Show queer monument mr rs susie umlett bartlett la Is burled near tear atlanta tk I 1 anta oa and id haa has on ot of tb queerest quee reit monuments ever erected rec teiL her iter husband li Is a confederate veteran teran sal nl clr live oear near ills wite wife burial P ar err try day be visita it and take taken bomil new ornament to lay jay lid a the P pile lie at 0 ar articles t acles which bats accumulated over 11 the grave la in thi tho lait wt live years broker china and clua rare cf of every de script cri plon lon form the strange monument ume nl relics of household houie hold goods in the shape of broken alphra lamp chimney chimneys mirrored mir ore rori pitcher pitchers cupi cups glasses Klai cel bottles bott leall all ornament allut mr mrs bartletta bartlett a crave grave |