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Show Trackless Trchrya. The only ayatem of trackless troV lays In tha United States la that at Scranton, Pa, which faaa made a fall bowing of aucresa. In France and Germany a numbei of theae lines, which have electrical automobllea op orated by an overhead wire, hava proved aatlafactory, the only objection to them being the fact that they require twice the current uaed for carl operated over ralla. 10,000 Plants for II Thin Is a remarkable offer the John JL Balser 8eed Co, La Croase, Win, Onions. rare, lueclous Radishes. gloriously brilliant Flowers, This great offer la made In order to Induce you to try their warranted aeeda for when you once plant them you Will grow no others, and 1.000 1.000 ton ALL BUT ISO rOSTAOl, n. Tuberculosis Victims. In Russia 4,000 out of every 1,000,000 la Inhabitants die of tuberculosis; , Franco and S.000; la Germany, Ireland, Sweden and Swltw erland, 2,000, and In England, Belgium, Scotland. Holland, Italy and Norway, Austro-Hungary- Fhofe Owe osnnot be too hlhly spoken of m ooest sum J. W. O'Bbim, M3 Third Ava. W MIeesepnllyMim , Jtr f, "ffi POLITENESS Act of Courtesy that Lost Llghthousa Official Hla Position. Recently the British warship Spar-vovisited the native kingdom ol Tonga, In the south Pacific, over which the British government exercises a protectorate. Its ruler la a dusky and spirited young man who calls himself King George II. When the Sparrow waa in the harbor of the Tongan capital a ball was to have been given on board. But the electric light failed and all aorta of expedients were resorted to for tha purposes of Illumination. An obliging customs official of high atandlng removed the light from no of the lighthouses In the harbor It aboard the Sparrow. Tor thin risky piece of politeness he was dismissed by the Tongan government Tht captain of the Sparrow Interceded with King George on his behalf, but hla majesty was Inexorable, which Indicates that he knows his business. Just as horses depreciate so do Jockeys. The outlaw tracks and bushes are full of Jockeys who were once stars on the race courses. Jockeys who made fortunes a few seasons ago are now hustling for mounts and when they secure one it la usually some outsider that cannot win. Willie 81ms, the Jockey who won fame and fortune for the Dwyer b bothers, a boy who once held the privilege of selecting hla own engagements, is amongst the number who are now e hustling for mounts. Even his a Mike employer, Dwyer, pats stable boy up In preference to the onoe famous Sims. Sims claims he can ride as well as ever, but no boy on earth could ride a winner on the horses he has been forced to ride. Fred Tarsi is another living example of the man who has gone backward. Five years ago Tarsi was America's greatest Jockey. Every prominent stable in the country was after him. A year later the class of his mounts began to depreciate. He nd-lea- old-tim- New Syetem In British Army, Confidential reports are henceforth to play an Important part in British army discipline. Exact reporting is to be rigidly Insisted upon. If the report! are favorable, a promise of accelerated promotion is held out to the officers; if the reverse, he will be condemned to retire from the profession for which he shows himself unfitted or too careless to qualify. Two adverse reports In succession will bring up the question of removal even to men of long standing; the Juniors f leu than three years' service will ho Incontinently dismissed If they Aa not show up welL DR. FED HIMSELF. Found the Food that 8aved Hla Life. saw that he was losing his grip. A new style of riding was coming Into vogue. Taral discovered It and packed hla trunk and left for Australia. Soup" Perkins, who piloted tha great Henry of Navarre, when the thoroughbred was Americas greatest has been eking out an ex lstence at the Newport track. "Tiny" Moore, who waa once the Jockey of the Lori llards, secures an occasional mount at Newport This lad la capable of riding at a reasonable weight but last season, when he made his appearance In the east, he was not given a decent mount At Chicago Tiny" Williams lands a mount occasionally. Sometimes he wins, bnt his victories are few and far between. Stoval, another worthy lad, died poor at St Louis. At the time of his death he could not secure a mount And so on down the list in definitely. The Jockeys have their brief period of success and then fade out of the public mind and are forgot ten, left too often without any meant to live upon. A A good old family physician with a lifetime experience in saving people finally found himself sick unto death. but let Medicines failed and him Ml hla own story. "For the first time la my life of slxty-onyears I am impelled to pub Ucly testify to the value of a largely advertised article and I certainly would not pen these lines except that, what seems to me a direct act of Providence, saved my life and I am Impressed that It Is a boundon duty te mako it known. For S years I kept falling with stomach and liver disorders until I was reduced 70 lbs. from my normal wdghL When I got too low to treat myself, 2 of my associate physicians advised me to put my house In order for I would he quickly going the way of nil mankind. Just about that time was put on a diet of Grape-Nut- s predigested food. Curiously enough It quickly began to build me mp, appetite returned and In 15 days I gained 6 lbs. That started my return to health and really saved my e X Ufa. "A physician Is naturally prejudiced gainst writing such a letter, but In this case 1 am willing to declare It horn the housetops that tbs multiplied thousands who ars now suffering aa 1 did can find relief and health as If easily and promptly by Grape-Nuts- . do. what to knew Sincerely only they Fraternally yours." Name of this prominent physician furnished by Pos-fnCo Battle Creek, Mich. look In each package for a copy of the famous little book, "The Iload to WellvUle." m "Forefathers' Day" was observed st years after the Pilgrims left England First Unitarian church in Oak-in- and eight years afier they planted the Cal., on the evening of Dec. 29. Scrooby church at Plymouth that the Puritans left England. The Puritans !ol. John P. Irish presided, and relanded at Salem, and there the first sted In brief the causes which led Puritan church In America was estabhe Pilgrims to forsake their native lished, In 1628. xnd and cast their lot In a new and This church was at first an Epistrange country. copal church, but, under the Influence The acting pastor of the Berkeley of Surgeon Fuller of Plymouth, who Inltarlan church, the Rev. George W. was sent to Salem to assist during tone, who was formerly the Ilisto-ia- the prevalence of what la called in of the Massachusetts Society of tho records a plague, the Congregad, n fayflower Descendants, delivered the ddress of the day, which took the arm of a study of the Pilgrim era. Ie defined at length the difference letween the Puritans and the In part he said: Bear in mind that the 'Scrooby' ongregatlon was the last organiza-loof Separatists that existed in England at that time; that it fled to lolland in 1607, and after thirteen ears' residence there it came In the layflower to America and founded he Pilgrim Republic at Plymouth In .620. Notice that it waa thirteen tional system was adopted. This was accomplished under the lead of Gov. The Pilgrims, Endicott, In 1629. therefore, were the pioneers In the settlement of this country, and to them, rather than to the Puritans, do we owe what Is best In our national life, and I might add, most of those principles and practices which differentiate us from the other nations of the earth. Let us remember, also, that the Pilgrims, and not the Purl tans, were the founders of Congregationalism in Europe and in America. San Francisco Chronicle. Significant Name. Rev. Dr. William T. McElveen, on use of Scripture: ie Intelligent EThen I was a younger man 1 met a lored woman In Tennessee, who uned her son Judas Iscariot,' and hen I asked her why, she said: Dat a Scripture name, massa. I reads In 1a Bible dat it was good for dat man i neber been bawn. Well, me an ia old man had sixteen children Tore Is one conic, and we Jos called him Life. A catch of breath, a rising sun, A few gray cloud, life's race begun. Youth ecaks the heights, love seeks Ita end. Wealth comes and goes, ties break and mend. Pll-Tim- s. n Adas Iscariot'" few rood friend, a tear, a smile. Some days of cheer, a sign meanwhile. Time' trxt of change, old frlanda depart. Late thoughts gmw wise, grace leads tha heart. The aun dropa A low, down, tha clouds awing few farewells. then time to go. Clifford Kane Stout Co., Buffalo, N. T, 8anitary Conditions Improve. In the city of New York alone there who are 150,000 people living y would he dead If the mortality of fifty years ago still prevailed. to-da- other Gray Swoot Powders for ChlMsMh Successfully used by Mother Gray, nuns In the Children's Home In New York, erne Constipation, Feverishness, Bad Stomach, Teething Disorders, move and regulate the Bowels and Destrov Worms. Over 80,000 testimonials. At all Druggist, 95c. Sample FREE. Addreaa A. S. Olmsted, LaBoy JL x. NEVER WITHOUT A CHAPERON. Dutch Glrle Always Attended by Their Elders. The Dutch girl does not enjoy anything like the amount of freedom granted to her English or American sister. She is a very carefully chaperoned young person and when ahe goes to the theater it la with her elders, not merely with a friend or two of her own age. At the dances ahtf attends, songs, recitations and musle for the entertainment of the elders form part of the regular program and the chaperons sit at tables socially enjoy lng their coffee or other refreshments, while the young folk glide over the waxed floor to the strains of the latest waits. Dutch maidens have to make the best of their opportunities ol amusement, for when it pleases thelf parents to seek the quiet of home they must meekly accompany them. In their country the Idea of a girl being unchaperoned at a dance la not to be thought of at any rate, not yeti d I n proprietor!. For sale by all druggists, price 50 cents per box. Dentists Advice. Fire Station Equipment. Every fire station In Berlin has now boon equipped with an oxygen apparShe Took Them at Their Word. Keuka I.ake la one of the most at atus to revive persons overcome by tractive of the great chain of lakes moke or heat Ordinary eltlxena In the Interior of New York atate. may also have the loan of the appai Bluff Point at Its head la a hold atns In cases of urgent need. promontory, which rises grandly and Ohio, Citt or Toledo, I tats orLuca f Impressively. It was upon the banka Coustv. Tbavk J. Chnt nuke oath that ha la Malar of this lake that the famous "Jemima V. Ann a Co., doing of J. tha Uaaxar of partner In ilia City nf Toledo. Conniy and Blau Wilkinson founded a colony nearly bualuaaa and that Mild Arm will pay tha aum of aforesaid, three generations ago and announced ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS fur earh and erarr aue of Catabbh (hat cannot bt enrad by tha hm of that ahe could walk upon the water! Ball's Cataim Cun. TRANK CHEXET. ox the lake. A large crowd gathered J. In uiy Sworn to befnr mi and to see her undertake the experiment D. a. of ink. this (th day December, . . A. W. ULKASOX, to she followers asked: her Turning Not amt Pcblio. "Have you all faith that 1 can walk ' Hall'a la Catarrh Cura ukan Internally and nets we "We water? have, upon the directly on tho blood and mucous aurfwe of lb free. have! her followers replied. Then ' ay. lam. Sand for T. tilKSE V CO., Toledo, O. there Is no me in my undertaking to Bold by all Dnwriata.J. Ko. (Wr constipation. PUla do bo, she replied. "If ye have faith j Taka Hall's Family ye shall be saved without my walking Mongolia. uuon the water." Although Mongolia, in which Rusila Is now Intrenched, has been a part of Taoalnta and Billion Dollar Oraaa, The two greatest fodder plants on the Chinese empire for the greater earth, one good for 14 tona hay and the part of the, last two centuries, China other 80 tona green fodder per acre. Grows everywhere, so does Victoria haa not exercised much authority over Rape, yielding 60,000 lbs. sheep and It, and the Mongol has been largely at wine food per acre. liberty to follow his own desires la JUST SEND 100 IV STAMM TO VHB method of government and conduct John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, The only tribute which has heretofore Wls., and receive In return their big been required from the country has and of lota farm seed catalog samples. been a certain number of men to (W. N. U.)s " serve in the Chinese army. Grant's Size. Ethel was making her first visit to Mm. Window' RnotMng Syrup. children teething, softens tlit runs, Traneas the metropolis and her eyes were big Tor flam in Allow, allays pain, curs wind collu. SSeabotUa-and wise with wonder at all the Newfoundland Seals. trange and curious things she had The seals of Newfoundland are not seen and heard. She had seen Coney, the dazzling; Brooklyn bridge, the furbearing, but are killed In large wonderful; Central Park, the beauti- numbers, for their akin and fat The ful, and all the sights which her kins are used to make patent leathyoung aunt had selected for her to er and "kid" gloves; the fat for fine see. Finally they came to Grants soups. tomb as the last thing to be seen The 17, a Daph af Agrtculturo Ethel stood and remembered. Gives to Salzer's Oats Its heartiest thoughtful a few momenta looking endorsement. Salser's New National down upon the sarcophagus, then ahe Oats yielded in30 INS from 150 to S09 bu. acre In different States, and whispered, overcome with the lm- - you, per Mr. Former, can beat this In 1N4, mense size of It all: "Auntie Claude, M you will. Salser's seeds are pedigree seeds, bred up through careful seleo waa he a giant?" Boston Journal. tlon to big yields. Per Aero To Cure n Cold In One day. Barley Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AH Salsers Beardless 121 bu. yielded druggist refund money If it fails to cur 86o Salsers 100 bu. Home Builder Corn. 80 bu. Spelts and Macaroni Wheat. Powerful Cannon. Salser's Victoria Rape 60,000 lbs. With 885 pounds of smokeless pow- Salser's Teoslnte, the quicktwelve-incgun growing fodder wonder.... 160,000 lbe. der, the new Salser's Billion Dollar Grass. 50.000 Iba. will send an Salser's Pedigree Potatoes.. 1.000 bu. hell through nineteen and Now such yields pay and you can inches of harveylzed nickel steel ar- have them, Mr. Farmer, In 1N4. END 10c XX STAMPS mor at a distance of a mile and a half. and this notice to the John A. Salzer Uniforms for Army Electricians. Seed Co., La Crosse, Win, and you will The master electricians and the get their big catalog and lota of farm electrician sergeants of the newly aeed samples free. (W. N. U.) created corps of the army will be desCultivating Com, Corn has beeu bred to show that ignated by a symbol of white metal resembling forked lightning inclosed by Intelligent cultivation the parts of within a wreath of gilt metal. The the kernel that yield the oil can be uniform trourers of these officers will minimized, wlillo those that produce how a scarlet strips. proteiu can be developed. j iub-rlle- . praa-anc- e, I j teailm-nla- l., ; ! j j i 40-ca- A Foater-Mllbur- Toledo, Ohio, Jan. 25th. Mr. Harry I Lewis, Dentist, 607 Sumlt street, this city, says: "I certainly advise anyone, no matter how severe they may have Kidney Trouble to take Dodds Kidney Pills. "I was troubled with Kidney Disease for several years and Dodd'a Kidney Pills cured me. I had uaed remedies without any many benefit Four months ago, 1 waa flat on my back with this painful trouble and must say that I almost gave up hones of ever getting any better. Through a friends advice I purchased lx boxes of Dodda Kidney Pills. "At first I could see but little benefit hut after two weeks, I could aea an improvement I had been getting np several times at night and pains in my back were very severe. When I had taken six boxes I felt better than I had for years. The pain had all gone and I didnt have to get up during the night at all. I continued the treatment until 1 had used several more boxes, and now I am glad to say that I am completely cured." j RELIEF. J. W. Walls, Superintendent of Streets of Lebanon, Ky, ays: "My nightly rest was broken, owing to irregularities of the kidneys. I suffered Intensely from severe palni In the small of my back and through the kidneys and waa annoyed by palx-fu-l passages of abnormal secretions. Doctors failed to relieve me. I began taking Doana Kidney PUla and I experienced quick and lasting relief. Doana Kidney Pills will prove a blessing to all sufferers from kidney disorder! who will give them a fair trial." re-viv- a. Pilgrims Were the First tie LA8TING . Alas! So Intricate a case, with all the points lnvolvabls! When Death took Silas and to dust found him to be resolvable. Took him for reasons, good, perhaps, but which were not revealable, And 8llaa' counsel found, alack, the judgment not appealable! But back to court he strode when sure that Charon o'er had ferried him. And cried: I want a nol proa, for my client we have burled him!" J. W. Foley, in New York Times. TOO FAR. LOOKED. ... The witnesses, those gray old men, recalled the ancient history Of Silas' crime with halting speech, and deep and dark the mystery To them of why they were recalled; with quavering tonea. In truthfulnesg They told again the old. old tale of Bllaa' erring youthfulness. The Jurors held he could not change his spots; but. like the leopard, he, So Silas' counsel straightway held he had been twice In Jeopardy! 1.000. CARRIED Young Silas Watkins stols a ham a theft most reprehensible. And then engawd a counselor, (which certainly was sensible.) They plunged him In a dungeon deep, a dungeon grim and terrorfuL The while his lawyer went to court upon a mission And when he found at once the whole proceeding could be busted, he Sued out a habeas corpus and took Silas out of custody. In court hla learned counsel urged with dignified suavity The dangers of aunneenily haste In matters of such gravity. The prosecution's bitterness lie held unjustifiable, Tie Justice, with her blinded eyes, before whom we are triable!" And after bourn of argument, with growing heat and frictional, He took a change of venue on a question Jurisdictional. Again upon the solemn court, with masterful urbanity, He urged a close Inquiry by an expert on Insanity, Who felt the bumps on Sllua' head, who found profund rascality. Who In a year made his report of obvious normality. Long Silas' counsel studied It. by methods not revculable. And finally concluded the decision was appealable! Good Silas gave another bond to stay hla Jail processional. Good Silas' counael labored with an ardor quite professional. Until he got an order from the hlgheat court available, . as the statutes read, there waa a question If t'was Jallable.) (That below Tha court should try again, and though they might acquit It, or Convict It, they must try again" o stated the remittitur! are FADELESS DYES and washing. Records .T "Odds blood!" cried Silas' counsel to hla client. When I've read you tMn You'll sec the entire finding almply reeks with flaws and prejudice. To Jail shall any cltisen for stealing of a hock he aentf' Straightway, the which, he went to court and tiled another document No sheriff shall arrest him. Sir, on any legnl sham as As this, and If a Sheriff tries. I'll certainly mandamus grim him!" Cuba's Mineral Products. Tha mineral products of Cuba In wfude gold, silver, mercury, sine, cop per, lead, manganese, asphalt, naph petroleum graphite amianthus. PUTNAM THE Whereat the counsel got a stay of trial for a or two. To And a missing witness, (who was dead, Iyear have a fear or two!) The years rolled on. they tried him and unmercifully depicted him The commonest of larcenista; the Juror then convicted him. No chance for Silas!" cried his lawyer. Yea. I aay. Indeed ha has!" Upon the which he went to court and got a supersedeas. "flood cheer!" said he to Silas. You will soon be on your feet While Silas gave a hall bond and was straightway on tha street again. again. A monstrous abstract then they filed, the lawyer made a noise and fusA Until, within a year or two, the court gave them a syllabus, Which, stripped of all Ita verbiage and law and technicality. But reaffirmed the verdict baaed on Silas proved rascality. providing you will return this notice, and If you will send them 20c in poat-ag- e, they will add to the above a pack age of the famous Berliner Cauliflower. W. H. U.) hit te light on RET HARTE Winning Personality of tha Great California Author. Mr. Howells gives us some charming reminiscences of Bret Harte In the Easy CLalr of Harper's, relating to a week's visit Harte paid him when the latter came East from California. Mr. Howells thus describes the author of "The Luck of Roaring Camp: He waa then, aa always, a child of extreme fashion as to his clothes and the cut of his beard, which he wore In a mustache and the drooping aide whiskers of the day, and his Jovial physiognomy was as winning as his voice, with Its straight nose and fascinating forward thrust of the under lip, its fine eyes, and good forehead. ti.cn thickly crowned with black hair which grew early white, while his mustache remained dark. He was. as one could not help seeing, thickly pitted, but after the first glance one forgot this." Pittsburg Press. Sense of 8mell In the Aged. Old people have an atrophied sense of smell, and they do not aeem to of this Infirmity. Even when can scarcely distinguish one they familiar odor In tea, and when they take strong smelling liquids for pure water, they assert that they enjoy the perfume of flowers. Their visual Images, for they recognize the perfume of flowers when they are able to see them. The olfactlve Image thus has an Independent Intellectual existence, since It Is capable of functional en-orfu- makes. They will aend you their big plant and need catalog, together with enough need to grow 1.000 fine, solid Cabbages, 1.000 delicious Carrots. 1.000 blanching, nutty Celery, 1.000 rich, buttery Lettuce. 1.000 aplendld HOW 85U-poun- d t h armor-plercln- g flve-tenth- a . |