Show INC DAVID 0 CALDER one of citizens changes chanes chan r es from mortality to immortality Leavi leaving mg bebing him aita abig record as a saint and aili citizen t afaf 4 i to the SALT CITY july 3 david 0 calder esq Iq died abil this morning about So OCI clock OCk the TULl funeral i effal will take place on saturday I 1 LATEE later david 0 calder died at lako lake point at this morning of dinall inanition of the stomach most of liis his family were present at his deathbed david 0 calder ono one of tile best citizen utai i territory and a leading in biens ino raber ber in the community was a scotchman by birth lie ile was born at thurso scotland on june esth 1823 ho ile was wa i s educated for business in ili the service of the union canal company and having risen rip rapidly idly step by step in the bouc outdoor and ofelea departments orthis companas comp anys service lie was appointed by he the directors of the office of manager of tile intermediate stations of ker bervice vice between edinburgh and a n d glasgow Glasgo tv with headquarters at falkirk Fal kirk he ile left scotland for utah January in in Janu aty 1851 accompanied by liis his mother and family in the george W 11 burne which sailed from liverpool to new orleans an and dafter after two years detention in Cincin cincinnati iati in consequence of the sickness and death 0 of f liis his eldest sister lie arrived in salt lake city in 1853 and settled over jordan jordane in 1855 1835 he lie entered the service of the trustee in truston tile church ell as bookkeeper was anointed ap appointed he the chief clerk in may ay 1857 and retained this responsible spon office till december 1867 1 the excellent business s capacity of david 0 calder was early recognized by president young whose knowledge ot of men was proverbial and the presidents confidence in his integrity was equal to liis his estimate of the ability of his chief clerk while in this service of the tr trustee u stee in iii trust lie organized the entire system of accounts and records in all the tile departments ortho of the church Cli ild II 11 also held the office of territorial treasurer from 1859 to 1870 after the close of his us service in the office odthe of alie trustee in trust birther bi other calder be became callijo connected with the railroad business lor for which his earl early training eminently qualified him bini he ile was general freight and tind passenger agent of the utah southern railroad Kail road for 2 years andee and a nd lie organized the departments and trained the employees the tile many years of tf constant coh stant business n ess aepli application cation at I 1 length wore grea t ly upon mr caldera enduring con and for his ills relief as well as for his usefulness lie was bent sent to labor in ill the tile british mission his native scotland being chosen aa as the field of his ministry on his return from europe it iu 1873 3 brother calder was appointed by president Pre youns young business manager and editor of the tile deseret news publishing establishment lie ile wali waa elected a director caf G M I 1 october ath 1875 and 1 by the tile appointment of president pres ident brigham ISrie hum N doling doting he lie was elected pec pee rotary and treasurer of that institution october 1876 which responsible position lie held hold for beveral years contributing not a little to the increased of that colossal establishment and sustaining his ills character cha rieter as business officer october ah 1878 lie resigned as Seere secretary tary and treasurer of Z C 31 1 I because ilia ills large rousau bu baines ines demanded liis his per personal monal attention As early as 1860 lie had hid started the first music store in ili the territory and the business steadily increased until the j present ho lie also served tile public in an official capacity he ile was a city Coti councilor nellor of salt lake city from nov feb 1980 at which danehe was elected to the tile office of an all A 1 aderman odthe of the city in all his ills positions be it as a trusted allicer of the church a functionary in municipal and territorial places or as a business man inan the dc do ceased maintained a ral rare 6 reputation j and integrity he fe 1 N was as a faithful as well as energetic latter day saint an honest upright pi citizen a brood good husband and n at ate father withal a man inan who lias has made his honorable mark in church and state commerce and society and whose record will always bo be bright and shining for the emulation or posterity |