Show salt flatt lak IASI county caty democrats the democratic county cour tation tor for salt lake lulea county convened cont nd lat last friday and after naming six alx lx canda batea pet mill tit morn leg to complete the ticket for county corn l lt S R woolley of bait ball lake georget ge U orge ker of bait belt lake william horn of Gra granger riger for treasurer william U wit DJ of lake for sheriff hans naylor of 0 salt like lake for auditor george 11 wood of 0 skit salt lake for clrk ben T lloyd of e salt like for recorder thomas alston of polar II 11 A smith a I 1 salt lake p for surveyor Surey rW W IL eun of aalt au L Ls I 1 ter I or assessor jamee james lynch lyach of a salt lake for far state senators 41 P II eoder son oa clenry W law la anee of salt lake D I 1 0 KI drout jr of drap r for mra joseph W cohen rains 8 wella wells D 0 willey JC japh ph X hyde IV DL IL la job ohn a a cayea A mayce jamea thorae Thoro pea ason of bait salt lake othoar ape u nest of 11 joha john illi baxt jr of brer derlin 11 paper papers starly all condemn the placing pl acin of libe tb german loaa loan la in the tb halted baat z to atti nation |