Show t 7 soo see foe to goof f 9 u xi i 1 I A vv al rust tan her drew dresses with Vr ISIOn abal her ifer hat observes a stylish act 9 abbe be bu bat a poodle for a pet pt 11 krank rank dempster aberman the this arret ot of twin twist A talta tauta wo was salve 1 consequently considerate so go it july mill merriell Merr lell off at 1 x lack on saturday 86 did lona iona who wai was in the mall it department and who ars frs came camp to him blin in his hi petition position as manlier manager of it the cloth department to match aara sam pie ples ot of order goods on one on of these occasions he d that tona iona ily urd ad in the same am suburb as a he be did lie ile I 1 found out too that they generally cene rally went eat out of the city at the same hour on the ame train on lead leading ng which his spirits roe rose like a toy balloon to be sure lona iona was a pretty girl bhe she poal powered lessed not only beauty but distine uon she held her lender slender young body so 0 o erectly she spoke pok so 0 o frankly but alio also with auch such dignified reserve rire and it 0 waa was so 0 o earnest and so flous in doing the work In trusted to alier her that will Iter forout while ta to her presence pretence to give ire the firm his hi bet best duty and attention dut but then Iter Merrl rell waa was extremely susceptible it lie he had oot not been so 0 o susceptible it li Is quite unlikely that he wo ild hair have been confined with a precious pre cloua trust and if it be had not been elected selected for the honor boner conferred u upon pon him he and lona iona intent might never 1 1 ave proceeded beyond the boun barles where the courtesies cour ot 61 casu eagal ae cease indeed she he did not feel familiar with him to mon florl 1 0 h fiet fie t ef hr her int to fay stay an hour later la in town thin than usual on ono on particular afternoon although she he had come down to that morning for or slit alx lx yards of at lavender render ta 11 broadcloth to be sent to a lady living ta in arizona hot ilot day remarked Iller it will be fine gins to get away early bellr assented lona long i but abe she uld did not enter sater the north r stern depot at br bar ordinary hour although will paced up p and isad down juit jast without the railing and watched the gnat gates until his train had bad earn come and cone gone surely she be would be here bete before the next train was ra due to leare leave tl 71 thought of sitting beside her as a the train ruined rushed out of the smoky city into the beautiful green suburbs waa was lie ile might ern even get got up couram sufficient to uk ask to calli and if permitted to do to how kind be he would be to bobby Dobby if lf only dobby bobby would keep till about their little al tar catlon dobby bobby bid bad stretched a aero across the sidewalk devalk il 7 tor for the train hid hi d balleu over tt it and skinned big hi the culprit he bad had promptly crabbed grabbed ala him and given him chastisement brief bat but offo cUva confound it how low waa was ha he to know that the little red headed beaded wretch was the brother ot at thi this charm lair cirl lie ile would tall fall over trine strings aj ad the way war from ift roae to state aret street it only 1 I hex box your pardon madam ll hit bit hat waa was in his hand band aad acid he as baij profoundly to a lady with ahara he had almost collided wen be he had turned ao so abruptly la in hie his imnetu oua gus walk do not mention cried tried the lady who was young and pale palli and of al meet trade tragic appearance she waa was handsome too but evidently eTi dently friet grief waa was responsible tor for the wild aloa slon of larga black eyes and the pits oua qua tre trembling abling ot at herlies her lip lips she ore deep top she waa was app apparently arend r a foreigner but you rout will help me girl I 1 am in desperation two hour hours from now I 1 take a train to tt the west I 1 came down here bore to make arrance arrange anoints for 11 leaving it my hotel I 1 target some important papera papers I 1 must return at t once and them lu III the meantie meantime me may way I 1 beg of you to un dericke deri edke the care of my darling snow fi flowery Wert it la Is a precious truit trust and one which I 1 would not confide to every stranger la Is thi 1114 asking too much ater aur the Ilter the callanc ea llant bowed still till more colarte boualy 1 I 1 am honored honor td he assured her ter highly bono honored redl consider me 1110 at your sery leel 14 II 11 felt jubilant tats this was an op alty now when ion iona wray arrived she be would eee see with what xen gen utness with what tenderness tenil erns he cared for or tui this child ct of a traca tra cr she would appreciate all the lovely depth depths at 0 his hi sympathy ym pathy she would be b incredulous of 0 the statements of that red headed beaded bobby she might even think dobby bobby deterred deserved corpora corp orL cepro re pro al anil and when the ho passed through the fates gates alone what a lingering lance glance would the he not send bah to him whre where he sat at caring sr or the child ot of a lonely yo coups U P ride he ile would smile addly I 1 la answer and the he would ge that it W wa as oly big bl men en ot of ch y which h tell copt 1 pt him from her aid aide e an and d all the war out abe beso deep was he 1 li the delicious dream he be did not perceive per celT the return ot of the black eyed stranger until she he was doe close beside him you are so goedl I 1 hall shall now eel feel perfectly ate sate about my little darling I 1 hall soon be back ii then she he and K found himself staring down una the th 41 bis big covered basket she ah bad had thrust in 1 his hand hallo abat tat kind of a 0 C fame came la Is this her darlina erl er her previous trust waa N as the child in the baskets vaa the child dead we was he to be involved in irl an all ugly ills III face ace blanched bito ched A cold sweat broke out on hh his forehead he lie could eel feel it trickling klinc down als al checks cheeks he wildly round around he lie tank sank weakly down aa the bench beach never r relaxing a hie his trip ot of the bestry basket should he cut for or it and tint un would not that arouse or mer heave beave cit coil here was u lona iona wray illow twilling directly towards him and sweet aa a i a rose in her atea wll nasr cown town and bir big leghorn teat ut he waa was wildly that she he 4 not see him but she he did she gd gneme ln ome are rem III 1 she asked 1 7 her have lever u low i yen rk appear 50 slip hesitated if a a avem eo di obb be con i 1116 delit me kored to 10 hia 1115 feet et A hold inc bordine imn bor diZe oadle ot of the b basket tn in ai A bs atit hard and jerking off his hl hat alth big hi no nill im ali all right at lea ilece in the banket moved lie glanced down in a panic ion s bewildered gaze axe followed 1112 did that contain the mystery of bli big pallor his excitement bli his ctet l air ar its afif tilt e bent bo mill I 1 in a blo blood ad cu curdling chisper 11 lie battley set the basket down and drow drew back M hat a gasped lona iona alv sultan darling the child he b panted rho child repeated lona iona with ih a brlek A baby in that basket baak ct 1 her iter cry attracted the attention atter tion 0 of the people lurry leg for the tr AIDS many pained paused A crowd aug dented Here berel beret cr d a hotly police man hastening up chats hat all this about its it a child its it a a baby its it tied in tint that baskett baa kett here a a loop hole for or ihrl who loea laps it belong atlon bof th roan nan waa was abducting ili the crici cries increased acre aed in number ex clar nations of t horror rebounded A cou couple ale at 0 railway offic official liala balse partied through the throne throng an and d me meantime antim the basket rocked away on an the bench in an unclamp fashion that lent sent ably era dow dowl ta the back 0 of the least largist lai gist native 1 I don dont t enow anything about att it protested in an agonized wall A lady gave it to me to hold until her bar return I 1 luvas ajel his A threat en enlik ing growl arose I 1 anata flat a HI III tight right girl grunted out aman a man apparently with ac at dhority W we it 11 attend to you officer keep your eje eye on thia this fellows I 1 am K lotair to open this basket ll 11 he whipped out a knafo bent down the curious crowd pressed closer not one of hit that breathless breath lesa mib mored moved as the t knife nipped biped alone along the taut line lines OLd suddenly denly the ati lid wai was jerked tip tiami sard there waa was a cry from the basket cot mot the cry of a child it waa was a yelp A wooly white poodle poked out his bead and looked in around the bowl howl that went up from the ob erven servers caused the hurrying suburban burban au lie tea on an the iron to land achal ach jf the big policeman burat burst into I 1 a to a bellow ito lie took bla his hand tr from om Mer merriwell i a arm lona iona laughed through hr t frightened tear team and just when the hubbub vae van at ita its height it fran ran tic woman barst through the throne throng she plowed tier ber way to the bench beach to the basket her black eyes flashing dashing gam you area art fine gentleman to fruit abe she creamed screamed she had tuned turned on Merrl Merri Tell 01 la in a fury letting those horrid railroad men set my sunflower St orl kw thy they will not allow me to tak him in the passenger carl car and I 1 hall shall no have lave my beautiful little lore love abut up in the bagg lige car cart I 1 gave him the tiniest whirr whiff of c 0 a form to kep keep him quiet until we osuld have started I 1 went away to get a trine tries more mom lie ile would have slept the way but couyou impostors Impo stort you u have betrayed me mel you have amused my confidences she stormed away at a wonderful rate 0 m my Y precious pre cloua pta I 1 ahe she walled at last i catching the drowsy canine 0 her bar bosom its it Litoni shing that no dida t try to teal steal you I 1 1 I 1 I 1 dida didat t know it was a dot protested Ner Merrl Tell weakly she flung 1 around IN hat did you think it wast wis abe h demanded oak park train a all a boardl b bawled baled the tarter starter Merrl veU and mis miss aray ray eat tat to cather all the way out they laux hel immoderately lie II 11 va was assured he might call lie didin didin fact he Is lutill still calling to I 1 ix exy licit there li Is a rumor thattus that tut evits til may be b gossip anyhow the ihrl in to the mall order department almilli when jonas oric ark ikei her to the cloth goods aide and will a tellof w arkers are ming him for taking down dovin navajo blue when she he asked for rose at all events these young people seem to be happy together on their free saturday after beit best of all bobby by eom some mysterious process bal ba ha l been conciliated at ed As i it champeon cha peon self sell ind and decidedly ruperd superfluous ous he merits commendation and gets lal nickles ckles dimes and sometimes even quarters |