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Show i i w--. ,2 , i, v r i .y 'T have In my possession one derik brown ACOW, or 8 years old;; branded on the left horn and left hip blends not legible. One red. 8TEER, .crop Off eeelrearand slit left One. red yearling STE E R, white faee andlight red 7 i 5v-- Ar3.rS23:?-:;V;ivH- l molosale&jRetaUil four-year-o- ld in-th- e around the eyes. Oes hrindie Ott'orlQ yeers old, white face and crop off each ear; If ;they are not claimed, they will , he old according to law.' .rAKX'u iir t J. W Y LI BTHOhXASjPound Keeper. r Spanish Forb-vifi. - . J X7ZZV2H OnAESS;':HtJS:RT limited number of a IHAYEfor-eilo- MADEIRA ; GRAPE vines; grown from seeds Imported. - Alim FRUIT TREES and other GRAPES $ Exchange-fograin at. fair, ratesSIEECHAIL AProvor UV'-vrEDr - : .... ': z'iy-- ,, - - fallen cattle that you may .find upon the ratgo,' aa.I do not consider honest, an! hereby protest against the practice of property ncy s&aa takisg Hides Avbelonging to another.- - vv v ' v ' "t - .: or-other- s '' : t J ''V J 'f j. '4 yj '.AAA A i' v. ;;V--- ' - ' .. ' Tb ty" V v .i. asa io!Pil r i .t if - . - - WELL-SELECTE- D 'i V ". sMncsl&Heodhams .- jpAlVBlLT;LUBCOT.i ' forsh6rtiimr';t6X:4 r . y TJ V.JS5 Tv v&t GREY: orTIJdBERWIIr. T7T7HITE, V V: LOW, rapidly, mikef a good is the hedge in firs years. Splits well, and best soft wood for fuel. V Cuttings ' sent in the faU, by mail, at $T5Q per hundred. !; .V: :Xi 0 THOMPSON; Nursery Hill, P.O., jOtoe county, Nebr asks : and FOR SALE; a I will keep en haisdSTOCK of the above v ! ' : ' AZK3A I - ' V A '.8AUGt ; A POTTEST, AfTV JUlb. fBCViyro 4 lil . , OAV USEYULi ASSORTED r ' 0ir:SEGONDp JfV A Opposite How Wi H.v Hobrka's Re9i- -i Mg' in the saszjixirr of the Store ; A formerlyoccnpiedbj MooreA Greene,. k .Tie have 'on'lhand, and; are V constantly mannfacturing, a superior article pf POTTEiVjdence;- 5 " ' ' ''' 'L V. iV ' y1' ' ; V; . l.r; RY-WARE Of .every description which will bs eoldpn reasonable Urmel'ir.;:; corn, .T7IISAT, OATSBARLETvt Wood and, all ilrids of Pro-dttPx-' market X ?C.y7 the highest at prices. taken in- exchange. ; 'Don't forget--, rrH?A and large assortment 'of ZN.JCHS. BASEZESZ HAND-EATFILE3 direct from Ehef- - r:P CROXAId CART WRIGHT& Oo. v'- "A field. .. ' .Pro rc, Dec. : LEil'UAU..-J ' or wlilch I will take GREENBACKS, '- -. eliad; we . S AAA AA - 6..-;-.v- . t hve , k , : ' rv; t . S COITAOX,Yj?nOVO.Vt; XvDGEtAVES, Choice Seeds Importer of j Planttje., Y7i71LL hare Teady for salo about the V second week.1 in September. upwards of ; 2C3 SEEDLING: TEA PLANTS. at 50 cents each - V t- ' a few', of the ; BLACK .yx&sx VXKA9CS i f 'OuU2ng'and General JJzrchandize n Vv. scurfs mrfi i W WV ESOTBERY & KSDICAX;A7TCmOS I ouasa.'ctt, irzBBaaZA.'' t'k',-:'$. TRS. S. A. ROBRRTS. the celebrated ,v'," ' He t .,.x HAM- - ; a ;.'2iAEffiunsi3::-icaAffB- tk .' , A C- v ? -J ' . - TT. SEP a complete Stock cf hleirch&ndize . to the Utah and .ll.part!alar!y, ' suited .' trade. Sales at wholesale or rb '. y tail at the lowest pricea for Cash, Ears cr " . ".S' 2aI33. y '? ' 'r . IVC. Eir,:-grau- : ' .-- ;. j; - . . '- t .''. : ' " I v-- - ; " ' I ; R. WHITING; A4( ff C-:- r .' ; V Tw GniST.'-niliS- KEELER hare their Hew rw:uir:;i& ruralrg and ia order oa Salt . C?:':4 niles above - - c.,"-. . i ' Cngi: .RdBERT'GREERyK; SOQOGOODKBEEFg flld3nESip;JWkTp.SXt- tTSTi:' gAB Goshen.- -. EXCHANGE STORE. kCOUmSSION the ' They invite patronage of the puhiicJ hel.hvj;- g they will be able to give full sa- Scat ZDAichcs; Wioiesala' or EetaiL'1 ';;-' 'v. . 03, ; sorts of gnin kad country produce All sv : 2 ' sold and exchanged. Sales low for bought, cash. : Also for sale, Greer's Rat Destroy' r- -- of JohhsonSpriagvaieJeserefcn x - -- i RT, . mend. C Residence; f one doorS north Bishop have for sale 1,000 Plants of the large XT;i.;ia GOOc-SESrAirWA GONER'RRIST-- MILL, fa 1,000 Plants cf White Dutch CURRANTS, and V Prove Valley, is doing a capital, bast-nec- s, and warranted. t6; give satisfaction 5X3 i iar.tsof ihshest Improved STRAWERR IDS, I vrill dispose of for Grain at Try It foryourselveir and. 8eel..;rX;.y 15,V1i-;SirAxiMiserable prices, x v ; ' 1U-kp-- V, n -- 'k yy;Ey.GSSTmEA.fgcF5t T! ' Jvirdidwife and Eotabieo-hledica- T Attend dar.t, will answer calls for her servieet-ithe settlements of Utah conntyi , Her nn-- i parallelled snecesS will be her Deeft.recpm- -' 8TSS2Tj CSSAt SALT LiUDB - .. . ' 1 " . , V ". . J $niStT23SJi! S!i :.' |