Show - THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Sunday Novembrr '16B tonvovilo nArfill 'Ism el The mire erereti tor to Lake 1111111 TA buwnefil g devenp rat Nor by ChriNtmas DEFENSE NEEDS the In session and raila Friday No 1 oered am'all war stocks registered t gains Util'ities which by high taxes In came back moderately pup hampered wartime Gain Pa otmen Billion i I -- -r- ccer-ha ver- -s "1 atrly-rtr- ot idea -- rit'thtirriste £ - phares and VP& PrØdvecoot It i - e Wyoming's Coal Industry Boosted by Strip "'Muhl() i 'r 3IURRAY DRUG STORE OPENS i ' cial)--Wes- tern Johns-Manvill- e lion-milita- "M-K- mil-Ilo- ::: ::: '::: :-- 4 '1 A 7 - i 41 i '- -- i NOre revenue-producin- g Utah Sales Tax Top Revenue Wit- - 111 ttuteksiloor---6103-S- lni strip-minin- T Sili tai -- ' NW 11Noil "404 HOT ROLLED h: r MERCHANT BARS Mast steel tiers ksiept 0 les in any G quentitles roils led lir Puts yoe tool you loaf worm ot lett cast tot e'Dleto '')c ORDERS GET CALLIBUTIINDUSTRIAL avalAN REQUIREMENTS ALSO SEIMIT FROM MAPLE STOCKS OF DEFENSE Aioqua lo lurnility ovoids the dot tostdly your iota end tiorool—rodocos tooth 1E wo throat sinus treat Iy - Stotts Woo 100 Aoterna6c Homidiev whitk Cs say worm oir Immo lo winter au tontilionint Mate MIA Is it Snit Is a tut insestvirt i soelAn4frit gIt' :' fat IRST AND CAN OUR 1 S Corrosive lifisint It long tts o hi kwIstme41 vosito thed D 1 hermit thilly—eloistrool it': a specializes NOTICE or BEARING offering i Before the Public Pontos Commission of "temperance policy" Vslit-No In the wooded aft Cape rt lower automobile insurance ratei Bat tee ot tho A polleat inn of UT a H to nondrinkers NATURAL Gad COMPANT fur a Csr- 'owl'' of COnVenintlea and Nenessity - h boom comfort All hoot trmilactot ton rot ono for yot holm kdey a SKUTTLI MANUFACTURING CO Dotroct 7 Mith 't'' troating k 11: 1 ' a crioCZM -- ID ir1M gill!! 8 o FORGE (q1) () 0 B 300 IslIF 0 R dlitecrittil1 IP ti ant A y:lnz It con!ret :rt 11InnI01'11 d'i:g:4arlog“t of a ll of such lines el Al 41i " an - poo for JUDtt-IA- To Handle Products Diamond Electric Motor Repair 1465 S 2nd Vest has been named a dealer and certified service shop to handle general division products of machinery Manufacturing Co Alf W Larsen °Amer of the company said the firm will reprein the intersent mountain area in the sale and servicing of motors and controls Allis-Chalme- rs Expansion Charted Pacific- Intermountain Express has committed more than $1- 300000 for new fleet equipment during the past 90 days C Euexecutive vice gene Johnson president announced Saturday New units will be added to the and city company's fleets as rapidly as deliveries are received from manufacturers New equipment on order and over-the-ro- fp 1 ' at WITNESS offtrAt at !teat November Sal Ise Coy Clan the hand Of the Clerk end of aa rt Court Out trord day jS-o- t Atva Keddinymn (Mark Weter BY Jowl Defray NOThr-l- t n PVC1 kr MrItTIN1 Cow itTO4'F1401PERS OF UNION CHILI' Nt !NINO CO a Uten Cqrporation Notre is herb ItAen that a speal of Or atncknoAril of Uni On (Wel mretng III no 041 at NUnre Co a err poralon 406 Boston Eta0tne ekat Lake Cur Utah on Thum loll th '7h doe of Pecrother 1050 et the hour of 500 o elork P Nt for th purr of ertos I Prerdent sod Board of Drectota and to transert tiny ter bumtneFs Ulat Islay b presented at saId mec 4rg IIANAKM President 4 IIIPOIR ft - -- -- vvectherAightl e s'i da-- enr Ito i isEnt) 7 A TILAMAl Plit NC ikt MOJA eareof NM For 0movielege It 1 ti t01t Ai II ' — t - I - 14 - -- N -- - - -- - a a 411 '' t'- - tt s' ---": 4:t 1 - 7 tp r! itlibeh ow ip 1011110C e us ! 011 lir ' mart 11F'119' 410 Akm:71 ' 4Ir S- 1W- 10190 1 They close tied and keep their factory fit Superstrong Ntesker windows are a mark of quality long life low cost in any horn factory or commercial building Get prices and specifications today You'll agree TO i' Vigtit4 0 ilpg boreal :: 1 ' 1 I il Woofs to Mershon" inv ' v r7 ' mg At1mAsors JONES louiPmENT COMPAN " IS9i lovtio toil Witt Solt toko Cey PHONE 11932 tt tostollaGoat Mack toads Atotal Scr000 No fositt fireproof Low-Co- date timentsectiociSel afctiscsamil i i WM- - g ors's I - - e ' be potstutpest 040 111Wele 115741 Be VO le toottitti I wary I t- 111 "um A Ikt OditSi BO gEttift trt of Notomn:rI19NO r heal Went indoor sod outdoor vim A — L —get the window that's permanently Ilkommk - 1 Uten of the IVANHOE )AINING CO PANT a Cornoratioon of the State Nt Cattlornic NOT!cE or HEARIN4 t'PON APPTICATION 10K WITHDRAWAL Notice ta hereby given that the SOO Lira Von of The Ivanhoe Atinteg (rimpan) a eorpmetion of the State of rettfornot frit toitititary twilaidteetal of said rorporstain the State of Utah ea presented In th Disorict Court of the Thtre duotrtal itiortrt in and tnr Rad Lati County Rives of Utah nos on ftte sith the Cook thererd be heard on the I Sint ea! Of Deremoer I m Of IAA Otos' or as 19coi at 10 Otirolt: seNrt therea!tr ea th matter ran be heard n the rourtronrn etf the lionnrehte J Alien Crorkett ore of the Judime of the encoreCOUrt in the C ty and COUntY 4:- 4 a pcww 1 t rt d pacesacti rt004075000 or Annttrnetn entered Into Nil' pn et nt and capahl omit goo lifted Pito 40011 sour I ey 4 g t for Aluminum shingles—used - time in the PRee northwest—are being introduced in Salt s II Williston vice presiLake City currently by V A dent of Corder() Mining Co has Smith and M C Morley of Smith-Morlbeen named director of the supDistributing Co it was announced Saturday ply division Defense Minerals The shingle's say Mr Smith and administration Mr Williston Mr Morley are simply designed presided: at a panel discussion and easy to install of strategic mineral problems held duhng American Mining They are 18 by 10 in and 101 sq ft of roof can be covered by congresa sessions here earlier 40 lbs of shingles They are selfthis year Mr Williston Is chairman of ali gning and interlock four ways Each shingle i3 tmhosged with a the A MC Pt ra tegic minerals cedar-lik- e committee The supply divisinn grain No pRinting ill de— necessary and the Phingles skill not tinder his direction termine requirementa fnr such rust However they can be painted if desired minerals cad will establish Aluminum velleys fleshings goals for expansion of metal starter strips and ridge caps interand mineral productive capalok with the shingles city Mr Smith says the roofs will Bureau Seeks Data last a lifetime And as for the quesThe U S Bureau of the Census tion of whether rain on the alumlheti Fent to all manufacturers a ntnn roof will keep people awake form N P A1: calling for a nights Mr Smith says that all of inventories of production nonsense There is no noise hi materials as of Dec 31 1950 as says well as other data This new form TN THE nurrricr COTRT OE 'EPP! is a revision of the former Census DISTRH-- r IN AND THE COUNTY OE SALT LAKE FOR 732—Plant OperaBureau Form I7TATI STATE or In the idatter of the tions report Votuntary VtIthtiresal from the Stale at Maiming odious nd trsocon- dm Dow 004 vial! fprot home bums tow co fall Oa yet gives you oistlowtect combtratott 0 r41141 OPE iOiv enfil In potent to constitu't and inielikll ittIN lineig H ”1 mien appurlnannil and (octillion ordor of the Cionrcussion retvttoortnrtTHI C N lino CI 11311sZtattalbooti) Itt11 deilitication and 11411111 ary 10110E1 COST latall LIT 111J4 4iT14io ( STRUCTURAL scasomo tm ampen r roll 'wok tont lag try-L- c"'"1 contortion? Your Al ItItetest Extension If'"""""k fl Vieder I tweAewsistroo' la twohy 'Wen that the oboesNMI entitled application of Utah Natural Gas Company will bo hoard Wont the Public Serice Commisaion of Illah at II coffin 314 Stat Capitol Pall Lak Cite Utah on 11nda v the llth day of liantnitlar 19S0 Oil tk coMMenting at 10 00 a at Applicant pro- to construct operat and matnain s41 i a s a main gas line Of la loch maximum s 1 Tracy-CollinEffective Jan In site extending from gas fields Trust Co will extend its 2''t III- th Counts of an Juan northerly and of tm C"un" thre"r''' pron terest rate on all savings accounts of"1"1! Pan Juan tirrid fmery flanomie Ptah up to $10000 Saturday announced and Utah and into toe County of Atilt inkt a at a point at or near salt ofLake Cow: James W Collins president ' bk inch thi secondary gas rims lino Such accounts are insured by maximum mac xtenng from mot ga ta °I w"n"nd ""r" t" the federal deposit law up to $10-- 1 frt'Itt northerly and likan0011 to Salina ON Mr Collins said in uit Comity of fievior (hones southerly Patina to Richtlisid than es norer's' from Salina through Ounmandk Montt Fpnralen and Boront connecting with tlw Tanen in the coo:udnImy tot tilannec aittiroettntsain iii'f' as Shall he nocesoa'ry to font deitriItlisrlYno8f such natural gas to the purchasers or eon- ttmors thoMoll tilt suet fimd linos and ase gathering lines as shall be necessary to transport said gas from producing col' and and dehtdrtinn pginis to taut iI(rooting Innoadra lines and lei ail main ' Modelle is cost too !:iii moles ofiStem— keinotrivrs in Salinfrs Slatetl tot ell Indust well tolls 4 I The company ter 0411009 lxsv a some- Named Director Vitedr' I NN I Firm Handles New!toofing the light construction industry Neilson said some 400 Mr builders and suppliers from Utah Idaho and Wyoming are expected to attend the meeting of i I- I o serni-traile- ! ' I van-typ- i i 5-- Dry hit A 20-I- lioole Fair Exhibit Stirs Comment ot30""Vetl iltnana seml-trailer- 100-fo- - LAKS eat In cal recently deliliered includes 23 new distinguished t 37 annual speakers will address the new 30 inum convention of Utah Home Buildere "dromedary-type- " power units 24 and 100 Assn Friday and Saturday in open-typ- e e trailers aluminum Newhouae hoteL A P Neilson president itrPublications Offered inounced that they will include Two free publications concernFrank W Cortright Washington ing Utah properties may bis had executive vice president D C by writing the Publications Dia National Association of Home tribution sktion U S Bureau of Nlines 4S00 Forbes st Pittsburgh Builders Edward G Gavin editor 13 Pa Builder magazine AMPriClin of They are "Investigation of the Chicago and Gates Ferguson Beaver B fluorite deposit J public relations representative county Utah" by Floyd D Ceintex Corp erett :IndB110yilson--th- e A In- "! Mr—Cortrigirt if di ecust was combictecnn-11)4national building picture In his vestigation 1911—and and "Investigation of position as N A BB's exeeutive the Daggett Chief manganese dein is he officer in Washington posit Manila Daggett county constant touch with congres Utah" by George V Heim end ofwith housing government Paul T Allsman The Investigaficials with representativea of al- - tion was conducted in 1941 lied industries and with typicar builders across the nation' The magazine which Mr Gavin edits is devoted to the interests Auto Insurance Firm to Open Office First AUTOMATIC HUMIDIFIER ta &NI telmir manLame! r nra ikt we i'or au 1 tho Pnday 'J toe a tuatraary ad dralad moan& -- Firtorry what to expect in the way of de- - !market men said this Wag bullish leeric RI energy ii provided the s :tens cutbacks In Pacific States plant by Utah !although some of them continued A - cti—A-to caution traders over full investtis of those metals Power and Light Co and costs and Whie d e f i n i t e government !ment of their funds service are very satisfactory says o' rders have not yet been 1ssited1 A significant feature of this the Review 'officiall of the National Produc !week's market as the experts saw "The labor force is deemed above In Is 20new coal a ens fmm the shovel Into of tens It a et three development mining dumps tipil authority have told induatry !it was a new increase in epecula- Strip it eye "Taxes are average" I rover ton area Rork hick After truck heuis It to tipple at gustily isstrtpped Springs Wyo that tive demand Inveatment stocks of severe but no more so than in most meetings in Washington civilian consumption of zinc will continued popular but other dates—lower taxes or a be trimmed about 20 and cop- - thriae of somewhat more specu concrete effort in thiidirection would be eonaiderable entraremleave tinge made the best gains rtr between 74 and 30 ent for new industries in eh" ' Slash Cobalt Ese Steel Issues lattrove ' Competition Looms The directives expected any steel issues' developed a better be now to much likeltone although thir gains generally The Review points out that clay promise MURRAY (Special) — Grand lest week's order limiting manu- - held to email amounts Oil issties1 ROCK SPRINGS Wyo (Spa- which blankets several the new Pa- Central Drugs 4868 S State ofcompletion in 1949--R- t 'goitre facturers of civilian Shimintirn were up sharply on the week cific States plant at Provo (Ironmiles This swam of coal is known ficially opened for business Satcoal in Wyoming's of goods after Jan 1 to 65 and Goodricb ton) marked another phase in iron as the U P No 7 aften a mine urday M Warshaw announced what they used in the first half !featured their respective divisions:1 dustry is getting a shot in the Union Pacific Coal Co and steel production and fabrieaThe establishment will be manoriginally set this year from a mining method that worked on the seam several miles aged by Keith Warshaw and Don tMn in Utah and the west The 1 i t Meantime the NP A plashed The liquors rose as Christmas buy-- !arm 110 or 13 years ago was regarded northward Eng started It is located in space company is the only producer of Mackey use of the atrategie Construction enjoyed one of its here as impossible To do this the company conoccupied by a Grand high pressure cast iron pipe west formerly Strip mining 70 for the month Metal cobalt by tracted the stripping and mining Central market now at 4886 S of the Mississippi river However !good weeks and was well above 'of November Cobalt le viridely !no previous week and a year ago mining of coal from open United States Pipe end Foundry to one of the world'a State "Used in It la adding operationdirt movers — Morrison-Knudse- n magnets iElectricity output set an e Co of New Jersey has under conpits— la the method reSome on was $25000 spent largest or radios televiaion sets radar !record high Coal near Oakland Cal a struction rose but millions of tons of coal to available The store the " Co output a in modeling premises shipped 404 IPetnnnin equipment and in !WAN under a year ago Crude oil line that weighs 661 has been atocked with a wide plant to manufacture 50000 tons reserves huge drag bard very alloy steels used for !output declined but was well above the amount made a year—one-hal- f tons operates with a 165-f- t boom line of drugs notions and toys In the flock Springs area tutting toole at Ironton a year ago Gasoline output rose tons in good seama and a bucket of 14 cu yd coal of of r All sat" ('t rnhsilt which on the week and the year Pave been passed up because of ity— so large that Witham moistly from Africa were Rua thin roof which presented a costly hour mine superintendent tkar earlier because it2f urgent pended and haiardous problem This area underground and pit demand A Ppokesman military is badly broken up with coal aeams was able to drive an automobile iiim n Manu' for the following the convolutions of an !into it as he drives a car into a facturers Assn said this week : : !old sea bottom In sortie places garage i hat If the present stoplap order 40 :"" 3ali the coal seams are dbep—in other Not only la the stripping operarelaxing the freeze slightly had ::: earn seams the are rewithin tion allowing the company to places e' tot been issued his industry 1 30 or 40 feet of the surface cover high grade coal that other) " would have been forced to shut "0 f 40--- : also wise would unused but it go 'clown by Jan 1 Roof Soft Risky 42 46 r : enables the firm to meet peak de914: Roof on these ahallow scam e Is mands Gray ?ilarket Mats 35 r-1 soft and presents a constant hazi Cray market deals were reWork Continues' Underground i of so as much to make ard caving 1 ported continuing In many major The underground operations cone coLo t mining of the coal unprofitable as onterrous metals but producers 4k an underground operation Itinue keyed to meet a steady de-28 : bald most entablished market ski—A0 32 Commercial coal companies also i mand for their coal But when de- prices unchanged Copper con' 3°‘ been faced have with the cathe problem imands exceed tinued at 241ic lb zinc at Wile underground of obtaining and holding under- pacity the strip mining operation least St Louis basis) and lead :: 40 i meet to meets the situation without intground workers peak at 17e are liable to come posing any particular labor prob Major non4errous m e t als at any time For instance in the lem in obtaining more coal miners 32 34 prices: fall a mine May have a demand M 2rkel'e lb enoollout Vala road coal In the raier atripping Silo Now York Porolin 21 ) for 2000 or more tons a day for motor patrol is used to clean the esti I To lb Now Ylrk several weeks only to have the last few inches of dirt and rock I' Porann 1750-14ekrs nominal Gust ar kirsion r demand fall off to half of that for loff the top of the seam—then a riot Pt toua 14 22e lb Major state a time Vow York Ilroroign 22s jKWIlinai Gnu of road sweeper goes along rowtc takes Include sales tax (no mark yairm In the old days families literally Irotary and brushes it clean in order to Abe lb Aluminum ingots abippini into shown) Income (slanted "married" themselves to mine Vint Pisa 14e keep foreign matter out of the Antlmon---3- 5 240 ramorl (lona than and sfAoline (dots) staying in the mining camps coal lines) delivered to the tipple crartai lots) New York 32 bulk La toot was Tas work or not whether there Mr Steinhour pointed out that oid noo Manganowk-- 4a fontrarti tot a long tom unit (24 Ma Ira !charging their groceries againat modern machinery such as the P sorra (auto Paid 4) Pominal el r when work would be stripper and the heavy hydraulic sorIN al nominal for PlePa Amy Nosrby heavy This has changed and the !dump trucks and 'portable deep Pooromansanaso or's aerount Ia P21 manillas $185 a vas ton IMIP coal miner looks for steady work drilling machinery has made pos' i rtnit point so that coal: mining companies sible the esibrotos Ctfrtrolvtle recovery of this coal and 1'41 t 001111110 Colborne Now 22e must Yak seek new men to reach peak Pat unseams of long thought opening os whoiosaio 603 roo production only to lose them when profitable to mine This' too has tall NOVI YOTk 10e sa Now York' 70 pence In Utah as in ahnost half of the work slacks off increased the actual coal reserve Lawton 4R states general sales taxes rank 35 lb New 'fork in western Wyoming as well as Firm hleets Challenge a llama tot 76 as the largest source of state revRAI nominal Now York pointing the way to meeting labor Rock At Clinn the ton unit (2t1 Springs Tunawon ore— SY" S40 and peak demand problems enue according to a report by roa ) nomtnal New York Domostie alto Co Quealy Coal going against the IL 619 S0 I a b mina Inc Commerce Clearing ilouso g could !tradition that Some 23 states collect their not be carried on in the western SAVE FUEL— largest amounts of revenue from !IA'yoming hills is meeting the IR from gasoline challenge of both the labor quessales taxes HAVE MORI COMFORT taxes six from income taxes and tion and of recovering the shallow 'With a o—New Jeisey—from motor ve- seams with a huge strip pit which S 14 At old Elkol hicle fees Louisiana and Texas get it has Just opened A 6011 Tt near Kemmerer the Kemmerer of 20t:e and 29" respectively Automobile Insurance Co firm Gunn of :Coal Mayflower severance from their incomes parent Keith IVarshaw left and Don Mackey examine stocks at new Grand taxes imposed on natural resources Queely has a still larger opera Co will enter business in Utah Central drugstore 016S S State a Melt opened officially Saturday office when an at bon having stripped off as much opens Monday removed from those states which they will manage Drugs topt and notions are featured and 181 E 3rd South it WW1 announced West Virginia has the highest as 100 feet of overburden to open S seam of coal Saturday The firm active in the percentage of sales taxes to total up a The R ock Springs op eration four Pacific northwest in the past aix collections 541- highest percenttss age of gasoline tax 43" was col- miles south of the city involved Years now Is entering Utah and' lin lected in Nebraska while New stripping 30 to 40 ft of rock and California exhibit erected by J A gically situated at the main en- The T Arthur Morley formerly all'fork got half its revenue from dirt mostly tthale and sandstone and Co Salt Lake brokers trance and between 40000 and Hogle I—to get at a seam of coal sociated with another local insur- a t the Utah Stat Fair this state income taxes year 50000 people viewed the display" anc e (irm vitt' be state $ comes in for considerable comment says the Bulletin s iificlplat 1 to opt ee: oforriemerilny'! in the December I B A Pubhc Edu- tom C lb - tah cation Bulletin published by the sows 1'0k-ansales the in field in retail Inveatment Bankers Assn of i local! " ' Pt ington D C will manage the I "44 !office from 'which three agents' America "The IfOgle exhibit was strate- wg t Skis will work !high-grad- WILL Nrat Ni t a t tetlars tho number—1 of A Pa-cit- The net gain in the market for the Wednesday and Friday ea ' Atione was estimated et $1250- ' N1147 YORK 110—Firliricatore 000000 for all listed isauea crt Tepper- bresa and zinc 'goods The railroad aVerage confirmed ' - vmobsv4A dim '4rtst4 6d Industrial shares featured ' The greatest eneouragement industry in Utah would he the availability of natural gal for ine duatriod users management of States Cast Iron Pipe Co Provo recently told a representatire of the Utah Economic and Business Review -The company uses on an aver- age of 1000000 Cu ft a day of gas from Ironton but the cost is greater than natural gas would be" the Review sieys industriea in Utah have neither natural nor gas available to meet their needs" 1 TIFirr OIL wTa Home Builders of 'Rah Dale Annual Meeting Natural as Needs of Utah ' NEW YORK (UM—Stocks rose! 'week on realizing end tax selling highs during the but came back Smartly the day ttr) Dew holiweek on increaaing volume before the Tbanlogiving day It ran up again on Friday 11710 list sagged early in the day when Gen Douglas MacArthur predicted an end of the Korean aor !BUSINESS BRIEFS Review Shows Stocks Soar to New High With Increasing Volume Industry Sees Early Zinc (1 1 Lopper Cul I LA Colistruction Home Building Activities in Growing West TrNurets dery 1 qf ?rt tontI11 imno of the 111M101114 wet o thi interrnounteila weft of 26 1950 to Wash( Nero tight ood 1v044044 Sikkifig—lattPog--Worpk- f vf Mesker Steel Windows ore distributed by 1 Structurlit Steel wild Forge Lo ULM' :L 71hSouth — Ilugto - I |