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' - 4' T limo !ivr1 too I "' - '1' '''' t 1 0 '‘4t 4"1' '1111P'td ' $350 1 ' i a 4 4 St ttt4' V 40 ' :-- - ft:iL 4 '''''''''Al'-t'- Ohers -- 1 :if '':k Dancing Mwdent i 'a i ‘4 - -- 1 'f 11 ' 1 3 4-- :- '''''' - ''' 4 i'isil Ie'tA! i rs:z ' 4 g a ?- '' ) 0-' 1 t''- 4-- ' 1 ok ::i 4° ' - -4 resa- 4 0 " :- A v1 ' - 11 e i ''''11:71 '7' previously had been district sales IrAnegers at Denver for two other' airlines u - - f i ::f1 'It'5 MO 4: ' - 4 4 ek ) " '77"41 c 411lieisios ' 'cis:sesvq''ist"t -- ''' (:4:1 fls1 - 44 41 a ' - - 4 -A - - Al i '— r 127'Ki 4'''Vlaksti47 e s ' Frontier Airlines Saturday announced launching of a mystemwide sale promotion program Brooke B Burnhant and Robert have been II Evansto the vice appointed assistants president o‘ to help carry out ' traffic and sales the program The two veteran airline traffic esocutives will cOver the 50 in the Frontier system !rale Dec I in Arizona andt sisrting ''''''' 'New NiexiColi:ater they will move to Utah Co!orado Wyoming and ' - CI -' i !' : tie lessiJi ' se t It '' 1 411 r4":'1:P' 'TV 0'7' itt teelitt ' fiya541-V340- - ''7:: te 7 ') ca - -- -- 4 - ''''--' ' - - - rA 4A4 l'!7' 45 !f i 5 Vawdrey Draper incumbent will be Opposed by Leonard Beckstead and Ellis But terfield both of Riverton for the precinct No 8 position on the Jordan district board Polling places will be open in Draper Bluffditle Riverton and Herriman ' '' -- ' 4:i R Lk ti-- - to ' frik : ! 'i: ' "'- -' '1 u i $1250 It jr9trIdr4t::):H:4:t::rrrr $ : 4310" $SO figurine Others a t- - '011 -- - 1tromteg " - vcA')‘" ' i iiPA: i f"- th-- rtyy : sfi4 i i14i: 4 r '''' ' i to Mistress ' ' JFi4rkatc:)":iii7iiiz44c714I:t1:1:4islii:::tt4t4ir:1ir i A 7 II 1 ' i 1 f i I z : 0: c 1 ' 4cit "' ? $3 'a '' A Vim Cr Vgurintfi - 1 1 aT ) 1 3 ' '''-'4'''''''-'- - - i 4eio - I " i'4 4'1 t- 11't l'":'''' isZ:C 1 4 t sials Lif Dollie B Caitlin 557 Virginia 81 Arlington school 5025 S State will be the polling place with the boundaries of voting district No 363 eligible to vote Candidatei4for the Granite board vacancy in the Third precinct cre- ated by the retirement of A T Shurtleff who declined to run again after 12 years of service are: George Z A poshian East Glen R Briggs 1980 E 3900 South: Mrs Harrison S Brothera 3347-7t- h East M Elmer Christensen 730- - Scott Ave and J K Richardson 1754 Oakridge dr The polling 'places are: Blaine school 41 E 33rd South Lincoln school 501 E 39th South East Roosevelt school 3286-9tand William Pennschool 1670 vtt - 40 ' rs i- ' 148 0 ' i - p - ' 3 I )r t47 st 0 i Iti' tt1 '1 41'k c I' i 0 Tr-- rotiot0:11' - r ) ia '''rttle '' 'el:- :d ii'yis:::no:t4‘1: ' a - ':'vgz' t ''7' littf - ctgozt r- - i41 'c- ' 1 2 1k - - 1- 4te- - -: - 0 : 4 p- 4sielt ':' 4"' ?k: ii' - - t - - '7' 4t '' 14:1!i 4 Tt!7s i 1 1 '- -- -' -'- " i t - i f ' ''' --- i'4 AsTdrilt AN 4 i ! ' i sttt r '' :::- ) N Hummel : - -: 4 Floor 0n 1 I ' ''''' — S 1 1 ' ''k 's I"' ) Others 01 1 i t iIrl4' '''''' k 4 ' 4- -- le :"? s i" i ! 'a14 the elcgant china figurines! ' ' ii 44 OP : k- i tree 4 tr z '' as1 crtd Zs - "tr: c‘ "' ss it 1 ' ' I :' ! "'s 741 7' - - r ' - from the holiday cdcbrating aft 111 : t l' :ref 4 i 0 tki - - ' 1 :' S l-- 'si 0' --- - 1 '''' ''' Ne7 Christmas! Here for your gift selecting are )r 4 1!''''''': 44: t Al because Santa knows ' s' ' e- - 1P--'':- gift l' I' 1 ''7- Q i' j "'' '' ( :'' - - ''''''---' e i '''1 i 1 'et' sif 0:'7':1 IPN 1?''I'''' ' CW '' e" ' e ' '":' 11L- aft: - - '- ':et 1 - '' 17' Salt Lake City voters will elect six members while Granite Jordan and Murray districts will name one each The 'polls will be open from 7 am to 8 pm with practically all the voting places set up in schools Willard O Olson Murray board president will be opposed by Mrs kis ss' 4 I 1- '1 14!rt'6'"4:'"'' !t k4 -- 4 -- ir :4 ''' '' '''' s3"7 '''''400J-r-- 'Al - t:77''' ' 'a -ei :- s- 4 '11' 51- -4 ?- 4 ei : ?AN ' knit 4T- 1(ass' f --steel-if - '' '''''' '" ''" - - 4 '' v:: s' t! () va lc in )o ' -N '' 411titr k csire' item 0 l!i': '''''''i‘' "'- :- G i fri'arts'6---- t 0 y - - ( 's - will choose new members to at CICVC - ' ' ” ss- - 7 i City eeri- - - e ' r:4'g:-& ' tl ' te:--- 'rit172f-4e- ':e l '''' eD-t-t-- - l'e4e '"- staliai---- ''''''''':''' ' I 14Iontana )4 I cenwo fig $12 C -- : L' '' 14 4 ) 1 ri 'Wendell ) e and very& p i''''' he added Mr and Mrs Craig will return to their San Fernando valley home after a short visit in Salt Lake '' - ' V '4 - 4- )‘ 'A --' - ''' ' s' '4610034a '''lis'si: 1 Eiggard dr 'CLO ' ' - - Tr--- ' ' -'- Ilk - a '1 i )t ': 114'14sie4 z - :A - i ""'"'''''4 — -- s: stej- - h SI W - F 3008-181- ding prey4s 0 : 1 '' s -' e' e4 cn - itia- - ' " ' ! 6 elections r111141 1'-w- ' j:-:- their boards of education at Dec rio ' '' :''!ii 4 tromm - - - ' 4 i Voting Nears toe 1 silo is41 ggerttoihis '' 4 V Citizens of the Jordan Granite Salt Lake City and Murray dis- the iltim 11 - 11 School Election ZC 's 101111111"- ' 1q&''''A-Iwe- Lotor :i : k ii -1- "wonderful" edit- medium for his children ty hard" ' f) dr :: ' e '10 is'a "But combining entertainment and a message is like obeying a preacher's advice to have fun and mot do anything wrong—it's pret- - t 'A i - SPECIAL THIS WEEK ko ()11 my C Movies with messages are all right if they are done well and if they don't entirely neglect the entertainment angle he continued t '" I 4 11 Sant lose their audience" q! ! Give him your fine new portrait for Christmas : 6 1 ' ' "Movies are much better than they were three or four years ago" he said "and if they will concentrate on entertainment theY won't tricts ' "'' ii:t a e 1 - - industry ' - - t 1111611 schools In the next breath Mr Craig blasted the idea that T V has dealt the death blow to the movie - t I' ! ''"- - 11 ‘ andDiane 3ii —"They're lots smarter than chit- - – dren :their age used to be" he conunented adding that he doesn't give the credit to California I' ' 1 - A ' City Settling down for a short visit with friends in Salt Lake City the handsome M G M actor confessed that he is a television fan and feels Jim Jr WITH VitiEREVER HE GOES r at HIM cr-' ' vision He had nothing but kind words for T V Saturday in Salt Lake V BE L can't scare movie actor "James Craig by mentioning tele- cationTal t 2 : :PI - 4 4 ii i:"!'i': t: - - You I rt'::'7's:! - '' Actor thialved At Growth Of Television 7 -'e be wie - Says both Jayne Craig movies and TV here to stay D 4:1 ! 1f-- 1 i ' ' : --- - -ie ) - i : ''''''' '''"''" 4 - --- ti r y Iwo ise 4 - r t::&ti7--:- Non-medic- ''14: z LT: ' jail Dr1INv ' i i uy'ig ' InstriletionT mb B3 --- -- hundred men and women energy commission Washingtonda'y conference will be devoted to members of the healing arts group D C !mass burial l maintenance of vita' A pair of admitted drunken were will of the state defense council Practical aspects 'of detecting statistics sanitation embalming drivers and three speeders sentences as part of t7rvve---"- v jail given at and the of and identification food atomic and water energy gather Thursday monitoring of Utah to study treatment of liv- cnbed by Thomas Jcontamination and treatment at their penalites when they appeared n g and 1Parmley ing Saturday in traffic court of Po- the mass burial of the dead lice Judge Arthur J Mays University of Utah and a general' speakers at the The healing arts group includesiconsiderattiort of atomic weapons! Sentenced to 40 days in Jail dentists niorticiane: by Dr John Z Bowers dean of the conference will include Dr A Ray with 35 days to-phylicians suspended upon nurses nurses' aides laboratory college of medicine University of Olpin president of the university payment of $175 fines were An technicians osteopaths hospital Utah Capt Ed Gallagher director of drew W Gulbrandson 1480 Lin- Dr M M: Wintrobe attaches veterinarians Red Cross civil defense for Salt Lake City cola at and Charles Breach rescue workers and others "con-- 1 of medicine and nationally known IC C Hilton American Red Cross :Bountiful cerned with service after atomicH blood specialist will give an ad-- i disaster chairman and Cot Alvin Sentenced for proistilng were dress on radiation injuties and- - Sessions deputy director of Utah Verda Gardner Layton $25 and bombing" A general address on medical Dr Philip Price professor of sur- - defense six days in jail five days sus- effects of atomic weapons Other groups contributing 40- pended if tine is psid:Geurge Nelgery on treatment of trauma and icinlized information will include son Hkinnier 1160 E 13th South given by Dr Lawrence Tuttle burns medical research director atomic A macabie section of the two-'D S hospital disaster committee who received a like sentence : - t With less than a week remain- 41 - I before 1950 property taxes ing 11 delinquent taxpayers Satuof rIday formed long lines in front cashier cages In the office of the ' !Salt Lake county treasurer Taxes must be paid before noon Thursday or be subjected to penal-- I ties and Interest Treasurer Sid " Lambourne said his office would accept checks mailed before the i deadline 7 Only $4318195 of an estimated e $18000000 has been collected but i virtually all of the it' taxpayers still are waiting to re- - mit their taxes " Five Motorits A-Bo- !' ' i THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Sunday November 26 1050 s f hr:t xo |