Show 41:4F - 2 TIM SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Sunday November 261950 Sc Retired Davis :Worker Dies - i t ' t i '' - - - '''' N : ''''''" "'''''''' A ' :fr ' ' ' - ' 2' - '' A" !f- 1 ': ' i i - '1-17- ':''S t ' ' 4 '‘'' v' ' '''''' w' c s ' ' '' ' 4' ' ' flp7 '1'P ' '1 13th :n n I 71"A':'"! t t - r V ' ' :' r 1''' ots i4-‘- t ' ' - J1 ' '' ::"--4--"l-I'- '' ' tV- '' - 7 '' - '' ' ' 7 pe Ji ''' ' :' ' yig 4! ''-- ' ' 1 — ' ' ''' ' I7-- ' 04----- ' - -- !' ' ' ' I ' -- - - i Featuring the Ever Popular and DelArahle 'MOUNTAIR PLAN' - "WIFE SAVER" farmer-at-large- Yes If you live icE this compact' yrt commodious fivercs-eu Brit k Home you will hare exactly that a ! N c dirty black smoke and smudge Wife Saver you save many hours of time money and backaches cleaning walls woodwork curtains and other furnishings Spacious enough to enjoy pleasant liv:ng and plenty of storage SpAt'e the full basement can be finished by you to suit your own desires Beautiful yard with room to add your 4iNVTI finishing touch Includes GA'S FURNACE and 41AS RANGE See this Genuine Value today at 3103 S 1610 East Strcet or call Mr Thalmann at OPEN TODAY 1 to :s s - io ' a44aatase I 913-91- 4011 h tl ' roup V y 7: i 9 - ------ -- -- -- ! it liree 11()Iliell at (:Iiie TWOtar ti()Iiision njures - I 6 PM 1 31o3s 1619 East Street ("rum East on 3010 South at Highland Drive) 40-5- 0 CANON BOWMAN - ' e - E 111 irci-iin- ! SPECIAL Votott trA heater 44 I' tn oon ut 49 0 141 eRrIt) MINI Anl nowirt R 4 dr I ilik 4 And $997 ' 11601A or !no gwe V' 'At 1646 tnrgt of lort1 for ILT 440 lias oroyrnnk 1601116 firt1t o01AA inomoy 444 is perfs I Nlyarly 116 1n44 tnrn xi 66)0 oan6ncrt An ki to Hn 1 4 iimm Kan liatt bramip44( and lUOfl! dnue tatp lox et Cn)110rePew ttrotbou2 st frr for tt tie Phnne 3 ros7 47 CHEV CLUB Radi tat cm pro Beau ntater ttfitt oramat Wafts finign t aacclent condition enkilica!ty Onto f1415 PETTY MOTOR CO Sing Mit South corrr 1441 F1YMWTI I 2 ran Vry At' 3r1 $o i4) '35 FORD SEDAN flood EFrnii) rpm 7 S kAtr 71 v1510ti totrit1 A A REAL BUY o' 44 Mtrc IZA Otto slut! 5 p m 940 FORD df 11o rAein (74e1 441 10 tii 41eV tsoi tut4i ar4" or 11s f -it trt g p Ca4i Tn 19 5 SP141 H )19KE ono ttre9 )142 !1 Pt 4442111 1 t I 144 I 1 - roval I $4!4 - 4 H 04cV "TII-2:! fl eeirtr 1'42 PONTier' 1 S17n 1'41- 47i'v '''':!3 -11 '2 cfr L I wsw i r' PIA1 t nr 0'er sR A w ”))))a '4rd S' 171 4 3 -- V 'a althfrSAftet-e''---' 11004F: o!rtr ' l i4 Aelar r r11:"ortit P57 a) 44 46 II '41 -41 Call 55n11 R a '1 — '1 S" r')) R a j11 t ‘ IIIIII r '45 11 s')') 4 441 'N”1'F'' - 4 irkI I lir 7114 CE ' )) t!' ' I - kJa—t" :l': 1 i owntr I Ft iterit4 V t - 1911 a)51i fi til 2 i NI"r 110 4 I le c r1 '''' t r 14 tori9 I': J:! tor tIn 19" Jeer '"' f11 ''''4 ar T!$ 4 AI 19t- v I p1 4 I'llet-- It It i -'I"' 1 '7 t - e'l se 41 ear 11"st be it1 it R nt '1III 0 0 11e1-- 4 I a I 4t In- ''' li4 itIII M:7073 ' ' nil o I a t' IIAVE I':'' ' t4 ''' )V st ii - : 'M'IU-'""- 11 44 4 7 : " 74 ''' 112 7 "" 7""4 " ' s' '' ' V ' ' 31 c e ' "" - AA : 4 ‘ ' '' - '''7 7 """: - a !1 ‘ It ° i ' - ''' t - i411 ' i !t 1 IN 4 '—r' 9t :' 2 1G ttt 111 ( DOD'OE tr '''4 r 4K ""4 4) tr) f 41:41 ' : 1'01 S V s ''''' 4f 7 - t re f - l'77 t t v '7 c 'st ': '' V1 'I r1 7' 4 4 - t tt it so t Ar -1- IT 7 t ' I r s - 1: 4 I 1 I 3 z 0 1 r 4 3 i It 4 4 :1 I ' 4 - 14" - r "a v11 674 No no 776 ell - 1 —s 77 '7 777 - 1 611 FL i 7'st - r KV n 4 se - I —c '1- a - t -- 11' - s 4 -- 7e — 10ANS 1 274 :6 ertv 14:14 - SAVE MONEY V : ts ite 3- - 77 (41 r 140 J 21 -t 5'9 t :1! '- f 's a Lr s 4 -ftr Psli 4 -- -- 9 "774 4 1 1'1 e At 7'' U - 0- - lal e k l'7 N 6 Houses for Sole TRAILER - r a 4 :: 147 ' 11-- Ct ' 44A1 4 PHC!:E ki IA ' t4-- te P'4' cond t'' - A n- try sr '" 'a ' F r - So ‘ 7te‘is ' n t '1 'I- g e 0r4- - 67 v: 4 Pa 0 t O Nt K 4 0 r —Sint ' k s 77 - t 4 : 4'"' IN s: I '" '' 44 3th $7:a 114'11 gy 7 iW -' " s V t 7 mr6r 4 i ' 4 9 W 58—Auto Accessories Parts and Service - ''' 1 I r 1 I -- P r t 71 ' IS44 1 l'i r'''s -- - 'NV r S ) - Si 44 ' I I - F7 001 Ci' 17 T ii 411 FM 40 triiiiiir Til vi Coit V' 44r I t6t 14 ATT'I(N: t s14 14i':4 l' CI s rattitt houtoo-7t- ro ' '''''''-- 56A—Motorcycles 644:4 SAE5' AL!-- '''' 7 4 1:1s -- 4 :: t 2t 1 :4:7 7- t 9 STEAL Is 4:7 4 - 1 R T 1 - — 00 et 4 41 t i th t t ''' '"' a -z t 1' k tAng ekvpdi 4 CI ILO 4 41k deal SALES it STOUT TRAILER P" ar's'i s: 04 as rft :67:'" - — PLTKUP 'I ttt e 1tc $I 245 to' - MAN- ' '' r 1Q-4- ti"r4"' '1' ''''' ott N RUCK S ' 2 441A ri tr: or tritatirtors tor 6144144 01 I tItttA I' '''' 4 fr P Atqt-547- trrns ir 4C' 6)- 147 b rAfS t 1 tat It Atetn A pitmen( NE NAOCN I Sod nom rtsra IS rn Voalkirts AETNA TRAILER - i f000I 4I — c t r v0 t s BEDCm :lo Corr 4'4 cr1 Irr es' 211 - 4 s 1 Ai: SALES 9 471S NEWMOON T E bos't ott Trs! :)k)sló f I aa a TRAALER vh ' DODGE ' I f - rt - C!srQt1 40-F- A j '53 s" '''''''''' '2:13N ''''''' ' "1' " '''' 6 -- es ' lr- N - ' s00-'1- I A - - t1t"' 7A i 0 '' 't - - AFMA r '' et sr-- H:‘ V TES i — r M o4m iT c" fAP t H t ' VI: S095 A 14o 1 95 SI 2 i f a i a' - t t ViltE I A4st 3 r e k $': s FT FENPRtoksov 15431 PETTY MOTOR Co tA : v' ti J !'s ' itt 56—Trucks for Sole : 4 '' - ' - 41 - '1t ''s k tit)a I 1 11 ' a' 114 0i " 77 Cr - '''' - 47 ' 4 csc t ' 24 OR GRA -t 7501! — r t' r '1 to "' CO y r v a i: I --- I "e : !r s :41 "':''D 2T r or 4 - a 41 ' 'OCD e g )) - - ' k 14 1'4'4 i3O 0 t ' m p ii - "“ Itk $ - t tr P " - - In7-0- EoDy i 2 IIII r 7111 — C Intl Sou!r1 ()kilt CLEAN USED TRAIIIRS NAct: He V850 501 C4 &I) Wrirt Ti'LICK N:A d 4 — 1t i)ir " ' 7 r''r '1 UNAA''''A' AkD :)))) at ' "' rti - ''' ' r! SNGER Disti De Gray Dr I dong t P111 - tb- t Cil 4 TRANS° As PAV DAvvENT CN NEW CR USED CR USED IJCKS I io 147 CV sk r N 144) r - ' - 712 11 4"ar P it t4 a it ' t ' 19 )k - 4: 1)- t el t:: ir 7:1: R ':l 1 s t L''''CR '41 ASti — 4) I - ' Co S'9 f ''' " ' — 1951 MODE1 COLUMEliA —VAGABOND coctd VOTCR CO ACCEPT - NEV 4 I P) reason! a VALUES I rlseltne r'!EED A TRUCK? - UNBEATABLE PRiCES AND LET'S TRADE! ATTENTION! fli't MCDTC 211 5' 1): a el :0'11 i - II4 NI I 44 I'I r i i' r 2 II '''' ‘' ' PETTY Ne 'OrcP - s TRUCK Coe W1 ATTAA TTMMRR SSLLSS 94718 94 E Nem ETre offwe C & I 2- ft 14A 2if Cat 1 real11 A ' ALL kl" 4ttt rt : r s 11 4 I )1a 1:417 GJAFTEI: CA7 't ' If rf 04 -i tittrdi 7411 419 Li ftwids 11:44"4 42 CHEN TI 7 CV! Off' PETTY as titers roust 95S::3 C 0Y or bul 5 YEARS Pay tho Baanc 51‘ FINANCING To $395 tz lh 4re I ores ea DOWN 114 Co Centart Tel Tsr PETTY do- 5n Tr 4 n'c ozz Met thio 7 N411 6 sr A 56111 Last 50 Years 114ft To - ONLY k'OTCR CO F-- !10Af NEW SPARTANS M61- PA:flt ffr ttn!I 4'44'4- In De co KEN GARFF 9'h South Ind lia'n ent-r- V-- 75411: revle row rt 04'112 '43 F0i7D ! - T C N PCKUP 4401 111(it'1' va 't rii- ES i '42 :HA' a Ward's " tttt 4 ! '' t a ar' 71 CAA i 7 4 P: II"' 17 l':I SA e! S ''' I Ittit 41" l tI s - a r )1I 9 rAt 0 III COT LikE4 - 4 t 2'' el ' C So $1975 r t4xL Used Trvci hez:d10-e- "$ 3 imut YoA tl z it:o t - Exceptara!BJys 7z-i- nt vr it ht !vh Hor'eser c nu!:1-- FORD 'T 563272 c i44 '7 ' 4!esre reno r l''' P:i:0) Ir 1 ' - :o!::::1 C t i :ZI e: t It in c Hayes 11g ax - 'I- '' r)))) 3 iii ‘' Ti AUTO '1 )) t " - 4' tt i I 44 In nox:o 2 4 1ii i I D'AV"10 t 43 ' r " r '4 " 1'0 9'11 'ils and 41 Montgomery- Warc '1r ' If “fIrt 411 ir f e 4 4 g r'' '41 t) 'IM et-!"e1 REBUILT MOTOR it ti iniiir m '43 9000 B A International 21“ 614 IPACTOR i: I': 1 I" i l' ' 594:1 - : E 510 So 1131 -- -- rt in ' 'fl Grant - LI ofte GuAzAN7ED 4 o" $y9: rt 14 - cve?:t PETTY DR t! ''11' r 44 r For as lov: as Yc-- Nem modes on dIspfay See them today : E3C1 Ready for Work FINANCING AND TRADING t Pe be a t1-- n $1095 at - 2r'4 ' 19 t 1t-- ? CC7 !Y:Ike AITith triloi MANY OTHER I c”3e '49 4r441 — rqt to CAA II Nn 4 uly Vtf S :!ri 0 44 yrt e - tt 1st W SCHULT WESTCRAFT 14435 dnrp $645 tr" 4 11 t "''''“ cve7::::ed ONLY E11-- VJj 3 A IC 01S 1943 erA ' col r tt)"4"" sa 41 44rr en gne e 11 an fsqn:'ers 2 vv '46 41 o414 ' S:E:C SPECIAL u13: ot r a'" Ci fl 'AMA r DIAL 45537 STUDEBAKER - SELL WO t t” -t 4 SW 4 e Stcr Foctry 947 SOUTH MAIN ST Nnt ot 'er 44- k 7 $tto - It ut k: TRACTOR MOTORS CORPORATIO1-- PCKUPS 41n Ar VC 1 '1 )))" ': ': '''' t 1 ot or 4' n 4 $124 95 - c) S'rrin tro-- : (Exc-IIT:11- t7' II 0 4 -4 on IA nr vis-- t&Iltrtn L ii t 4 40 STY 't C10 I tt 4 -44 4 N''w '''''''''d i'd'd i7er : ii2 t: 11:1 7Vi 144t1r-- 4 - i 17 t i '4 i'4 9 Nt! 4 y nrev 1 11"9 ii it f it" '5 - ”A a I 417 KIT 1991 hta? à ttut TRUCK & it I ttr4 t 1 — 10 Amen( Os Best Known Brands A1845 KgS 2 GMC COACH DIVISION Or CLUB COUPE tj 24114'0 tow ee) t S tr tAetent '43 ALL MODELS E Z TEF:!gS ' I 1'' 61) A iL°'! II Ot 217 67 '1 CA t4))4t ir r'i! 11"4 rp 4 er t 1'''''': l' a i ‘4a u'd 11141 F! k 1r 2 tee 9 00 L0 PAF F W 4 4ZItr i 1') f n iinle ))a) yr10)))1:) ql 9' 7191t kw 444t4orpert r'7-- -- EiY! ALLat 1 V i ki- Siito rn setn t t're et a- n To Choose From r MUST 4'14 'nap brT SOTO SED I'll 1 1 'PA ' transtrass-c- speed ALL MAKES it4 E ve 11 1156-H 01441 i4 5 n"-0'14 1441 pt 4LZ4 tttt V 10:1 N S k pee i Pctt:!6t 3 M' 7 1 rt? If S eot f $ FO!RD t1r4lt fq“114 4 - PItt -r it tif11 1 R rliIIor Pk!4 ' WrI h11 tttt ro 0 - : -- 4! lt Io' "'1)1 Sr t runyi tro1 tr17t: Ca m114 "A n k h r 94244 tei Of tte )1t -''''k't!-''':7"'4 o 3- (We t -- ott‘t '4'''': t11! )1 $1 N !s 1114 - 4 t t a k!lq ply IL s IIII Alaae tr !)- t T 4 4r 4 14 41 t11:ft 0 iiier V Dodge coupe 44 I I )'' $) II sr r g !7- r ! 'f0 1”V $12'00 Apt - SC:)FONE m i)I' tuie1 21 rh '“6 gt-- eta nulr) t 14 4i I Ii 11 t t t '''' 14 4 e Si -e k ze Zra E A i' SFEC1AL 1CA1 4 ‘teea 7::kp der it in r A MUIR CO G Hlt t Ph 7 41 CI e Sqer car 110 tonI1“or ( e It r 5'11 1tei ce'e) qd c7r7!ci 4ved trar57r:sscn vtny :777:17-FAKE- Cti170 zi!4 1 Ali ONE-DA- 124: SUPER an 4 49 2 - Tri- I!et r ":11s III 7 k IS m ti' — 1949 C 2 A ge 14 425 t YOUR CAR 10 ii t5 hot fl ke4lan - Ci “t 40 p- IN C: e V BROEN tr44 a -r RUSSELL ci 19411 n 7 FINANCE 04 0 11r''' rpfr " r11 s'1 C34:5 'nes or t't tis oatt !$ tioi ioi Friril I il 11E415 1946 DE SOTO Nve r 2 tr Very e'? nt iktit kiI 4t THIS EARGAN 101 C A floh ' $1:: ' e:- H or R!! ' 414 '43 Hernot C7CT no N n !cn : new con lany tansrrsz-7 4 yzi d rnp '2 s eed ecr axe 194' 6 75473 new 1?13 G M C rci ACP trn:!cl- - 5 srPed sre?1 ax-(II Lx22 'II es m7'77 BY C'AtNER re‘r4t tti or sfoAn P s 'Ind re wrpr t' res 66kt IeSoo )Vhev to "'''r'''1't:r21 ONLY $5'25 !vt-0- 40rr PESE - i- ' EntitiC In1 A' :4' OW p ryv '11 l'ty '') "c' sl II At' el c p: :63 tIfIr14 I $ t:t f!1 FII ti r Ra !rq' fe" 10:1 415 stt 11 PtEttlpf ir 4th r't b ))4 ''''''y ki t1 rrer V01111 0eroostor-MVP- -- 4 DT!'‘'n — —LJ -- Its 1ma)hbalvr 19) rad r' )am 4t4 1144 4'1 44 tt4 t LI p 57 1 0 7 CO r - 44 arr4 d p o I OF Mtt No S'indac 9 ra4a Po eat tc—ri Al A : twe sty b R so SEE Mil0 tsift Ittt$e E 71 TO SERNTICE j fran "tI ''I 06 6" NO ''4 -- ''''"H t Ziô ")) 0 WN t y'r) ' RA 19 1'146 r to a:F1) 1 arar crArk1 irel 11 - OUP?' 04" 4 41) 4 e14 ITV R P11 IA - Art t 4 4- cANI-:fi- -- 14 0 4- -- ' 1:'' 149 Piym rt et Ls 111 Jetarrt st 44 I ttt 4 Jr R 44 PO! OP'14 I I TT I - 7 41 teeir Vt0 n - ' 1 - 9 itI Itt ft -- 4 - !0 ' l'okkt g4 an 4 41 S'4'P 1111414 I ittte 91 t It $ 1! t:Ztt r I c5b t rkolrleS 1 l n E til tot 97 1T1 f isn 7 rew - 7 444 k H rgei4n ALEXANDER 044 en Rth 40 0194 t- P!1M t rrt k - antt cAr It ' 0 01 AECD SEDANS r” t14 A41 flti Are 14 wet $ p 9 r :s1' "7 1 ittt: 4 '"'" --- "t"' rlde ?0kiie 414r 4! pEO 4 4 1 cti1-1- ' r''7 44):1sn1tfttr Z"r 4' 1911ixtv tr1 a tr trik e 44144 k'i 4' ko ror t'R(' vi Nlode 'ROLET 0-1E tOLiST S PA 19g2 141"An 1 tit R 44 II tAA441144e 24444 n'rfVf lir at e'1 $' 44A4r '4414 41 444"" N 3:t" 'A In l nt sts10stott Irk I Ai ' '' Ir1n:l rtl or st hmt Tprrrat or I Ar r't:1 in r of R I 4 9 4'7" AN Of FER lit'1K a 'tar 44 4 47 tobt: " Vi FON) 2 NI n19 or A do rfv Vr 041:L444141 L kE 1111 I 111 34 Slut' Al 44i 'AuA In :q rit441t tittl'Ss:'' St mAKE 14 190 C111 9 i I 'ie: ts' "3Vr: 511 10 v nd n --- ” Is Ptti f44- U r i 44444 I k IT tIttOr44 SO '01X0)!11 9'1 trs IQNt—":-01-r- li c 9 SI B 40'4 4 4440 4 11 'AA' St N:VI't ON '121 S cns USED :tz RI' 45144 2 i I TWO '47 ptt rot e ot s 04:1— '46 CHEV :GOING EAST TO SCHOOL DEC SED ELP'N'D tt e t ntt o r 0 M I" 'Wu I rats- - 1RtylA — - I it: titii coiiIiorlt care Cr t'71oe r!f't!(5 I MUST SELL LMMEDIATELY STCTE no PICK at itte 0- TAKEI YOUR s 6 1Att at 3t-rttl- I E4 1eirt t4441 $123 ray II rirts It cii) Vi NOT EVEN r4a ers new 1f fef zren WI set for vi95 110 $ 9 R it nA $175 —t rho 1'04 — - 1943 CAD I' L urrt v tit S iu $1 les 10 5C1A) Can Arromos MR: OGDEN—PH 11 me1 litth ttr otton "il M11 A 111 Rth for 1e 14) or to1 eomert t:ttott tit I pt & COUPE g ' ti 1r trt40 triiiir aArI 11 Fam of the year 1251 Eaat 13111 1719 4 Sf4- - al '42 W ICI a1 mofitr raf a 2 hemfa 2 new a and 14: 2 ne Owner By 4ef 11 afolan Ivo 2 CHAMP STUDE SALE R rhar 11e 1950 I On!) 111 Ceemrti 37S cn rnetip 14 ii yrt '14 fl 0 it i ow miry I 1 ' Ittir eItrA titter ostirtst t il'At tti W ill t I I'M BROKE q11 C e ttotoy ritito Ind rA II to go 50214 Al 7 199 Ckl'11tric I i11 ili iittvois ICK M itROtiN Ct iNV E'Int !!ei riia e!ter lite W Te:: t: 7 ist:71 IVti: Iii49 Fi111 Fiji itt !It iii car Iiii of tre lit:ii ittltirtviemi t cottp WS S3250 S 762 1t1 7“r ttleret ‘e :es s:cue ixay 7 ' tcn i 1:149 No' Kt H And !rt‘ tteo on4or 10 aHl 47 Looll of VI 917 2FOR-Rttide ed SA rto 'on A SW So t24 1rrA psoto Murray Buick aaTes 4ss trAle arcept VAAL Per!ftl 94 SEE AT cot or twot 41ror or $1225 1st: new nultur frc wtti R 3AItliN ' 01)' A BEAUTY! P snn iT ' ii1: $1t PICK 1c- t7 : a43 z 4 it i 'rot 1111pment er Trc lea rrntrt fle ca r prtt ot 75 9 E'l'ne ' nie 1:0 1111"Notd117 R t9 $40 DOWN $10 MONTH 17 Pe Sto mefirit heqtIttit rzir IfldI Attft OUt tor R d irtNe 00prnent a dirt tirrt"r t tin P zelp nr f fort itrOerPAt EXCHANGE i e !‘ nki r1 tt An GOING UPI Long term financing may be eliminated I (2 '50 STUCE CHAMPS 1 f)or-Dormd 1 Start te Coe o: 14 ft - tt STATION WAGON S S'125 ea TAKE YOUR State 'I R 0 vtue 67 I t‘t OWNER t'otottdrt 141 - 41- p t4eft l'" AUTO 11d011 t't10 lq (We of ft it)"t 1104 trttAle 0' SV4 L l c(Aupe 1912 e tont 4475 ft cmrn CT !419 si 14Ptitit!tlit 144 6v-- rtmE )) $2 c" $42: a BARGAIN " i 2261 So De Lute 2 D 1948 lent cani!nne ttsfouglout or t:1ck sure ot BELOW MARKET PRICE 1941 Pqtrit Consort WMitrflit nemy tires totiL too honcre ra dut reit Coot tug touard Otto ottt fovort Ctto on4 out 1671 3!FPetIt'S e 1iw of k- SPECIALS See Our Fine Selection 5 6327 c" 57—Trailer Houses for Sale TRAILER PRICES i by government order f tt 4)1 rqzeltt BUY NOW 47 G MC LV' 8 CAC S2650 To SAVE tn Mlpi 24: 4:7 BLOWN-U- P Hayes 1950 HUDSON Lt)ro VU1 E so 0 (kr1 ' DRIVE OUT Wth treA can 11 DIAL i Grant rrt r I roDAY'S 46 Domord - -- Dial Broaday WISE BUYS VALUES $1795 985 So Man Si991' 2309 So State PO Trns 165 r PRIVATE nr ''''' iisson fps OWO New Noow Inn PAnel 101HI: 41 401z1) ilw Lute "eiAn Ihenel'Y ILA fun St4bLe '40 CIALV S BYLL clive0 porwF I TOTI SI 3ke ilke 1ki le1 P41 I tike t 47 46 NM' AVV: PlIONK CWN123 Putek 37 1 CADMAN'S 1941 '44 wetter ticout Ewa Ines corn- - lie lu xe 1613 1163 4lr r oedanet 4 hiony kAcut 675 ::not 51S I ke New CNIY Just beituty V45 00l PO sw-- n 311 dr 4 1113141 46 40 11moutn '41 eLtig 1411n4nto 1345 1163 4 00 Perfr41 h 1) ill So4 41 16intraim 200 A pe C USED TRUCK TUCR RaCo Hewer Oec-- 41A cap $095 TRUCKS 90761 vtato vA 11 I a to ' t 1ki 11i ti4ho VP 13) Porn Cillh seclt- - '41 t i '48 PONTIAC '8' Is 2 4111 r111A' 41 41101eK MANY OTHER OUTSTANDING BUT' at Cur' o Lited Pk itq55 Racim 1' tnontn olart 46 Idatt 61111 c‘11"6 rfqt ra ho trar on4 r8 4 7 To6rt 610 So Man Cnr Morn Co KEN' GARFF '174 iti 47 16166 nrn Ktikrir61 1161 ne6161 r)K4 49 SUPER SEDANET ig 4!) '41 440 (LA -- INC Beattor 56—Trucks for Sate FOR REAL 1950 CUSTO t0 a44144 56—Trucks for Sato for Soto 6—Trucks FORD PAYMENt 40 011141 !9 PIA 11 1:71 tub tour 4)4 StRo t 4i4 5—Automobiles for Solo WINTER SALE LESS TAYLOR'S sedan for Sole 55—Automobiles YOUR BEST BUY 1946 BUICK Ty for Sole 55—Automobiles for Solo :55—Automobiles for Sole 55—Automobiles At ' ( s - ) r' - - : ec :e 4- a - b 13 It t i I ct1-- ' Sp - tary-treasur- :t"-4-- ::i):7qi! r'''1 - a 1 ' atrakeata44-44eihaaaa:- ' ''4- - 14 ' ir !: "- - i Classiliad Display V - - '' - ---- ' rd'f'- i i ' creating 1 I --r- grik e -- - :' it' i i iii Surviving are his widow Mrs u 11 '!itJ' Pt : ' ' an vehicular movies on 0 Lucy Ilarningharn Day whom be i :maintenance ' '' i Ben Richards Salt Lake City '''f''' ki' '' '''''' e''''''''': and supp'ly with in-in 6 3S9S the Salt '':'::::':"1:Al'''-"::--':married Sept ir'''' ' Ice Cream Assra: Frank G ' t'tah ' ' ' hut ''''' humorous tive i:l1 ' SOLIS S strut cartotals two i '' ---Lake L I) temple -' e ' it 4 ATIketlean ' F'ork Utah ii t ' :on camouflage thrOWn in and llii!Shelley ' don Day Salt Lake City and Del- 'I '' ' 4 tti''"' Gale Men h of the 306 State Farm Bureau p lin t e flig hts f or :' hert Day Emigration canyon Salt 1 '::r-! "''''( i '" w:sser evaporated nulk manufac- 4 scouts at the encampment Lake county a diughter Mrs Ar- vast 4The huge number necessitated "7)1 rs Albert Diamond Midvale :irtatt oak atcaoh villa Hornig'' Salt Lake City LI i LOUIS 1 " i the use of two each dav and 1"!efli"Y II etaiti s Assn grandchiblicn a great grandi Mid I ' of t'urtis bov-Cooperatives Dairy the of Into the three brothers Henry Day Ogden splitting Hunts- - ' groups to attend the lectures given Utah Chester Engstrom Harvey Day Hountifid and Seth t : D O on and COntrOl tower op' talk dairy Day Tremonton and twv sistets f "" Vtatio ll The bore welt also ac Lamb market milk distributors Mrs Martha Cook syraills-e- Dt4- "''"A4) vis county and Mrs Mae Vood (painted with the xarious types and Vt'elby Young Salt Lake fedmilk f named Produtl-r' v!'re crated bv now of used aircraft tile Ileaintiful being 1 ' r ' l'Euneral arrangements will be directors rce 9 1 ' ' St nuts watched the base fire 4 announced later by Union murtu— 1 --I --Atiwtoes41ouvotc department play with Lie vat hoot 4 (14 k C ry getting burnd in a Saturday aft- E 39th South Teal Strong son of Mr and Mrs Three Salt Lake Explorer Boy Scouts check up LEHI (Secial i"- - In an effol t toil ernoon demonstration Of the tech C anti Richard Hill Elmer East while Me air of Ruth May Strong' attending' 1Jnco1I‘4iou4 program a unit of Civil Air Patrol i establish to It used and names put equipment gen of !tin anti Mrs Latar Flanigan 820 Cluthe farce base taa-daencampment Left to right out plane fires A useless bulk of a meeting will be held dui r g the' PAYSON iSpeciall- -- Still un- for Scout actiities Saturday f44in of 31r and 31rs Henry Engh 2098 ate itaill Engh plan Explorer a was set on fire and tiremen week accotling to A J "flusly”1 ---- -- conscious at Payson City hospital' - -- 1 -- is Jackie Bingham Rogers Lchl air enthusiast 311-extinguished the blaze qtlit r kly 1 La I rill i was Formal ended instruction Itttgers states that any person ot er 1 daughter of Mr and Mrs Joe I Saturday afternoon when the 15 years of age is eligible for allem-Bingham who was injured 'Nov and: TOOELE (Speciall—Three ptr- - Potter Jr 1638 Capitot ate Og- - at Toocle clinic for bruiscs and scouts talked with base pilots who ttership in the organizatan 19 when the car In which she WaS te(ountett thetr experiences 'and requests that anyone in not thel n depres- - sons were injured in a traffic &II in Tooele hospital with head other minor injuries riding struck a sewer-lin- e Mts Pearl Burton 16111 sax nules west injurtes Investigators said the Potter explained technical details it Hr Utah county interested in the forsion and blew out a tire- The auto crash on D S was thrown against a tree and re f Clivt4 service station Saturday W tith Aa Denver Colo: : In the car driven by Mr Pott r ing to the young men Fatly Es- niation of a unit of the rat ad ' ntrif With tbe litilie thatte tac't either Ntr Rcgrra or heespitat With knee Licerstoms and stt tick front the trar by the Biti-plo- rcr bouncJed to land right side up on at 311 pm reptattar-Trigott-t- ' g other injuries and Mrs Dell Shum- - ton car as it stopped at tho side of illIght rttiltn again next year said Griffin of American Fork for officer& of an the cement head-gat' council officers further details Injured were Mrs Clifford S way 11A !llth st Ogden treated the highway gation ditch - fair a such a demand we need no federal - Mr Benson said supportsrh foreneskn was devoted to nit vtings of the Guernsey Bol- stein and Jersey breeders assoca- Loris in separate groups - a — ' ' t at prokl-icit- IA ' ' ''''' g l' k p : ': - - - - '''!'"'t - 'a ' a '7 ' - c '''I'r'''- a 7 N re'itatt4' ' 7 it 4 7- - 1:23: ' k t t 4 - '''':r4 : ''! - vk' tso ' ""''1 ' itt - ' ' 4 — 7k'7 3 i t - ' ' advertising salesmanstup stiexmanship are necessary to bai-k- '( I- ' ' : — i son-Gu- y i -' k4: i4 to the products- buy insistcd r IlillilaseStawy ' - " wh6"--wi- — DCIt'gAtes rrof A J Morns 17S A C was annual meeting ot th e renamed tranag:ng drea tor Of Da zry Asscia-titA nierican ':Dairyirg offcrs the youvg man Saturday heard na ti oral and of 1 today an excellent adlos'al leaders plead for greater 1 I B y C M Shelby 1 v th of dairy products tn an to get tnto a good busire vertsrg HILL Alit FORCE BASF: t Sp- - effi-irto treate greater ritarlitels out too much capital where the ' from v ith touer- t41-- A ttioit 'up ern- dal EXI)!Mer POv an be his own boss young the ages ef 15 to 17 years Satur-'ent support 'arid build-hi- s two-da- y °All busness If het tied 'a cOnki day evening Principal speakers at the after- - has the prkiper eitikational encanipment hete that gave them:noon membership meeti-nwere gro und and shkoas a willingness to a k en insight into the functtons l A Et'llsOrt Chit ago represert- - aork - tr c row said of the air force base the Artieria an Dairy Assn and Mr Benson declared that agri- Pittkul etent In the stay tng Nelson R Crow Los Angeles: pub- - -that ' artd early Erday mornmg lisher o tre t tern Dairy was a butfet-danc- e inch was Classified Display Journalscouts at honor the in the' given Direeta-el( cted diirniz the offahrs' club Churth of Jesus Christ of L a t t e r - d a v Saints i!fAterntio‘nimccitirs:la s:Pt ilue the le t Y V M I A girls from ' 1 Kaysville ' of t'tah Holstein Breed-- 1 1 Lartim Cie trfold at io Pot' d n ke': ant Grove S:11 10 a so aas reca t te d 1 erh wan the seows front 1:1:dh Vt rl Poll Morgan jer :i Llano wvontIng and 4:eata from presidentI lialtLed vite aey Bleeders Assn 8 to 11 pm to succeed t Su"d Edgar Prr:sukut Saturday'were' Both Friolay and ) r Utah agCaine a State George -elakennp fur Itie 11:111111 rill''''::!-i' llsirrr: r'' ) of the base s maintenance' plants ir7 7 - i 7r-- V:' ' 4 ' i: bl : 1 - accomplish these ends We must build up our business and largely through advertdsing to where s'hould the department of agriculture pull the bug out frton und er us as it did with the egg prkslitcers a e still can sell our ' OGDEN (Special) ' 1 EOUNTIFUL-- - Bligham Erni ilied at his home here 'Day p m thtee hours :Saturday at rafter tie had fallun from the root itif a house he was shinghlig east cf Kayaville Mr Day was wothirif on the rf4 of a home owned tiy Iosi p h- ! rutcher Kaysville when a support gave way rported'rneribers cif the family Working with hull a at the time of the areliknt Iti and son Delbert Day and a i Worthen Mr Day W3S born April 10 1S75 In BountlfuL a son of James and Iktiary Roberta Day Ile was a Banilel ger Lad- employe-oroad Co and u'as a member of the i Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- -' 11N-t)-1)a- "- - a' t of Fall Injury culture and partcularly the dairy 'Ter13 a g ood P ress to 1t-influence pecple and make friends - and ll our l''' - t Nlowil Local Dairy Chiefs Exllorers End 41 t Increase in Ad vertisnia HISTORIC 'VISIT e tr5---- 151 1 ' |