Show LATEST TELEGRAMS 0 on oil 6 motion ti the le senate willoit will sit it on oil tile fourth of july roswell P flower flowers appear in ili chicago JI cad quarters france lias has her ifer hands full with tile Cli cholera oera scourge the senate passes the chil chinese lese restriction bill hlll union Ul ll pacific stock goes boes up ablove A hove 16 by western alre to 10 the tile federal flashes Flash ca washington july 3 to in the S senate en tin aali amut ne bill aaa was called called u 1 by af iller cat CM platt moved to s strike triko out the clause excluding chi nese who are subjects of governments other than that of china hoar hour reaffirmed hia his on of athis class legislation the bill he lie said was da b based ased on barbarism and the american people would in ion some day repent the action of congress on this subject miller cal hoped plaits platts motion would not be agreed to platts motion was not agreed to and the bill coming at once to abote a vote was passed without amend amendment men dment yeas 43 naya ways 12 the vote in detail i was yeas allison ach fion bayard beck beek blair butler call cameron pa cameron wis cockrell coke conger cullom adolpf fair F air parley F ar I 1 Garland Groome halo hale ll ampton ef I 1 Harv isHill ingalls Iu galls jones fia fla jones fla jones nov nev logan manderson maxey Nl axey miller cal miller N Y morgan palmer pendleton Pend lelon pike plumb pugh ransom jan soni sawyers sherman slater vance yance vest and voorhees 43 41 nays ways aidrich aldrich brown dawes edmunds hawley hoar lapham mcmillan mitchell Mil chell 31 morrill 0 arill platt and wi wilson Is on 12 dawes of the senate committee on appropriations reported the fortification bill with amendments or dered printed jones nev ex lie had been necessarily abi alin bent sent dueing the vote on oil the fitzjohn porter bill and if he lie had been in the c chamber lie would have voted in in favor of the bill becoming law lain notwithstanding rith standing the presidents objection blair of the committee on education and anti labor reported favorably ably the bill to legalize the incorporation po ration of national trades unions calendar in the house finerty a said aid lie was absent yesterday when the vote was taken on the pass sage of the fitz john porter bill in ili the belief belie that he was mi paired red he ile found he lie was wa mistaken had d lie been present he lie would have voted for the hill bill inson NY made a similar statement flammond submitted a leport from the select committed committee appointed ta whether any ex members had cited violated the privileges of the house the committee will find no custom or bugage e which would juss ju S tiby them to form a conclusion that the conduct of IV 11 II english in the contested election case of english vs peel ie vt ass as a breach of the privileges of the house and recommends that the matter be laid on the table millard presented a minor minority ty report accompanied compa nied by a resolution i excluding win if english from the floor during the present congress in the senate the resolution offered yesterday by sherman was a agreed greed to providing for a session session of the senate tomorrow to morrow july eth A resolution was agreed to authorizing the appointment of a committee of five senators to examine into the rapacity capacity of the steel producing works in tha united states 9 to make steel of hith high power and plate suitable for warships and into the character and sufficiency fici ency of the tools in ili the gayy yards and foundries suitable forthe for the manufacture of engines for such vessels and guns ns for such vessels and sea roast coast au defenses eten ses also to inquire as to the best method of manufacturing tho the by bythe the government or by contract with private parties the senate insisted upon its amendments to the sundry civil bill and ordered a conference the cholera IES july 3 three deaths from cholera are reported since last night at least inhabitants have havel lied led four hundred poor workmen from toulon have been sent back to that cl city i t the ae panic is unquestionably increasing in tile face of this how hows ever the pi physicians and chemists of the t city liely lu a meeting and declared the tile alarm to be senseless the rate of morality at present they aver does not exceed that which is usual at periods of great heat beat they express ress belief that many deaths attributed to cholera are really due to other causes the municipal authorities have decided to forego the customary celebration of july lath 3 the prefect of police ordered alf all passengers from places where cholera is prevalent to be disi infected some parisian journals assert that three cases of cholera oc oo 00 burred in paris yesterday lollaine I 1 lol bair laire denies this title but admits that isolated cases occur every summer it also says tile sanitary condition of paris is good travelers Tra velera who pass into italy through the mt cenis tunnel are quarantined five live days at the frontier fron t ler j Bonaparti at bother panis july 3 at the Jero mist meeting last night pascal of corsica made a violent speech spee cli beclar declaring 1 0 that prince victor had forfeited all 11 right to the throne because he had provoked a division in the party bunt surat bank PiTTS Buna Bulto july 3 assignee war ncr ner filed a bill in equity today to day against 11 1 1113 lie e directors ot of ti the e defunct ra penn 1 1 bank k to compel them to surrender securities valued at at rhems the t time me the bank failed to secure themselves elves against loss for notes given the associated banks at the tune the latter loaned it money to tide over the first suspension big blaze BOSTON july 3 the factory of the revere kubber co at chelsea occupying ax three acres burned except three storehouses it was running to its full capacity capacity city em employing hands cara tile loss as f s insured 8 spontaneous ganeous combustion was the origin a of the conflagration CORK gr wa BUA buzinec Is bit bits T N cw ruly july 3 noon the tho clocks mew are r e ard buoyant at the thi best prices of tho week large blocks of gr angers central pacific and ani union oil pacific are taken for long account c tint central pacific rose to 39 30 W IJ north west to sa st paul to OSS pacific mail to 43 new york central NEW bunic july 3 bar sil all vcr ver 10 luts 1114 lu ts q 18 pac Gs ua 23 central P 39 burlington northern pacific 1 do preferred 44 northwestern N Y central 3 31 oregon uan it A 73 oregon trans ur 01 pacific mail 43 panama 98 at bt louis yan san francisco texas pacific 04 9 U 1 P 9 fargo express 97 western union 58 stocks were active and higher al ali though at timea times there were slight reductions duct ions due toa to a desire of the smaller traders to cloae close out contracts over holiday there was a good inquiry for lead leading ing chares shares union paci go being r the special feature rose to stpaul advanced to 70 north northwestern western to 95 jersey central to 62 the market closed firm and strong laying cable lon LONDON dox july 3 the faraday laid miles of the east hern shore end of the bennett mackay cable arid and re turns to queenstown Queens town to coal bullheaded bradlaugh bradlaugh will next wednesday submit to a meeting of the electors of northampton whether he lie st shall all continue to retain hit hii scat seat in parliament which he was never allowed to be occupy warnings of war LONDON LONDO 11 july 3 the shanghai correspondent to the 2 times imes telegraphs the war is again threatened between france and anti china an influential party in china instigating it prominent officials tso tating Tsung sang iten reng 9 yu din and marquis tseng have ro re solved to Lo repudiate the recent franco chinese Th the french eFrench will probably in iii their claim for indemnity deaun iq demand that the island of f formosa be pledged to secure payment Dinto democratic oratio delegations CHICAGO july 3 the california and nevada delegations to the democratic national convention Conventi arrived arri this morning with full n numbers umbers making the first of the arrivals A portion of the new york delegation also arrived among whom may be numbered daniel of the delegation the california delegation held a caucus during the forenoon to outs out line their future plan of action but came to no final decision the hotel lobbies are beginning to be the scones of great activity and carding pla of the state bead headquarters I 1 arthe arhe has already been comin commenced bric the hall ways and lobbies of the tile leading hotels nere were liberally decorated e this morning with lithographic views of koswell P flower |