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Show SENSATIONAL THE WEEKLY SENTINEL SEVERAL PERSONS WANTED character and good reputation in each State (one in thia county required, to represent and advertise old d wealthy business house of solid financial standing. Salary (31.00 weekly with expenses additional, all payable in cash each Wednesday direct from head offices. Horse and carriage furnished when necessary. References, Enclose envelope. Colo334 nial Co., Dearborn st., Chicago. ENDING of entab-lishe- 6RAY ft JAKEMAN, WHITAKER WRIGHT DIE8 AFTER RECEIVING 6EVEN YEARS' SENTENCE. PKblUin UTAH STOCKTON. Phieiiix Indemnity Company, OF AMERICA. Promoter Whose Career Was Known on Both 8idea of the Pond Does Not Live to Wear the Stripes. NORTHWEST NOTES. Insure yourself against sickness and accidents. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION WRIT! TO. H. A. 209, colored, sentenced from Laramie to fourteen yeara in the penitentiary for criminal assault, was until recently confined In the jail at Rawlins for robbing a peddler at Han- na. A short time previous to that he was released from tho pentlentlary, where he served eighteen months for stabbing a man. The first lake of oil to he discov ered In Colorado has been tapped near Florence, The oil body was encount-- ! ered at a depth of 2775 feet, and the well will have the production capacity of any six wells In that field. Tho oil in the new well has risen to within a few hundred feet of the surface, and 500 barrels per day can be easily pumped. Alfred Mertz, confidential clerk for the Donhue Mercantile company at Missoula, Mont, left his wife a note saying he waa short in his accounts and meant to commit suicide. Two hours later his body waa fished from the Missoula river. Mertzs employers say be Is not short, and that he must have been laboring under mental aberration. James Martin was sentenced to hang February 23rd by Judge at Butte, for the murder of Charles Williams, a Northern Pacific brakeman. at Silver Bow Junction, Mont., May 19. 1902. Charles Lennox, Martins nrromplire in the crime, escaped last summer In a general jail delirery, and has not been apprehended. The urgency deficiency bill reported in the house carries an item of (700 for completing the monument on the site of the Fdh-- t Phil Kearney massacre, Wyoming. The state of Wyoming has ceded the site to the government. located on Massacre hill, and (700 carried in the bill, together with ?590 previously appropriated, s ill be sufficient to complete the monument. "Ben Nerthington, for years a prominent figure in Rawlins, die! on the 22nd of old age, in a little cabin just outside that city. Korthington was an old prospector and saloon man. an.1 at one time ho was worth consldcral Is money, hut died a pauper. In 1874 Northlrgtnn was elerted county attorney, despite the fact that he was not a lawyer. The matter was contested, hut he qualified and held the office about a year. General Agent, 232 Deseret News Bldg. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. mBENV JffLX.r UNIQUE! TnlSlP ENJOYABLE! HEALTHFUL! tnacaa placed wlthla reach trfallelOa SALT LAKE HOT SPRINGS Sanitarium a re D 1 liJ DA tt THE SCENIC LINE TO5 Glenwood Springs, Aspen, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, 52 W. 3d Sooth Sah Lake City and all points east - Bathing Reseat la 0a Wn( mm-fsCovering ever one lor acres. Half a million rations of water passes through the pool each day. PhaS Connecting at Ogden Union Depot wlib all Southern Pacific and Oregon Short Lino Traina Tha only Transcontinental Line passing directly through Salt Lain City. FLBRD1DLY EQCirriD FAST TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN Via OGOEN u4 3 AND DENVER Tbre. Separate and Distinct beetle Routes. ri C fc O a Com trine health and via! ling these bn the when in I Open day and night. Through Servlpe For n tea, (olden, tree Illustrated booklet, eto.. Inquire of your Mind ticket scant, apeeifylng the Bio Grande route, or nddreee L A. BENTON, G. Ai P. D . ground that there was a certain gree of extenuation in the peculiar cumstances which Wright was placed under. At the same time all the papers dwelt upon the sadness of the final tragedy. ... ai Hat Siriphaf Hatha In Porcelain and Mam Ha Tuba. Private Plunges and Larga Swimming Paala U Through Pullman and Ordinary Sleeping Cars to Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago without change.. Free reclining chair cars. Personally Conducted Excursions. Dining Cars, service a la Carte on all through trains. tha, ST. EAST SALT LAKE CITY AND . THE VIA de-Jure- d dr-Swe- REMEMBER, Every seat In the Madison Square Concert hall, New York City, was aten Tuesday night when William j f ran began his speech on "Moral Issues. He said, in part: I have preferred to speak independently of any organization because I do not care to embarrass any who may differ ; friends or supporters from me In opinion, Both I and are left to pursue In j they, therefore, the future, aa we have in the past, the course that seems to us best I do not apeak with authority; I am not a candidate for any office; I am only a private citizen, and I can prove by the editorial pages of near ly all of our leading dally papers, that I have excellent prospects of remaining a private citizen during the remainder of my life. D. E. ROOSEVELT INSPIRED VOLT. B BURLEY, THAT THE ....:zg3 i. THE DIRECT CONNECTION Missouri Pacific UNION PACIFIC A.G.F.ST.A. RAILWAY 3 THROUGH SCENIC C00-ES- KSiSfJSSiDliRI PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS. OBSERVATION DINING CARS. THE OVERLAND ROUTE WHICH B THE POPULAR O0MBJ0NG ciit ROUTE TO ALL POINTS CAST C G SPEED m orati Unexcelled SALT LAKE CITY, electric Fans. chair cars. Reclining (scats me)... PAY COACHES. For Barths, Tickets, Folders, tic., address TTNION PACIFIC IT MAIN ST. Electric lights, . COMFORT SAFETY 201 A WITH THE C.P.AT.A. D. S. SPENCER. j 6AYS RAILROAD I Makes Such Statement In Addresa on Moral Issues. I IN FIGURING YOUR TRIP EAST Oregon Short Line BRYAN ISN'T A CANDIDATE. Wigfall, . 211, NELSON, e the . Sam Also Life Insurance. ... Installment Flan. ... You pay a little each month. XXXXXX William McCune, one of the pioneers of the Laramie plains, died last week At 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, at Laramie, aged 72. Whitaker Wright, the mining pro of earth In the East moler who has been on trial in LonBy a cave-l- n of the Amalgamated don fw absconding with fund of the one mine, Gray at Butte, four men were London & Globe Finance corporation, properties, killed and two injured. by which tlio stockholders lost more to Miss Jeneva A. Johnson, aged 21, than (111,000,000, was sentenced who has been a sufferer for years from reven years penal servitude. At 4 a disease of the spine and brain, re- o'clock be lay dead on the floor of courts. sulting from a runaway accident, died a small room in the law own life took his he Whether by at Laramie Sunday. poiHou or whether death in its natA premature explosion of dynamite robbed the law of its fulat the Virginia mine, near Baker City, ural course will not be known until a fillment, Ore., resulted in the death of Jqck examination la held. mortem post Reese and put out the eyes of .bis The Indications, however, point to partner, J. W. Weidman. poisoning. A huge block of coal has been loaded For about twenty minutes after at Basin, Wyo., weighing 6,300 pounds. Wright bad been sentenced, he talked It was taken from the mine of J. 1. with his lawyers about his family afMcDonald, and Is to be placed on ex- fairs and the disposition of bla rehibition at the St Louis fair. maining moneys. lie frankly exThe cyanide mill of the United pressed his amazement at the verdict, States Reduction & Refining company, and still more bo at the sentence. two miles north Florence, Colo., has Suddenly Wright fell backward, as been destroyed by fire, entailing a loss if he had fainted. The officer who estimated at from 175,000 to (125,000. was waiting to take him to Brixon Sam Wigfall, a colored man who prison ran to Kings College hospital, which Is nearby, for a doctor. In the attempted a criminal assault upon Helen Kruppa at Rawlins last meanwhile tho unconscious man was week, was taken into court and plead- propped up on two chairs. The doctor ed guilty and was sentenced to four- came quickly. Ills first thought was that Wright had fallen In an ordinary teen years in the penitentiary. In an altercation over the payment apoplectic fit, but It was noticed that of checks in a faro game at Ontario, his heart began gradually to give out, arOre., Walter Lucky of Prinevllle took and before another doctor could Whitaker one within rive, Wright, five shots at R. R. Duffln, the dealer, who beat a hasty retreat and escaped hour of the time he had been sentenced, was dead. uninjured. Lucky is in custody. Without exception, the London paIn a running battle with two safe pers express satisfaction with the salcrackers in Spokane, Patrolman Lovindication of the law in the utary gan shot and killed one of the men, case of Whitaker Wright, and admit the other escaping. The officer sur- the of the verdict and of the justice prised the men while they were enentence. The Standard alone, in an deavoring to rob a safe in a saloon. editorial, expresses some surprise at ..WrilAal. smilvaqya I.Mtoti R&drKafcu rick HaiYlngton' probably fatally In- by an explosion In the Never mine at Butte. The miners had prepared a blast early in the evening which failed to explode and it Is thought they afterward drilled into the "missed hole," thereby causing the accident ed rogressive Mat H. C. TOWNSEND, MMHMI MB YtCKBT AM NT, BT, IOW9. r (THE OVERLAND ROUTE) VTAH. Tbe's no Better Service Than that via tho RE- 8enator Stone Accuses President Abetting Panama Uprising. The time of the senate on Tuesday waa again divided between consideration of the Panama question and other subjects. There waa only one j speech on the canal, and it was made by Mr. Stone of Missouri, who spoke to a resolution directing the senate committee on foreign relations to make an investigation into the Pan- - j ama revolt He contended that tho circumstances indicated complicity on j the part of the United States in the secession of Panama, and urged that In the interest of the countrys good name all the facts should be known. Ugioi) Pacific iijd 5t. PauI Ry. THROUGH LINE Gbico, ; 'VilwAUKee & From Kansas City, Saint Louis and Memphis to points ia the South, Southeast and Southwest j j ! The Union Pacific and Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul first-clas- s Sleepers, Tonrist Railways are now running Sleepers and Free Reclining Chair Cars through to Chicago. For tickets, sleeping car reservations and further information, apply to . The Urgent Deficiency Appropriation The urgent deficiency appropriation the house propriation committee Saturday. The bill carries a total ttf (11.205.280. based on estimates from the various departments (12,488,200. aggregating Some of the larger items in the bill are (2,000,000 for armament and armor for new ships; (200,000 for the naval station at Guantanamo, Cuba; sur(100,000 for Alaskan boundary vey; (570,000 for construction of tho new offlpo building for the house of representatives; (145 000 for mileage for members and senators; CUKl.nnO for rural free delivery, and (2.400.000 for collecting the customs revenues. Leaving Kansas City at 6:30 P. M. daily, will take you to Springfield, Memphis. Birmingham, Atlanta, Jacksonville and all points in the Southeast. For detailed information apply to G. W. MARTIN Bill. bill was completed by Tire Southeastern Limited westfrn agent 1106, 17th St. GENERAL CLAUDE S. WILLIAMS, F. A. MILLER, Commercial Agent General Passenger Agent Chicago DENVEB, COLO. 106 W. Second South St., Salt Laka To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Seven Laxative Bromo gumine Tablets. 13 months. This in MUEon boxes sold post seqzsbms: SlgOdtCTO, & Cures Crip la Two Days. on every fcox. 25c. |