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Show 1ML sjimrnEtD sextixel, The SMITHFIELD SENTINEL Publbbd Every Friday at Smithfield, Utah Entered at the F oatof fice at Smithfield, Utah, u Second Claaa Mail Crockett, si adm'nistrptor of the Estate of Thomas Btthell, deceased; and against all other persons unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in fhs real property described in the complaint advene to plaintiff's ownership, or any cloud upon plaintiffs title there to, v Defendants. STATE OF UTAH TO SAID DEFENDANTS: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after ser-- i vies of this summons upon you if -- Advertising Bates Will Be Made Known Upon Application 51)200 CORPSES QZ sr, ms September, All of Lot 5, in Block 29, Plat 1 and H acres. served within the county in which i action is brought, L EL Nelson other "A, Richmond City Survey, Dobwise within thirty days after son's Annex ( formeriy Ericksons Attorney for PUfar,' Post Office Address; 27-service, end defend the above en- Plat of the City of Richmond) in Section 26, in Township 14 Block, Logan, Utah. titled action; and in case of your Date of First Publacati failure to do so, judgment will be North of Range One East of the Lake Meridian, and rendered egainst you according to t Data of last rubfac-Uo- n itainingj the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with fhs Clerk of the above entitled Court This notion is brought to recover s judgment quieting plaintiffs title to the following described property situated in Richmond Precinct Cache County, Ut-eto wit: this Sit-udt- ed 2, b-i- 5" i In the eighteen months that ended June 20, 1930, 51,200 persons net death in motor crashes ln this country. More than 1, 800 000 wen injured. Farmers Union Feed The bare autistic, thought provoking as they are, cannot give an adequate picture of the horror of major automobile accidents. Figure cann:t express broken bones, mingled bodies, crushed skulls, obliterated features, decapitated bodies and all the rest of the results of fatal motor crashes. Nor can figure picture the tragedy of parentless children and broken hearted dependents of the victms of recklessly driven CONSULT U3 ON THE PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY: cars. In a recent artieal in Headers Digest, F. C. Furness wrote: A first class massacre is only a question of seals and numbers, seven corpses are no deader than one. Each shattered man, woman or child who went to make up the 36,000 corpses checked up last year had to die a personal death." That la worth thinking about next tune yon take the wheel Df your car. Driving at excessive speeds may, if you get away with it, it saw ten minutes in a fifty mile run. if you dont get away with it, it may mean your death, or the death of an innocent party. Passing on hills and curves) weaving through thick traffic and taking other chance may save you a minute or two more, tr it may mean a crushed body un the pavement, its bones twisted and broken, its eyes staring and Now Is The J Time To Have: WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING FEED YEEKt OF THE PRICES FOLLOWING FOR TIH'3 College Students-Y0U- R FALL AND WNTsi clothe cleaned and pressed. Ladfefi- - HAVE Y0UK WINTER COATS AND FURS CLEA. ed by OUR NEW PROCESS. Mon. Y0UR topcoats and winter . .75 BRAN, 86 pound bag ... SHORTS, 100 pound bag 11.35 DAIRY FEED, I in 1, 100 pound bag $1.20 DAIRY HIGH PROTEIN, 100 pound bag 91A0 LAYING MASH, 100 pound bag $1.85 GROUND BARLEY, 100 pound bag $1.10 GROUND OATS, 100 pound bag $1.20 GROUND WHEAT, 100 pound bag $1.40 WHEAT, 100 pound bag $145 SEE US FOR YOUR BRAN AND MILL RUN BY THE TON. WE HAVE A SPECIAL PRICE. WE ABE IN THE MARKET TO BUY ALL KINDS OF WHEAT, BARLEY AND OATS. SEE US BEFORE YOU SELL. FREE DELIVERY ON ALL FEEDS - : AND PRESSED. PRESSEDNOYMBE FOB COLD WEATHER Sift .ogan Laimd?y AND DRY Y CLEANERS 241 NORTH MAIN ! LOG A 1 sightless. Its up to you, to everyone who drive horrible cost ? Legal Notice IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF UTAH, I N AND FOR THE COUNTY OF CACHE. si I car. Is recklessness worth its to to non pun Bert Danford, Plaintiff, versuil Martha B Baker, Elisabeth B. Beam! Heber Bithell, and Alice B. Eng--: lish, only known surviving heirs at I law, of Thomas BitheU, deceased; I and against John Doe Bithell and Jane Doe Bithell, unknown heirs atl law and unknown creditors of Tho-- 1 mas Bithsll, deceased; and John A.I C SUMMON8 Safe & Sene It Is Safe To Use Safr! The Good Drydesning vent Everton 8 Sons Go REMIT Uilflinfi SEALEX LINOLEUM hWtikl.flMN Saves you ieal (nancy! .QUESTION: When la the new low ANSWER: With all meter & kilo-wa- Sons Go. hours. 8.0c per k. w. h. next 75 k. w. h. 4.0c per k. w. h. for all additional consumption. QUESTION: Wherein does this differ from the old rate? ANSWER: It provides an additional and lower step from 8c to 4c per k. w. h. for all electric current used above 85 kilowatt hours. QUESTION: Does thi3 new rate replace the old rate In all oases? Lagan ANSWER: laid fasicc QUESTION: ANSWER: This Is genuine InliM Seales Linoleum Stain-proand lng note made with ontiMfre right on tho back This meant money saved, lime saved. And a stronger, floor than ever before. Youll like the new patterns, too. Stop in of lng direction and understand have marked Lindquist Mortuary funerals for many years. Low cost, too, has been an outstand- ing factor. Ve have earned our reputation for fair deal- ing and dependability. 0. longer-weari- and sea thorn. MORTICIANS Half-Pric- old-fashion-ed What is the "Objective" Rate? $1X0 per month, including 11 kT.owait im m&mm 22 14 Half-Pric- C0MNETEIY INSTALLED 0H ft. FL00K x Only VV. Lindquist 2nd Sons ng How can the residence lighting curtain er take advantage of e Electricity? ANSWER: By improving the lighting in the home, and by making use of cdditional electric appliances to replace mothoda, la m. Earner considerably increased comfort and convenience are obteirsd at a very slight increased cost In other wards. electric servants work longer hours et a lower rate ol pay. QUESTION: Yes. hours. 5.0c per k. w. h. next 25k.w. h. 2.5c per k. w. h. next 164 k. w. h. lXc per k. v. h for all additional consumption. QUESTION: Why is there an "Objective" Rate? ANSWER: Hus rate is made available when the customer's use of current increases to a where it can be applied. Until such time, it point provides Electric Lighting service at e from the immediate rate. lung-we- ar Sympathetic rate plan effective? readings after Oct, 1, 1935, QUESTION: Whet is the new Jew rate? ANSWER: $1.03 per month, which includes II tt Floors with our new! high power Electric Floor Sander Refinish Everion USERS NEW ADHESIVE Logan Rent Oar Sander o&H&pta $3.95 QUESTION: KE resi- Half-Price- Per Yard & Crystal Bottling How much electric current does the dence lighting customer receive at ? ANSWER: AD electric current used during each month in excess of that used during the same month in the base period, until the "Objectivo" Rate is reached. This is calculated on not less than the 11 kilowatt hours specified in tho minimum bill example: If 40 k. w. h. were used in October of last year, and 60 k. w. fc. in October of this year, the customer would receive 20 kilowatt hours at and so on in each succeeding month until the "Objective" Rate is reached. Furniture Co. IEOT 6.v. 3 38. BSSSS EEJBEl 8c Half-Pric- e, What is the "Base Period"? ANSWER It is the 12 months period used as a basis lor figuring increased consumption in corresponding months. It is the 12 months ending with June, 1935 meter readings. QUESTION: Dees this Base Period" always remain the Miner QUESTION: NOW 7 P.M.! instead ol 8:30 p. m. ANSWER: is the starting time for i LOW NIGHT RATES on long distance calls v -- I Yes. where customer took service this entire period. Otherwise a 12 monthduring base period u established beginning with the time continuous service is first token. Electricity WE WILL BE CLAD TO EXPLAIN FULLY ANY DETAILS CONCERNING THIS NEW RATE PLAN THAT MAY NOT BE CLEAR TO YOU. PHONE US. DROP A POSTCARD OR VISIT OUR STORE. IW Thu is the second of a series of advertisements covering our new low rate plan. Watch for future advertise-nurd- s explaining how it applies fo your specific service. Is The Biggest Bargain In The HnmZ UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO a.,, i - vs , 7, , gmruiJtjyJ am irre , a |