Show THE CHINESE SE miff isa ITER assaf AT IV 14 I 1 I 1 I 1 P 41 liv ka A I 1 V sir clith cli chen the cht less minister to london Brus brussels aels and rome tj is a knight commander of the royal victorian order lie Is I 1 60 50 yeara years old he lie waa was educated edu catti privately by hta his father lo 10 shao tsung a achour scholar of kopchow south china and IL t t the imperial nani naval collece college pagoda anchorage river mio min hie ills published work works include a lift life of georee george washington baah in chinese nece and he la Is preparing a la life alf of the same ban man in english professes profess ca gnat admiration tor for americans he lie lay says air Krea greatest test poet to I 1 longfellow our only essayist holm naf ant our only philosopher emerson ilia ills excellency ranks herbert spencer next to confucius he says he vent went down to brighton one day to shaka hands with the greatest erea test man to fn england and to tell him that his works laere were full of confucianism fl luhs U h 0 diplomatic career extends over ave ive years he waa was LI lt hung ilung chane chang a first secretary on several im foreign millions minions including that of peace at shimo nesella lf japan in ilk 1895 tie ile nied died earl ll U on his congratulatory em m basey baggy to the coronation ot at the czar and on oil his subsequent european and american tour la in 1829 aili turn tor for abstract thinking it Is jbrown in his book solutions Sout loni of a by indeterminate equations several descendant descendants of 0 the poet long fellow bare have been enjoying the hospitality pita lity of the ojibway indiana indians away up at desbarats Dea Des barata these indians are descendants of the Sac amores so picturesquely treated in Il hiawatha lawatha alss longfellow the poets daughter has been formally adapted into the tribe A select t corps aps of chiefs braves sauz 4 and oses gave in presence of ibe the s and beneath the primeval tree trees of ill a ot of tbt th amoul amous pom poem the performers were garbed la in biek bick kin skin costumes headdresses of feathers |