Show OST mK malls arrive at officer offic ay iy tit THIS X MOll NISO I 1 1 IX 1 TH t III t j 0 o t s fou I 1 the h e t 11 SV 10 from rom salt lake at ih 60 i H troa rom salt calif 1 I if ROM 1 ron the kast fast at li Vs allt Ul I 1 v lt at from hooper 1 and saturday from eden and van wednesday and A saturday al matin dose gost a at office laiq INTHE MORNING IS TU THIC K F for silt laef at ario M t at for the North a for por sit salt baket at for the ast a at t 1 F for lb alit efat ul at PAl DA kiat luat S and wilson for cooper alma wednesday and saturday ain for edon and vail sat ur davAt pm all mal mails is wili be closed promptly ou on mailing ailing vi after ti tin it e hoahing vill lie be r the nails we are clo cawed seil office brou burther notice general Del delivery lverY window will be open dall dally r as follows a antill ul till 6 30 p in except ironi froin from r roli 6 in when U will wilt cioce borm for 20 to p minutes while I 1 he lie manx from froin the no ill enat and south are bens bein dis tribu to I 1 at 14 tau 1430 30 P in rn tio olace wil will close for tho tile day the general jeneral delivery will bo be open on scinda sundays and holl holidays MYS only am san till lill 1080 an Regi registry a nd stony order Depart anent open dally daily elc except eft 8 sundays and hol iday J rom roin I 1 10 aa ana U ull i iw 0 p pm M E A littlefield postmaster sit y I 1 esst I excursion on od july a grand excursion will leave ogden for salt lake city black mack rock and garfield under the tile auspices of the third ward choir everybody that can call should go and enjoy au out and a bath in the salt lake which will insure as much health as all tho 41 patent B in ill the world por for full particulars sec see excursion advertisement and large posters IlO Anns and 1 I shirt boards at at E so josf e s I 1 1 1 t 1 j h d A m ari i ahli A lair jk A SALE sweeping I 1 reductions ions on all goods for 30 days D ayrf A r i WAGNER A R CO 00 i FIFTH AND YOUNG STREETS mr wagner leaves for lor new york Q city ity about july loth to purchase an immense stock of fall and winter goods good and MUST HAVE ROOM FOB FOR THEM lc sy GOODS MUST MUS T GO G 0 1 04 I AW A get C et ready for fo r circus s and ath of july jul y tta tt A now is your only chance to buy goods at YOUR OWN PRICES we have made a bi big 9 reduction on all our goods J J prices will surprise yon you 1 r COME AT ONCE and SECURE SEQUIRE BK BIG BARGAINS BAIR maINS 1 I A NOTE OUR PRICE LIST mens suits at 4 oo worth mens suits at t 1200 mens suits at 44 1400 mens suits at 10 1050 60 1600 mens suits at 1500 worth N I 1 men s suits at 1650 2500 mens suits at 1850 2800 mens fine dress suits at 2100 boys S suits uit s short pants 2 to 5 Don ble the money T boys su it s long pants age 9 to 16 from om 6 5 to 80 8 these goods G must be closed out bring your boys around iu good G heavy kip brogan at 1 worth 2 44 1 t shoes ta 4 sewed calf 64 9 44 5 6 hand sewed 64 t 5 wath to 8 good G boots worth 3 4 44 46 tl 44 calf 44 4 64 65 66 44 6 44 46 t 96 hand sewed 44 t 9 t carpet slippers 45 acts leather slippers S lip pers 90 acts worth white shirts at worth 1 french percale shirts 1 l canton flannel undershirts and drawers worth blue shirts worth SOO f sweeping reduction in hi this department AND at we cannot enumerate this department but U will TV say that we have an extensive stock which geog wem have thrown out ont at a big reduction redaction red action many job lots at a small price dont fail to see our oar o ar hats 1 i t t fa country merchants will do well to look at our atoo stock k Y come early and get your supply I 1 S ai E J WAGNER CO coal fifth fi and aud young streets ra I 1 m 1 C a |