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Show NON-CIRCULATI- UNIVERSITY . SEP 12 796b Vol. No. 24 1 DESERET TES Ft. Douglas, Ut 84113 MCuiltuil u...il '"LCU were rep. Wendell White, his grandparents, S"l ana1 Mrs. ieorge v. Miner of Salt Lake City, and his great Mrs. erandmother. Cwennie also of Salt Lake Matheson, n. i wnen mcnard White of Boy Scout Troop 481 at Dugwav was uresented with his Eagle Scout award. Tilt . - saUurvl vhiu uif C.u. uuuiii s i ii mi- est honor was made at the Dug- way Community Center in front of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. aawnaaaB 1 em- , m unities who already have their m Com in and . m cape award, ana wno formed f ilead-iiartcrs- 1 .JjV ,L , - wisssm a leneth of - service in Scoutink n requirement, and satisfactorily perform a community service i ys 1 m... fe:lfcit I :.- -J L JhLBCl M - FOUR GENERATIONS Four generations are represented as Richard White receives his Eagle Scout Award. Mrs. Wendell White, Richard, Wendell White, ) grandparents Mr. and Mrs. George C. Miller of Salt Lake City, and great grandmother Mrs. Gwennie Matheson of Salt Lake City. (L-R- project. In the same Court of Honor at which young White's Eagle award was presented two scouts were presented the Life Scout Award, an award second only to the Eagle. Receiving their Life Awards were Gordon White, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wendell White, and Dee Shirts, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Shirts. To earn this award, the hoys were required to earn at least 10 merit ladges In addition to the Eagle and Ufe awards, more than 70 merit iNidges were awarded, and rank insignia for Star, First Class and Second Class Scouts were T , nr iienoivMin i Ars.i siaie. lie holds a BSE degree in Biology. 1: . 'T: Tl.- - cer the 7 Hn ,.i.,., a., r'm.,iu. Three Deseret Test Center summer employment plans have enabled over men and women to lie placed in summer jobs at Dugwav and Fort 100 young Douglas. The largest is the program which hires college students and post high school persons in jol designed to give relief during the summer vacation season. Sixty-eigpersoas have been hired under this program in varying job specialties. The other two programs are Federal programs design ed to offer opportunities to disadvantaged persons. One, ht Pg" summer hires youths aged 16 to 21 who are from disadvantaged hoines or circumstances. . P" and Lthem aS tants throughout government Goals call for jastalUtioas. uHo,, .r ." IUUI IV rn, Jje pw rean service Service stars, fi..Mj, , ' . . , aaiM ,av MaaW j- Medal for - five the d Vietnam Commendation Medal, Combat Infantry Badge, Army Occupation Medal, and the United Nations Service Medal. First Sergeant C.ule is mar- ned to the former Margene IM DPG Hosts Three Youth Hire Programs eaA 4() Qne hire f Air Medal with 4 oak leaf clus- - lar employees at the instal- lation. ten.. Currently Dugway Married to the former Caro- - has 37 such summer aids, lyn Watts of Little Rock. Ark.. The third program is the Captain and Mrs. Haley reside 0f members of at 3W Valdez Circle. the Job Corps program dur- . . of . . The new first . vAeran of ,n8 J HHC is a i.- - a phase. Under this program. a given. In July 4 Parades IVames Charles M. Shadle, a contingent commander, post of troops, the Skul Valley Riders Clul). and several pieces of equipment represented Dcserct Test Center, Dugway Proving Ground in the Fourth of July parades held in Tooele and Crantsville. COL Shadle was an honored guest in each of the parades, representing the command. Headquarters and Headquarters Company, CBR Troop Detachment and USA Met Team provided the inarching unit commanded by CPT Richard Harley, commanding officer. Headquarters Company. The equipment included a rocket launcher, M132 flamethrower and a Thiokol personnel carrier. Approximately 21) members of the Skill Valley Riders Club participated in the Towle parade, leaving Dugway the morning of July 2 and riding their with an overmounts to Toix-lnight stop at Clover Creek. The riders also rode in the rodeo parade July 3 as well as participating in the July 4 parade. HHC has lieen awarded Star with oak leaf .i. Army Com- mendation Medal with oak leaf cluster. Vietnam Service Medal, DTC Troops of the installation has aereed n nw Cnmonm in their - ffurther trained specialty, train them on the job, and rate them for the center, The Corosmen are not paid for Ms training phase, but are provided room and board by the Job Corps Center. There are five such trainees at rwwaVf who are current- 1y a jjweeks Lul.W. Tn, The 0I Iurther couple have four children: Gayle 16. Donna. 13; Karen, 11: and Ru.stv. 9. The family resides at 118 East 3rd Ave. ,r P,ans P"'. utiWion CV oi Feyereisen Named To New Post te o, s 3, Ground added This column of disciplined troops from the Dugway Proving color and pagentry of Tooele's Fourth of July celebration. to the . On The Inside. . . Post softball Fas? Varied youth summer program, Pagp AMC Gal punches keys with toes. Page Army Brat with real potential. Page Check Page 7 for best lawn this issue. All-Star- e s, r..ral i7l 3; 3; 2; 6; - Johnny Owens Shankle, driver, and DUCWAY DAN salesman, dispense frozen goodies to children Cieslak. Pal ice cream cart. The cart of Dugwav from Dugway Dan's of the Equipment Pool, the bv personnel constructed was for the Youth Activity and is operated as a liencfit Perhaps you've noticed a peculiar malady among your children they often run up to you screaming for money when a strange sounding bell is heard in the neighborhood. Don't he alarmed. All they want to do is buy some ice cream from Dugway Dan the Ice Cream Man. who has rounded the comer sounding his chime. In an effort to satisfy the summer craving of children for something cool and wet, and to help sulKidize the Youth .Activity Program, Dugway Dan has built and started his rounds. Dugway Dan was built by the staff of the Motor Maintenance Branch of the Equipment Pool. Instrumental in its construction were Jolt Corpsman Nick Schultz, body work; George Darr. mechanic; Howard Hansen, shop foreman; and Cal Hutchins, chief of the motor maintenance branch. Johnny Owens Shankle is the driver, and his assistant in charge of sales is Pat Cieslak. Publishing Com- Published by the Transcript-Bulletiin no way connect- a pany, Tooele, Utah, private firm, ed with the Department of the Army. Opinions exn F-v- er! pro-tactic- Dugway Dan Sells Ice Cream - Mrs. James C Faison stops to HARRIED SHOPPER show her ID card to summer aid Sandra Leatherman before starting her shopping at the commissary store. , Corpsmen at Dugway. The summer hires are con- ceived primarily as replace- ments for regular employees are on vacation. Ex- of positions filled are clerk-stentechnician, library lifeguards, biological aids, en- gineering aids, chemical phy- science aids, mathematics Major General Paul A. Fever- meteorology aids, and eisen, who served as the Army card operators. Posi- r .h Seated Materiel Command (AMC) De- both at are tl0ns putv Chief and later Acting and Fort at Doug- 19ft2-6Dugway Chief of Staff during been named the Command's las. or of Materiel Require- Pay scales for the summer AMC. hires ments. are CSS to CS4. Since Headquarters. Washington. D.C. He will as- - they are part time employees, sume his new position later this nQ seniority is accrued,' but montn- if they continue in govern- . . Now serving as a Deputy Atm rnmnanilinf l.mml 1 the summer employment Army Electronics Command, Ft. counts tward length of ser- fn'.nn..h ' I . vice and retirement benefits. it. ,u t 1 .1 are Summer aids Maifor the provided Program Manager laid project. This project in- - through the Utah employ-volve- s the development and ment service. They qualify production of an international for employment on the communications system grarrl hv being from families for the field Army of the future, n,.:,. an Ivlnw a minimum In his new assignment MG income. An example is a Fevereisen will succeed B.C. family of four which has a mcome of less than reassigned to the Office. Assis- - S ouths from such "taut Chief of Staff for Force S4.345. would qualify for familv Development. Colonel Friday, July 11, 1969 Dugway, Ut 81022 ceremony. 1 in recognizing ixiys anu yuuiiy, ! the "Eagles' Nest" into which men for their achievements and inn Scout invited at the con- advancement in rank. R;4,anl has lone recognized the impor- elusion of the ceremonv. . Headquarters. rwit anfimmiframpnf :. . i ne visiiinv kouu Huuneu iwivc w uhcumi cuwuuii"v. viiy. the in and Therefore, impresparents Participating support. Rfchard, his parents, grandparf seriwaut sive ceremony were several entSf Bd great grandmother to are recognized fur their achieve- command scouts from surrounding com- - tneir places of honor in the ments as well in award cere- !!!!?.? i" , monies in Scouting. r"U""? a ckt.n i i mi uaiw aj. During the ceremonv.' Rich- e" command from nairv Richard lLt . he ard. accomphshment. advanced along the Eagle trad J. took reins were cited, and his perserverance from 1SG II. Hatfield. I Phillip commended. To earn tne Mgie cpl Uw WM memhc.r av sssssfcA. nam a f lst iBfuirv Division in m 2i,rfS7Sli3Sy!-"AyB?- i-- U-lMEI- SF RIALS Q White Receives Eagle In Trp 481 Four generations T al employment under the pro- - gram. Several of the youths come from foster homes, while some have recently been in homes for disadvantaged or parent- less youths. The tasks which they per- form are generally unskill- m1 maintenance or lahor positions. Examples are stock clerks, field maintenance per-sonnel and laborer. The Civilian Personnel Of- fice has no authority to hire through normal channels to obtain personnel who could accomplish the tasks perform- ed by the summer aids. If it were not for the program J:..i.,....,i ...n , Su es al Too-Dire- nmer Aids men, alignment specialists, and general me- do chanics. (Continued on Page 1U ) DPG Parade Set For July 25 A. )ur,dc and fiiriiial review next of kin of SP4 Hok-r- t ol trixips. iiu'ludiii!: tin prcscii-tutioCniilev nl Suit Uike Clitv. other posthumous of award'., is scheduled lor Several ul 25 ul Piiuw.iv I'niviut! medals are scheduled to lie presented bv DTC personnel to ( Ground Plans call fur COL Charles area survivors of Vietnam casual- M. Shiidle. xist ciiiuinander. to lies. These awards, which mav Ih1 the reviewiti!! officer. I.TC he presented at the parade if A It 111 ir F. ieto is slated tn desired hv the" next of kin. inIk- - ciiiuinander of clude Silver and Hrone Star IriHips. Selection of the stall' fur the parade Medals. Two incoming personnel are and rewill In lv LTC slated to receive the miv mains tcnlatiyc. Medal granted bv An impressive array of awards is scheduled lor the late ulv their previous units, il thev event. Cl'T Charles T. Daily. revrt fur duty in lime lor the Aviation, will receive the Siparade. The colors honor unit for lver Star Medal, the Distinguishthe urade will Ir- - the B Comed Flying Cross, The Republic of Vietnam Gallantrs Cross with pany cunt indent of Headquarters Oak an Cluster Ixaf gold star, Company. The contingent, comto his Bronc Star Medal with manded bv LT Caleb Hall, was "V" device, and three clus- selected last parade as the liest ters to bis ir Medal with "V" marching unit. dci ici". 12th Naval The District Cillantrv The Vietnamese Band San Francisco will from is the rouli Cross will) Hold star equivalent for that country of participate in the parade. On Medal of July 24. the evening before the the Inited Stales Honor. parade, the Naval Band will A piistliuiiioiis Broue Star perform in concert at the post Medal will Ih- - presented to the chapel. n ii-t- STAY ALERT 6!) occurred at 1)T(-- Ovlcr. safctv division, dimmist rates Nivcr relax vmir guard against injury. MSt- - how the last injun of own pressed by publisher and writers herein are their an(j are nol to ,e considered an official expression by tne Department of the Army. The appearance of adver FY ct would go and fender thev perform undone. jol "The not replace jobs which could be held by Dugway youths," according to Millie Fox of Civilian person-wh- o personnel. nel currently has no author-amplity to hire Dugway young persons for these jobs." The summer aids act as ware-idecooks, dishwashers, housemen. rtliimhmV heln- er, as well as a variety of other positions. They come from 5" the Salt Lake City area, including Magna, Mur-ha- s ray, Crantsville, and ele. Dugway has just complet- ed training five Job Corps- men in their training phase of instruction. Thw nnrLoH u tisements in this publication does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of the Army of the products or services advertised. |