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Show "Well, I couldn't stay where there was no use. Kitty looker coatee led; maybe she was. 1 waited till I s:rv her get up from the table and bruMt the crumbs from her lap, then I trepi away and walked all night. After that my money went: I spent It; I gave It away wasted it Why, I had lots of It. Why not? Hu: I lived longer than 1 expecied. and went sooner than I expected, l drifted here and there, but when came to this spot I sett led down, c : I've made up my mird to die here with my tulips. They make me tin" I; ' tty in the old days, of know Kilt you happened, anything with her white apron and white sun bonnet Kitty kneeling among her flowers, or leaning her little heaJ on my big shoulder, saying she'd never like anybody but me. The old man's chin sank ra his breast, and he wan silent for som time. The shadows of night had (alien. Lights were twinkling in the windows. It is a sad story, I sai l. Sad? Oh, yes, I siipi'iwe." he replied, rousing himself. "Hat I'm keeping you here listening, my man. It's growing l:te time for an old man like me to go to bed; so good nlc.ht. Come over in ths morning and i'll pull you a bunch of tulips to take over home. Well, good i:ltlit." "Good night," I said, and left him. LINES TO TIIF. LIVER. Let ports ravs, as poets will. About the heart unil soul. sonnet still And in sum hlsh-tonr- d Thrlr lofty worth extol. L who must walk In humble ways And modest muses woo, I write this simple sons to praise The liver rood and true. Y.Taf heart or soul te mortal man. Y hut's anything, alack! To ua iinor billniis creatures when The peer's out of whack? Wh.Tr ki ntiment. 1 take it. Is Ali well enough and nice. Yet win n we come right down to "bla," The liver cuts the ice. So. don't you to the spooney bards' Soft sentiment succumb. For he who highest truth regards Will keep his liver plumb, lieA knm- that aheait and soul may bless mrn!nl. In way. But. oh! iliev're Volh "X. G. unless Your liver's all ''0. K." UNION MERCANTILE CO. WHOLESALE and RETAIL Dealer In General Merchandise, 1 1 br.'-i-- liei-Ki- - Mining and Ranch Supolies. Agents for Hercules Powder and - He wag a tall, gaunt, white haired Id man of seventy or more. He lived alone Just across the street, in an Id fashioned frame building, covered with vines and creepers. In front was a little plot a narrow atrip of ground where lilies of the valley grew In summer. Behind was a long garden filled In spring with row? and rows of blazing tulips. I saw him first working with little hoe among the bulbs with their long, green leaves. After that I saw him often. 1 would atop for a few moments on my way home in the evening and watch him while he went up and down the long rowa, Ue asked me to come In, one evening, and look at his tulips. I went; he showed me the different varieties, stepping among them with infinite care. Then we sat down on a little bench outside of the back door, where bop vines climbed up the side of the bouse, and he began the story of his life. What prompted him to tell It was my asking If he never tried to grow any flowers except tulips. "Try, my man, he said, absently, then was silent for a while. A faraway look came into the faded eyes He took his pipe from his mouth and knocked the ashes to the ground. "Youve never heard then ? I thought everybody knew about my Kitty Kitty and her tulips. "It happened years ago ah, me, so long ago; but it's as fresh to me as ever my Kitty's simple white face and dark, pansy eyes." Ills mat aleeve went across his eyes as if wiping away a tear. "When I think ofth&t morning when I left her to go away out west, 1 can always see the tulips, too. They were something like these, only ah! such blood-reones and such white ones, so pure and delicate. Kitty, with her white apron and white linen always reminded me of the white ones. She lived out In the country. The house stood back from the road and you had to go down a long lane past the sheep pasture and the apple or chard to find It I went to see her every day. She was all the world to d sun-bonne- t, "I thought of her always. I wrote to her every mail for more than two years, but then I stopped writlnc. for there had come no answers to my letters for a long, long time nearly a year. I thought something had happened to my letters that they never reached her. It was such an out of the way sort of place, where I was. But there was money there if I would only stick to it, and I did for two years longer, and then I went home home to my Kitty that I knew was waiting for me. The little station was only a short way from the house about half a 1 Deer . 01 eat OMAHA MEAT MARKET In The It was a cold, bitter morning in winter. I paused at the gate on my way to the office and looked across ilia street at the frost starred windows of the old man's house and at the smokeless chimney. He was in the habit of rising early, and I stepped over to see if anything was the matler. Thero was no response to my rap, so I turned the knob and pushed open the door. A pervasive feeling of cold was in the air. A pile of plue shavings lay in readiness on the hearth. I went over to the bed, standing in the corner by the stove, and there, with one big hand thrown out over the thick, red comforter, and the blue lips slightly parted, lay the old man. He had gone to wait for Kitty to meet her, perhaps who knows? That day I visited the undertaker and searched the city greenhouses for his favorite flowers. At last 1 found some white ones, and the next afternoon we laid him away to rest, with a tulip on his breast. Tho Morcur Opera Honso For tho Very CHOICEST MEATS as In the past . Call and See Us! PAUL SILOTTO, Propletof. ROBERT E. PICKLE my heart, and we were to be married when 1 came back back from the west, with my pockets full of money. I bent down and kissed her and said, 'Well, good bye, Kitty good bye, my girl. Keep a light heart till I come back. Good bye. "But she put her head on my shoulder and cried, Oh, don't go, Jim don't go, she kept saving over and over to the last. That vras on the morrlrg before I went away, out among the tulips, all by ourselves. CONFECTIONERY NOTIONS A full line of Station- cry All tbe lending Tbe blxitwit and best stock of Cuuieuiioiierj in bier- - Clear. aud PttxTrooKro 11(0110 Ill L If Uiie Agency Troy Steam Lanndiy. Tobacco Bwukera' Goo--i oruii Havas.. Railroad Was Satisfied the Knots Were Safely Tied. A clergyman who has Just returned SALT LAKE A MERCUR TIMECARD from a trip to England tells a story be East. West. heard there of thmtarriages made on Arrive 10:45 1:10 Leave Mercur certain feast days, when no fee Is Leave 10:30. ...Summit Jet.. ..2:25 " charged and the young couples come i great numbers a long distance to take advantage of the custom. The custom is not general, but local, being confined to certain rural places in tho vicinity of Manchester and Oldham. "Upon one of those occasions, Efitle tells the clergyman, with a chuckle, "a delegation of fifty young people from Oldham and the surrounding country journeyed to Manchester, making a picturesque grouping at the Old English church of St. Mark's. Each one oi the men carried a long staff or stick as the people there call a cane, and earh of (ho young women brandished an umbrella, the use of which will be presently seen. After the ceremony of marrying the lot was concluded, and tbe crowd was g;ir;,' down tbe church aisle, one young woman hurried back and intercepted the rector as he was going to the vestry. I theenk, mcenster, she panted, that you hare morried me to the BUILT BY wrong felly." "Dont let that worry you, said the & rector, wno was in a hurry, sort yourselves as you go out, "youre all married fast enough, and acting on hia MILWAUKEE. - WI8. advice, they sorted out the right pairs. FOR SALS BY On their way back to Oldham they bought the tilings necessary to light William Billinas, Golden Gate Caeh housekeeping, stringing the lighter Store. utensils on the stlrks and umbrellas, poised on their shoulders." Chicago 44tt4..HH'4'4-H444'4'mRecord Herald. I 10:00.... Manning ....5:03 " 0:35.... Fairfield ....I 24 Arrive 1. O. JACOBS, Gen.. Manager. . Salt Lake City. " -- Shoes for IVIera Black d A full linn of Notwnw Sail Lake and Mercur Minister milk-wee- .... STATIONERY periodical Metcalf Bradley Company g&sjf IP38 Easy to take and easy to act is little pill DsWitt's Little Early K'sers. This is due to the fact that they tonic the liver instead of purging it. They never gripe nor sicken, not even the rnoit delicate lady, and yet they ara so certain In results that no one who uses them is disappointed. They cure torpid liver, constipation, biliourness, jaundice, headache, malaria and ward off pneumonia and fevers. that famous rSBPARED E. C. DeWITT I Johnny's Little Joke. A small boy in Old Greenwich vil- DclYitts Illinois Central Railway.: : Cincinnati, Ohio. Louisville, Ky. years EXPERIENCE 60 I other cmrntrv Copyrights Ac. tlrrtrh 4 xrmj QnliLlf n5rtinn tir OMtii'iti free whnljiT ho IliVPfalVin lA prtihflMr Ctnci'in'Mc. lul. HAtiL'EIOX unlir'iitfl Uonjuliiril Hurncf for mvim.'ii? inti4-n:lv i free. ilir'iuirh Alnru A. (. u. recelrt iitMiti Aiwmft Landing r without chunjc, Inti)" , Scientific Jfiiicricatu wn.lt. i hmrtwvnelysnr vieciiac J"iinml. ctilalhin iltn-tmi- j I j f y-- ir ; fmir nunMii, MlINfi & L Su'd ly nil Jjirrcjt ete 'Jerim, f3 a ni.r'!u!er tiew Vo;S Co.28,Bd' bU WaiblUtf'ou. Brancit Offloo. L5 f IX li Atlnnta, Ga. Jacksonville, PL New Orleans, La. Vicksburg, Miss Weekly thiougli sfrvhe between Chicago and between Ci;iu small And the Pacific Cn:t and Montana Territory. Connectiona at these terminals for the n-- t j Omaha, Neb. Chicago, 111. t. Paul, Minn. Et. Louis, Mo. Minneapolis, Minn Fcorin, 111. Kansas City, Mo. Evansville, Ind. Memphis, Tenn. Nashville, Teun. The Spelling Bee. The sprit in' bee wus started fine With Ftisy near the head. to her in line, An' 1 was An' saw her rhteks so red. Home of Widow and Orphans. New foundland has a greater proportion of widows and orphans than any Salve following t An' some way. then. X dont know how Our hnwls lcgun to Jlne. An Eusv spi lls her last name now The same way I do--mine. X w York Eun. If CO., CHICAGO SUFFICIENTLY SERVES A VAST TEUKHTiiUY J.y throiiKli service to and from tha ! phthisis " ovtrophy ytot throiich And veltlseur" nil right; But lookin' tn her eves they both Got Into rhyncnolite. ONLY For Piles, Burns, Sores FRED. WITTICll, i lage who has a keen sense of humor happened to be roused very early on a recent morning. To his great astonishment be beheld tbe moon in the sky after sunrise. "Mother, mother, said he, Tve got a great Joke on the Lord. Why. Johnny, what do you mean? said his mother, shocked. He forgot to pull the moon In," said Johnny. New York Times. A Dont Forget tho Nome. W ht-llo- , '! saw him first working with a little hoe anong the bulbs. me. I loved her loved her with ail Market in West Ar.ne;;. One Price to All! GO TO THST HE SORTED THEM CUT. "There che eat at the (upper table." mile. So I walked. I say walked, but it was more like a run. I shaded my eyes at the head of the lane and looked down, thinking I might see her somewhere feeding the outside, chickens, maybe, or sitting on tbe stoop. But I saw nothing of tier. To tbe left In the barnyard an old man was milking a little black cow. I passed on up the path to tho front door. I knocked; but everything was quiet The place where the tulips grew was a wilderness of weeds. Kitty! Kitty!' I called; 'Kitty, my girl, where are you?' 1 opened the door and went in. It war only a bare, smoke scented room, with a table in the center, covered with dirty dishes and newspapers. "The old man came up the path with a paf! of milk in his hand. It was old Bon. He bad worked on the place as long as I could remember. I met him now on tho threshold. "Hello, Jim. hello, says he; back hello. A welcome at last why, to ye. Welcome? Welcome, with no Kitty; no sweetheart to claim my own; no trace of the old times, nothing, nothing only an old man? "Y.u sat down on the doorstep and he told me all about It about Kitty, her troubles with Joe Morgans and how rhe finally bad to marry him. "Her father and mother were both dead. Only Kitty left only Ben to take care of the place. No wonder my head went around. I couldn't listen. I had to go away. I was nearly crazy crazy to see Kitty. "1 struck off over the green fields; went over the rail fence at a leap, and pushed through the wild gooseberry bushes. There stood the house! A window was open and I could look through it into the kitchen. I leaned against a big cherry tree and looked. There she sat at the supper table the same white face the came dark eyes the same Kitty I had worked and grubbed for through four long years. Joe Morgans sat at the head of the table. But I didnt look at him my yea were on Kilty. St. Louis Anheuser-Busc- h EAST, SOUTH, WEST AND NORTH. Fast and lInndiioii''1y Equipped Steam Hutted Train- - I lining Cara y Cars Sleeping Cara-F- ree Reclining Chulr Cara. Ark ticket ai-ntfor tlcke's via the ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD, or to apply Uuffet-Librar- s 75 J. A. FOLEY, W. 2nd So. St.. Sait Lake City, |