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Show -- 5, i - A '- . - . jj; .. ' V . r limi t II iwi in ..... nftwtow fuWiwiirtaMMItaaM SMTTnnTLU SUSTISEE, gepfonfrr. 7 " IBS SS2E2 Mr. Samuel Nelson is ill with Wednesday afU'nioon Mrs. Walter at this writing. Bead pneumonia in honor if her oo Vi'i'lv birthday. Twenty two guests Bunco was Mrs.! laul Ackky is reported to present. played. Mr. A. E Moser and con, Ger- Abigail McCombs v.oii h:gh prizvi. at this writing. ald of Blackfoot, Idaho, visited last Mrs. Isabelle Cro?ko;t non c3iw.ua-- improving ! week with her father, Mr. Andrew tion prize, A guvd time v;..s on' Holjes&n. joyed by ell. I Mice Maxi Heljeson entertained at a dinner Saturday, September I Mr. and Mv3. Adeil J. Cunn-- n 21, in honor of Mr and Mrs. A. E. '' have moved to Missoula, Montana, Moer of Blackfaot, Idaho. Covers where Mr, Camion has secured work wen laid for Mr. and Mrs. Moaer1 at the sugar factory for the b:et and m, Gerald; Mr. and Mr. 31. czmpMgn, which v.lll last until 0. Wflhnore end daughters, Bev- about January 1st. erly and Marilyn of Salt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. Donald DavidMr. and Mrs. 31. O. Willmore and son and eon, Bruce, of Logan, Mr. Beverly and Marilyn, of daughters, Andrew Iloljeson, and Min Salt Lake City were week end guests of 31r. Andrew lluljeson. LOCALS 27. fc ontei-taini-- liE WISE lH'Y BAKERY I'BuDltTS MADE IN SMITH FIELD! ooo BIRTHS September 27, a beautiful quilt will be given away. You may see winMr. and Mrs. Willis Fonnerbeck it in the North Cache Merc, Adv. week. dow next of bom arrival a annunce the girl September 21, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Sorenzon announce the safe arrival of a girl bom September 23. Everton la the place to buy your Stove Range and Furnace Re- pairs Water Jackets Too A girl was bm to Mr. and Mrs. Amos Nilson, September 25. Mr. and Mrs. Manon Hill announce the arrival of a baby girl born September 12. H How is the time to prepare for! winter by buying your frint, sugar, vegetables and other canning need at the AMERICAN FOOD STORE, Phone 42 j watch for our hand-- ! Adv. bills. Sons Go. Logan A girl was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Munk on September 25. A baby girl was bom to Mr. and: Mrs. George Rasmussen, Sept. 12. j & Shades Repaired ANNOUNCING We put new cloth on old window shade rollers. SAVE HERE Erertoa & . . . . Sons Co. Logan ill SMITH UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT i Everything Baked Fresh Baity from Highest Quality Materials. i A Complete Line of Bakery Products. SCIIENLEYS ALWAYS ASK YOUR GROCER FOR OLD QUAKER It's now out-sellin- - SMITHFIELD g BAKERY PASTRIES every other straight whiskey ip the U. S. A. Proving chat you dont have to be rkk to enjoy rut whiskey. n. im OLD QUAKER I INSTILLED DRY GUI HOME OF SONNY BOY B&EAB SCIIENLEYS CREAM OF KENTUCKY STRAIGHT s WHISKEY Quality-Service-Ciean- ! A smooth, straight Kentucky whiskey that folks arc calling oe.e "double rich". - S . s-- N Hn r |