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Show The DESERET SAMPLER, Fri., July 11, 1969 PACKAGE WESTERN FAMILY-- 1 1-- DUNCAN HINES BLUEBERRY MUFFIN MANDARIN MIX ORANGES 13-J- 5 CANS i; 2 PKGS. Allens 1. i' "! ., ,, V . and real mayonnaise seasoned with aro-- . malic billers make this unusual dressing for an all fresh fruit salad. Whipped creuin Fruit Salad A Summer Star New York (NAPS) A siinuner day liecomi's a festive one with a erisp refreshing fruit salad the star of an informal meal. There is a wide choice and van le fruit combined with fish gr meals or serve the salad garnished with stuffed eggs. What really makes a salad suierl is .the dressing. It unites .the flavors and makes the difference between a star and a bit part. Our pictured salad is made from all fresh fniits, left in fairly large pieces and an unusual dressing made from real Fruit Salud With Bitters Dressing siiu-ine- mayonnaise and heavy creamed g sparked with bitters. Crisp lettuce, with the lovely cool pale green colors is used with the luscious fniit. ice-ler- Births June 2, I960, David Timothy bom to Mr. and Mrs. Kivoshi K. Yei of 323 A West 3rd St. June 18, 1969, Lisa Kiinlierley bom to lLt and Mrs. John Ma-hof 107 C East 4th SL June 19, 1969, Sharon Ann bom to Sp5 and Mrs. James Perhac of 367 B West School St. ar July 3. 1969. Paul Jeffery to Sp5 and Mrs. Charles P. er of 75 A East 2nd St. lom Stag- Pineapple, cut into sticks Mango, cut into slices StrawlKrries, whole or halved Bitters Dressing Core, rius., drain and chill lettuce. Prepare and cut fniit. Ccutly Mill apart leaves fnun chilled lettuce to form cups. Arrange fruit in the lettuce ctis. Serve with Ritters Dressing. Bitters Dressing: Whip 4 cup heavy cream until stilf peaks form when lieater is raised. Fold in 1 cup real mayonnaise, 2 tablespoons sugar and 1 teaspoon aromatic bitters. Chill, Makes lb cups. NOTE: For thinner, more picpiaut dressing, whip 4 cup heavy cream until soft peaks form when lieater is raised. Gradually add 2 tablespoons sugar, licating until stiff peaks form. Fold in 4 cup real mayonnaise and 2 teaspoons bitters. Chill - Makes 14 cups. Songs, Devotions Spark Couples1 Summer Hetreal Dugway'x Protestant Couples Club is planning a summer retreat in South Willow Canyon Friday, Julv 18 until Saturday, July 19. The group has taken "Partners with Christ" as its theme for the retreat, which includes a pot luck dinner, gospel singing and devotions on the program. Saturday will feature a special session with discussion groups so those who would like to attend only for the day may do so. Except for the xitluck Friday evening, families will prepare their own meals. A nursery will lie provided during the special sessions Friday evening and Sat unlav morning. Mrs. Joy Eastland of the Couples Club encourages every- - NEWLY WED Miss Weirdie W'ild was married to SP5 Jesse D. Wactor 111 on Mas 29, 1969. The couple now reside at Ft. Eustis. Virginia where SP5 Wactor is an Instructor at the F. Transportation School. S. Annv one interested to bring your tents, trailers or campers. There may lie some extra tents available for those who do not have one, she said. Call Mrs. Claudia Magee (2008) or Mh. Ella Davis (2324) for the special entrance permit to the retreat area. All interested families are welcome to attend the retreat, according to Mrs. Eastland. warn Pound Pkg. 10-O- Quartered 75c FRESH BUTTER lb. Western Family, Com Pkg. Dubuque Vienna Cans z. SAUSAGES 100-F- t. 39c WAXPAPER Pkg. of 48 6-- 0 - Super or 4.or89c FISH & CHIPS.... PET EVAP-MIL- K Pound Pkg. BUFFERIN .?133 I 8,$1 8" Double Layer 891 .,331 .,49e 5c Off Reg- - Pkg. POOR BOY SANDWICH i.12c Tip-To- p 59e Rosedale Pkgs. VEGETABLES....8forl Com, Pool, Pm & Canon, Chopi Broccoli, Cut Soon. Chopk Spinach 99 Bottle of 100.... Re9-$1-1- 9 Extra 3-o- z. Value Bonus., 99 $11 F0,d" Reg. $1.49 Value DETERGENT ce Regular Size Bars PRE-SOA- K np,wr Fresh.'Yfin, ! 33 DISHWASHER CQi all-15cO15c Off : 10tx. ORANGE JUICE LUX BEAUTY SOAP.....4..bflE5...-Z- OQ , Fresh, Troplcana: , i1 ... Pureart.v:.,.. Package JJ FF IN OUR SNACK BAR LADY ELLEN'S COl'RT One of the acts at the Sandv Acres Service Club's Pageant of Stars and varietv show attended by over 250. Lady Ellen (Ellen llollings) dances the role of a priestess. Cans WhiteShafters jjf JELLY ROLLS 10-O- z. PUSH BROOM SALTINE CRACKERS..330 CHOC CAKE IQITRIWF LIOlUilliL Keebler HARD ROLLS z. ROW 2.c39c KOTEX Skimmed Royal Garnet Gorton's Regular Tall Cans z. Cans GRAPE JUICE ..7fQr$1 FRUIT DRINKSl2for$l Waxfex Roll Western Family STRAWBERRIES Oil AAARGARINE Pkg. z. 33-O- z. Bottle FINAL TOUCH SOFTENER unc 30c OFF JUMBO SIZE PKG. in 99 t: JUMBO , |