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Show July 11, 1969 The DESERET SAMPLER, July Banner Month For Fed Employees DPG Hosts Youth Hire Programs (Continued from Page One) men came young from the Clearfield lob Corps Center, administered by the Chemical Corpora- Utah. Be- Clearfield, at tion for New Jiilv IMfM will Ik? a liaiiniT fore coming to Utah, they for Federal employees, sing esniiplaiiits of discrimination Not only is a pay increase schcd- - on grounds of raw, color, reli- - had lived in Idaho, Georgia, uled for wliite collar and postal ginn. sex, or national origin have and Iowa. four basic objectives: workers, lint three ness The Job Corps is a Fed- maximum To also opprovide programs era program to train pereffective. portunity fur informal resolution sons, who otherwise would ol problems which might result Tlie new Merit Promotion remain unskilled laborers, in poliev. Federal lncentise Awards in complaints. skill which is cur- To guarantee a fair and a trade or Program, and diseriininalioii comrentlv marketable. plaints procedures are all ef- impartial bearing by a trained to specific In addition when a examiner fective July 1. hearing appeals trade- - related training. Corps-is required. More than two million FedTo speed lip the entire men are given the opportun- eral cmplovccs will have licttcr Ik1 considered to complaint prin ess. itv to complete their higji opportunities " 1 for advancement under the new merit promotion policy. It places priK-t-iliuv- c emphasis on: l' Giving all employees the chance to receive full consideration for promotion. the most effective rating metluxls to idcutify highly qualified candidates for promotion, with use of written tests only when approved by the L'.S, Civil Service Commission. Selecting irom among the best qualified. l' Keeping cmplovccs well informed alxiut the program and their own promotional upport unities. Significant revisions will Ik made in the Govern incut wide Incentive Awards program. Tlicsv will streamline and changes establish tlie clarify program, higher niinimums for cash awards and help achieve consistency aiming agencies in its adminis- a school education. In a pro- fjle of the average Corpsman when he enters the Job Corps, the Clearfield Center finds he is unemployed and look- ing for work, has finished the 8th grade, and often has a reading level of even less, Corps gives these youths the opportunity to strive for conventional sue- cess norms, while bettering themselves educationally and into ing book knowledge the Corps-Th- e knowledge, practical man learns how to behave and react when working with others in an industrial technical training is far from sufficient before the Corps- man can become a useful productive member erf society, Some training is vital, The Center makes ar- rangements with area indus- tries to trade the services of the Corpsman for the services of his supervisor in the in- dustrv which gives him the ol ting. Deseret Test recognized the unique portunity to foster intergovernmental agency coop-eration, at the same time that it is providing a tangible service to the individual Corpsmen. The youths have been provided not only the experience, but have been able to live away from the center entirely for six weeks. Most Corpsmen work in area industry during op-T- experience. Here the youth learns to technically. For many, a trip k situa- to the Job Corps center is work in a from a individuals with stable the first trip away tion disadvantaged who have succeeded in his real-wor- high-proble- chosen profession, area. and whom The Job Corps realizes, he can respect and look up however, that schooling and to. In addition to transform- - he further participation in the train. Job Corps as 1 J ing program. As many Corpsmen may participate in the next training phase, the dav, but return to the center at night. The young men who have been at Dugwav have indi- cated satisfaction with the program, and enthusiasm for Dugway and its people. Their plans call for accepting employment at various places throughout the nation, but all of them have expressed their reluctance to depart from Dugway. Their stav has been mark- ed by cooperation, hospitality which and understanding have all contributed to making the pilot interagency cooperation program a success. According to MAJ Franklin Haskins of Personnel, training and Administration, PTC is looking forward to Take stock in America SPECIAL PRIMERS ; Famous name brands 22 LONG RIFLE ft Re. 1.50 OF 3 bun (limit 4 ra niMintr) . LEAD SHOT Bax Limit. drop shot. 9 Top grad, rubber 9 Deep cleat soles 23-l- bag b. M 95 Reg. 1.95 Wilion Re. S FISHING BOOTS Vacuum packed balls. Made in England. CAN 5oC Reg. 70c Any Where . . TENNIS BALLS - RIFLE Lowest Price Shot Sites 4 to 9 NOW 2.50 ONLY Six Shot .22 Long Rifle s:ngle action pistol CAMP STOVE TOASTER tration. LURES MEPPS 1 SUPER iiHim Makes up to 4 (Ikes fits on any camp stove or camper burner ... DUPERS PANTHER MARTINS RETIRE SSG Richard Lewis is presented with a certificate of retirement by LTC Dwight Sheldon, acting commander of Dugwav. 39.95 Popular frontier style hand gun d?ep blue finish. Tough Vinyl tHERMDs. AIR MATTRESS Super laminated Vinyl material 2 air mattress that connect with 22 Re. YOUR CHOICE Well, I dont think wc'rc going to upset the balance of nature! AT. VC SHOTSHELL Reg. 1.40 22 L Rand 22 magnum 29 Rust proof bos with steel upper. a. 2 PISTOL WITH 2 CYLINDERS PICNIC JUGS 97 snaps SINGLE ACTION for 1.89 2 Gal. SLEEPING Reg. 4.99 PUTTERS BAGS 3sL. rirv RAICHELL OPEN FACE 7 styles to choose from famous brands SPIN REEL SmMib edpitahla drag wilh igring bail ralara. Ra. $5.95, See Sunset's Giant Sleeping Bag Display . . . Reg. 8.00 only DN500. choc, bog. full Thermos filled slesoin', extra worm insulatio" tipper, wind ond water rare full of 100-inc- lent Q . ! DOWN AND FEATHER MUMMY BAGS VINYL POOLS 2 ring 54" diameter BAIT HOOKS Reg. 2.98 - Pack of 100 Members of Gift Scout Troop 227 pose with their awards following AWARDS CEREMONY a special award ceremony 0 size 2 to 10 WOBBELURES Kir An Added Service for Tooele Now you can protect printed, written or drawn literature. Wrist Rocket 89 12 RAINWEAR Sling-Sho- ts SALE that hunting sllng-shaccuracy for small gams var 225-yar- d ana target shooting. lets you develop amazing accu- - tvt deadly Mints rings ... --?49 Vinyl Rain QQc 07 VINYL PONCHO 088 O SLEEPS mu 0 FMct hr Sash Md fick bbe .. i team ha wits s teefrie for. Cmpite ntt WNMEewKiMM. D 99 Rubber .3 RAIN SUIT Re. PENN 209 OR OCEAN CITY TROLLING 17.00 REELS SHAKESPEARE 1771 PUSHBUTTON SPIN REEL R?. 13.00 99 Reg. 18.95 43 Buy Now for Rainy Days Z&8CO 777 OPEN FACE REEL 53 Reg. COOK SET Complete service Rag. 0 acids, tampering. YOUR CHOICE GARCIA-MITCHEL- L 330 OR 410 8.00 VOIT ford. resists moisture, dirt, grease, JR CHOICE! aErfHeOsttbEMii ALUMINUM Seal it in clear plastic film that SHAKESPEARE 1824 FLY REELS JACKETS sir piip ran ST"!2R SOUTH BEND WATER SKIS SPIN REELS NO. 40 PUSH BUTTON SPIN REEL Pine quality multilaminatrl skis. Gradual tapar rails give excellent control in turns. Model CX250 COMBO PAIR. Reg. 7.00 Reg. 30.00 Value g93 1888 SNELLED HOOKS Great for genealogy U Sizes 2 to 14 of photos and documents fHEIft. AM? PerCerd pair MF Limit 10 cards CAMP STOVE ST LARGE I master charqe Bank 'il .'nr'ing, Imilirr hru' liur:.s Mtni-n- : no. so'd nny g iv Tooele I Transcript-Bulleti- n 58 North Main Street ( Reg. SPORT 21.00 CENTERS t |