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Show THE SM1TIIFIELD SENTINEL, SMITH FIELD, UTAH Scenes and Persons in the Current News PEASANT COTTAGE POT HOLDER SET BRISBANE By GRANDMOTHER CLARK THIS WEEK y ? i Washington Said It Searing Mussolini Ethiopian War Fever Not Even a Nest Egg No. 6 or No. 8 shot and loaded with black powder are recommended foe noise. Shooting Into the roosts five or six evenings may be necessary In cases where large roosts have been established. In smaller cities and communities the use of shotguns usually Is not forbidden by local regulations. Roman candles or streams of water from a hose may be effective In localities where the use of firearms Is prohibited. Electric lights or bells In trees where the birds roost often drive them away. Protected species such as robins and purple martins sometimes establish roosts but do not become a great nuisance. One hundred and thirty-nin- e years ago George Washington made his farewell adJresa. If la to In George drag now, Washington when so many art prepared to write a better ConstituWith a very little handwork you tion than the one can have this charming little peasant he signed. Neverwith a fence around It, right cottage theless, some of the in your kitchen. When you are not may It the house fits Inside the tolerate a reminder using formed pocket by the fence. Colors that In his farewell In the house end field beyond are address George stamped and atenclled anil require : said Washington outlining. Size finished about It is our true merely 12 8 inches. by Arthsr Uriah policy to steer clear Package A-- l I contains the stamped of permanent alliances with any porand tinted material of llnene for the tion of the foreign world. potholder and the container, also the Also, with apologies to pacifists and binding for fence and Instructions 1 Pope Pina greeting delegates to the International Congress of Catholic Norses at Castel Gandolfo, his summer res! young college gentlemen how to make It up. Sent postpaid for SALT LAKES NEWEST HOSTELRY -- Architects drawing of the heavUy armed entrance to the vaults that are being built for the federal treasury's who say they would not fight under IS cents. at hoard Fort 3 Members Knox, of Cuba's Kentucky. formed gbld any circumstances, you are reminded newly army of women which Col. Fnlgendo Batista Our lobby Is delightfully air Address ITOMB CRAFT OO., head of the military forces. Is training. that George Washington said In 1790: DEPT. cooled daring the summer awtfcs A, NINETEENTH AND ST. "To be prepared for war Is one of LOUIS AVIL, ST. LOUIS, MO. Redfo far tvary Baom A the most effectual means of preserv200 Rasas 200 Batts Inclose stamped addressed enveChains Get Sympathy ing peace. lope for reply when writing for any Information. for Striking Workers If Mussolini can be scared by British gestures, he will be srared, with Use Shotguns to Frighten Mary Slate, nineteen, pretty garment sending her great battleships worker, who chained herself to a ptisi England to the Gibraltar hnrbor. Other battleNoisy Birds From Roost ships and thousands of soldiers ere sent to her Island of Malta, and, A shotgun loaded with black powimitating real war, she Is putting sub- der shells which make a loud noise marine booms In the Gibraltar har- Is recommended by tho bureau of HOTEL bor on the assumption that wicked biological aurvey fur driving birds Mussolini might send submarines to sway from roosts, when their noise blow up her battleships; and that Is and filth become a nuisance; exactly what he would do If It came Blackbirds cowblrds, starlings, Rates $2.50 fo $3.00 to war. and English sparrows congrrgnte TKi Until Traiplfi Square has a and establish roosts, usually late In Illicitly dealralil' Irirmlly bIiimno Mussolini is not alone In his desire tho summer. Thousands of birds lilM're.YoH will alwaya find il immi ulalas Buitrmnrly ruinrirtallrv and fOr war. On Sunday In tho Ethiopian may gather In a single tree. thoraaidiiy aanealilit.iiu can there- If lura uuderataad wliy thla hotel las used most are effective Guns capital, Adills Ababa, according to the HIGHLY HKCOMMKMIKH Associated Press, 2,000 shrieking Ethi- early in the evening when the birds You can also apprrr-iatwhyi more are Then We first want they opians," yelling appenr. war," gathark of distinction to step Ifl aatmthia ered before the Imperial palace de- easily frightened. After darkness beautiful hostelry The Associated they move only a few yards when manding weapons. ERNEST C ROSSITFR, Mgr. Press says: The scene was so vio- the guns are used. Shells carrying lent that police confiscated motion picture films of It. That was wise, because films might hare convinced the outside world that Ethiopians and Italians are much alike "under the skin. Try Simotuz and Simonis Kleener on your car. it sparkle like new again , , , and stag Theyll make Sewell L. Avery, head of Montbeautiful 1 In fact, you cant expect your car to & Wnrd will tell yon that Co., gomery keep its beauty unless you Simonii it. Only the work of the tax gatherers In AmerSimonis protect the finish, makes it hut longer, ica Is done thoroughly. Ills company, and keeps the colors from fading. So, the sooner you Simonis your car the better. on Its regular business In six months, made $4,349, 7G0. Taxes on this business amounted to 34, COO, 000. or $251,-00- 0 to excite the sympathy of paasersby f more than the concern earned. President Franklin D. ItOosdvelt at the griddle roasting hot dogs for his her fellow strikers In the women's gar Yon might almost call tlmt discourmeat Industry of New York, near Hyde Park. newspaper men guests at a picnic at When you take the aging business. eggs from the nest of the hen that would like to set, you always leave one Allison Beats Perry, egg, or at least e door knob, to go on . with." high-spirite- d President Is Chef for Newspaper Men ai m- Temple Square - or M. U TO er. i'll tie ot- - ild lib, lor ns air 88, rds icd lD8 hlS. Dur ru- - Ing est T. Beauty that Stays MOTORISTS On WISE Val-KU- l, Youth Versus Age in Chess Games Wood for Net Title Some smile wears Wllmer who beat Fred Perry and Dispatches from Tokyo toll of planning political murder wholesale. The "god-sen- t troops that have committed occasional murders in highest places are tired of "occasional murders, and decided to wipe out the Japanese cabinet in an air raid with bombs, destroy the financial district of Tokyo, assassinate hundreds of Industrial and financial leaden and "reestablish Imperial despotism." The burning of buildings to put the throne and Tokyo In a state of chaos was part of the plan. Allison, Sydney eri but bln hist- - Ale the lt you edal weet Teaching In reverse was witnessed In the Chess and Checker Club of how to win. Play lastol when youthful memliera showed more thnnjthrce hours and resulted In a win for tho young bloods by thirteen tu Oldsters wen-al- l five. Youngsters ranged in age from seven years to twenty-two- . above sixty. s ! St tores ere." old-time- Wood to become national tennis Death Rides the Storm in Delaware d to lures. m m Sir Malcolm Campbell, who took his automobile to the giant Engllsh-hulsmooth surface of the Great Salt desert. west of Salt Lake City, and drove the car faster than 800 miles an hour, returns to New York advising motorists to "drive carefully." Sir Malcolm, who hne surpassed every speed record on tlie surface of the earth, selects the right place for speeding. At home he belongs to English organizations established to promote safety. CRISP AND CRUNCHY SWEET AND MUNCHY T Sir Janies Jeans, British astronomer ami physicist, whose The Mysterious Universe and other books you should rend, has clinnged his mind about the ege of the universe, end, like Professor Einstein, when he changes his blind he tells you. lie thinks the universe Is about 10,000,000,000.000 or ten trillions of years old. Thut Is a long time to Sir James Jeans and ur but, for all Jeans or anybody else knows. It may mean less than one hour in the life of some ." "super-universe- Hiller, talking to his army about discipline," blames Christianity and the Hohensollerns for the rise of Communism that "I crushed whim I came to power. Whether he crushed It or not remains to be seen. Iron A sailor from au American ship Is locked up In Germany for humming The Internationale," Communist hymn, and ranking the hymn worse by saying something unpleasant about Hitler. ralmetto, Ga reports negro tenant fanner selling their salt pork anil ? A somewhat milder Emulation ofVli'e storm' condition. In Florida rultd shore, and this scone; snapped a few mllea north of Harrington, Del, show one of the grim accomplishments of ths slot Three trainmen were kilted la this washout-wrecand one wm Injured : eat- ing chicken Instead, because prices for pork are higher than for chickens. The drouth, luck of feed and the professor who Invented the Idea of killing mamma pigs before the little pigs were horn are highly appreciated by Georgia's "hog raisers. KIS Fnlnni BynillcM Iml OnCE you taste Grape-Nut- s Flakes, youll cheer too! Enjoy its famous flavor today, and dont forget it's nourishing. One dishful, with milk or cream, contains more varied nourishment than many a hearty meaL Try it your grocer has itl Product of General Foods. WNUSwvIe. k 4 V I'lgJ ,. a- - is i . 7 v X . A,- ' V 'i- ' r,- i ,.- wA- V, - - A., |