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Show wM v 4 THE SMITH FIELD SENTINEL, SMITHFIELD, UTAn before the cold rush Sally Sez I doubt tlrnt any area or activity ever showed up the graft and chisel-lo- M g of civilized life and government more clearly than did the Klondike of the old days. Prior to the lum-uof 1808, when the rush wn on - ( i full tilt, these towns got along without murder, thievery or graft; without Jail, courthouse, post office church or schools. There were .ns rules In general, except the Golden Itule, nnd Justice was not only fast hut fair. Nobody hnd locks on anything until the influx of civilization" In volume, one Instance of a door j remember being barred from the Inside In the absence of the owner, with complete written Instructions outside on how to get In. Newcomers commented on Gils, but the old sourdough explained that it made sense. Only Indians couldnt read and were lousy. Edward Dean Sullivan In Gvrriaht by Bra Amci WilUm. bi Ben Ames IDiLliams TV XU Servlet, and she could minister to the lessor physical aliments which sometimes attacked them. At a gathering of cronies In the of Liberty, Maine, Jim Saladlno When one of these men appeared, lletene to the hietory of the neighborJenny stayed usiiully lb the backing Hostile Valley lte pait tragedlee, ground ; but they were a harmless Ita auperb Selling itreama, and, above all, the mysterious, enticing "Huldy," lot, rough and strong and spending wife o( Will Ferrln. Interested, he their days lu liard physical toll, yet drives to the Valley for a day's flatting, toward a woman gentle and shy. Somethough admitting to himself hie chief times she saw one or two of them deilre Is to see the glamorous Huldy Ferrln. "Old Harm" Pierce and her through the open land between slipping Ineteen-year-othe house and the woods toward the Jenny granddaughter live In the Velley. 81nce childhood Jenny brook. A path from the mill cut has deeply loved young Will Ferrln, older than the, and who regards her as through the woods direct to Careys till a child. Will leaves to take embridge. ployment In nearby AuguMa. Hie fa"Going np to sample Bart Carey's ther's deeth brings Will back to the rum," Marin Fierce guessed with a Valley, but he returns to Auguita, (till unconscious of Jenny's womanhood, and grim disapproval. "Jen, you keep away love. Neighbors of the Pierces are Bart from them. Stay out of the woods, and Amy Carey, brother and elstar. down that way. None of 'em to hurt Bart, unmarried and something of a you, less'n they was drunk; but I le attracted by Jenny. The girl repulses him deflnltely. Learnnever did believe In putting Idees Into ing that Will le coming home, Jenny, a man's head. You stay sway. y seta hie house to exulting, 8 lie had In fact some reasons for and haa dinner ready for him. rights," concern which she did not explain to Jenny. People were apt to confide In CHAPTER II Continued this wise old woman, and she heard alone! sound; and Jenny said politely: "I things Jenny did not hear. Amy CarBart protested: "Ma'am, I'm sorry hope you'll like, here, Mis Ferrln I ey, Bart's sister, came one afternoon "ItS me. win, for her. 1 want to kind of comfort All's ready for Huldy looked at her husband. "I'd when Jenny had gone toward the her. I'd marry Jen In a minute If like being anywhere with Will," she brook, so that the old woman was home." he'd have me. Guess she knows it, said In slow deep tones. I like big alone; and Amy was troubled. he cried. "Why, Jen, I 'Jenny too." men I this neighborly of you folks. "The mill erew, they're around the WHEN THEY SHOW take Well, she wont, the old woman The two other women were uncomWheres Granny!" house all the time, slie explained. to wants see she "Dont told him. you fortable ; but Will was not He beamed, "And Bart, he'a had a couple men "Home, she told him. cry now! You go along and get out and talked on, contentedly ; but Huldy "You do all this!" he asked, destaying there from Augusta, that let of here. la the end would not stay to supper. on they come to fish; but they dont lightedly. unceremoniousAnd she bundled him "I've got beans on the store, she bring home any trout They go off down I didnt want yon coming to a cold Nervousness, Constipation, empty house she said. "Suppers all ly through the door. Bart, outside: reminded Will "We'd best get along.' the brook every day, and come back and Poor Appetite, she ex- at ready; or it can be In ten minutes. climbing Into h!a buggy, wondered at And as they said good-bnight, and no fish to fry. And they check their diet for tha had which ardor Chicken stew, and doughnuts, and the sudden flooding plained to Jenny: "You cant blame never come before. blueberry pie; and there are biscuits made him speak so openly. He had no me for going on home. Im still a were uneasy. "It's that Her to bake, and the ovens hot least mind to marry, had not contem- bride, and Id like to bare Will all to woman, eyes ready she said. "Ive heard 'em talk Many are nervous, poor in been there had how that about her. moved toward him, finding her plated doing so; yet myself. I guess you know They knowed her In Ausystem out of orderbcaiusc thdr dally limbs at last answering her will. "Come In Jennys eyes Just now something so to I" diets lack enotrnh or die predous Vitagusta ; and Seth Humphreys, he did and broken with a led like And off away. Take Will. Will, deep longing hanger In, captive: your hat she bade min B for keeping fit. too. One of 'em said the other night that he had been swept Into n folly of When they were gone, Jenny was Set down and Ill . . Few things keep them bade like a lade that's the only reason Seth come and of this protective food clement. The word died In her throat For words, Into an unaccustomed forget- silent hurt without knowing how she put a mill In here; ao's to be handy to her wounded So give everyone Quaker Oats every had without been assuage fulness, eager grief. being womhurt, a behind Will, In the open door, to her. He was hot after her, to hear addition Because its in blind was dumb and to he gc an had appeared. Jenny saw he& and Will, thought, morning. their tell, before Will come along and erous forkceping she stared; and the woman smiled. and blamable; he had a quixotic Immarried her. man I for other thrash to the go pulse rben Will, Marm llerce said asscntlngly: "I ingredients. For about He te nance what had h.nnftn,' loved to see that him, Jenny turned, falling cfd see the kind she was, first time I per dish. and took this woman gently by the for tailing to understand. Start serving it tomorrow for s told eyes on her. arm and drew her Into the kitchen But before he came home, he began test. Quaker Oats has a wholesome, nut-lik"Bart says she ain't more'n half deluscious appeal to the appetite: to stand there beside him. to be curious about this wife of Will's. to Will, Amy reported, "lie says cent he said proudly, "this He would want to see her by and by. Flavory, surpassingly good. All grocers "Jenny, she's always taking a dig at him, and supply it alone with here's my wife. This Is Huldy." her grandmother, Jenny, him too blind to ace. Bart saya he'd Dreadful aching agony of emptiness ; wept long weary tears, till she slept IN VITAMIN B FOR KEEPING FIT.. . to her, the like to take a hoop-pol- e at last from very pain and deep fastrength draining slckenlngly sway. she treats WUL Him and Will worth of way "Huldy, said Will, Jennie's come tigue; and old Marm Pierce sat by waa always friendly. ind made all ready for ns. I told yon her long, that night, brooding over the Quaker Oats The older woman nodded. "Will, that folks was friendly here. hurt child, tender and fond. Already he'll go along blind about so long and Huldy smiled; something In her she hated Huldy Ferrln for hurting then hell wake up, she predicted. I cakes of Fresh Yeast taint mirth at once Insolent and pro- Jenny so. he does, the furs bound to fly. "When vocative, at once arrogant and aeqnl But when Jenny woke In the mornThe Ferrina was always slow to get (cent ing It was composedly. She was older; mad, but It aint safe to face em when "She looks mighty friendly to yon. older even to her grandmothers acgot their dander up. Man or womthey words. Qeafcer and Metbec'e Oats are Me In barb the Will, she said, a customed eyes. But there was no ain't wise to make too big a It an, Why, she Is, Will declared, blindlonger any panic of bereavement In fool of WUL ly content Always was. She want her, nor any vehemence of outcry at And she added Impatiently: "Not but n young one when I see her .the the blow that had struck go shrewdly Opinions that anybody cd make a bigger fool Be not prodigal of your opinions, last time: the time Ps died. He turned home: Her world might lie broken at of him than he made of hlsself when lest by sharing them with others yon to Jenny. Tore real grown up now, her feet; but her head still was high. he married her. Jenny, be said. She went calmly about the common ts left without Ambrose Bierce. Bart says he acts like she was made The word somehow . lent Jenny dally tasks, which can so often by of gold sad cream," Amy confessed. strength. Her spine stiffened and her their familiar monotony bring comfort "Shes got Will walking tiptoe around poise slowed and her tone was calm. to a distracted mind; nnd she and the house. She was a moment silent, Yon come In nnd set, MU' F erring Harm Pierce spoke not nt all of Will shivered faintly. "The men act funny, she aald equably. 1 guess yore tired. that day or the next When they did, after they've seen her, she said. "It and IH to Yon make yonrself home: nt lost it was Marm Pierce who asked "8he Looks Mighty Frltndly to You, scares me, some . . . the question, Jenny who answered her, get supper on. Will. Marm Pierce nodded grimly. "I But when this task waa done, she "Hes married. Granny, she said, know," she agreed. "Talking loud, and on Valthe her to wound; finger put would not stay to eat with them. In n tone of finality. "That's all there able bragging and blowing, and then or would not sustain her so tar. "IPs Is to It or ever can be. I didnt grow but Marm Pierce waa not In the least But yore all right, Amy, with mystified. youd np soon enough for him, thaPs all I late, Will," she explained. Bart there." I X exclaimed. she She's a hussy eome earlier, might stay nnd wash And she reflected with s surprising Amy turned homeward presently; "Will's cut him off a bigger piece than but Jenny did not return for dishes; but Granny will be wondering wisdom: "Like enough there's a furabout ms now. other girls that loved a man, and had ha can chew. She'll make him dance ther while, When she did appear, ahe And when supper was on the table, to see him marry somewhere else be- a pretty tune. gave no alga of what had happened; Jenny turned to the stove to set the but she had learned, that afternoon, Jenny bade them both good night. In fore they come to be women. And all strong steady tones, and took herself they could do waa grieve the rest of kettle on, unable to apeak ; and Marm to understand Iluldy through ami llerce added Indignantly: "Ive seen through. sway. Out through the barn, down the their lives. orchard slope, down the eteep trail to Youll have a main of men to pick women before with them sleepy eyes, BE COX TIMl' ED) tins stream. and choose from, Jenny, Harm Fierce like they ws'nt moren half awake. gha went blundering through the told her stoutly. "Any man with sense But Will, the dumb fool. Is blind as s Cure bat Shell put s ring In hls nose! dark woods, her eyes hot and dry with Medical men the world over ere tears that would not flow. to the Jenny smiled faintly. "Like Bartr Shell bring him up with hls toes cure as the she suggested, amused. quickest and most permanent means worn the older whirled toward Jenny CHAPTER III "Well, therell be others, the older of relief tor a of ailments. The aa "If shes not good to him. Ill kill first man to usenumber Walt and see. woman Insisted. cold water scientificalI" she cried. her no more of Will for So they spoke was Vincent Preissnlts, who was When Jenny, struggling through the So Marm llerce perceived the girl's ly while thereafter; but a week after s humble peasant In the Silesian born dwp woods, her eyes burning for the aftdistress, and sought to ease her. mountains. lie watched wild animals anudyne of tears, emerged at tost Into Will's homecoming, on a Sunday Jen, she said quickly. "Don't cure themselves with cold the open meadow land and saw tbo ernoon, the old ear In which he had "There, water and mind I There's nought to do for dim bulk of the barn ahead, she ran returned from Augusta came bouncing you bethe treatment to human applied Book of Will now. You go read the siiiuibllngly, In haste to come home to In from the main road and stopped In Proverbs! You'll Und s luga with wonderful success. Intensewisdom of heap the and the yard by Huldy doorstep; Murui Pierce and the old woman's medical there. Wormwood will be hls dlsli, ly persecuted by the orthodox arms. Site rounded tho ami then Will descended. In curing by he persisted profession, bis read If he'd or late. Maybe Marm Tierce and Jenny were In the soon cold water where they had tailed Urn and saw a light In the kitchen; saw too a team liere In the kitchen, and the old woman would Bible, be'd have knowed better than broken bones, aches, and skin comalio but The Past but s to I dunno. Many marry her; and so was warned that her hare protected Jenny from this encoim plaints and ultimately hls fame came Think only of the past as Its re yard, was not alone, and had ter, but the girl went bravely to the man's let a woman take him with her to the ears of ths emperor, who made grandmother Jam like the Bible says. Pore membranes glvos you pleasure. Hum to steady herself before she came door and opened It and stepped out eyelid him a doctor. Preissnlts founded the Will P Austen. upon the porch to greet them. to the kitchen door. first hydro; placing hls belief In na. . . "I'll Jenny whispered. "Aft'noon. Mis Ferriii, she said. Bart was here. 11s had been In Libture rather than In drugs. wom"No and yon won't," the old Hello, W11L Its neighborly of you erty villas when Will drove through, Magazine. shook She her an anover. and we'd come Interrupted stoutly. to an heard me, Granny had balled Will and dtf would can but "Nought you swering fall; but W1U did not halt so have come to see you, before now, but It worse for Will, and for you, Quivering As pea Leaves Bart bad not seen Huldy. Yet ha had Granny can't walk ao tar." of tha oldest legends In the One from from him, too, Jea a sway Stay woman In amlle, smiled, alow, a deep Huldy seen, dimly, the form of slumber-liddethe both of them. Let fire burn, Jea Christian world concerns tha constant eyes. Will said the scat beside Will; and before Jenny with come to ashes by and by. quivering of aspen leaves, even In aparrived now, be bad told this muih to "We come to say much obliged to you, It will ; was hushed And silenced and parently atlU air. A large number of house all." for and the Jenny stove the fixing up Jenny, old Marm Pierce: sitting by old to went woman and wise licraons believe the asren tree supthe get He touched Huldya arm, proudly, before the open oven door. plied the wood for the cross and has own self; the supper oa her a house to one housekeeper some lluldy's keep Brought never ceased to tremble for the part was Summer them and now, a of dust found upon she but aint was speck not." the opinion tor him, like as Jenmonths that It played In the crucifixion. T. the that followed, knew during anywhere." be hazarded; bat Marm Tleree "Come In and set, old Marm Pierce ny saw will not at alL There waa a 11. Ijiwrle, Winnipeg, Canada, In Colaplierore even Jenny misgivings, In composedly Invited briskly, and they did eome la stir of new activity In the Valley, which lier's Weekly. peared. Jenny came was Huldy moved Indifferent to her sur- served In some degree as s distraction. enough, but her countenance The Famous Ola Bull and torment of yet eren Jenny was con- In July, a man named Seth Humroundings; rnnsk, eloquent haggard Bull wee born te llffhtfn Boracmann from Ole dissteam set s was s phreys that rose scious up Augusts, then quickPierce powerful Marm of pain; and mill not below Mnrrn 5, 1810. In tar farm. In Norway, Pierces Ml ihm farm, fur ImmUm. February shout the this air Bergen. and turbance Mfj.g very Bart, between the girl Has MMMliMhm ly and came could hear, unless the wind were childhood he developed a fondness for had woman. other tho 8he They not, his IIMlur Iihl iMh-iknight, from eyes. shield Jenny to upon clearly; ahe saw now that wrong, the relterant whine of the saw ; I music, especially the violin, andencour-me"lie come filially, did be. Jeui" she seen Iluldy waa wira Will's beyond question beau and now and then some one of the a visit to Paris heard and waa -asked. "Yore tote enough." who worked there, with a minor j aged by PagnnluL He first epiearel extltal, as a flam la beautlfuL Hair He only Just got there," Jenny cut or THE COLEMAN LAMP AND ETOVS CO. aa and wound, came to ask Marm PIciyc i on the concert stage with Kiiwt and black black ths Ink; to supper pnt plained. I stayed and warm; and her to heal hla hurt for him. Sho had a n.opln and before long bis fame yet bright Oil. told cheek a fine brown from long acquaint salve with virtues which wars famous, spread over Europe Marm l'lerce nodded, and sha SYNOPSIS : Bart see Will go through the snee with the sun. Jenny could wonder at the other's beauty, and at the village, lie says as how there was same time fear It and shrink from It woman with him In the car. Jenny said In husky tones, "Yes with an instinctive alarm. Without Granny, it's his wife. Wills got mar- knowing why, she wished to draw ried." away from Huldy; and as though in Her voice waa terribly eteady, aa proof to herself that she hnd no such rigid as steel. Harm l'lerce was desire, she spoke to the woman. "Take off your coat," she said. "You shocked motionless; and eren Bart could In this moment read Jenny's and Will, you'll have to stay and visit; secret In her eyes. Before the old stay to supper." woman could move, he stood up and Huldy smiled with faint amusement, came toward the glrL yet obeyed; and Will sat down and "Why, Jen," he said warmly, "1 he talked In the old friendly fashion guessed you liked Will pretty well yore for a while; of his long absence, and own self, didnt youT lie chuckled, his work In Augusta. I done well theije, he said. "Saved yet not In a fashion to cause her any palu. "I always bad s notion you did," good money. But I'm glad to be back, he confessed. 1 knew with him ground Just the same. He looked at Huldy proudly. "Hul-d-y there want a chance for i e, but when he went away, I kind of thought here, she had so many beaus after her all the time, when I finally talked And he urged : Dont you grieve for her Into marrying me, I fetched her Will, Jen I Theres men enough, not sway from them quicks I could. Dunno bow I ever got her, but I aim to keep as fine as him maybe, but . . . Harm Pierce said harshly: Bart, her now. Marm Pierce nude s noncommittal you shut your mouth. Let the child Jenny vll-ia- gt ld ne'er-do-we- ll, long-empt- r THESE SIGNS ? plmaal may la te PATIONIZI HOME INDUSTRY. A were Purt Preserre THIS WEEK'S PRIZE STORY Bchael time Is hra asalal While the chi Urn ere ehcarhiec the three "EV t crhool, why eet teach them Matthias eeelly necdfal at heaw. That lei ts heert end he level te their we caemnilice tewae, that, ea they grew te the ace ef mpewalhlHty. eatiac eed efflre hoUiag, there will ecus te he ths ercrwhelainr prehleai ef peter ty, aarmpleyauat sad relief aaS they wtS have a mis preepereaa latanaaaatala n eeaatiy. G. THOMSON, ."H ARROW BRAND PICKLES Jud Tunklns says a lobbyist who used to hand you n big black algor now expects to get by with a emllo and a cigarette. At 400 i e, lc i i . bla Creed Jeactiaa. Utah Oil Refining Service Stations in Utah and Idaho In Ilomcr, gods and goddeaaes alike are represented as cheating and lying. ALWAYS ASK FOR BEET SUGAR THE ONLY HOME SUGAR The nil mo geysers to derived from un Icelandic word signifying "to burst forth with violence. KETCHUM BUILDERS SUPPLY 3 i Plect Set ! t Everything In Plumbing HI Bt 4tt Si. M Ui Chr An Old Belief If a frog spits on one, a wart If ao Cold-Wat- er $12 eold-wst- Tlt-Blt- a d Coleman lantern hent-auM-t- a J"--- ! -" n jn SAN FRANCISCO ROM OGDEN & SALT LAKE CITY This bargain one way fare le good In and chair cats on our ROUNDTRIPS VIA SAN RANCISCO LOS ANGELES . $31.00 SAN DIEGO . . $37.10 These are first dan farm; good Pullmans la (berth extra). See San Fraadsee aed many other California points on jrnur way to Los Angeles OS San Diego: (Visit Americas Eh position at Saa Diego.) Pacific Southern illuuruxl ForSafocandou end (olden H- Tulips wars introduced Inks Europe from Turkey about 1S44, and It waa leas than a century later that Dutch growers had tha erase. -- i. me week win he Why S. W Steriter te eten: Sul yeer Mery lu tmm te latwaueuteiu Pi.de.te . F. O. Bn ISM, Sett yeer etery erimn lu this esteem check din Cet- - Llrf An nn M mUn JJ)O.UU te half-veile- r , wewwq; - r- T i the M Hew $3.00 yw M.S w u latanuButela uMe Wttk N SIM W.N.U-- all Like City i "mnm i . I SI 3Wffrri " Iinmt I jiiBUMtewsiii hw?HMi..ihw;iwmi 1WWT I |