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Show I VOL. IV. STOCKTON, UTAH, SATURDAY, JANUARY PERSONALS. STOCKTON SENTINEL. Stockton PUBLISHED AT Subscriptions: One year Six months Three months Mrs. W. N. Gundry James T. Jakeman Dr. Custleinan ..Utah ix. 62.00 t.5 .i5 Editor .'.Manager NOTICE: During our absence any business transacted with Mrs. W. N. Gundry The lady will rewill be O. K. office, will take ceipt for money due the etc. orders for Job printing, James T. Jakeman, Manager. r. Is new In ftTl bulk of thief eight or t literal la : shipping isoduvt, ami con- will soon I slgiiineiils in the local follow. Tin timl Is n ixnel cnrum-aglnone, and. If it holds put in z ami aim, ns everything itulirtiie it w ill, will wniii put the ctst'iKii:) m vl-t111 this mine then- arc many ore tliiuiKiinds of tons of a regurtady for extraction, and lar tonnage of fiosv lift)' In Ins ion daily will go to the new Honorlm- mill, nearby, as ship as the plnivt is la J. 'J. Tn mini and Manugi-rother officials of the company are highly : show iu: in thi lutid over tlu spteiuib'-' I' NO. 29. JO, 1004. imamiimauimaauuuauuumuiuuiium,auituaiiaimiiaaaiiauuUi. - fi.-trk- Washington, L. E. Reich returned to Mercur Monday, after sending a few days with his family In Salt Lake. David Stephena and Miss Mary Lean Nicks went to Tooele Saturday. It Is said they propose to obtain a license and get married In Salt Lake Temple today (Wednesday). Happiness and prosperity to you, Dave, my boy. Col. Coffey returned home from the city Tuesday. Dr. Conlln, assistant to Dr. Thayer, left Friday for his home In Maiu-hsetts, where he will remain for a short time and then go to the John Hopkins university. Dr. Conlln Intends making the disease of the stomuch a specialty. Sorry to lose you, Doctor, but good luck go with you. TEbe t. - Mw-grail- t- e R. M. EDMUNDS, Prop,- -. B fIMtcbcner Ibouse, B sT a First-Clas- s Fare. a a Beak la this Section. a - n. NEXT TO . mine Stoi-kto- rosTorncE.. r STOCKTON. a a nrnnTTTffnfmpwtmnnwmmRHWMinmwwwinMimnMiwwwwiTnwmiiiininn - DISIjOCATED her shoulder. Mrs. Johanna Korieiholin of Fergus Falls. Minn., fell ami dlslinnled her shoulder. She had a surgeon get It HATS the matter with ERATHS STORE back in place aa wain as but SENTINEL LOCAL ITEMS. it wus quite sore and pained her very all the time? w! it it filled to nun-hHer sou mentioned that lie had cen Chamberlain's Pain Balm adverMiss Resale Pollard Is visiting liei Why, the reason is plain, he keeps the best tised for sprains and shceneas, and she mother, Mrs. E. Jackson. Louie a bet It. to of him asked buy selected stock of GFOCERfES in Mercur and his Mrs. liyrnes of Gold Mountain has hlch he did. It quickly i t licved her Our merchant, Henry Booth. spent and attending her daugh- and enabled her to which sleep, several days in Salt Lake City this been visiting treatment is the same to all and is appreciated, by. ifjr ter, lire. John Brocklebank. who has not done for aeveral days. The son week. been seriously sick, but who. we are was so much Ith it the relief pleased and all. His business is N. A. Scribner reports more snow In pleased to sav. is now out of linger gave his mother that lie har shut- rechome returns Mrs. while Friday. ever Others. before For liyrnes It to many sail, ommended .Soldier canyon than promises tot do so ad lib. Milano, one of the band boys, by be has resided there.l went to Idaho Friday. Mercur Drug Co., Mcfcur, Utah. M. E. Brown. Stockton. Utah. La grippe" has had full sway In our MINUTE. havONE JUST town lately, many of our citliens 1 One Minute Cough Cure gives relief From Mercur Miner. ing been In his grasp. We are rather late in making comin one minute, liecause It kills the miterror the last crobe which tickles the mucous mem- ment on the very creditable Christmas The cold has been week. All the water pipes are frozen, brane, causing the cough, and at the edition issued by our exchange, the hut the tanks above town are full of same time clears the phlegm, draws American Kagle" of Murray. The ib water. out the inflammation and heals and ChristmuH number of 'the Eafile" l soothes the affected parts. One Mlnulc by far the best edit on Jicr Issued from The Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cough Cure strengthens the lungs, that office and we TedI rare In say tug Alex Mase has been very ill with wards off pneumonia and is a harmless any other country Jnutual In the State. but is at present and neer falling cure in all curable The edition consist of twenty-fou- r ib convalescent. cases of Coughs, Colds and Croup. One n pages, highly Ulustrnlcd Minute Cough Cure Is pleasant to take and containing in the text a resume of no Uas and to the Is Royal superior Miss Dollie Scribner, daughter of N. harmless and good alike for young and the magnificent growth and ImjiortarH-A. Scribner, was operated upon last old. Sold by and its .1 the Utah of Smelting City great equal In tills Gountu. Mercur Drug Co., Mercur. Utah. Sunday for appendicitis. Last reports enter- - fl many Industries and r bueim-sto of her condition were very favorable. Mercur Meat and Gro. Co. and M six-twenty-fouOf pages the prises. Brown, Stockton. on fine calendered paper anil are lV, teen The building of the two residence profuse with handsome half tones. Taby II. Gundry on Mnln street is being MINES AND MINERS. ken all in all the papet is a mammoth rooms The demand for forward. pushed etTalr to be attempted bf a country ofAnd houses to rrnt great!: exceeds the From Mercur Miner. fice and needed great energy and skill supply. J. W. Lee left on Monday for hit ml lo engineer and work It to a successful In Arizona. f ! climax. From present indications Stockton nlng prospects Williamson We received Friend trust near will be a very lively camp in the Mercur Miner. all the support his Worthy enterprise future. We think the erection here of From A1 storm the deserved. On account of the houses to rent will lie a very good ln- - linea down between here. knocking ' S' C .'iO.sr R- - M. EDMUNDS, niitifeiTaful nilllswere IdTi Proprietor EVERY BOTTLE OF CHAMBER- X LAINS COUGH REMEDY WARMessrs. Hill and Warren, reprmnta-tlve- s Wednesday. RANTED. of the New York Life Insurance The KurekaOphlr Is the only propWe guarantee Very bottle of Chamcompany, have been soliciting business In our town this week. From all re- erty now h Ing worked at Dry Canyon. berlain's Cough Remedy and will rehas suspended fund the money lo any one who Is not aa The Pittsburg-ITta- h Dealer in High Grade Wines and Liquors for ports they were very successful. operations on account of dissension (satisfied after using of the) contents. This Is ihe best remedy Li Rebekah lodge, Sunshine No. IB. will among its directors. Family Trade and Medicinal Purposes. the world for la gtlppe, coughs, colds, give a ball er.d pie social February 12th. The price of admission for The Black Diamond Mining company croup and whooping cough and is pleasladies will be a pie, for gents, $1. The held its annual meeting in Salt Lake ant and safe to lake. It preventa any days ago, and elected a new Undency of a cold lo result In pneupies will be sold during the evening to i few as First rlswi billiard Mourn la Connection follows: Daniel Storm, presi- monia. board, the highest bidder. , Club. Bund Trout t nt the Dederk-hsF.veryliody Mercu- Drug Co.. Mercur. Utah. dent; Joseph C. and treasW. Alexander, secretary M. E. Brown, Stockton. Utah. Dr. F. M. Davis has offered a gold The lodge pin to the member of Stockton urer; A. J. Betties and W. Beach. properly adjoins the great lodge. No. 35, securing the most applica- companys mine at Stockton, Utah. tions for membership In that lodge dur- Honerlne MERCUR NEWS NOTES. ing (he next six months. Now Brother From Salt Lake Review. Mining Odd Fellows, show your colors. From the Miner. B. F. Baut-r- , president of the Salt The masquerade ball given by the Lake Hardware company; Fred C. miners last Thursday was largely at- Richmond, mechanical engineer for the Happenings Around Town. There were about thirty company, and other Salt leakers, for tended. maskers. Miss Kate Gilbert of Tooele, thomsclvcs and Eastern associates. have now visiting with her sister. Mrs. sccurl contiol of the Beynolds gionp County Attorney Baker came over was awarded second prize as at Stockton, adjoining the great Ilone-- . from Tooele Monday and returned home Carrie Nation. E. Ellingworth secured rine trine. Consideration, it is said, Tuesday first prize as a clown. Messrs. Henston. is I100.0M. The proixrty Is to hr The card party given by Mrs. M. I. Lemmon and Hammond Hcted as equipped with machinery and devtlopid Teal at her residence was a great sue- - j Judges. Our paper was well represented on a large scale, which can be easily ceas. All enjoyed themselves to the ut- is group by Miss Lizzie Hollow, aB watt our and economically done, aa thetunrn-l. most. neighbor, the Transcript, by Miss Nellie drained by the long Honerlne Conway. The Mormon church Is working very) From Salt Lake Mining Review. e One of the most important strikes re- hard on a musical recital A Queen EsDOCTOR. which will be given by the end Never In the way, no trouble to carry, corded In Stockton for many months ther easy to take, pleasant and never failing past has been lejiorted the pnst week in of next month. 'V --f In results are DeWItts Little Early the mine of the Stockton Gold Mining y Treasurer Crane went to Salt Risers. A vial of these little pills in the & Milling company, in Soldier Bridge vest pocket Is a certain guarantee canyon. The find was made in the Lt.ke Saturday. It waa presumed he drift, west, from the bottom of was looking for counsel to attend lo his against headaches, biliousness, torpid cross-cshaft, interests in the coming trial. liver and all of the Ills resulting from the constipation. They tonic and strength- nnd consist of a mammoth body of en the liver. Sold by The city hall had a close call from lire gr.lt-nand cnrljonate ore, the extent of Mercur Meat Hnd Gro. Cn. and M. E. which has not been as yet fully deter- - the ulher day. Billy Roach turned over Hrown, Stockton. mined. although opr tied for a distance- the stove Hnd but for the timely Intervention of J. L. Craft a fire would surely have ensued. I i j overflowing . ft ft ft Mk-ha- - 1c-te- increasing daily X X X X. X ft r Iib ib g 'a bronchial-pneumoni- X S ib g ...FRANK ERATH'S BREAD... ib ib a, seven-colum- ib ib : e s . 'x 1 PPPPPPPPPPPPP'PPPPPPPPPPPPP THE Awawuio v STOCKTON CLVbJL 1 I o j f XX two-thir- ds . -- tui-n- vice-preside- SUn-Iuc- p p p p Stockton. PPPPPPPPPPPPP'PPPPPPPPPPPPP Main Street. j ; VEST-POCKE- T -- Ex-Cit- ut 700-fo- ot O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 rioublr-coinpartme- nt What might have been a very serious accident happened to Mr. Pedehain. His foot slipped and he stumbled and fell against the window. His head was badly cut and bled profusely. Treasurer Crane haa been arrewted on a charge of felony with Miss Laura Young. Judge Dunlavy placed his bonds at 6500 and set his trial for Wednesday (today) at 2 o'clock. ONE MANAGEMENT. Do you know the Burlington Is the only line running Its own trains over its own rails from Denver to St. Louis? This is a good thing to bear in mind when you come to make your trip to the Big Exposition. No chance of long waits en route, or missed connections. Ex-Ci- ty Ah Moy, who Is a member of the Chinese Consulate for Utah, Wyoming and Idaho, was in Mercur this week, looking after the registration of the Chinamen, as according to treaty if they are not registered they can be deported. The St. Louis Special leaves Denver nt 2:00 p. tn., arriving at St. Louis the next day at 6:50 p. m. one night on the road. The Vestlbulcd Express leaves Denver at 10:35 p. m., arriving in St. Louis the second morning at 7:19 a. m. Could you ask for better service? In addition to all the other equipment that goes to make traveling comfortable, alt trains carry the celebrated Burlington Route dir.lng cars. There are the a great many travelers who say It best dining car service In the world. 1 R. F. NESLEN, General Agent 79 West Second South Street, Salt Lake City. aa A very buey man Is Dr. Thayer these days. On Saturday he went to Camp When he got home he was Floyd. called to the bedside of Mrs. Peter Robertson. where a haby girl was born, and from thence to Miss Laura Young, who gave birth to a fine baby boy. WHATS IN A NAME? Everything is In the name when It mines to Witch Hazel Salve. E. C. & Co. of Chicago discovered some years ago how to make a salve from Witch Hazel that is a specific for Piles. For blind, Itching and pro truding Piles, rezemn, burns, bru!i-an- d all skin disease DeWItt's Salve has no equal. This has given rise t JZ numerous worthless counterfeits. Ask DeWItt's the genuine. Sold In bja for Mercur Meat and Gio. Co. and M. E. Brown. Stockton. Mercur Drug Co., Mercur. Utah. 0 0 0 0 0 0 t De-Wi- blec-din- tt |