Show A FINE line of step ladders at it E sons RUNNING and base ball shoes at trios Ami nys tf at C II 11 parsons co business stationary ladies stationery ti onery leather ghods cheap literature era ture etc etc etc CORNICE poles and nod window shades the finest in the land at E STRAT rORD SONS aw all FISH and alli boyter it t the me OGDEN MARKET iq A rac T fo 11 rth st next to icyl jewelry velry store while slippers in all sizes for ladies misses and children cheap at IV H WRIGHT SONS SON tf fourth of july J H acson nelson jr has a complete stock of air a flags etc which he will cell sell at bedrock prices orders by mail promptly filled if panr on suits and lo 10 lounged un in in endless variety and at bottom prices at E STRATFORD fe SONS iw BRONZE and F french rench shoe dreaming dressing at tim tf WANTED AND OF advertisements not exoe exceeding eding 6 4 line lines to in length will be inserted lu in this column one oa time for 25 cis additional insertions fhe rUona is 15 cu extra hues lines charged at the rate ot of 5 ctr ct for each time it if you a situation or if you dastre workmen tf if you have lost or found any thing have you a room to rent or are you yuu desirous of renting one do you wish lo 10 buy or have you articles article to dispose ol 01 oh you wish to make an ap appointment ointment or call calla a meeting or have you y 0 up any other othe desire that you wish to be m made ade public call all and have 1 in V the HEBALD HERALD FOK LEOur SA LF our entire retail busi ee E ness consisting con sistine of whiskies wines e cigars Ll gars bar fixtures etc store P for rent A good ell cliance ance and liberal inducements to right party co im ogden utah ulah FOR F olt SALE the the well deli n known popular place of public resort joness grove apply to M H JONES josm ogden U utah ta h dju 3 30 at F olt RENT the elegant hall now JL occupied by the masons in the driver clock block west vest eldo side slain street inquire of wv ivr it so sitf x djao aw I 1 C CITY ITY PROPERTY is offeror kofl erod fora for farm west weber or thereabouts pre preferred ferrel call at J J Mun pays 11 ACE OGDEN DRIVING PARK 1 JULY s first raees race S 3 minutes wi pacing IX til in 3 purse to second JM beai DeeB gyp J A wooda woods fairy queen dr condos Con dons prince A groen green wella wells jack 0 second Se old bare 3 minutes trotting purse burso 75 25 to second bac oud It Kir ichards liard i L C I 1 lee ee 11 kenta kents prairie Pr Afrie ohle McNutt tt elnell aften condon dees billack prince st drawn third race running quarter dash purse W ya 10 to second wm YR 19 11 ay 8 butterfly 01 condy eliza 1 K C j 11 alf lows palsy 11 WIB stokes quarter F Y T sanfords San fords johnny sanford yan ford ben garra coaly bourth race citizens purse trotting 3 in 5 purse parao fOO 0 to a ec onu end 8 a walkers Wal kora countryman Country E J travis frank L climen lucea luces pat hunt 11 J M deeff dee X a billy J 11 drawn feth jae race foot race loo yards gilme M 25 i 1 to second carh I arm larsen la J P van valkenburg bure W gsinn WS inn C W whitney Wb itney sixth rah race mile and repeat Pl puree urse floo otoo 25 to second carrolla Oa Gar rrolla rollis orphan girl johnny li sanford garner H neddie garner e r I 1 blizzard Ll Liz zard 1 kd oct diamond races will bo be called at I 1 pm pan sharp by the FOURTH WABD WARD BRASS BAITO BAND and th the SIXTH WABD WARD SILVER BAND of salt like city admission to gronaas Gron ads 50 cis LADIES yo efera 1 r charge for irand shii it THIS EVENING JULY ard 3rd at broom hotel MH 1 BEAnO BEARD SIry aret rr e 0 1 J W mcnutt NUTT r y hiie r 0 glorious aith f whito ioula are 0 celebrating tho ann anniversary iver sary af olour our N nations aaion A birth calpon geo cc 0 C WI non k fifth st fo for r your aur r ICE ci CREAM and get a drink y of ROOT BEEH which for heal thy aiu refreshing p properties 1 roper ties cannot be U c beaten 21 tuc tuo fines i t ali line of cheap aa p ash asli and NV walnut Alnut bedroom bed room sets inthis inthis city tiretha ai au E STRATFORD k SONS SO 40 aw i and groceries JOHN J ath st REPORT OF THE CONDITION of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK UK t at I 1 ogdan w n the territory of utah i f r Z V I 1 AT THEY close of boniness Bo siness an 20 1884 t joans and discounts overdraft VH M S leonds to secure circulation due nue from approved maz J J u 4 rr aron 0 n other national banks I 1 aher due f 0 n L t lebanks and bankers banke M I IM 37 real estate furniture and 11 li X turea 1 1000 00 0 current expenses and taxes paid 1 6 premiums Premium sp checks and other cas i items va t lulla hills of other binks Uin ks fractional paper currency nick els and pennies s 16 81 specie le 13 legal ix gal tender notes lund fund with patrea murero brero urero percent per cent of circulation tomoo total A capital stock paid in M surplus U fund loorom cuned U 1 rational national ank notes ine int 1 deposits ruba beet to check chec lt demand ot due to other national ll fLuks due to state hanks and bankers notes 0 o altes and bills re discounted kow ou total sr it 1 county of weber webe r 1 f 84 8 11 I 1 3 n f 9 15 youna you nc cashier of the above named bank b n tuk d do solemnly lemn ly swear that the above et statement a ement Is true to the tile beat best of my rny knowledge and belief ily ILS YOUNG cashier and sworn to before me th this I 1 s third d day of july 1 M avan rp 4 P kingree riN i N 0 GREE R X E notary jublle conred attell i s I 1 HILLS I 1 I 1 I 1 directors N C FLY GAnE school trustees notice hiie taxpayers of the first school district orden ogden city weber co are her hereby e by notified that a meeting or of tho the property taxpayers in the tile above bained school district will be held in tho the central schoolhouse School honse ogden city I 1 july itt lat 8 pm forthe for tho purpose of considering con abil and voting to establish and maintain by tax a graded faded department in said school sell 0 ol 01 district for th the education of pupils 9 ovar over the age of eighteen years according aing to an amendment to the school law lav approved march IS 1884 the tho trustees Tru steea consider that a tax of one half of one mill on the dollar on tho the taxable property of the district v I 1 ill 11 be sufficient to defray tho the expense pe of said graded e d department the ensuing year JOB 11 JOSEPH STANFORD r HORT ROBT RIK trustees school dist no 1 weber county t vry TY july 1884 FOURTH OF JULY I 1 I 1 0 0 V s RAMME OP OF TUB TUE OF bay day in ia under the tile auspices of the FIRE department sunrise military Sal salutes 4 raising tho the national flag ham davis A 1 music lusic by the band bands a procession forms at 8 am on union square under the direction of the marshala Mars Mar shalo haliR v of tho the day sif in the new now pavilion on lester pack park square under tho the direction of abet the i president of tho the day W G child esq I 1 star spangled banner by the og den brass band prayer by the chaplain joseph A west esq reading of declaration of independence pen dence F A ells esq yankee doodle band oration by the orator of the day lion joseph stanford banner bong song of the four nation J alleles allt alit les by thos cunningham short speeches by judge R K ac williams and others patriotic poem songs by members of the fire brigade music by the bands it prayer by the chaplain PRIZE amusements firemen Fire Fir emens meu race itaco in the evening open to the terri territory tory baseball contest foot race ads foot race 75 yda run ing P Running it ig I hop top atop step and jump sc sack k r race g 50 ads asi JS 44 i wheelbarrow barrow race 60 50 yda walking on hands greasy pole 2501 a old mena race over 60 g i boys race under 12 target shooting 30 ads ads longest throw 40 lbs lb 8 ia vaulting pole in all races 10 per centy cent entrance atran a f fee 0 apply to the committee 0 on 11 amusements 11 ford TS I 1 browning iro wn K R paine I 1 i i 0 AFTERNOON DA NOE I 1 n the pavilion 11 on fords string band songs by braas brass bands AT NIGHT GRAND BALL IN THE I 1 fireworks half on all the railroad i I 1 7 ADMISSION TO DANCES s in afternoon 1 I 50 cis t in evening 75 acts fu yu everybody invited and every everybody bodi will be made welcome and happy ON it W 0 GUILD chairman f r J i I 1 11 PH fk n 17 I 1 1 J rutlt r ala in he 0 1 0 7 r bif ww is I 1 11 I 1 f I 1 M V y tb law y M au www I 1 t d ix th wi MS 41 forra nu 10 ux 1 tr M uw 2 ulc as 69 94 00 phrenology phrenology PROFESSOR A MASON 11 1 S 0 N alae O resit Is in ogden and will stay at the junction city hotel where he will give U for V M 5 charts extra 1 I oa 00 asi sr 3 ota 2 lie will deliver a LECTURE in the tabernacle to commence at 8 pm ADMISSION 25 CENTS Don fatt to hate hat hai e your ybur head by the greatest of the day 1847 issi i PIONEER DAY 1 1 A GRAND EXCURSION TO colt salt ddll tao efto ulla iambi blace float alm nd W VAYE oadey ja ss JULY 24 9 under the Aus auspices of tho the ji z tra train tn will leave ogden at a in arming in salt lake city at live salt lake for garfield at arrie at garfield at 1 leave garfield for salt lake at N p 4 m leave salt lake for ogilee at I 1 arrive at ogden at 1 I rare 1 FROM OGDEN TO SALT LAKE AND 61 60 I 1 GARri farrield ELD OB OR BOOK ROOK abo it KAYSVILLE TO AND RET 1111 l 60 rM armington INGTON is 11 ailt WOODS do latt children under 12 years half fare I 1 tickets good for litree lays the beach al at black rock and garfield f ade bathing r resorts renor tB la Is equal to eastern heu he u The beautiful little 16 steamer whirlwind will afford excursionist an opportunity of i a sail aall on the beautiful lake arl w ri TICKETS en tan abe rt le purchased Pu ed after in july I 1 oth at X v ct CM m I 1 jos Stan fords ight it son gannott thal volkers tha utah an edthe the singer onice and at it central offices at ogden remington wooda woods born Kayl iville and diye |