Show SALT LAKE republicans J laty L aty ricket arsa la to nomination ball salt lake lulea county saml ased 1 a county slid od legislative ticket thursday as follow follows for mate senators Senator George X law renee nee S 11 II love hoyt sherman She for lepike tentative A L hamlin J J stewart 0 U hewlett joho jota T aston nepal L morri morris fred T 7 me currin 11 william illiam mcmillan banner X smith IV G vaa van horn IV N X willams Wll lain for county commissioners aames 11 anderson And ereon henry harker 11 2 11 bandish fir Ret recorders order derL L M earl for sheriff joeph joseph Y smith for treasurer W 0 carble for county clerk john jamel for county attorney parley P christensen lim J ellen foter foster of ohio and senator of indiana were interested te spectators at the SeSSI edloni eu loni |