Cowan, reprcacntlng several cat-tlo cat-tlo growers' associations, who waa heard by the House committee, repeated charges of discriminations in carrying cattle to northern points, saving that there was an agreement between tho railway companies which fixed Joint rales between various points. Judge Cowan said that no cattle shipper was discriminated against, but competition competi-tion on rates haxl disappeared by reason of combination of railroads and the rates had been advanced many points, Tho Sherman law, as a means of rcaeh-Ing rcaeh-Ing combinations and conspiracies of that character, was held to be sufficient by Senator Elklns. Ho declared thnt the United States District Attorney could proceed pro-ceed under that law. Judgo Cowan snld ho was under the Impression that It was tho Attorney-General who determined what actions should be Instituted under the- Sherman law. Senntor Carmack took tho samo viow and several others said thnt the District Attornf seldom brought actions except In minor cases. Judgo Cowan suggested an amendmont to section 15 of the interstate commerco act a3 a means of meeting 3iich discriminations. discrim-inations. Tho amondmont makes It the dutv of tho commission to fix a proper into and charge In place of any unjust or unreasonable charge, such rato ns fixed by the commission to go Into effect within with-in thirty days. It Imposes a line upon the carrier of $5 for each day ho refuses to accept such rate. |