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Show Time Table. San Los Angeles aid Pedro, Salt Lake Railroad. TOOELE AND TINTIC DISTRICT. Read Down. Read Up. Station. Dally. Dally. AMM. Lv. City nikfiEi Vlata Slant aoaoa 10.. Garfield .... I .SI. .Half M ty Spur l:00..1.rda .... ftnfi" Ar. P. M. liU B:25 a o o a a (ill 5:00 ........... .1 4.60 446 ........I 4:80 For a bud taite In the mouth take a thence S 87 degrees 24 minutes E. 1448.3 Stomach feet to corner No. 3 of Iloino No. , few doees of Chamberlain Price 2a cent. thence N. 0 degrees 36 minutes W. 292.2 and IJver Tablet. feet to corner No. 2 of Plomo No. 10, Warranted to rure. For sole by thence S. 87 degrees 53 minutes E. 1200 Mercur Drug Co.. Mercur, I'tah. feet to corner No. 3 of Iloino No. 11, M. E. Brown. Stockton. Utah. thence S. 0 degrees 34 minutes E. 1499 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. feet to corner No. 4 of Plomo No. 11, Estate of David II. Crop by, deceaeed. thence S. 0 degrees 36 minutes E. 1499 Creditor) will present claim with feet to corner No. 3 of Plomo No. 16, vouchera to the undemlgned at hie thence N. 87 degrees 53 minutes W. in St. John, Tooele county, Utah, 1198.8 feet to corner No. 2 of Plomo No. on or before the 30th day of May. A. D. 17. thence N. V degrees 36 minutes W. 19M. KKPIII DRAPER. 100 feet to corner No. 3 of Plomo No. 5, Admlnlatrator of the Estate of David thence N. 57 degrees 24 minutes W. 1497 H. Crosby. Deceased. feet to corner No. 4 of Plomo No. Date of limit publication, Jan. 30, A. thence N. 0 degrees 36 minutes W. 598.5 D. 1U04. feet to corner No. 1 of Plomo No. 5, Wm. S. Marks. Attorney for Eatate. the place of beginning survey of outside ce 4444 feet to corner No. (; thence B. 24 deg. min. W. 332.7 feet to corner No. 7 thence N. 58 deg. 48 rnln. W. 242.5 feet to corner No. g; thence N. 12 deg. 24 min W. 287.4 feet to corner No. 1. being the place of beginning. Said claim being located In the N. W. and 23 one-four- S. W. ship 4 th 19. and town' N. E. - - Stockton, of section 24. township south, range 5 west, Salt Lake meridian, and cuntulnlng a total area of 7.361 acres, excluding, however, therefrom the area In conflict with the North Star and Black Diamond, lot No. 2. lot lot 111 and Gulch, survey 3759. Net area claimed and applied for being 5.434 acres. Paid Gulch West Extension lode location mining claim being of record In the office of the County Recorder at Tooele City, Tooele county, Utah. The nearest known locations or mining claims being the aforesaid conflicting claims and Oregon No. 2, survey No. 4961. T I direct that this notice be published In The Stockton Sentinel, at Stockton, county of Tooele, State of Utah, for the period of nine consecutive weeks. FRANK D. HOBBS, Register. O. W. Parks, Attorney for Applicant. First pub., Dec. 12, 1903. Last pub., Feb. 6. 1904. one-four- t PHYSICIAN AND UHQEON th of section south, range 4 west, one-four- f4i F. M. DAVIS. DR. Utah. th Dr. L. G. Thayer, 135-A- da 114-Ad- a, physician and SUROXON .... boundaries of the consolidated claims, Main Street. Mercur. 1:16.. Tooele a total area of 170.335 acres, containing 4:23 f:ti..IIuehl 1.253 from In which the area of acres, 8:80 . . Stock! in .. 4:20 i conflict with NEU of section 13, Tp. The famous littlo pills. 2 8.40. .St. John .. .................2 4:07 4 8., It. 5 W., Is expressly excepted and 2 8 AS. .Ajax.. .. ....................2 3.62 excluded, leaving u net area of 169.082 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 210.10. Fauat .. .... ................2 3:42 acres hereby claimed and applied for. No. 5454. SNOHssi orwoa issa s. 210:25. .Vernoa .... .................2 3:30 of the Interior, Land Office The presumed course and length of (ass,. isas x. 210.40 . . Lofgrern .. Department 3:1S .................22 8:00 at Salt Lake City, Utah, December each vein or lode is as shown upon the 11:00.. Boulter Summit plat of survey. From coiner No. 1 of 23, 1903. 2:47 ll:16..Tlntlc Junction Plomo No. 6 the 8. W. corner of section Dr. Samuel H. Allen, : : Notice la hereby given that the 11:18. .Mammoth Jet 3:44 7, Tp. 4 8., R. 4 W., bears N. 3 degrees wing-named settler has filed notice of 51 11 .87 . . Mamin ltb .... ............. 41 SISST MOSTH, minutes East 599.1 feet. From corner 11 4S.. Eureka .. ................... 2:40 his intentoln to make final proof In supOSLT LASS OITV. No. 1 of Plomo No. 7 said section corner UTAH, port of hla claim, and that said proof bears ...... Mammoth .. .. ............ 2:22 will N. 0 degrees 27 minutes W. 599.8 be made before the Clerk of the Offle Hours 8 to 4 m. 11:63.. Silver City 2:05 p 1 feet. 8 From corner Plomo No. No. of Busdsy by eppoistaieat. A. M. Ar. Lv. P. SI. District court In and for Tooele county, section rorner bears N 22 degrees Train at Si It Lake make direct con- Utah, at Tootle City, Utah, on Febiu-nr- y said I 1 Office, 59 Deseret News Bldg. 664 minutes W. feet. Front rorner 13, 1904, vlx.: EgeYlon Lnugy, II. E. nection tor all point north and eaat. No. 1 of Plomo No. 9, said section cor of 13,548, NEJ4 for the SWK Ntt SE4, APPLICATION FOR PATENT. S. W. GILLETT. 7, township 4 south, ner bears N. 53 degrees 22 minutes W. M. A, NO. 3777. aneral Passenger Agent and lot4 3, Sec.S. L. 1070.1 feet. From corner No. 1 of Plomo M. name He the west, range J. L. MOORC, IN THE UNITED STATES LAND 1 of Plo10 Identical No. No. corner conto his witnesses following prove ylth Commercial Agent. Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, Jan. 12, , ! tinuous residence upon and cultivation mo No. 17, said section corner bears N. 1904. 72 21 1524.7 :: W. minutes and X. of vlx.: feet, degrees raid Francis land, Lougy, from Leave your orders for business and Notice la hereby given that the Ga1 11 corner No. No. Plomo of B. John Gordon, Alvin lena Dunpay bills due this office to Mra. W. N. Willard Atkin, all Identical with corner No. 1 of Plnniu can King Mining company, byauthorof Tooele, Utah. J. McCulatlon, ...DENTIST... McVlchie, its manager and Qundry at the poatofflee. No. 16, said section corner bears N. 76 FRANK D. HOBBS, Register. AB ized whose address is postofflee agent, 44 2109 feet. W. minutes L. L. BAKER, Attorney. Solastlg. j degrees The peculiar cough which Indicates Said consolidated claims are situated Salt Lake City, Utah, has made apFirst publication Jan. 9; last publicaa croup la usually well known to the tion for United States for ; plication patent Dews In ths 7 and Megesslli form a portion each of sections Itrsst Frsei PssMflc. ' February 6. mothers of croupy children. No time 18, Tp. 4 8., R. 4 W., and section the Galena King lode mining claim, and I should be lost in the treatment of It, situate In Rush Valley mining district, 13, Tp. 4 8., R. 5 W., 8. L. Base and Meand for this purpose no medicine has NOTICE. Tooele of Utah, county, consisting ridian, Utah, said lodes locations mi- 1487.3 received more universal approval than of said lode and surUnited States Land Office, Salt Lake ning claims being of record In the of face linear feet Chamberlain Cough as shown by the plat of ground flee of the Tooele Recorder at ah County waste vafuableirme iT MperlmTntlng I C,y JanVl18 being survey No. 4947, and RICHARD GUNDRY, To Whom Concern. Notice City, In Tooele county, Utah, In Book survey, with untried remedies, no matter how in the field notes and plat described M of 483, 484, of at 486, Utah the State that locations, pages hereby given highly they may be recommended, but has of official ofon file the In this NOTARY RUBLIO. survey filed In this office a Hat, No. 51, of 486, 487, 488, 489, 494 and 495, records of give this medicine ua directed and all fice, with magnetic variation at 17 deg. All Classes of Lenl Bust sees county. symptoms of croup will quickly disap lands selected by the said State for thea said as follows: Attended is. There are no known near locations as eaat, establishment and maintenance of pear. For sale by Commencing at corner No. 1, whence BHEKD1H normal school under section 12 of the shown by the plat of survey. M. E. Brown, Stockton, Utah. ATE, ROOKXOV. section corner on the I direct that this notice lie published the act of C ongress approved July 18, 1834. 4 4 east sec. of T. 19, R. S., boundary The following tracts embraced In saiJ in the Stockton Sentinel, Stockton, STOCKTON WRITTEN UP bears S. 87 deg. 35 min. E. 146.6 feet; selection list are In a township con- Utah, the newspaper published nearest W., thence N. 67 deg. 61 min. W. 655.9 feet the said claim for the mineral of viz: of claim, record, mining taining period the By to corner No. 2; thence S. 87 deg. 5 min. Daily Preaa in Very Extensive Nc4 neV Sec. 31. T. 5 S.. 11. 6 W., S. L. nine weeks. FRANK D. HOBBS, and Flattering Style. W. 970.2 feet to corner No. 3; thence S. Mtr. Register. 15 deg. 30 min. W. 275.8 feet to corner L. H. GRAY. R. E. Ross, Claimant's Attorney. of said list, so far as It relate A copy THE HINES OF OPHIR. 954.6 First Pub., Jan. 30; last pub., Mar. No. 4; thence S. 73 deg. 12 min. E. to said tracts, by descriptive subdivis84 corner to No. feet 6; thence N. deg. j LAND AND MININS ATTORN ions, has been conspicuously posted In 26, 1904. gy. 28 min. E. 555.2 feet to corner No. 6; From the Deseret New. this office for inspection by any person thence N. 15 deg. 30 min. E. 340.3 feet For a model mining camp one need interested, and by the public generally. to corner No. 1, the place of beginAPPLICATION FOR PATENT. Salt Lake City. to go to Ophir. It should not be InWithin the next days following ferred from this that other Utah camp mental Instructionssixty ning, containing a net area of 8.335 of November 27, United Notice M. A. No. 3766. 1 1 I are bad, for they are not; the fact is 1898 (23 L. D.. 459), protests or contests States Land Office, Salt Lake acres, expressly excepting nnd excludMl f HI City, Utah. Dec. 7, 1903. ing the following conflicts: Lot No. 45, they can nil be classed a model, with- agnfnst the claim of the State to any Notice la hereby given that the Black Silver King No. 2 West Extension lode out getting over the border line of of the tracts or subdivisions hereinbetruth. Hut Ophir an exceptionally fore described, on the ground that the Diamond Mining and Milling company, of 1.691 acres; lot No. 51. Silver King 2 West Extension B. lode of .230 modest little town, along a nar- same ie more vuluuble for mineral than a corporation duly organised under the No. J. M. THOMAS, row canyon, shut strung In on all sides by for agricultural purposeB, will be re- laws of the Slate of Utah, and whose I acres; lot No. 66. Theresa lode of 1.359 preclpltoua mountains, with the blue ceived and noted for report to the Gen- principal place of buMncas Is Salt Lake I acres; lot No. 71. Silver King No. 2 lode of 2.524 acres; lot No. 84, Cygnet sklen above the only ATTORNEY AT LAW, view eral Land Office at Wuphlngton. D. (1. City, Utah, by Its agent and attorney Mode in Dederlchs of .915 acres; lot No. 68, Leonore of Salt fact, Joseph unobstructed. Lake, so to protest or contest within Fnllme Rooms n Utah, has made application for a Unit- - lode of .106 acres; lot No. 117, Julia lode GOOD CLASS OF- CITIZENS. the time specified will be considered ed Salt Lake City States patent for the Union Consoli- - of .211 acres. The presumed course and JCsgli Block The citizens of Ophir, as a whole, are sufficient evidence of (he refine tUand .they enjoy life Just about character of the tracts, and the selec- dated lode mining claim, situate In the length of the vein or lode is shown Said Galena Tooele upon the official plat. aa well aa the city folks da have tion thereof, being otherwise free from Rush Valley mining district. county, Utah, consisting of 1497.4 linear King lode Is Iocs ted In the K. E. one' their own entertainments at They the town objection, will be recommended for ap- feet of the lode and surface ground (as fourth and the 8. E. of rec. hall frequently, but, of course, when proval. FRANK D. HOBBS, 600 feet wide, 19. T. 4 S., R. 4 W., Salt Luke meridian, located) mineral being they want to see something big In the Register. survey No. 4983, and described In the Said claim I of record In the office of way of theatricals they must come to GEO. A. SMITH, Receiver. R. field notes and plat of the official sur-- 1 the County Recorder of Tooele county, ROSS, Balt Lake City, the distance being less First Pub., Jan. 30; last pub., Mar. vey on file in this office with magnetic Utah, In Book O, at page 250. The than forty ir.llea. 26, 1904. at 17 deg. 00 min. east, as Joining and conflicting claims, as shown LA, MININA ATtORNBV. 8UPT. CLARKS DIPLOMACY. follows, to wit: Commencing at post by the plat of survey, are aa follows: The greater portion of the population 1 a corner of the claim from which Lot No. 121, Blanche; lot No. NOTICE. No. derive their livelihood from the Ophlr-H1I- 1 Tsmpletos Ill, Tip Salt Lake City. : the Building. section corner on east Top; lot No. 45, Silver King No. 2 West mine, one of the most productive No. 51, Insane Asylum. List of section 24. township 4 Extension: lot No. 42. First Extension boundary In the State, owned by Senator William United States Land Office, Salt Lake south, range 5 west. Salt Lake meridian, West of Silver King No. 2; lot No. 84, A. Clark of Montana. The pleasant City, Utah, Dec. 21, 1903. bears S. 46 deg. 37 min. W. 843.3 feet Cygnet; lot No. 122, St. Louis No. 2; social conditions prevailing In the To Whom it May Concern: Notice is distant; thence camp from said cor- lot No. 126. Silver Prince: lot No. 68, arc due to the care exercised by Superof the has Utah State that ner No. 1 N. 61 running 41 min. W. 585.5 feet Leonore; lot No. 71, Silver given intendent E. W. Clark In the selection hereby King No. 2; filed In this office a list. No. 51, of lands to rorner No. drg. 2; thence N. 70 deg. 23 lot No. 61. Sliver King No. 2 West Exof employees. Mr. Clark la a very good selected by the said State for the esmin. W. 490.7 feet to corner No. 3; tension B.; lot No. 123. Prize; lot No. Pierce, Critchlow & Barretts, Judge of human nature, and he con- tablishment and maintenance of an In- thence N. 79 deg. 49 min. W. 483.1 feet 117, Julia; lot No. 12S, Stockton: lot No. sumes little time In sizing up an ap- sane 13 under section of the to corner No. 4; thence N. 3 deg. SO 118. Blue Bell No. 2; lot No. 66, Theresa. plicant for work. The itinerant miner act ofasylum, Congress approved July 16, 1894. min. E. 247.2 feet to corner No. 5; I direct that this notice be published $ la not wanted at all; und when such an The following tracts embraced In said thence N. 89 deg. 49 min. E. 819.4 feet! in The Sentinel, at Stockton, Tooele individual presents himself he is usu- list are Salt Lake City, T in a containing min- to corner No. 6; thence S. 58 deg. 13 min. county, Utah, the newspaper published ally told In diplomatic style to go ing claims of township record, vis.: E. 755.1 feet to corner No. 7; thence S. nearest the said claim, for a period of down the canyon, that there arc no Southeast quarter of the northeast 3' deg. 30 min. W. 3m). 3 feet to corner nine consecutive weeks. positions vacunt. Mr. Clark has little of Section 29. township 5 south, No. i, being the place .of beginning. FRANK D. HOBBS. use for men who cannot be depended quarter6 west. Salt Lake meridian. Said claim being located In the N. W.j range Register. to do their duty, but he appreciupon A copy of said list, so far as It relates of section 19, township 4 L. R. Rogers and Willard Hanson, ates good service, and whenever an em- to said tracts, subdividescriptive south, range 4 west, and N. E. Attorneys for Applicant. ployee la worthy of promotion he Is not sions, has beenbyconspicuously Whittemore, Bicrer & Cherringtop ;; of section 24, township 4 south, posted First pub., Jan. 16; last pub.. Mar. 12. forgotten at. the opportune time. The in this office for Inspection by any per- range 5 west, Salt Lake meridian, and regulations regarding discipline at the son Interested and by the public gener- containing a tout area of 12.445 ATTORKDTD AT LAW. acres, Oph!r-l!ihave had a splendid moral APPLICATION FOR PATENT. excluding, however, therefrom the effect In the camp, which might be an ally. M. A. No. 8779. GUI1 Within sixty days following the date area in conflict with the Black Salt Lake City MeCornlck bid. (Continued Next Week.) of this notice, under departmental In- mond and North "star, "lot lsiTof 0 0491 Un,ted States Land Office. Salt Lake structions of November 27, 1896, (23 L. at ics. City, Utah, January 16, 1904. I II HI "The nicest and pleasantest medicine 18 Net area claimed and 459). protests or contests against the 1 for eoU'e I have used for indigestion and con- D., B- - Rn&er8 of 330186 J&ren,jhJJt claim of the State to any of the tracts . Ing 12.396 acres. Slid lodeapplied Idaho, City. by minstipation is Chnmberlnin's Stomach and or subdivisions hereinbefore described, Ing claim being of record location 1 1 In the office flKent and attorney in fact, E. J, Diir Liver Tablets. says Melard F. Craig, on the ground that the same Is more of the City, Utah, has made County Recorder at Tooele City ' of Salt Lake of Middlegrove, N. T. They work like a for United PHcatlon States 1 for for mineral Tooele for than agrlcul-patent county, Utah. G. W. n charm and do not gripe or have any tural The nearest known locations or min-- 1 the Gray Hound Amended lode mining purposes will be received and For sale by Miin unpleasant effect. the Rush to situate claim, noted for report the General Land Ing claims being the aforesaid conflictValley LAND ATTORNIf. Mercur Drug Co.. Mercur. Utah. office at Washington, D. C. Failure so ing claims and Cyclone, lot 125; Out- ning District. Tooele County, U'.ah. M. E. Brown, Stockton, Utah. 1347 of linear feet of the lode to protest or contest within the time cast. lot 135. and Hope, survey 4946. consisting and surface ground 474.8 feet wide, beI direct that this notice be specified will be considered sufficient Salt Laka City . Building. From Mercur Mint r. character In The Stockton Sentinel, at published evidence of the ing mineral survey No. 5016, and deStockton. Mr. and Mrs. Churles Connors and of the tracts, and the selection thereof, county of Tooele. State of Utah, for the scribed In the field notes and plat of the official survey on file In this office, family were among the passengers being otherwise free from objection, period of nine consecutive weeks. with magnetic variation at 16 deg. 30 stalled in the snowdrift last Wednea will be recommended for approval. FRANK D. HOBBS, min. east, as follows, to wit: FRANK D. HOBBS, Register. day. Charley says when no progress ... Register. can be made either wny and It looked G. at post No. 1, a corner . Tarks. Attorney for George A. Smith, Receiver. Applicant. of Commencing corthe claim from which the e. like an First pub., Dec. 12, 1903. Last stay In the snow the First publication December 26. 1903. pub., Feb. 6. 1904. ner, section 24, township 4 south, range passengers began to make themselves Last publication February 20, 1904. 5 west. Salt Lake base and meridian, at home. A basket of bread for the bears n. 44 deg. 54 min. w. 318.5 feet Easy to tsko end easy to set Is Union Mercantile Co. was tapped and APPLICATION FOR PATENT. APPLICATION FOR PATENT. Mrs. Connors furnishing the butter and that famous little pill DeWitt'a distant; thence running from said corM. A. No. 3765. Notice ner No. 1. n. 41 deg. 08 min. e. 474.8 feet M. A. NO. 8788. Jam they all hud a picnic. Shortly aftLittle Early R.sers, This is duo to erwards a large basketful of hnm and .?talp Land Office, Salt Lake to corner No. 2; thence n. 59 deg. 16 min. United States Land Office, Salt Lake the fact that they tonic the liver InDec. w 7, 1902. 1347 Utah, Uty. feet to corner No. 3; thence egg sandwiches was sent to them and City, Utah, Jan. 22, 1904. Notice of purging It. They never stead is OS 41 hereby given that the Black south min. w. 474.8 feet to deg. they had another feast. A train was gripe Notice is hereby given that Plomo Mi- Diamond Mining and nor sicken, not even the most delicate corner No. 4; thence south 59 deg. 16 company, Milling got to within a hundred yards of them Its a and by Milling company, agent ning corporation duly organized under the min. e. 1347 feet to corner No. 1, being and they were all either, taken to Lehl and lady, and yet they are so certain la Glsborn, laws of the State of Utah, whose prin- the place of beginning. or Salt Lake, ns they choose, to wait whoseattorney In fact. M. IsT.Salt results that no ono who uses them Is Lake address postofilce cipal place of business is 8alt Lake Said claim being located. In the nw. V until Thursday morning, when they City, Utah, has made application for a City, Utah, by its agent and attorney disappointed. They cure torpid liver, U of section 19, township 4 were taken through to Mercur. United States patent for Plomo No. 5, In fact, Joseph Dederlchs of Salt Lake south, range 4 west, and ne. and re. constipation, biliousness, jaundice, Plomo No. 6. Plomo No. 7, Plomo No. 8, City, Utah, has made application for of section 24, township 4 south, range headache, malaria and ward off pneu9. No. No. Plomo No. Plomo 10, CURED AFTER SUFFERING United States patent for the Gulch 5 west. Salt Lake base and meridian, 10 Plomo monia and fevers. Plomo No. 16 and Plomo No. West Extension lode mining claim, sit- - and 11, YEARS. 14.438 a total of area containing rSBMSBD oslt sr R. F. Hare, Supt. Miami Cycle ft Mfg. 17. Consolidated lode mining rlaims, uate In the Rush Valley mining die-- 1 acres, excluding, however, therefrom X. C. DsWITT ft CO., CHICAGO in Rush Valley Mining trict. Tooele county, Utah, consisting the area In conflict with the Bullion Co., Middletown, O.. suffered for ten situate Tooele Utah, of 1481.8 linear feet of the lode and No. 3, lot 44, Sandwich and Parrot, our. rounty, years with dyspepsia. He spent hun- district. Dont Forgot tho Namo. dreds of dollars for medicine and with consisting of 1497, 1497, 1410.1. 1410.5, surface ground (as located) COO feet 4748; Gulch West Extension, sur. 4982, doctors without receiving any perma- 1410.5, 1499, 1499, 1499 and 1499 linear wide, being mineral survey No. 4982, and Black Diamond, lot 135. Such ex-- 1 nent benefit. He says, One night while feet respectively of said lodes and sur- und described In the field note and eluded area containing 8.178 acres. Net area claimed and applied for be- reeling exceptionally bnd 1 was about to face ground, as shown upon the platde-of plat of the official survey on file In this office with magnetic variation throw down the evening paper when 1 survey, being Survey No. 5072, and at 17 Ing 11.260 acres. aw an Item in the paper regarding the scribed In the field notes and plat of the deg. 00 min. cast aa follows, to wit Said Gray Hound Amended lode loca- me: Its of Kodel Dyspepsia Cure. I con- official survey on file In this office with omnicnring at post No. 1 a corner of I tlon mining claim being of record In the 45 16 cluded to try it and while I had no faith magnetic variation at the claim from which the degrees ofllre of the Recorder at Tooele In it 1 felt heller after the second dose. minutes east, as follows: Beglnnii.g at section corner on east boundary of sec- - City. Tooele County Utah. The near- County, 1 5 of Tlomo No. Lode tlon 24. township 4 south, range 5 west, lest known locations or After using two bottles 1 am stronger corner of No. sea mining claims and better ihnn I haw been In years, claim, from which the S. W. corner of Salt meridian, bear S. 59 deg. 24 being the afnresiiid conflicting claim. arid I recommend Kodol Dyspepsia section 7. Tp. 4 S., R. 4 W.. bears N. 1 min. Y 442.1 feet 1 SADDLE rundirect that this notice be published HORSES OR I! distant; 1thence Cure to my friend and acquaintances degree 54 minute, E. 1195.2 feet, nnl ning from void corner 59 deg In the Sentinel at Stockton, county of N. No. LIVERY r. RIGS Fuffcrlng from stomach trouble. Sold running thence N. 0 degree 3fi minute, Id min W 945.2 f.., t to corner No. 2; Tooele, Utah, for the period of nine W. 697 feet to corner No. 1 of Iloino No. h.n.e X. 24 deg. 23 min. E. 124.3 feet consecutive weeks. by Mercur Meat & Gro. Co., Stockton, thence S. ST degrees 24 minutes, E. 45 to corner No. 3: R. 70 deg. 54 min. P. FRANK I). IIOBHS. Register. Sons Uverg Stalil is. Utah. feel to corner Xu. 1 of Ploirn No. 7, E. 4s,i.I feet to rorner No. 4; thence S. G. W. Park. Attorney fur Applicant. ; Mercur Drug Co., Mercur. Utah. thence X. 0 degrees 27 minute W. 1410.1 64 deg. 14 min. E. 205.4 feet to corner -Firrt publication dated Jan. 23. I,at M. E. Brown, Stockton, Utah. feet to corner No. 4 of Plomo No. 7, No 6; thence S. 49 deg. 10 inln. E. 6S9.1 19. March publication, ....... .., TOP Early Risers .- ihhi l4Hj ! follo- llt, 309-31- ! t 44 j. e, TAiT .p.r.Uoo.oT ! W4W44 1 r 1 one-four- th I MWH)IIHMWHH SSX2 1 long-distan- ce 11-- - non-miner- al one-four- th . 1 I E 1H40 I one-four- : th t i t one-four- 4Ht4H th one-four- t th lI 4H be-L- ! PARKS. Seott-Aasrbs- sh non-miner- al H44 Easy Pill all-nig- ht I and-sw- . . arly Risers 1 one-four- th 44444 so. iln-ne- j JcMi " 4-. |