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Show a ANNOUNCEMENT Sponsors Program Mrs. Alary A. II ale announces the marriage of her daughter, Edna to Orson Pratt Ca Ulster, Jr. of Black-fdo- t, Idaho. The marriage took place Friday in the Logan temple. After Nov. 1st the young couple will make their home in Salt Lake City. The bride wes graduated from the William Budge Memorial Hospital Training school, and the bridegroom Is a former student of the Utah State Agricultural College. Monday evening Miss Ardis Larsen dinner party in honor enterained at of the bride. A color scheme of pink and white was carried out in the . decorations. Everybody is talking; about tbe Colonial Doll beautiful wool-fille- d quilt on display in the North Cache Merc window. The quilt will be riven away free Friday night, September 27, at the Variety Program to the hohier of the lucky ticket The Variety Program lo sponsored by the First Ward Sunday Schnol. The program include! stunts, singing, readings, dances, boxing and wrestling. The public is invited to attend. Victims Condition Reported Improving Your Radio (, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Smith reHow turned from a short honeymoon last Saturday, September 21. They! married in the Salt Lake RADIO SERVICE AMD REPAIRS. were Society The First Ward Relief StaShfidd. was formerly CURTIS.. SORENSON, bride will hold their opening social Tues- temple. The Halad. of Thomas LicLeota Mias amuseGovernment Class ward Utah. First day, October 1, in the Reasonable ment haU at 2 p. m. a ensed Radio Technician. ADV A good program la outlined and Mr H. M. Monson of Ogden was Prices, Guaranteed Work, Richmond visitor last Sunday. refreshments will be served. All lJdy members of the word Relief Society are cordially invited to attend Is OFFICIAL STATE TESTING STATION -- To Reprasont Club 4-- H THE SEE WE DO ALL TBE IROHRITE TION ON YOUR PHONE -- - i;- uh REPAIR. AtL fIMES. GARAGE ALLRED Spoth 999-- W Smithfield Haim PHONE SI UTAH r "rtn - r Cl cai nui hn FEDERAL AVENUE LOGAN- - B :ihc MONTROSE'S d. V TO PASS auto qcvfEftfL 1NG AT SS 'V the state test. al 2 p. id. SHIRTS IRDN IT SEE 4-- H AUTOMO-ML- OB TRUCK Demonstrated Each SATURDAY 4-- H vc NECES- SARY LABOR AND INSPEC- IRONER Miss Maxine Smith, daughter' of Fern N. Smith was chosen to reclub of Cache present the Dress Revue in the Style County at the Utah State Fair at Salt Lake City. Mrs. Glen R. Winn, club leader of Smithfield will accompany Maxine and the other girls of Cache County at the fair. They England will go with Mrs. Ethelyn Greaves, Ships Honey County Demonstration Agent. Other exhibits entered from Smith Meyers Honey Company, Df Smith field include a club exhibit from carload of a field, recently shipped the Third Year Clothing Club, dirhoney to England. This is the first ected by Mrs. Winn and a little shipment of honey this large that has ever been exported from Smith-fiel- boys suit and girls dress made by Metta Hale and Oris Mae Allen. Gus Meyers, manager of the Meyers Honey Company is very proud of being able to supply the demand from his fast growing business, and he is to be congratulated on the fine grade of honey hia bees produce. to The condition of Autain Burbank, Richmond workman, who wan seriously injured when a beam fell on his left leg Monday was reported to be fair by attending physicians today. It is believed that it will not be necessary to amputate the 'badly crushed foot as was first expected. The leg was fractured between the ankle and knee. Mr. Burbank was working on the ground floor of the new addition at North Cache high when the accident occurred. 19M Opening Social MARRIAGE Sunday School 27. SENTlNEf, Scptfmffr. SMlTHFIEtti & Sn in fw a v bH COl SATURDAY XT 4 en fit ws mi PRESENTING THE NEW GRISWOLD Circulating Heaters WE TAKE IN PLEASURE COMPLETE ANNOUNCING OF LINE THAT OUR S MILK, SEG0 0K MOi!NlN'G' IS NOW ON DISPLAY MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING, RAISINS, 4 LB. PACKAGE WHrrE KAR0 PINEAPPLE, SYRUP--8 LB-CA- HALF SLCES COFFEE, FRSH GR0UND N- Vi LB. PKG 8 Not only do you get quality in construction of this heater, but you also, get beauty in appearance and design. This year we are happy to shtfw you a new Modem Designed GRISWOLD HEATER, with the same high grade construction on the interior as the conventional design. liny the pleasure of a visit from you soon, to show you the most beautiful culating heater obtainable. and tlie most economical cir- 4 LB. PKG. BAKERS CHOCOLATE, 10c COCOA, 5c KREMEi, 8c RAISINS, 10c COFFEE, PACKAGES FOR DEL MONTE, 1 LB. GAN 19c FULL OF JUICE, DOZEN 19c SOUP, FASG0, 2 CANS CORN, SWEET, CAN WHEATIES, SIZE HiG rEG CREAM OF WHEAT, SHREDDED WHEAT, SALT, S 5C 10c SUPER SUDS, large km LAUNDRY SOAP, CRYSTAL WHITE, 5 BARS .... 29c - 4c ro 15c 11c 10c - 12c 22c PORK & BEANS, PIERCES, NO. 2U GAN 10c Whole Wheal Biseiul, KELLOGGS, 2 KELLOGGS PEP, 2 PACKAGES FOR 27c 8c CRACKERS, 11c PKG- - CORN FLAKES, 10c YA lhJ wrraD- - CAM HOMINY, LB. SACK 2 10c 10c 15c 10c 10c m nta 15c 25c 17c 15c 12c 15c 10c 15c PEAS N0-- 2 CKAH PKGS. 23c 23c 23c 2 "R - TOILET TISSUE, 12c 16c AND A VARIETY OF MEAT YOU AT FRESH FRUITS ft VEGETABLES CAN EAT PRICES YOU CAN MEET GutkeMeat & Grocery A HOME OWNED STORE-- WE AIM TO PLEASE YOU i VVVVVWVWVmrVVWVVTVVWVT 9c TALL TAI2, SALMON, LARGE, JUICY, DOZEN -- eh by ?tni ORANGES, CRISPY, LARGE PKG 14c 33c SHRIMPS, TUNA FISH, Phene "" j- - v 7 frr 3 ii . yr E II We Deliver wi eh 29c 25c , KV 2 GRAPEFRUIT, SALAD DRESSING, MATCHES, 801 CORN FLAKES, . . Grapefruit Juice, M and Carpet Company - 1 LB. GOLDEN RIPE, PER LB. LEMONS, a 2 Furniture LOGAN, UTAH GamooD' LB-re- COCOANUT, The above prices include a complete installation in your home, with walnut wood lined stove board and the nece-ar- y pipe. Lundstrom POWDER, Pi 14 GALUMET-- 1 d th 25c -- BANANAS, X $24.00 $2900 $32.00 $34.00 $38.00 $48.00 $54.00 GRANULATED, LG. PKG. AND BARS CRYSTAL WRITE Armours Sandwich Spread, American, mento and Swim, K LB. PKG. nu fi -- 8X88 8 f gg 4c -- 45c GRANULATED SOAP, CItzf AE wn,TE NwitwxttHnMW HERE ARE TOE PRICES un8rl BAKING 15c WESTMINISTER, SHORTENING, We absolutely claim that the GRISWOLD CIRCULATING nEATER is the best heater on the market today, and can prove our statement by the above record. 02 10 8X118 QUH'I 2 GIANT REX LYE, 18 s. 10c Olio MUSTARD, OR TOMATO SAUCE, CAN OHnUinCO, For the past seven years, we have been Helling this most satisfactory besting strive, and are making public thii statement, that during these seven years, we have absolutely never ordered one single grate nor fire pot for this marvelous heating stove. This to our knowledge, is a record. There can only be one answer to this and that is that the material used in the construction Of thii stove, is positively the very beat than can be obtained. SIZE MwmxY 8UNNY PALMOLIVE SOAP, gc 0VAL CAN SARDINES, 12 LAUNDRY SOAP, 0q KING GEC,RGE 0AN CORN BEEF, Sat. Sept. 28th COJip PEETS can TALL CAN FANCY TOILET SOAP, it pER lb-- TUNA FISH, WHITE SNACKS, tx 36c 8c 22c 25c LB-CA- SHASTA GREEN, SHRIMPS, 2 - by 0q 35 c PUCCCp HERSHEYS COCOA, jgjj QT- - MEDIDM SIZE CAN OLIVES, we Lave ,AB BEST 01!ADE1 2 PEANUT BUTTER, GRISWDLD CIRCULATING HEATERS can SmMhfleld ar t nc wi Mf P W m L |