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Show The DESERET SAMPLER, Fri., July 11, 1969 BG Kalcrgis New 1VML Comptroller Itiig.uhcr General James I!, r kalcigis h.is Iktii tin- Materiel miv ('nmm.ind I is (.l, I'. J. Clics.i-u-AMC Commander. Ii(i kalcrgis spout the post IS mouths in Vietnam as 1 Field Force rtillery Commander and later as the Foree's cliict lit stall. As AMC ('inapt roller direct the liseal programs 21 hillion ol the Command's inventors as well as its annual expenditure nl SI 4 hillion. living assigned li Vietnam, lit', kalcrgis vised as LM. inDeputy Director, Furee ning and Analysis Olliee lor llie Army's Cliiel nl Slail and as Executive Olfieer In llie Vs sistaut Nice Cliiel ul Slail. l.S. Anns. 11.11111-1- I i ft Ollu-assiguuienls iueluile: disisiiiii eniiiiuauder, ;u tillers 2d Vrnnm-i- l Disisinu. Foil Hood, - r BC folin C. Appel receives a plaque honoring the PLAQUE interscrvice nature uf lus coiuinand as he departs UK!, (!iviin the pliupie is (Ol. Charles M. Sliadle. I)inwav post euniinauder. while liMkin s; on fnmi the lower risht is I'tali (Governor Calvin Hampton. MULTI-SERVIC- t!em-trullc- International Affairs from George Washington University in 1901 and completed the advanced management program at Harvard Business Scluio in 1906. Texas; Vrinv Even AMERICAN BEAUTY though Spanish women are noted for their beauty, the American, women evident on the military baaea throughout Spain take a bark neat to no one. For example ia Christina Brennan, wife of SMSgt. Brennan stationed with the 401 at Tactieal Fighter Wing. - Mr. and Mn. OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTION Andrew T. Hereim receive a Certificate of Achievement from Chaplain Gerald E. Jones. The certificate of achievement was awarded by the General Commission on Chaplains and Armed Forces personnel representing 35 Protestant Denominations who authorise Chaplains to present a Certificate of Appreciation, in their name, to persons who have contributed significantly to the religious and social activities of the community. Mr. Hereim has served as chairman of the board of ushers for the past sis years and Mrs. Hereim served as Chapel organist and choir director. ks-- laiultx uifinlk-War (!nlle;ge. sit I 'I In I Carlisle Cavalry 1st liai racks. Fa.: C-, Dixisiini, Mil l .S. Amis-- Korea; Assistant Secretary uf tin- - Ccn-eiStall ul tin- - Vruivs Cliiel ul Stall: ami artillery assign ments in kim-- j and Germany. A native ul lain ell. Mass., Gen Kalcrgis is is a lfk'JS graduate uf Boston University, lie al obtained a master's degree in le is also a graduate of, the Vriny War College. IK! kalcrgis was awardciLlhe Service Medal, for e "exceptionally meritorious Distinguished sfr-xie- in Vietiiani. He is married to the former Nonna Butler of Lowell, Mass.) they have lour children, three sons and a daughter. General and Mrs. Kalergis reside in Alexandria. Ya. - 0 4 J 't I Green Green-Gold-Lig- ht FHA ' Approved Price includes pad and installation t L A i , ri The Credit Union Umbrella Man says: I. 4,1 Saving is the key to saving today at the credit union where your money works. You receive generous dividends because credit union members work, loan and save together not for profit not for charity but for mutual service. I X - You are sure to be more profitable saving at your Credit Union. Dugway Federal Credit Union - 522-257- I fill , ' SPECIAL ACT- AWARD Mis Karen Nielson, a per-- " sonnel clerk Civilian Personnel Division is congratulated hv MAJ Franklin Haskins following the presentation of a Special Act Award to Miss Nielson. s her of transient alert, Tuy Hoa. AB, signals in a to load out parts used on aircraft flown by the Air National Guard units during their year's tour in KVX. Star-lifte- r. P-1- r If 1 BXHERTLY FIT .T .ED f. YAC TICKETS COL Charles M. Sliadle, post commander, presents Miss Kim Bowring. daughter of post executive officer MAJ Iaiuis Bowring with a US Savings Bond for 825. Miss Bowring won the hand hv selling the most tickets for the Youth Activities Dugwav Open House. Site sold 95 tickets. your business district grow 'patronizing your Tooele merchants Help iqua Net Hair Spray t lice o Derm Phillips Milk of Magnesia Moth Balls Band-Ai- d Plastic Strips inacin Tablets 200 s 89 43 98 t. 2.59 1.73 Aspirin 200 s 2.50 Jtambley Sanna Bath. 1.89 Perfection Hand Cream Off Reg. Price 25 IaII Shave Creams off Table Many Items Still on 50 Specials Many More You Must See to Believe In-sto- re i X .w FHA APPROVED - Green - Gold - Orange - Hot Pink - MAJ Frhardt Wagner of military personnel administers the oath ol enlistment to SP4 Marvin k. Shcrt., for six years. Miert. Jr. TAKES SIX If Uncle Sam raises the mst.ui more, it may (11 marry the gal, lather than to write In her. rales uiiieli DM vise man sometimes changes iud. lint a lool nexei. can Druggist I SltessoffiED ferwnpfMD1 03Q)1Sd OSSMED a GfcEft V |