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I 1 i i 11 4li (r V Ioi Mrs R Easton siker of flountifid has had her poems and feature the United State outielfts published In many magazines throughout 7 b id (f IS t The Utah branch of the National League of - who are proving that a woman's 1 — 1 1 Vtah women are regular Trojans for starting things and getting them done The profitable hobby dream is not as im- possible as one may think This group of Utah housewives and mothers have proved it selves and friends' and tape- cially to their families Creative arts can bring a ' epiritual satisfaction To visit the homes of the women talk to them and hear their tories one can look beyond what they are doing and see their creative effoita as the development of the soul's hunger for expression If aore women had an interest in addition to i ' t t household taska divorces would be fewer and home makers happier The many hours these women epend at creative tasks leave little time for the restlessness SO often found in the modern horde today The women who develop these arts are never bored and are always in tereatipg to talk to ' ' Considerts Writing a llobt4 The)hobbies of some of these women among place them Vtah's first ladies hi their respective fields Mrs John A Widtsoe 1423 Sigsbee ave Her hobby is writAs a writer ing and lecturing she has contributed articles to various publications on home economics and home improvement subjects Among books bearing her signature are "The Prince of Ur" "The Life Story of Brigham Young" and "A Modem n Interpretation of' the tVord of Wisdom" in collaboration IPTOMNOWni !FLUFFY II no I NOIMNIN CO SAYS 1 Hook on to i Northern Tissue Whin you ar in tho store Ifs mad with FLUFF k It's Snowy-Soft- - -- And thrifty too what's more 4 El ' 111-4I :6 '17114''1 '''k'Y''''''''l !4:J 'i''' e"" iLl I l'' : I Llt - ) 'if: Wt Itillilltilt 4111110 ti Tissut 111141' t'ThW) 1101mitlell I f 1 Y J with her husbarifil she is now working on the revision of her book "How to Be Well" Mrs Christen Jensen Provo - wife of the acting- preeident of is Brigham Young university one of tTtah's beit known lecturers in literature Her writing she considers only as another hobby Included in her list of are a pamphlet publications "The Kalevala" "Paracelsus— Robert Browning a Review" and just off the press is her book "Little Gold Pieces" Few of us discover who the ghost writers are but the truth hss'leaked out Mrs Clinton D Vernon h East is not only master of the pen but she can lecture upon what she creates Lecturing program planning and acting as mistress of ceremonies are her specialties 1433-13t- Net Tooliosy Mrs Leroy Chadwick is a member of the editiorial board of "The Cbpdren's Friend" magazine She i never too busy with many household and religious duties to follow her chosen hobby Her articles poems and children atones have appeared in national magazinis4ed state newspapers In the December 1950 edition of "Recreation" we can read her article "Recreation Around the World Widowed and the mother of several sons and daughters is Mrs Marba Josephson e eve With a job aa an associate editor and acting as in executive hoard member of the Neighborhood House the Utah branch of United Nations Assn and the Parent-Teache- r Maths does not let outside interests interfere with her creative talents Her first book has had wide sale Her poems and articles have appeared in rainy periodicals and magazines GivA ing book reviews in another of her hobbies 430-11t- h 724-9t- h full-tim- She Compowe Mille Miss Edith Vire East one of Utah 's first ladies in music Teaching music can become monotonous so Edith began comprising She has written one Juvenile hook and her one pageant "The Pageant of the Nativity" has been presented in Utah and many other places in the country tier book of modern faivy tales and The Enchanted Islands" brought hrr an Invitation to become a member of the Royal Society of Litersture of the United Kingdom One of her composition& "Lotus Blossom" is played frequently by Rudolph Ganz The care of her home and four small children has not stopped Mrs Clifford L Ashton 78 East 1st North in her desire to deShe collaborvelop her talent ated on the book "My Picture Book of Songs" composing the musical scores and she assisted the production of a record al- bunt by Mc It4tue name Sbellaxl done radio work for many years as a hobby At this time she has a TV show 668-3r- !leeched Recognition 019)14 Heodowo hoe Mal PCIINVOII1C11 by Carrie Sherrod Midgley ' -- :''' - tt st is well known not only as a teacher of the piano but as a She has composcd composer two organ preludes and the mu- sic for 25 songs Mrs Jennie Manning Skolfield 22 H el is a teacher lecturer and world traveler Be- sides that she devotes time to A music and radio program textbook "So That's It" was adopted by the state of Utah tier leisure lime is spent writing for magazines and newspapers J M Redd 1910 Laird dr has received wide recogni- bon Her serials have appeared several magazines Perhaps her best known are "TtImbrow's Cup" and 'Hole in the Wall" Several of 'her poems have ap- peered in the anthologf "Of Stone and Stars" in MrS G C Lloyd tit5 De Soto d Mrs Mathew Noa II ave says "When I set my mind on something it really happens" This philosophy has—and is— taking her many places and many helps her accomplish things She is a writer of prose fiction and nonfiction Her work has been published in many newspapers and magazines "The Mormon Midwives" and "Wom- en Doctors" are her best knoOn 305-3r- 1 ') '- 1 '1 ( -- - i!' - :' 1 ---- - ' It '' A '' 4'it4:':1 t' Mrs Clell Petty Holladay says If you can't find a story to read to your child write one " In this way she began her hobby of Juvenile authorship "A Day at the Fair" a musical corn- edy which she wrote was pro- duced In Kingsbury Hall She is now recording "The Fairy God- mother" phonograph records After her small daughter Elaine is cared for Mrs J R Lewis' 11S8 Wasatch dr time wrtttng begins1-1eplishments dovetail with her 'teaching interests She has written a "Lesson Manual" and a course of study and several children's stories Mrs Melvin J Harrison Bountiful has found an outlet in the writing and directing of chit- dreifa programs plays and pag- ants Many of her etories for f ti 1 I ' N L t - Miss Caroline Parry 1231 Alameda ave from her earliest memories wanted to be a sculptor She studied in New York under famous American and teachers (Inclu(ling European Ittabonri Young) She is well known throughout Utah as a leethe young child have appeared in turer on fine arts A permanent The Children's Friend" maga collectionof her sculpture of the rte and Pude Indians is in the Mrs Genevieve D Hunt 1503- public library at Cedar City 12th Fast moved to Utah many Now that she has retired from professional teaching she spends years ago The mountains so inMuch time in travel Her present $pired her that she Jotted down her impressions in rhyme She interest is painting a portfolio of mailed some of them to The the wild flowers of the Rocky Utah Farm Journal" and shortly nmuntains thereafter received tier firlt l Bought Her Design check She has had poems pubA young mother with three lished in 23 publications small children Mrs B SpenTime For Poetry cer Young still finds time to continue her art and writing Mrs Fred A Carlson 1347 Since her marrisge she has illusNormandy cl takes time from and trated "My Picture Book of her home social travel to write poetry Says Songs" designed "Champ" a doll manufactured by alt DisMrs Carlson The beauty of Salt Lake valley inspired me to ney Toy Mfg Co wrote and fiirttems° snit writeJoy first pucrtril v hen' I 'ar:::'1 rived in Salt Lake City about tiesIgneA 'the 111 Vito Withieb15 years ago" Encouraged by ook Recently she illusti atm -The Story Princess" a book just the acceptance for publication of her firat poem sha ha beoff the press 2ily ambition is tO do some srrious pemting especome prolific in her output of verse Your toltiroes of her cisPy portraits' esid Mrs4 44 t 7 y - - :' t k five-pag- I tr) t ' 1st col '' 1ClAt't: lE111 ' of -' i:--- i - op' t 71 41 '' do - - shi 4'F4-- ' ' ' - f it - i : ' an th' sh Mrs Clifford L Aditon with her children Janie! right: Teddy Julio and baby Cora lie Ifer home and family helped her talents r - ' a market Her latest venturer 7 1 teaching art to the young children on KDYL TV AMde from this she is illustrating a book for actress Laraine Day ! Now Reecives Checks :5 ' ' Well known in Utah art circles J H JohnsOn:171 st Her hobby' keeps her ginia very busy Her paintings hang in the L D S temples in Arizona ari4 Hawaii its Well as in many homes throughout the nation Recently one was hung in the new Daughters of Utah Pioneers Memorial bldg in this city ''t' ' - ilr At ! :'1 4"-- 1 - 1ir'- -- '1f' i- ' r uk - LtH1 t TH' -- i JP t ? as ''':' ' '''- -7 th " 4 ) t 4? --- A- - " - WI he 1 - ''' e su ' - ' v 'I '' - - : ba ' i- " --- ''':11'4h- sti '' ' - ' 4lawl i - WI e: :: ' --- 4 - - - - 7 -- Ite '':' ' 40 1 44 t7771r---)- '''': irr ' It"444' ) ' 148' k ''''4 '' : ' IV tk juba 41' '' YO ) bk '' ' I Su 1 6 t '' prs--( At4011 i- '50 1 ''?''" -1- ht's! 0 A'Sclk: ' k is Mrs ( it1470t - : s: ''' '! if - - i- ::::: 1 th( ya '1 lw :' $ t tt): V Ir: 174 f) ''' k 4 -- 4 fi I 1 tie' ::"' i '' p hi 4 A! ro 1 f ' : : t ':i:it :i 1- ! I 4 f re pr( the Jul do - 1 '''-- t ' f- is Younk as she left her drawing board where she was illustrate cutout for a maging a azine to tuck her baby in bed Mrs Verne L Cooper Holladay first won success in art from Norcross Co of New York They bought her design "Inky" a little black kitten for use on greeting cards and stationary Evelyn has no trouble in findipg Pc WI- qt a 4 b i p r Recehed Awards -- -- i '-- - i 1 btif :: ' ' 4 t 5 Mrs Guy P Stevens Woods Cross has always been inter ested in arts particularly paint- in g and sculpturing Many of her pictures have hung in na-trona' and local exhibits About a year ago she began receiving checks for her writing ' Mrs DeWitt Bail 256 Iowa at is a trained nurse and gives generously of her time and talents to community and church services The literary merit of Mrs Baileys work has been recognized by many publications She has received awards in several national contests Her I ' 1 Ivvir 1114310:444 i tI tJ 54 4' : - - 4 4 : 1 — 0 00 bi ti 4 1 5 '4 4 4ii LA Caroline Parry from her earliest memories uanted to he a sculp- tress- - She has specialized In doing Utah Indians and In painting - L 1 Noap Ill t) ti tills hair IIMO t 1 or l f ICS it ' - no - IP ' recently poem'"PreMedic"-wa- Evein "Saturday publilhed ning Post7' Besides her accomplishments in the literary field her hobbies are music composing sculpture and art Mrs J S Van Cott Provo began writing poetry at the age of 12 her verse appearing in many magazines including the r v'-- Mrs Amelia Peart MacDonald St George wrote Some of her best sonnets while she was in the hospital She has won national recognition with her lit erary work as a poetess and lyric writer and in nonfiction Puring the past six years she has been doing tesearch and writAt this time ing biographies she is experimenting in ceramics and painting Miss Maude 1ay Babcock 73– lith East is an alert and busy woman who keeps abreast with everything Her achievements are inanyShe''falrie to the weasat 1802 an 4 I new est n shed t ion and perch department She has written five there htsiks and has given dramatic interpretations for audiences in all 'arts of the world t 1 ''''''' k :': '4N c0 t447- 2- A or4A : or71: '4tt It e t wy pohshing stones In addition she has been responsible for bringing many fine exhibits to Utah Mrs Boyd Parrish Farming ton expresses her creative talents in writing articles juvenile stories and plays Ceramic - 4e' 7 ' in Provo At present she is learning the craft of cutting and in - df Saturday" Evening— Post-- Mrs' Van Cott is a member of many of the civic and cultural groups Experiment - l' ' - yee 1 A 44' 7 of ‘ 4 -- t--- '4 P - i -- i 'L writ-Thom- P -- i R 1 has 30 active members a drudge i ' t i '4 '0'4 et --: - wit Cr( :--- 'i40"x- fit ob Di( i tr 4 1 - 550-I2t- ' I e Mrs 3 D Cabbott Bountiful won first place for her first lished poem In 193 Mabel's friends urged her to submit her work for publication since then her poems have reached many publications Three of her lyrics were set to tfiusie ind included in a new hymn book Mrs George Bollschweller825 Kensington ave is editor of the "Utah Par ent Teacher" a monthly publication Her poems have appeared in many of the L D S church publications h Mrs Wallace Martin East says her writing efforts began with a couple of stories accepted by a Magazine In Jan-fo- r she ventured into the field of feature articles for the press an cer 1 ' 1: :lk::0': 1: t pub-wor- accom-uary191- : (44:-- Mrs W K Anderson Ogden Utah is best known for her verse which has appeared fre- quently in the many state publi- cations Two of her poems are included in "Utah Sings" an a n th °logy of contemporary verse Won First Place ' 3 ! - writing syndicate - Ma : te4:'"p I c-it' 1 '''' Not a soon nal a r rrruntilalo rannot k' IV - 40?)‘! 40 ' 7-- ortayr dulling t4 ' hing 0741 frazra P::(4 lamer' rInscr fs no bloci nter li:tn! Remmor or:!wrrrasNirrg duntirliT !len hOth hair 64 -s Gitr- dal-e- a Akaap end i u:Ar! L I1ilo brow hair malt maalgeableAining 4447"11 I hi natural A (ghligks! -9' Z" " "looping" your hair with een finest liquid or oily creom shampoos 1111VP41 film Halo dulling mode with a new patented ingredient containa no lump no st ky (Alm falo g!orilPo's your hair the first t1t110 You uboa it:kAlta 110141 Yea lt-- - ' t N ni41-4- ) g —A rn4-r- R u oth rolortui 4 fzor:fr 0(1m any drug or cobmetic countert f I I 4'0-- 4' 14''1' s 4 s - i f z1 tktr-- -- - Halo reveals the hidden beauty of your hair! THE 4M - wif' I : (iii appear in book form Harbor of Dreams" "Vivid Moment' "Come Then With Me'' and "This Chrystal Hour" A delightful volume of children's poems entitled "Colored Fountain" bears the name of Rose Thomas Graham 137 N West Temple Bt who has ten poetry all her life Many of her poernshave appeared in national magazines Ntrs R Easton Walker Bountiful Utah IV'perhaps best known in the field of poetry Her poems appearing in the official publication of the London Poetry so-ciety "Poetry Today" and "The Decachord" She won first place - in the Huckleberry Mountain 'Artists Colony in North Caro- lina giving her the Huckleberry foundation award in this diviBlom She has had her poems and feature articles published in many magazines throughout the country She is local 17111e7 sentative for a national trade She Now Records dots pre in tfra ! and a compoiltions she has nritten tuo books success pageant for juveniles that has enjoyed frtoerW797WOlair I Edith Wire hi one of l'Inh's first ladies In In addition to her songs and music composition 3 poems - East Ittat:16 of 1 17:i ' Mks - ' i' J 114 ''' it N V be wa i j ' ti 14 4 1 erta 41iMbownwodabliat ahoka ' Na t : sA - ooMMOIffilik - 'z' I 4-- I - - -- -- 1 I - "'' ''"12"541"'" t ' ' '143 i '5 $t'1' one He rk '4: iti - ' " ''' — - :3 : N e4-- ' ':i ' - it: 1 1" 'ikt P"4 ' ':1' ' ' ' :: 1 !!:x4--- 1e - 4--- ' ''' ' I:4:T' : It s - ''''WrftLitiii :11:' : NV LP'''s ' ' -- ' - e ' Ea I'm - L'' " 4f1---"- - ' can - '1 ":: say i ' - - : :i - i ' 40ti -i- ' rt ill t i5-- : 'Z' te4 : ' I '' r? e "71R4"-!"-- i 7 44riitO - ri 31-- ‘ fl)!'r'' - A '1'0 Fw 4 ' k N :" - :i 73 ''''''- - '' 1: Mrs Christen Jensen Provo and Mrs John A IVIdtsne 1423 St Ics-bee ave look over several of the many books they have written A ‘ "'419:'4 CA'- 4-4 4p 1 - ::1: '' r — '14444 A p4-- - - : -- e Ise -4 1 - - i t - - i N ''S"ri - rAfIr ? I - '' I r-- 1 4 " ' 4 A - - ' j :! '4 4 44 ' - i4 :: ' 1 ''14 :) ' : ' 2 - ' - '''''' ''' 4 '''''' i ' 'i rAttiv ' 1 Fr - i : ' i ' 1 - C 4 4 0 '3 i 'r: ''''''''''''" - c!:! 1 4 i rr'-::- i1 - 41 J ' ' SALT LAKE TRIBUNE I |